• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 308 Views, 10 Comments

A Father's Footsteps - Alex Silvermane

A dad tells his kids about some of his adventures.

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Chapter 3

We started off bravely marching through the forest, laughing and joking, even daring each other to touch random plants. After the first minute or so, the dark, looming trees, and the strange wild noises had caused us to clump together. It had gotten so dark that even though Orion created a magical light using his horn, it's beam only lit a few feet in front of us. The worst parts were the shadows cast by his light. Each one seemed to hide monsters and demons... and who knew what else.

Eventually, we got so scared that our little cluster collided in on itself. Of course, being terrified little foals, we all screamed and ran off in different directions. After a minute or so of running in circles, and yelling our little heads off, we realized what happened. We all got back together, and nervously looked anywhere but at each other. It was downright embarrassing....... but more than that, I thought it was funny.

I started laughing. Weakly and nervously, but it was still a laugh. At first, they all stared at me like I'd lost my marbles, but it wasn't long until we were all quietly laughing. As the laughter spread between us, it grew and grew, until we were practically rolling all of the ground, unable to breath. Suddenly, a resounding roar reached us, silencing our little group, and paralyzing us with fear.

The roar seemed to come at us from all directions. It was so loud, that it seemed like whatever creature created it was waiting for us on the other side of the nearest bush. Of course, thinking that didn't help my imagination. I knew it was just my head playing games with me, but I could have sworn I'd seen a large pair of glowing eye hiding in the tree behind us, waiting for their chance to strike.

I quickly pushed Khaki into moving, and nervously, "W-well, there's nothing to see here. Let's just keep going, and see if we can't find something else. Like a stream, or a nice clearing..... or anything something other than here." The other ponies quickly agreed, and we set of as fast as out little hooves could carry us.

A little while passed, with us looking every which way, and suddenly, bursting through a bush, we came upon the most amazing thing ever. The clearing was much brighter than the rest of the forest. It almost seemed like a completely different place. Golden sunshine filtered through the tops of the trees, sparkling over a clear, streaming river. The clearing was full of song birds, and butterflies, and the occasional squirrel could be seen running through the branches. To top it all off, there was an old apple tree in the center, it's branches practically dropping with the weight of their fruit.

With cries of delight, we all dashed forward. The brown earth pony quickly flopped herself down on the soft green grass, and began to roll around in it, laughing uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Orion and I began discussing possibly building a treehouse here. I figured that we should put it in the apple tree, so that ponies could get apples without trying too hard. Orion, however, said that we'd be better off putting it in a different tree, or on the ground, so that the apple tree didn't get hurt. At first, Khaki Slack listened to our conversation, and even threw in a few ideas. He quickly became bored though, and dove into the flowing river with a loud splash. He proceeded to continually dive under the water, saying he was searching for lost treasure.

Grinning, I glanced up at the sky. As long as we don't go anywhere, I thought to myself smugly, absolutely nothing's gonna go wrong.

I shouldn't have tempted fate like that, for no sooner did I finish the thought, than there was a loud thudding noise behind us. Spinning around, I saw a massive timberwolf. It's green glowing eyes seemed to be filled with an unearthly hatred. A long line of drool ran from it's snarling mouth. It's teeth each seemed to be as big as my head. Noticing us, it gave a loud growl, and then roared. I swear, to this day that roar was the loudest thing I've ever heard in my life. It made my head ring for hours afterwards..... but I digress.

The monster began to slowly stalk forward, shaking the ground with every step. We all just stared at it, paralyzed with fear. I was barely able to think, it felt like my brain was completely frozen. My heart was racing faster than I thought was possible, and sweat began to roll down my forehead. Then it occurred to me.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUN!" I screamed at everypony.

After a brief moment of confusion, we did just that. Screaming, we all sprinted towards where we thought Ponyville was. It was a nightmare run. Every tree seemed to be leering at us, and reaching out their branches to slow us down. The bushes seemed to be trying to trip us. Even worse, we weren't certain we were going the right way, because everything looked exactly the same.

All the while, we could hear the panting of the timberwolf right on our hooves. It was so close behind us, that we could even smell the creature's foul breath. Once, it had gotten so close, that I almost kicked it in the face. It lunged at me with a wild snarl, and it was only because I was able to fly just out of it's reach that it didn't get me. For the second time that day, I realized I could fly.

I quickly flew up. Above the treetops, where the sky was an beautiful shade a blue. It seemed unreal how peaceful and beautiful it was up here. The golden sun hung high in the air, and not a cloud could be seen. Shaking my head, I reminded myself why I was up there. I swiftly cast my glance around, and located Ponyville. We were going the right way, and we were almost there. Soaring down, I called to the others. "Hurry! We're almost there!"

With renewed hope, we redoubled our efforts. However, going faster meant that we weren't paying as much attention to the bushes as before. The brown filly tripped over one, much to the delight of the timberwolf. I could have sworn that I heard the forest laughing with glee. The rest of us stopped, horror struck. Turning the the rest, I screamed, "Go! Get somponies help!" before flying towards the timberwolf as fast as I could. The timber wolf was just leaning over, about to take a huge bite out of the young filly, when my forehooves connected.

The look on it's face was priceless, and had it been under better circumstances, I probabally would have stopped to laugh my flank off.

As it was, however, I could only think about how terrified I was. The good news, was that It had forgotten all about the young filly. The bad news, I had it's complete and undivided attention. I was terrified....... yet strangely I'd never felt more alive. Adrenaline was coursing through my system. I felt like I could fly around Ponyville a million times at top speed, and still have enough energy to pick up a giant boulder. Everything seemed to slow down.

Not taking my eyes off the timber wolf, I mouthed "go" at the earth pony, and made a shooing motion with my hooves. At first, she seemed confused, then, realizing what I meant, she began to glare and shake her head. I hissed in frustration, and made the motion again. Frowning, and still glaring, she got up, and began to run.

Not fast enough, however. The timberwolf noticed the movement, and started after her again. I charged, screaming. I don't remember what I screamed, but I think it was something to the effect of: "Not this time you loghead!" The timberwolf turned, and growled menacingly at me, but it had learned it's lesson. This time, it ducked, and I went sailing over it's head, and was forced to swerve to avoid hitting a tree. There seemed to be a strange light coming from behind me, but I ignored it. I had more important things to think about.

Looping back, I just noticed it lunging at me in time to dodge it. I dove under the monster's outreaching claws, and just avoided running into the beast itself. I figured, that If I could just keep this up, the rest of them would be able to bring a guardspony, or sompony.

And so time passed. I did my best to keep dodging, but I was starting to get tired, and move slower. Where once I had been blindingly fast, I became slow, and clumsy. Making stupid mistakes became more and more common. Like I accidentally clipped a tree, and that would have been the end if I wasn't lucky enough that the monster hit the same tree.

Just when I thought I couldn't go on anymore, I heard noises. At first, I ignored them, but then the noises turned into voices. Risking a glance over my shoulder, I saw a group of guardsponies, in their shining golden armor charging towards me, being led by the rest of the foals. Smiling with relief, I turned back, thinking Oh sweet Celestia, I'm saved!. I had just enough tome to see a giant wooden paw rushing towards my face, before it connected, sending crimson pain through me.

And then suddenly nothing. It was all black.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Prince Solstice for proofreading this chapter.