• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 371 Views, 2 Comments

Total Burnout: Revolution - Riften

6 Months following the previous story new problems and adventures unfold for the spirit of life and savior of Equestria.

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In The Norm'

Entry #001

Six month anniversary and guess what I got? A "Diary", what the hell? Rainbow thinks I need this, she got Twilight to, I quote, "Magically fuse this booklet to my being." I can take this thing out whenever and wherever I want. I guess that's kinda cool. Anyway today's Rainbow and mines six month anniversary, and the day we finally finish moving in to our new home. It all just seems so long ago, that day I fought Death, who'da figured she'd turn out to be my pseudo-daughter. Can't complain to much though, she's been a serious bonding factor between Rainbow and I. We wouldn't even have this house if it weren't for her. That day Rainbow and I saved Equestria, well the Princess was more than thankful. Got this house in the best part of Cloudsdale, and to top it all off all the treasure we'll need to raise our little filly. You know I've never thought about this until now, but when Vinyl gets older this is going to be a weird story to explain to her. Oh well, im good at improvising, im sure I'll figure it out when the time comes. Until then this should be enough for a first entry. Still not a fan of this whole "diary" thing. You hear that diary? Im watching you.

You close the cover of the little red book in hoof and toss it into the air ahead of you. You love this part. The booklet spontaneously combusts and burns away into a small cloud of ashes, then, carried by a flow of magic the cloud moves into, then fades away inside of your coat. "Heh, Gotta hand it to her, Twilight outdid herself with that little book." With the booklet put away you continue your walk down the main hallway. It still boggles your mind how big this place actually is, big enough to where you managed to get lost during your initial tour here.

You pass by several open windows, each one showing a clear view of Cloudsdale down below. That's right, Cloudsdale is below you. You walk past the first few just enjoying the scenery outside, but as you approach the end of the hall something in the last window catches your eye. Something out on the horizon down by the old Rainbow Factory. Something recently happened there, some kind of conspiracy got out, whole place got shut down in a few days. Rainbow dosn't even like looking at that place, she says it brings up some bad work memories, whatever that means. You decide to run back upstairs and see if Rainbow might now whats going on down there.

You make your way back to the stairwell and head up to the second floor. Three doors down at the end of the hall you see a light shining from the open door, the kids room. You walk down the hall and nudge open the door, inside you see your two favorite ponies. You smile and watch as Rainbow tucks in your daughter. Rainbow leans down and kisser her on the forehead and turns around to you with a smile. "Hey, there you are. Vinyl was just asking where you were. She wants to say goodnight to daddy."

"Heh, I'll be a moment. Just hang out here for a sec' I gotta ask you something." Rainbow nod trots over to the door and waits. You then walk over to your daughters bedside and kneel down. "Hey there Vinyl." You look down and brush some of her mane out of her face. "How was your first day of magic kindergarten?"

"Daddy! It was great daddy! Magic is fun! Teacher says im real good at it! Look what I can do!" Vinyl's horn becomes enveloped with a light blue aura along with a nearby lamp.

"Oh god, no Vinyl put that down, that is a very expensive lamp. It's a gift we received from the nice ponies in the Crystal Emp-" ~CRASH~ "ire...*Sigh* Still, you got it off the ground, that's very impressive for a little filly like you." You reach down and pat her on the head. "Goodnight Vinyl, Daddy loves you." You reach over to turn off the light....only to realize it is smashed to pieces on the floor. You pause for a brief moment mourning the loss of the lamp, stand up, and then walk over to the door where Rainbow is waiting. The two of you take one last look back at your daughter, and then at eachother and smile."You know it's moments like this, literally nothing could ruin this right now..." You pause for a moment looking around.

"What are you looking for Burns?" Rainbow asks with a puzzled look. "Something wrong?"

"Hmm. No" You shift your focus back at Rainbow and shake your head. "It's was probably nothing. But hey I gotta ask you something, you know the old Rainbow Factory right?"

"Oh um...yeah. I know that place." Rainbow visibly shudders at the mention of that place, it makes you think about what might of happened over there. "You know I don't like talking about that place."

"Well there's something going on down there, a bunch of bright lights and yelling. You have any idea what might be happening?" You slowly trot over to the window down the hall where you saw the old factory and look out at it. Rainbow stands next to you look out too.

"That's weird, they boarded the whole place off. They even had armed guards all around the place til' it was secure." Rainbow looks down and scratches at the ground with her hooves, something obviously troubling her.

"Are you alright Dash?" You lift up and place one of your wings across her back. "It's ok, I know you don't like talking about that place. Im sorry for bringing it up in the first place." You try to apologize in your most sincere comforting voice, and to your surprise it seems to work.

"It's ok Burns." Rainbow looks up from the ground up at you. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's just that place...Some messed up stuff happened there..." You look back out at the old factory for a brief moment then back at Rainbow.

"Wanna go check it out? Get some closure or something? Let's just lock up the house and go take a quick look, maybe figure out what's going on down there." Rainbow pauses for a moment thinking about your offer.

