• Published 1st Feb 2013
  • 2,635 Views, 43 Comments

Love Pies - Dawn Honeycrisp

Rainbow was having a tea party when suddenly she saw something white and fluffy falling from a cloud not far from her. Rainbow quickly zoomed to get it.

  • ...

Part 1

The bell rang, denoting that school’s over for the day. Fillies and colt ran out from their classrooms to head to their respective homes. Some of them went to the cafeteria to buy some food to fill their tummies before going home.

“R-Rainbow, w-wait up!”

The little cerulean filly turned around to see her best friend, Fluttershy. She’s a year older than herself, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be best friends. Even though the both of them are very different in personality.

“What’s up, ‘Shy?” Rainbow Dash responded.

“I’m just reminding you about our playdate with my animal friends, don’t forget okay? My friends would be really disappointed if you didn’t come.” the pale, light grayish gold filly said.

“Pffft, of course I won’t forget! Well, I gotta go now.” Rainbow said as she opened her wings, ready to flap them.

“U-um, Rainbow?” Fluttershy whispered as she nudged Rainbow’s wings. Rainbow rolled her eyes, knowing what her friend was asking – to fly her home.

“Urgh, okay. Let’s go. You don’t want to get lost now, do you?”

In another place...

“Mom, can I go out and play?” said a little colt to his beloved mother. His mother was cooking carrot soup for dinner. From the smell of it, it is sure to be delicious!

“Of course, Soarin’. Just come home before dinner.” the mother said. He grinned and turned away. Just as the little colt started to skip away, the mother added.

“Just make sure you’re with Spitfire.”

The little colt stopped and faced his mother.

“But moooooooom, Spitfire’s a GIRL! I wanted to play cloudball with my colt friends! Spitfire’s only gonna play tea party and other girly stuffs...” he moaned.

“You said that like being a girl is a bad thing.”

“But it is! They have cooties!” Soarin’ added.

“No they don’t. Who told you that?” his mother asked.

“Fire Streak and Lightning Strea-“ Soarin’ was about to finish his sentence when he heard someone calling his name outside.

“There they are, bye mom!” he said as he galloped to the door. His mother just sighed and continued to cook dinner.

“Hi, Soarin’!” a female voice greeted Soarin’ out of the door. He was a bit startled.

“Guys, why did you bring Spitfire along?!” Soarin’ said with displeasure on his face.

“Our mom forced us to bring her along. It not like we want to...”

Spitfire pouts and stomped a hole in the cloud they were standing. The three colts were a bit shocked by her action. She didn’t get her name without a reason – she’s short tempered.

“Okay okay, you can come with us. But DON’T. TOUCH. US. Come on guys!” Lightning Streak warned Spitfire and walked away. Fire Streak and Soarin’ followed him. Spitfire grunts and joins them from behind.


“Urgh, this isn’t what I expected at all!” Rainbow Dash complained. She and Fluttershy were having a tea party with Fluttershy’s critter friends. Although the rabbits and deers are cute, she wanted to do something cooler.

“Come on, Rainbow. It’s not that bad, and it’s your turn to pour tea for Angel bunny.” Fluttershy tried to comfort her. Rainbow Dash sighed and poured tea from Fluttershy’s little teapot into Angel’s cup.

“Here ya’ go, Angel.” Rainbow said in an uninterested tone. This is forever! I hope something cool happened...

Then her wish came true. She saw something white and fluffy falling from a cloud not far from her. Rainbow quickly zoomed to get it.

She zoomed past a few young ponies and caught the – what it seems to look like – cloud shaped into a ball. Umpf, this ball of cloud sure is heavy. Why would anypony play with a cloudball anyway? Very uncreative and totally not sporty. I’d rather play tea party with Fluttershy than playing with them.

She landed on a cloud and walked towards a cute looking colt. Gosh, he’s kinda cute.

“Hey, is this yours?” she asked the colt.

“Yeah, thanks for catching it. You’re fast!” the colt praised her. She blushed and hands over the cloudball.

“Thanks. I’m Rainbow Dash. The fastest filly in Equestria!”

“I’m Soarin’. Wait, you’re the pony who did that Sonic Rainboom, right? You are so awesome!”

“I know I am! Hey um, my friend’s waiting down there so, see you later?”


Then Rainbow jumped from the cloud and flew towards Fluttershy.

“R-Rainbow, where did you go? I was worried. Who’s up there?” the latter asked.

“Just some colts and a filly playing cloudball, I think. Very uncreative, pffft.” Rainbow replied.

“O-Oh, okay then. Um, it’s getting late, Rainbow...”

“Let’s go. I’ll send you home.” Rainbow smiled.

“I-It’s okay if you don’t want to, I um..” Fluttershy hesitated. Rainbow wrapped her front hoof around Fluttershy’s neck and added, “Let’s go.” Fluttershy nodded and then the both of them went home.

Back to Soarin’...

“Mom, I’m home!” Soarin said. He walked straight to the dining room. He craned his neck on the dining table to see what’s for dinner. Awww, no pie like usual?

