• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 789 Views, 13 Comments

Equestria Academy - Sigil Flare

Steam Gear thought the worst was over once he graduated from high school. Little did he know in order to be an engineer he had to go back to school. Not just any school though, he had to attend the notorious Equestria Academy.

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Chapter 1

Thought I'd try my hand at writing a humanized pony fic for a change. Take it for a ride and tell me what you think.

Chapter 1

“Alright Class listen up” said the teacher clapping her hands signaling all eyes to her She was wearing a dark ivory colored suit with black dress shoes. Her long multi-colored hair was braided into a knot going down her back “We have a new student joining the class” A murmur ran through the classroom as Gear took his spot next to the teachers podium.

“Hello everyone my name is Steam Gear” he said nervously running his hand through his red hair, looking around the room. It was a half circle like all the other class room's in the university, With a huge projector screen on the back wall and a stage with a teachers podium. There were fifteen rows of thirty seats surrounding the stage, with three stairs running through the rows leading to the exit at the top.

“Gear will be joining us for the rest of the year” continued the teacher pointing to Gear's seat “So I want all of you to welcome him” Gear walked past all of the other students noticing they were staring directly at him.

“What a day for me to wear my grungiest t-shirt and faded old jeans” mumbled Gear to himself looking down at his sandals He walked to the fifth row from the top and waded through to his seat. He sat down next to another student on his right. He looked the dude over noticing a few things at first glance.

One he was a year younger than Gear probably 19. He was wearing a green hoodie and baggy blue sweat pants. His eyes were hidden behind purple shades and his blue hair was spiked up. The last thing he noticed was the pair of head phones he was wearing they were silver and purple like his glasses. He was humming a beat to himself and banging his head. Sigil could hear the music coming from his headphones.

“Hey” said Gear tapping him on the shoulder “Could you turn the music down?” The guy didn't even notice “Hey!” said Gear louder taking off the guys headphones “Turn down the music dude”

The guy stopped banging his head and humming and turned his head towards Gear noticing him for the first time. “Hey man what do you want?” he asked grabbing back his headphones from Gear “Your interrupting the wubs”

“I was trying to get you to turn it down” replied Gear “It doesn't need to be that loud”

“Ah sorry man but my music is always this loud” replied the dude holding out his fist with a smile he said “Names Scratch. Vinyl Scratch I'm a DJ at the club Discordia” When Gear looked at the extended fist with a confused face Scratch sighed and said “pound it dude”

Gear slammed his fist into Scratches with a resounding thud. “Names Steam Gear” He gave a smile of his own and added “Just got to the Academy”

“Really? I'm a first year myself” replied Scratch rubbing his chin “Hey dude I got a question for ya?”

“What?” asked Gear wandering what strange thing Scratch would ask him

“You got a room mate yet?” he asked putting his headphones around his neck

“No I don't even have a dorm room yet” answered Gear wondering where Scratch was going with this “Why do you ask?”

“Well dude I figured since you and me are new here we should be room mates you know” said Scratch rubbing the back of his neck with one hand smiling

“Sure dude we can be room mates” said Gear fist pounding Scratch again “but you gotta keep the music down a bit alright”

“Whatever bro” said Scratch putting his headphones back on his ears and leaning back in his chair closing his eyes “Wake me when class is over” Gear leaned back in his chair and prepared himself to sit through this lecture. After what felt like hours it was finally over. He looked up at the clock and saw that it had only been a half an hour.

“This is gonna be a long school year” said Gear to himself as he stretched his arms and legs

“Don't sound so excited” said a voice from behind him Gear turned around to see a girl standing over him. She was wearing a gray long sleeve shirt and a dark gray skirt. She wore a pink bow tie around her neck, and her long black hair was falling perfectly off one shoulder. She had purple eyes the same color of Scratch's glasses. “Your the new student right?” she asked

“Yeah the names Steam Gear. Who are you?” he asked

“My name is Octavia” she replied with a small bow “I'm class representative with the student council and also first chair cellist for the Academy's orchestra”

“Good to meet you then Octavia” replied Gear with a smile Octavia gave him a piercing glance before she looked to the snoozing DJ to his right

“I see you've met that piece of trash” replied Octavia with a scoff

“Scratch ain't that bad” said Gear defending his new friend “Kind of lazy sure but he's alright”

“Have you listened to that garbage he calls music?” asked Octavia with a snear “It's assaulting to my ear drums”

“Hey!” said Scratch waking up with a frown on his face “What are you calling trash?”

“Oh my it lives” cried Octavia sarcasticly “Sleeping through class will teach you nothing you know?”

“Yeah although I already know everything I need to know” replied Scratch with a smug look

“If your talking about that garbage you call music” said Octavia harshly running her hand through her hair “You should find a new career”

“That's my life your hating on bitch” replied Scratch angrily “At least people enjoy my music”

“I'll have you know that my audience adores my music thank you very much” replied Octavia sourly turning her nose up at Scratch “And they give me a standing ovation every time”

“My fans cheer my name when I perform” replied Scratch arrogantly “Plus I don't have to dress up and try and impress people. I get to be myself”

“I'll have you know I like dressing up.” said Octavia with a deadpan expression “I'd love to continue this conversation with you but I'm needed for Rehearsal” with that she walked away leaving Scratch and Gear alone.

