• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 365 Views, 1 Comments

Ancient Curse Unleashed - DesertRainstorm

An ancient Magic has been unleashed causing changes in Everypony in Equestria. It's up to the main six along with a new pony to fix it. How is this all going to turn out?

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A Lunar Chat

It was dusk before Nova spoke again. She had disregarded every single question the Elements of Harmony threw at her. She was starting to irritate Rainbow Dash.
"You do not need to know of my life before Princess Luna was transformed," was Nova's simple answer, and with it Nova flew up to a cloud and sat cross-legged.
"She's doing a meditation. I hardly see anypony do that," Murmured Fluttershy.
The sun quickly set and the moon rose. A fire had been started and food was being cooked. Nova strode to the edge of the cloud and murmured the Princess of the Night's name. As a dull blue light landed in front of her, she sat down cross legged. Luna enabled a telepathic connection with the younger Alicorn.
You seem at an unease young Nova Burst.
Princess Luna, the Elements...They don't know of anything about my past. Is it right for me to tell them?
Only as right as you think. I know you met with Cadenza in the Crystal Empire before Dark Spire's curse took effect.
I figured you would. I think I will tell them a little about them, but definitely not the part about Uncle Sombra. I think that will just lead them to a mistrust of me.
What of the-
I think it wise to not mention that either. A long line of Unicorns descended from Alicorns and a long line of Pegasi descended from Alicorns as well...Sometimes I feel as if Discord is messing with my life.
He could have. We are not sure how much chaos he had caused in the Crystal Empire before we stopped him.
There might be more dark times for Equestria in the very near future.
Have courage and hope, Nova.
Having courage is facing down what you fear in the hopes you can succeed, and hope is going into something and wishing the best will come out of it.
I was beginning to think you have forgotten those two traits of yours. I must go now, but I get the feeling that you WILL succeed. Goodbye for now Nova, you know I'm only a call away.
Goodbye Luna, thank you.
With that Luna left quietly, and Nova returned to sit near the fire. Her amber eyes made contact with Twilight's purple ones. Nova sighed as she tossed a log on to the fire. She looked over the bearers of the Elements of Harmony before asking, "Ye, you don't know much about me other than my name and the fact that I was once Princess Luna's student, correct?"
A chorus of nods met her question. Nova then pulled something out her satchel and threw it on the fire and began to tell them part of her past.
"I was born during King Sombra's reign. He was once a proud and kind ruler. Both sides of my family are descended from alicorns, ones that did not have the gift of immortality. As you can assume, one side lost their connection to the Unicorn and Earth sides with the other lost their connection with the Pegasus side. Luna took me as her student, despite my only being a couple of years younger than her. Then the Discord, Sombra and Nightmare Moon disasters happened, I was put into into service of the Nightmare until you lot released Luna from her Nightmare Moon's control. As for the last past three years I stayed in Canterlot, mostly studying in the royal archives."

It was soon decided that they needed an early start the next morning so most bid each other goodnight and went to bed. Nova was unaware that Twilight was observing her. She did not hear the small gasp escape Twilight's lips when her wings turned pitch black and riddled with holes. Nova swore viciously as her wings turned back to normal. The dark magic was eating away at her pegasus magic, but Nova was hard-head like her mother was, and she will not let any of the Elements know. Twilight took a step back and heard a twig snap.
"You saw didn't you Twilight?" Nova's voices was soft and welcoming, much like her mentor's, now that Luna has had adjusted.
"Your wings turned like what Changlings bodies are like," Twilight spoke quietly as she came closer to Nova.
"You must not tell them. I know that ponies don't like the Changlings, but they can't overthrow their Queen, or she'll execute them. It's basically a forced servitude. They are now bound to Crystalis by powerful magic, hence the reason they can shapeshift," Nova said quietly as she pulled out a two colored feather out of her right wing.
"But why'd your wings-" Twilight began.
"The dark magic is messing with my pegasus side," Nova said simply, as she handed the white and black feather to Twilight.
"Surely Celestia or Luna could help," Twilight managed to choke out.
"There was a mistake on my great-great-great and then some Great-grandfather's part. He, ahem, foaled some youngins with a Changling. Most were killed in an uprising, only one survived. Focus on the curse first, You needn't worry about my little hole problem," Nova said with a grim smile.

“Do you pose a threat to our mission?” Twilight demanded.

“I do not. The Changling part, which by the way is very minsucle, is causing me to have an adverse reaction to this curse the Darkest of Dark Alicorns placed,” Nova replied, “I want nothing more than for everything to go back to normal. The curse is making me sick.”

Twilight slowly nodded, convinced by the tone in Nova’s voice. The pair headed back to the campsite, where Nova took her supplies into a nearby tree and went to sleep, her wings fluttering every so often, while Twilight discussed a few things with her friends.

Author's Note: