• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 494 Views, 4 Comments

The Legend of the Knights - AvalonAva

For what should have been Ino's end became a begining.

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Fallen World

The Legend of the Knights

Chapter One

Fallen World

His world has come to its end. After 20 years of never ending fighting, without a single moment's rest, they lost. A race of mechanical and biological aliens named the Gamma waged war against the humans. Both sides were at a standstill, until they showed up. They called themselves the United Enemies. An army forged for one purpose: to conquer the universe and purge it of all races considered lesser. They joined forces with the U.E., and all hell broke loose. Now the humans had to fight not only Gamma, the Shadow Knights, and many other destructive armies. The end of the human race had begun. World after world, they burned it all. Until Earth, the last hope, was left. The greatest battle of that war was fought on Earth. Millions, then thousands, hundreds, and then, only one person remained. His name was Ino Shuma.


Ino wandered the barren city, moving in silence. Everyone he knew was gone. Friends, family. His best friend had died in his arms. And Ino hated himself for not being able to see it, for he was blind. He wore a large cloak with a hood over his head. Even if you took the good off, his face would still be hidden by bandages around his eyes. He wore what looked like part of a metal mask over his mouth. He was the last human. Or so he thought. Up ahead, another being stood. It heard his shuffled footsteps, and turned to look at him. A Shadow Knight stood there, hesitant for a moment at the wanderer's sudden appearance. A laugh then escaped through his helmet.

"Ah, to be my luck to find the last human. I will enjoy slaughtering you." He said to Ino. He stopped walking, and stood there, sword drawn.

"Of course you would, Chita, but look at him. He is blind. Where is the honor in killing one who does not see it coming?" Another Shadow Knight said as he walked out of a building. Something moved on the roof of that building.

"This will be too easy; the last surviving human is blind! What luck!" said a Gamma warrior. He jumped off the building. A few other Shadow Knights and Gammas surrounded Ino.

"Oh, so soon you assume victory just because you opponent is merely blind? You are all fools." Ino said.

"Enough talking!" The Shadow Knight said. All drew weapons and aimed them at Ino. "Your race ends now. Fire!" The first knight yelled. Energy bolts and bullets were propelled towards Ino. It hit, and all tore through the cloak. Most of them hit and exited the body. After about a minute they stopped. The torn body fell, but collapsed. Only the robe and bandages remained. "Hmm. Guess he didn't have much of a fight. So much for the last of the human race."

"You guys aren't very smart, are you?" All turned to see who spoke. Ino was behind all of them, perched ontop of a building. The figure stood up. "I figured that much." He said. The person was completely encased by steel armor, and wore a mask made of metal. It wrapped around his mouth and locked in place on the side. Metal went up across the right side of his face, but the left was only covered by three metal bars. His hair, short and white, came out from the top of his mask. On his arms, two strange mechanisms were built into the inner part of the gauntlets. Around the left wrist, twenty small dart-like objects rested, making a circle around it. Strange cylinders and a grapple hook rested on his belt behind him. And then, his sword. It was on his back, but unlike most that go from left to right, and vice-versa, it went straight up and down. The words WidowMaker would be seen on the blade's steel when drawn.

"But how?" The gamma asked. Ino chuckled.

"It's quite simple, really. I learned a technique called Aura. I can see the aura of all thing, and that gives me vision." Ino explained.

"That's a load of bullshit!" The Shadow Knight yelled.

"If you are so sure, give it your all." Ino said curtly. He jumped down towards the aggressors, and landed on a Gamma. He made a blade unsheathe from his gauntlet, and sliced its throat. He took a cylindrical object from the back of his belt, and attached it to his left arm. He aimed it forward, and the object was propelled forward. It flew about thirty feet away, and stuck to the chest of the Gamma. The object beeped, and exploded, taking the Gamma and surrounding enemies with it. A Shadow Guard with a massive ax pounced on Ino, swinging wildly in hopes to lop the smaller one's head off. After the first few swipes, though, the attacker was faced with something unexpected. Ino grabbed the ax, and rammed the end of it into the brute's stomach. Knocking the breath out of him, the Shadow Guard released his ax. Ino gripped the handle of the ax, and swung it like a baseball bat, impaling the side of the steel assailant. The knight flew away from the blow. He turned around, and threw the broadax like a tomahawk. It lodged itself into the chest of a very unlucky Shadow Knight.


Little did Ino know that one of the most feared U.E. starships, the Death Cruiser, was moving into a firing position above him. He was positioned right under the beast's belly, where one of its hyper-accelerator energy cannons (or HAE cannon), rested.

"Commander, orders?" a Shadow Knight asked. The commander, a Shadow Elite stood next to him.

"Fire the secondary HAE cannon. He is the last of their race, so let's send him out with a bang."

"But sir, our men are still out there!" The Knight said in distress. The Commander sighed.

"I know. But lives have to be sacrificed to win a war. The victory will outweigh the loss of maybe 200 troops. But this order comes from the higher ups. So, fire the secondary HAE cannon." The Commander said. The Shadow Knight nodded, and activated the cannon. It took a few seconds to charge, and then fired, unleashing an almighty fury on the souls beneath.


Ino barely had time to look up. By then, it was too late. The energy blast from the Death Cruiser hit, and the city underneath was torn to shreds. All was reduced to rubble. Bodies were buried, or disintegrated. Either way, no one would look for them. It would be a lost cause. The barren city was now a barren wasteland.


A body was cast up into the air because of the blast. The white-haired Ino was knocked unconscious. He passed by a Shadow Corsair, which just opened a hyperspace rupture. The ship moved through it, and Ino got caught in its slipstream. He was pulled in, and the rupture closed.


The ship exited in the atmosphere of another world. Ino's unconscious body was gripped by gravity's unyielding hold, and he began to fall. A massive distance existed between Ino and the ground. He collected speed as he descended. Soon, the ground became friends with him. He hit, and slid a mile, causing a small fissure in his wake. His head hit a massive boulder, and snapped him into consciousness. The human sat up, rubbing the back of his head.

"What the hell happened? Where am I?" Ino said to himself. The warrior stood up, and looked around. A few trees stood around him and a few large rocks as well. A ridge was nearby. He walked over to it to get a better look at the foreign area. He looked down, and found more trees. But in the distance there rested a massive city. Only one thing menacing about it: hundreds of United Enemies ships flew in and out of the metropolis. Ino stared at it.

"Damn. That must be a refinery city." The human sighed. "Regrettably, the only way I'm ever going to find out where the hell I am is getting to that place." Ino said. He took a few steps back from the ridge, then took off into a full run, and jumped off.