• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,359 Views, 79 Comments

Doctor Whooves Classic: The Five Doctors - Tragicom

In Honor of the 50th Anniversary, a ponyfication of the 20th anniversary. All five original Doctors join forces to fight an evil going back to Gallopfreyan antiquity.

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Chapter Two

Back during his time as a scientific advisor for Captain Armor, The Doctor was an entirely different stallion. His coat was a light tan, and his mane was poofy and grey. His preferred attire was a green smoking jacket alongside a white cravat. His cutie mark continued to show the sands flowing down, but he hadn't cared, as he had quite a bit of life ahead of him.

Celestia was kind enough to alot him a special chariot that was the latest invention in the world of 'automagic', a type of magitek that gave carts and other such vehicles prolonged motion without requiring any 'horsepower', so to speak.

This Doctor, the Third Doctor, was enjoying a ride in his automagic chariot, which he had affectionally nicknamed 'Bessie', on the outskirts of Canterlot. With his TARDIS not functioning properly, he had little to do but take in the simple things in life, like enjoying a nice drive.

Sadly, this nice drive was cut short. Another sphere appeared above The Doctor.

"Great balls of fire!" he exclaimed. The Doctor slammed the reigns on Bessie down, and she sped up. The Doctor engaged in evasive maneuvering, but it still wasn't enough to escape. The sphere captured him, as it did the first two Doctors, with Bessie in tow.

The mysterious pony in black smiled at this victory, and the pentagonal display behind him lit up again. 3 sections full, only two left.

Meanwhile on the Eye of Orion...

"What's happening to him?" Bon Bon asked, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's under some kind of psychic attack." Caramel theorized.

The Doctor spoke up, still weak. "I'm being diminished. What is a pony but the sum of his memories? Especially when that pony is a Time Lord."

"Is there any way we can help?" Bon Bon asked.

"Y-yes." The Doctor weezed. "Get me back in the TARDIS."

Bon Bon carefully lifted The Doctor onto Caramel's back. Though Caramel's legs wobbled, he moved onward for the sake of his friend.

The Doctor screamed in pain once again. "Ah! I have to find them. I have to..."

"Find who?" Caramel asked.

The sands at the bottom of The Doctor's hourglass mark were almost fully gone now. He barely had any strength left as he muttered, "My other selves."

Meanwhile at The Books and Branches Library...

Twilight Sparkle was double-checking, triple-checking, and even quadruple-checking her checklist this time. She wasn't about to make a mistake this time.

"Present?" Spike asked.

"Check." she replied.



"Food for Owlowicious?"


"Food for me?" Spike asked, hopefully.

"Of course." she replied, floating a piece of topaz to him for his help.

"Ooo." he said, inhaling the scent of the gem deeply, making sure to savor it. "That should just about do it."

"Shame you can't come with us, Spike." she said.

"No big deal, someone's gotta look after the library, right?" Spike replied. "Just make sure to give your big bro and Cadance my best."

"On my other checklist." she shot back.

"Should've guessed. Be careful out there."

Twilight shook her head. Sometimes Spike was a little too concerned for his own good. "Okay. Have fun." she replied. Twilight headed out the door, planning to meet her friends at the train station. She was determined to make sure her BBBFF had the best birthday ever.

Meanwhile in Historic Canterbridge...

Canterbridge was quite easily one of the most famous Universities that Trottingham had to offer, and the preferred pastime? Punting down the river. And two ponies were engaged in the time-old tradition at that very moment.

One was yet another incarnation of The Doctor. This one's coat was a chocolate brown, and slightly darker mane was put up in curls. However, they were hard to see through his brown hat. Adorning the time lord were a deep brown jacket, and a scarf that went on for miles. If one were to compare this Doctor to the others, the hourglass would give away that this was the Fourth incarnation of the stallion.

Lounging with him in their boat was a unicorn mare with a light blue coat, and a two-toned mane, a darker blue with a stripe of white across it. She didn't really see why The Doctor felt the need to wear clothes, though she didn't object to his choice. Her cutie mark was also an hourglass, hers showing that she had yet to regenerate. The Doctor had nicknamed her "Colgate".

"Dr. Open Stable, Baked Cabbage, Petri Dish, Lord Buyer, Milweed..." he listed.

"Who's that last one?" Colgate asked.

"Milweed. He wrote Elysium Lost. Some of the greatest minds in Equestrian History attended Canterbridge." The Doctor explained.

"What about your buddy, Apple Drop?" she asked. Colgate really liked hearing stories about Apple Drop.

"Yes, Apple Drop too." he said bemusedly. "His laws of motion are part of the foundation of punting, after all."

"Yet another thing to thank him for." Colgate observed. She sighed and smiled. Equestria was such a simple planet, all things considered, but she had to agree with The Doctor, the place had a charm to it. "This is so relaxing. And I love Trottingham in the Springtime. The leaves, the colors..."

"It's October." The Doctor pointed out.

Colgate's smile faded. "But you said we were here for May Week."

"Yes, I did. But May Week's in June." He explained.

"I'm confused." she replied.

"So was the TARDIS. As such, October."

"Well, the leaves and colors are nice either way." Colgate returned to her relaxed demeanor.

"Yes." The Doctor replied. "And punting has it's appeal too. No co-ordinates, no dimensional stabilisers, nothing. Just the water, the punt, a strong pair of hooves and a pole."

As The Doctor pushed the two's boat down the river, another sphere of energy materialized above them.

"Doctor!" Colgate yelled.

The Doctor turned his head a moment too late to do anything, and the sphere swooped the two up.

Colgate, however, wasn't the kind of lady to go without a fight. Her horn began to glow, in the hopes that she could use her magic to save them both. They still disappeared.