"Yeah, I think it would be good for me. I'll meet you outside in a sec'. Im gonna' grab something from our room real quick." Rainbow heads down the hall and steps into the two of yours room. You turn the other way and head for the front door. The walk takes a little while considering how large the house is, but it gives you a moment to think. What could of possibly happened at that factory? When you mention it and then look at Rainbow she seems riddled with guilt. Did she do something bad there? You reach the door and the thought floats away, you open it and trot outside. The air is cold, It usually is up here in the Cloudsdale. The sky's dark and all of Luna's stars are shining bright in her nights sky, looking back down you can see the the town itself. All the buildings and houses dimly lit against the eerie background. You never were a fan of the night, all the darkness and such. It always gave this impending feeling that somewhere, out there in the darkness that something you couldn't see was watching you, waiting for you. You send a shiver down your spine just thinking about it. "Stupid....Night....Just be daytime already..." Your words trail off into the night heard by no one.

"Hey there, talking to yourself?" Or not...You recollect yourself after your little heart-attack and turn to face Rainbow.

"God, you scared the hell out of me. What did you get from our room?" You gesture one of your front hooves to a small box balanced on Rainbows back.

"Oh this? Just some old piece of junk from the factory, I wanna get rid of it, leave it at the factory or something." It's a little box, only about six inches wide, looks kind of like a jewelry box.

"Oh cool, we can just leave it on the steps of the building. Hey, you want to walk? I know it's not that far, It'll give us a chance to talk about something." You want to ask her about the factory, something is bothering her big time and you figure if you understood it you could help her out.

"Yeah, I guess." The two of you start walking down the cloud path around your home. You both walk in silence for the first few minutes when finally Rainbow breaks the silence. "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Well, if you were willing to talk about it, I was wondering what been bothering you? Every time I bring up the old factory you look away from me and start poking at the ground. If you don't want to talk about it I understand...." Rainbow stops walking and looks you in the eye.

"I-Don't like to think about it that much..." Rainbow mumbles to herself.

"Rainbow I understand If you don't want to talk about it, I just wanted to try and help you-" Rainbow cuts you off again.

"No no, I should tell you. If we're ever going to be anything more I can't keep this a secret." Rainbow starts walking again and you both proceed down the path to the old factory. "The factory got closed because....The factory did terrible things to ponies. Terrible terrible horrible things. And...I was part of these...things. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I left. A few days later the place was shut down." You look over at Rainbow for a brief moment and see a single tear rolling down off her face.

"Dashie? Are you ok?" You stop walking and poke at her neck with your head. " Dashie answer me please." She dosn't respond. "Dashie I don't care what you did, whatever happened is done. I only care about your right now, just please answer me." She still says nothing but instead just turns and wraps both her front hooves around you embracing you in a hug. You can feel the warm tears coming from her eyes and falling onto your coat. "Dashie, whatever you did is behind you. I love you, nothing you did could make me think any different of you." She lifts her head sets it eye level with you, her eyes are redder than usual and the tears have stopped falling, her mouth is quivering in a smile. Neither of you say anything, the two of you wrap one wing together and continue walking to the factory. Several minutes pass in silence, but you don't mind, you couldn't be any happier right now. You finally reach the factory gate, where Rainbow places the little box on the front step. She steps back when all of the sudden you begin to hear chanting and yelling coming from inside the walls and lights begin to shine through the boarded up windows. You listen trying to make out any of the words.

"My brother and sisters! For far to long we have lived in oppression! For far to long we have lived under the rule of the Princess Sisters! Soon there will come a time where we will rise, we the ponies of the land! The ponies who grew this land into what it is now! Soon both the Sun and the Moon will be will fall to the earth, they will fall, and they will be destroyed. For soon the ponies of the earth will be free, and their liberators will be us! For we are the Eclipse! And only we can fall the Sun and Moon! What do you say my Brothers and Sisters! Let your voices shake the heavens!"

"Death to the Princesses! Death to the Sun! Death to the Moon!"

"What the hell...?" You and Rainbow take a few steps back from the building. "Rainbow we need to get out of here before one of them sees us. I need to tell the Princesses about this immediately. You need to fly home and get Vinyl, fly as fast as you can to someplace safe. Im going to fly to Canterlot, I've got to get the Royal Guard down here to handle this...Whatever it is that's going on here."

"Just don't do anything stupid Burns. I don't want to lose you, I love you." Rainbow leans over and kisses you, then turns and bolts off towards the house.

"Be safe Rainbow, take good care of Vinyl..." You turn in the direction you remember Canterlot being in and unfold your wings. A cloud of ashes and sparks fly out of your feathers as you stretch them. You hunch down building up power in your back legs, you swing your wings and hop off the ground releasing your built up power.

"God, I really hope im going the right way."

Author's Note:

Authors Notes: Heeeeeeeello people. How's everyone doing? Been 3 months since any of you last heard from me :3
Anyways, brand new story, brand new writing style. If you're a new time reader of me, you might want to read a little bit of the last story, you know just so you don't get to confused. Last thing, Tell me people, how do you like the knew writing style. Better or Worse?