• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 851 Views, 17 Comments

Rowan's Experiences with Equestrian Life - NLR Lightning Bolt

A human finds himself stuck in the middle of some confusing circumstances

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Chapter 2 - A Pony?

Chapter 2 - A Pony?

I was frozen in place. I had never seen an animal quite like this before, or at least not one that wasn't on my TV or on the computer. I couldn't move I didn't know if it was from the realization that I have a pony that I had only seen on a telivision screen or from the fact that the pony had quit shivering and was now slowly turning around to see what it had pressed up against. The pony turned around and froze when it saw that it was no longer outside in the stinging rain. I tried to move as slowly as possible as I tried to close the open door in order to keep the wind and the rain from entering the house. The pony gave a little jump as it heard the door close, but when it started to look around to see what had closed the door it happened to look up.

I began to sweat as the pony pulled itself off of me and started to back away slowly. I attempted to take a step forward to stop the pony from backing away, but as I stepped forward the pony let out a sqee and ran to hide behind the coffee table in the living room. As I looked at the table the pony slowly started to come out as it smelled the candy bar I had quickly grabbed on the way to the door. I offered the bar to it and it quick ran up and snatched the bar from my open hand.

Seeing how this was the first time the pony hadn't been pressed up against me or running away, this was the first time I could clearly see the pony without anything in my way. It was a dark purple in color with a slightly lighter purple mane and light blue eyes. It started to nussle my hand after it finished the candy bar as if it wanted more. I looked at it and said that I didn't have any more. Its ears went down like it knew what I meant, but I knew that was impossible unless my suspisions were true and this pony was from a TV show, but I wouldn't be able to confirm that until Brian woke up.

I started to debate whether or not I should wake up Brian, but I decided against it since he did like his sleep and while I walked over to the kitchen I noticed that the area that the pony had been in had a layer of mud on it. I then looked at the pony that had begun to follow me and it was coated in mud. I sighed once I realized that I was going to have to give it a bath.

The hard part of all of this was going to be trying to get the pony into the bathtub and washing it. I walked over to the bathroom with the pony close behind, but as I turned on the tub the pony's eyes widened and it slowly backed from the tub, and started to turn towards the door while I managed to close the door before it got away. It saw me close the door and it started to shake with fear. I tried to reasure that it's okay, "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." It seemed to know what I said and started to calm down, but when it looked at the water beginning to fill the tub it gave another shudder of fear.

I then knew that it was only afraid of the water, but it wasn't going to be able to get out of taking this bath. I quickly scooped the pony up and before it could get away dropped it into the water. It squirmed while I started to scrub the dirt and grim out of its coat, but I held fast and eventually the dirt started to come off and I could start to feel the softness of its coat. As I continued to clean it I noticed a hard substance coming off of its forehead and when I started to brush its mane off its face I could clearly tell it was a horn that was coming off of its head. The horn confirmed the fact that this pony was from my least favorite show.

Dammit. Right when I was beginning to like the pony it has to be from a TV show. I continued to clean it and then I noticed that it also had wings. "Great, not only do a have a My Little Pony in my house but I have some kind of mixture between two impossible creatures; a unicorn and a pegasus." I started to mumble to myself while I was cleaning the pony. "Now I'm going to have to wake up Brian and wait for who knows how long while he calms down before I can talk to him." The pony was giving me a sad look when I realized that since it was from the show it understood me. I stopped my mubbling after I realized that and looked at the pony again.

It was looking at me with one eye and a grin on its face. "You can understand me can't you?" It looked up for a few seconds and then nodded. "Of course you could," I said with a sarcastic ring to my voice. "Well can you talk?" It just looked at me. "I'm going to assume that's a no."

It rolled its eyes and looked at me with a pleading expression. "You want food don't you?" I got another nod for that. I walked into the kitchen while it followed me to the fridge and started to inspect its contents. I looked at it while it looked at the fruits I had a thought. "Ummmm, can I ask you something?" It gave me a look so I decided to continue, "Are a girl or a boy?" It just pointed at the pink picture I had on the fridge and I assumed it was a girl.

"Okay so what do you want to do I guess?" Since I couldn't ask it anything until Brian woke up I decided to just figure out her personality. She pulled out a mixture of fruits and vegetables and hopped up on the table to start eating. We just sat there while we talked, well I talked while she listened and nodded a few times. After a while we just sat there quietly while she ate. I was about to go wake up Brian when a heard a loud "Thump" to my left. I looked over and saw Brian's body passed out on the floor. The pony looked at him then back at me.

"Great now we have a freaked out My Little Pony fan to deal with."