Her efforts were not in vain, as the computer in front of the evil figure sparked and surged, indicating that this attack on The Doctor had been unsucessful.

Meanwhile in the TARDIS...

Thanks to Caramel and Bon Bon's assistance, The Doctor was able to get back to the TARDIS, and he had begun tinkering with the console.

"Alright, and we're- ah!" he began before screaming in pain once more. As he collapsed, the TARDIS began to shake as the three ponies were thrown about the room. In spite of the incredible pain, The Doctor was able to get the TARDIS moving.

At this point, Bon Bon finally noticed The Doctor's cutie mark, and saw that the sand at the bottom of the hourglass had completely disappeared.


Meanwhile in Ponyville...

As Twilight walked over to the train station, she felt a skip in her step. Perhaps the universe was trying to give her more energy to make up for Pinkie's absence. She shook her head. "There's a terrifying thought."

Slightly more terrifying was the energy sphere above her. It swooped down and captured her as well. This being Ponyville, people had grown used to such events, and assumed that everything was well in hoof, and somehow, everything would turn out fine.

Meanwhile in the TARDIS...

Things weren't getting any better. The TARDIS was still in mid-flight The Doctor was literally starting to fade from Bon Bon and Caramel's eyes.

"What's going on?" Bon Bon asked, terrified at the prospect of The Doctor disappearing.

"Not to worry." The Doctor said, as the TARDIS stopped shaking. "We're here."

He finally fell unconscious.


The mysterious figure left the room with a wicked grin on his face. The Fifth Doctor had played right into his hooves. The pentagonal display was completely lit, though one of the five sections was flashing rather than fully lit.

Meanwhile in the TARDIS...

"From what I can tell," Caramel said, looking to the scanner, "we've landed in the middle of nowhere space."

"Did something go wrong mid-flight?" Bon Bon asked.

"I don't know. I couldn't tell you what half of this stuff is." Caramel replied.

"So what do we do now?" Bon Bon inquired.

Caramel looked to the unconscious cricketeer. "We wait for The Doctor to wake up."

Bon Bon voiced both of their concerns. "What if he doesn't?"

Meanwhile on Gallopfrey...

In the Gallopfreyan hierarchy of government, the highest office in the land was that of the Lord President. The current Lord President, a cream-colored earth pony stallion named Borusa, had a brow heavy with sweat. Even by Gallopfreyan standards, he was hardly a spring chicken. At his side was the blonde-maned earth pony known as Chancellor Flavia, the highest-ranked of all Time Ladies.

The final member of the High Council, a dark-coated earth pony stallion named the Castellan, entered the room.

"You're late, Castellan." Borusa said.

The Castellan bowed in deference. "Forgive me Lord President, however, I bring news. He has arrived."

A troubled silence filled the room.

"I still disagree with this plan." Borusa informed them. "Intelligent though he may be, we cannot trust him."

"You know the regulations as stated by The Ancient and Worshipful Law of Gallopfrey," Flavia replied. "If the remainder of the Council is unanimous-"

"My will can be overturned." Borusa completed. Of course he knew the Law. Prior to his tenure as the Lord President, he was one of the most beloved professors in the Time Lord academy. He had written theses and analyses of the Ancient and Worshipful Law for centuries. It had never occured to him that one day he would help to write it.

The Castellan took his place at Borusa's other side. "Shall we bring him forward, Lord President?"

Borusa sighed. "Send him in."

Flanked with guards at both sides was a crimson-red unicorn stallion. He wore a black Neighru vest and his black mane was cut short. Two features about him stood out. One was his black beard, as most ponies did not have the ability to grow facial hair that was not the color of their coat. The other was his cutie mark. Like all Gallopfreyans who had become Time Lords, this stallion's mark was a timepiece, in his case, a pocket watch. The watch however, did not show a time, and was broken and cracked in many places. This stallion had broken the greatest of all Gallopfreyan Laws: each Time Lord was allotted only 13 lives. He was on his Fourteenth. He walked into the room with a wicked grin.

"Castellan, Flavia, Borusa." he said, deliberately removing their titles.

"Koschei." Borusa replied.

"That's 'The Master' to you." The Master replied.

"You are one of the most evil and corrupt beings Gallopfrey has ever produced," Chancellor Flavia began, "Your crimes are innumerable, your demeanor horiffic, and your general attitude toward sentient life disgusts me to my core."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Flavia." The Master joked.

"In spite of this," The Castellan said, hoping to get the discussion back on track. "We are willing to forgive and forget, as it were."

"You seem to be mistaken. I have no desire for your forgiveness." The Master shot back.

"You don't fully appreciate what this means for you, Koschei." Lord Borusa explained. "Given that you have a new physical form, we could bend the rules for you a little."

The Master raised an eyebrow.

Lord Borusa sighed. "If you do as we ask... we will give you a full pardon for your crimes, and reward you with a second set of regenerations."

The Master's jaw dropped. This was his dream come true. To live a total of 26 lives? He would be that much closer to achieving his goal. With his extended lifespan he could spend millenia spreading his will over existence. With the extra twelve chances, his dominion as Master of All Matter was all but guranteed. But the best of all, he would certainly have enough time left in his life to humilate and destroy The Doctor once and for all.

"I would do near anything." The Master replied, still awestruck. "What must I do?"

"One thing only." Lord Borusa explained. "We need you to rescue The Doctor."

The Master was stunned.

Author's Note:

Two in one day, good. More dislikes than likes, disheartening. Help please? Tell your friends...

Until then, I'll be having montages to Dust in the Wind...

Casting Choices:
Twilight as Sarah-Jane: Picking a pony for Sarah-Jane was a toss-up, but Twilight seemed like the mare who would be capable of putting The Doctor in his place.
Colgate as Romana: Was it really a question?