“Welcome home, sweetie. Can you help me put these plates on the table please?” his mom asked. Soarin’ walked towards the kitchen with his head low. When he arrived, his nose smelled something.

Soarin’ lifted his head up and saw his mother carrying pie on her back. PIEEEE!!! Soarin’ skipped in excitement. His mother nods, understanding her son’s excitement. Soarin’ skipped happily out of the kitchen before his mom cleared her throat, reminding him about the plates. Soarin’ then walked back into the kitchen to help carry the plates.

After arranging the plates on the dining table, Soarin’ went upstairs to call his dad and his little brother, Wave Chill. His brother’s coat and mane are darker than his. But their mane style are almost the same.

“Dad, Wave! Dinner’s ready!” Soarin’ called as he walked upstairs. He walked towards his brother’s room which was already open. But he still knocks on the door first before entering. His dad and brother were playing the Pony Station.

“We’ll be downstairs in a minute, I need to beat him in Pinkie Jump!” his dad said, giving an excuse. Soarin’ said a simple no before pulling his dad’s tail. Then his dad paused the game and noogied Soarin’. Wave Chill just giggled next to them.

“Haha... Come on boys. Let’s get downstairs before your mother gets mad.” his dad said, releasing his head lock on Soarin’. He then went out of the room, followed by Wave and Soarin’.

“What’s the pie’s flavor for tonight, hun?” Soarin’s dad asked.

“I know, I know! It’s blueberry this time, right mom?” Soarin’ eagerly answered.

“No, it’s cherry!” Wave interrupted.



“It’s blueberry!”

“No, it’s cherry!”

“Now now, boys. Both of you are correct. I tried mixing blueberry and cherry! Now sit down and try some!” their mom said.

“Don’t forget to brush your teeth after dinner, boys.” their father reminded.

“Yes sir!” the colts said together at once as they saluted at their dad.

After dinner, the colts went upstairs and brushed their teeth before going to bed. When suddenly, Wave exclaimed.

“Mom! Soarin’ tooth is wobbly!”

“Really?” their mother said as she flew upstairs to take a look. She entered the bathroom. There, Wave was panicking about his brother’s tooth while Soarin’ was sitting there with his mouth opened.

“Don’t worry boys. When a tooth is loose, it means he’s going to have a new one!”

“Does it hurt?” Soarin’ asked.

“Well, a bit. But don’t worry, it won’t hurt unless you force the tooth to fall out from its place.” their mother said as she walked out of the bathroom. Soarin’ used his tongue to move his tooth side to side. This is kinda funny. Heheh.

After brushing their teeth, the colts went to bed. But Soarin’ just can’t forget about that rainbow filly. She’s really really really cute. Her eyes, her colourful mane, and her voice... What am I thinking?! Girls have cooties! Urgh, what is wrong with you, brain?

His mind suddenly remembered about the incident...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Soarin’, catch!” Lightning Streak said as he threw a ball of cloud into the air. The ball was kind of heavy for a cloud. Soarin’ quickly caught the ball, nearly hitting the cloud they are standing. Fire Streak cheered.

“Try catching this one, Spitfire! Prove that you’re worthy to play with us.” Soarin’ said as he threw the cloud ball. Spitfire muttered something like ‘Oh, you’re on’ and flew to catch the ball. Unfortunately, the ball went too far and fell towards the ground.

“Oops. I think I threw it too far. I-I’ll get it.” Soarin’ volunteered himself before anypony blamed him. He was about to fly to catch it when a rainbow coloured trail passed him. Woah, what was that?!

The pony landed and walked towards him and asked, “Hey, is this yours?”

“Yeah, thanks for catching it. You’re fast!” he praised. The filly handed over the cloudball.

“Thanks. I’m Rainbow Dash. The fastest filly in Equestria!”

Rainbow Dash? The filly who won the race last week between those mean colts in school? AWESOME!

“I’m Soarin’. Hey... You’re the pony who did that Sonic Rainboom, right? You’re so awesome!”

“I know I am! Hey um, my friend’s waiting down there so, see you later?”


Then Rainbow jumped from the cloud and flew towards the ground. Soarin’ walked back to his friends with the cloudball in his mouth and a happy face on.

“Soarin’, is that who I think it is?” Fire Streak asked as he grabbed the cloudball from Soarin’s mouth.

“If you thought that was Rainbow Dash, the fastest filly who won last week’s race between the mean colts in school, then you’re right!”

“No! Is she your girlfriend?” Lightning Streak interrupted.

“What? O-Of course not! I never even knew her?” Soarin’ said with his face as red as a tomato.

“Reaaaaaally? Then why are you blushing?”

“I’M NOT! Girls have cooties, don’t you remember!” Soarin’ yelled. Hearing what he just said, Soarin’ closed his mouth. From the corner of his eye, he could see Spitfire surrounded by dark aura.

“Uh, I mean... Hey, it’s getting late. Why don’t all of us go home? Uhh... Bye!” Soarin’ said, wiping a sweat on his forehead and quickly flew home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Not long later, Soarin’ was fast asleep.

Author's Note:

My first story, be nice please? ;w;

Also, you are welcomed to point out grammar errors. Thank you!