• Published 30th Jan 2013
  • 358 Views, 1 Comments

The Honest Thief - Anypony Productions

A poverty stricken stallion named Silver Spur tries to end the cycle of poverty for his family by doing what he believes will set his family free. However his family's freedom leads him to live a life on the run and constant worry.

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The Last Heist

Silver lifted his mother’s chin up and spoke to her, “I know what has to happen. I’m going to rob that filthy scum, when he suspects us I’ll take the blame, pretend I have the money and leave the actual money with you.”

“Silver no! You shouldn’t, you can’t! I can’t bear the thought of having you wander out into the desert without a sense of where you’re going; you’ll surely starve or die of thirst!” Mrs. Spur was now worried about her son more than ever.

“And I can’t bear seeing my parents face a life of extreme poverty at the hooves of that evil stallion. He deserves this and it has been overdue a long time now.”

Mrs. Spur could see there was no changing Silver’s mind yet she was still saddened at the idea of her son being a wanted pony. “Silver,” she breathed deeply, “be careful out there, please be careful.”

“I will, but promise me you or pop will never step hoof in that mine again.”

“I promise Silver. But make me a promise as well- promise me you’ll see us one last time. I will miss my son more than you can ever imagine.”

“I promise. I love you mom.” Silver leaned in and hugged his mother for what would be the last time.

Silver didn’t tell his father about his plans and after his parents went to bed, Silver crept out and began his last heist. Silver sneaked up to Sapphire’s estate near the edge of town and looked through the windows to check if the stallion was asleep yet. All the candles in the home were out, giving a clear indication it was time to begin the robbery. Silver headed to the back of the mansion and used his old lock pick to open up the back door. He cautiously entered the home, looking around for a secret place Sapphire would hide his savings. Silver couldn’t find any place in the home that would indicate a normal hiding spot yet he was determined. Silver thought of every place he couldn’t seem to find anything. However Silver noticed a peculiar sound a couple of the floor boards made in one area when he stepped on them. He tried lifting the boards with some force and the loosely planted nails soon rose up. Silver discovered a large chest containing a treasure trove of bits, gems and jewelry; Silver used his magic to levitate the chest out of the hole and set the boards back into place. Nearly silent, he made his way out of the mansion and quickly back into town. He then hid the chest in a nearby hole he had found in a large rock. Returning home, Silver looked at his home one last time; the ramshackle exterior, the dirt floor, the ancient cookware and tools, this life was no life at all, it was a prison, a prison he would sacrifice himself to take his parents out of.

The next morning the whole town was congregating around the mine where Radiant Sapphire was yelling as to who stole his fortune. No pony confessed to it so he decreed no pony would have a job until somepony confessed. Silver knew this was the end of his old life and the beginning of a new one on the run.

“I will ask one last time! If no pony confesses I swear to Celestia all of you will starve and be out of work forever! Now, who was it? We haven’t got all day! Just tell me who is responsible and all this can end!” Sapphire was going berserk at not having someone confess.

Silver whistled atop a nearby cliff so everypony could hear him. He was wearing large sacks that seemed to have gold pieces in them. “Hey Radiant, looking for something?”

Radiant flew into a tirade and ordered the police after Silver immediately. “Get that low life thief and kill him! I want that stallion dead!”

Silver sprinted away off of the cliff yet the cargo he had was pulling him down immensely. Yet he just had to convince the police he was gone with the gold and he was home free. The police were racing up on Silver yet he soon turned into a large cave. The police followed the stallion in yet the cave was nearly pitch-black. Silver had explored this cave many times as a colt and knew where every tunnel led to; the police on the other hand trotted aimlessly around the cave and where much slower to know where to go. Silver made his escape through one of the tunnels that led about two miles outside of town. He was certain none of the police were following him so he was able to drop the heavy sacks of pebbles he had painted gold in order to appear like bits from a distance.

Radiant Sapphire awaited the return of the police ponies and yelled at the sheriff, “What do you mean you couldn’t find him!? Do you know how much gold I had saved in that chest? I want all of you to search for weeks if you have to! I want my bits back and that stallion dead!”

Back at Silver’s home, a note was left with his parents and read:

Dear mom and pop,

The chest is located in a hole on stallion’s stone under a large rock in the shape of a triangle. There is enough gold to support you both for a couple lifetimes and get you out of that horrid town. I love you both and I hope I will see you once again in my life.

Love always,

Silver Spur

End of Chapter 3