“Man she gets on my nerves” said Scratch slamming his fist into his desk

“Just calm down man” said Gear putting his hand on Scratch's shoulder “Don't let her get to you”

“Yeah..” said Scratch with a sigh “Guess your right bro” he looked up at the clock and let out a yawn “I'm hungry”

“Now that you mention it” said Gear rubbing his empty stomach “I could use a bite myself” They walked out of the classroom and took a right towards the cafeteria. Gear watched Scratch as he walked down the hall. He had an air around him that just made you feel like everything was alright. Everyone that passed him in the hall as they walked got a fist bump and a smile.

Scratch noticed Sigil's observation and said “Dude don't stare”

Gear shook his head to clear it and replied “You seem to be well know around here”

Scratch shrugged his shoulders and simply replied “Not really. I just have that effect on people”

“So you didn't know any of those people?” asked Gear surprised

“Nope” said Scratch nonchalantly looking at Gear “What do I have to know someone to be nice?”

“I guess not” said Gear scratching his chin in thought

They made their way to the cafeteria and opened the doors. Inside it was a large tiled room painted a dull brown. It had 14 long tables and 6 round tables all painted red. There were a few students in the room eating quietly. Gear and Scratch got there food and sat down at the round table in the corner of the room.

“Man the food here is always terrible” complained Scratch chewing his sandwich

“Then why did we come here?” asked Gear downing his soda He didn't notice the girl walking up behind him.

“That would be because he's to lazy to leave the grounds” said the girl She had short flowing Rainbow colored hair drew back into a ponytail. She had a short cyan t-shirt on with a blue sports jacket over it. She had on jogging shorts and running shoes. Her jacket had a rainbow running across it.

“Who are you?” asked Scratch glaring at her from behind his glasses

“Names Rainbow Dash” she said taking a seat at the table “Fastest runner in all of Equestria”

“I doubt that” said Scratch leaning back in his chair “Anyways I'm not that lazy”

“Dude you've slept through every class you've had so far” said Dash with a smirk “And now you've high jacked the new guy to be your chore monkey while you slack off”

“No way” said Scratch uncomfortably “How did she know that?” he asked himself mentally “I plan on doing my own work eventually”

“Whatever you say dude” said Dash with a hearty laugh “The only time I see you come out of your room is when you go DJ at that club of yours”

“That true dude?” asked Gear wondering about a lot of things at once

“Not exactly,” said Scratch raising his hands defensively “your not just my chore monkey honest”

“That's lovely” said Gear sarcasticly

“Wow I thought you knew already” said Dash putting a hand to her head in mock remorse

“How do you know so much about me anyways” asked Scratch getting angry

“That would be me” replied Octavia walking up to the table

“I should have known” grumbled Scratch

“You know Rainbow” said Octavia looking at the athlete “When you said you couldn't come to your room mate's rehearsal I thought it was for something important.”

“Your her room mate?” asked Gear dumbfounded

“Yeah Octavia is my room mate” said Dash rolling her eyes “Trust me she's always this much of a drag”

“Well if being well mannered and socially acceptable is a drag then I guess I'm guilty” Octavia said obviously flustered

“Just go away” said Scratch hitting his head on the table in frustration

“Alright if your going to be so rude” replied Octavia turning to her room mate “I'll see you back at the room”

“Alright see you there girl” said Dash waving goodbye

“What your going to?” said Scratch sighing

“You know your no fun to mess with if you don't fight back” replied Dash flicking a lock of her hair out of her eyes

“What are you talking about?” mumbled Scratch confused

“Dude did you seriously think I was being mean” asked Dash with a smirk

“You sounded pretty legit” said Gear scratching his chin

“Nah I was just messing with you” said Dash with a wave of her hand

“Then how did you know all that stuff about me” asked Scratch wanting an answer

“Honestly I got all that from Octavia” replied Dash shaking her head “I swear hating on you is all she can talk about Scratch”

“Figures” sighed Scratch

“Tell you what I think Scratch” said Dash giving Scratch a punch in the shoulder “I think you and Octavia are pretty similar”

“What in the hell makes you think that?” cried Scratch throwing his hands in the air

“Well you both love music” said Dash with a smug expression “Tell you what I bet if you actually got together for one day, you would be great friends.”

“We love different kinds of music” said Scratch

“Maybe you can find a way to mix the two” said Gear making a suggestion

“Well it would be a first” said Scratch thinking about the possibility of mixing genres

“I can get Octavia to go with you trust me she owes me some favors.” said Dash with a smug look

“I didn't say I would do it” said Scratch immediately

“You didn't have to the smile on your face said it all dude” replied Dash with a knowing smile

Scratch immediately wiped the smile off of his face and replied “I'll do it, but only for the music”

“Sure whatever you say Scratch” said Dash with a wink “She'll be waiting for you in your room next week Tuesday after class” With that she did a back flip out of her seat and walked away.

“Well” said Gear shaking his head trying to process what just happened “That was weird”

“Your telling me” replied Scratch “I think I just got a date with a girl who hates me”

“I think we should go back to our room now” said Gear throwing out his tray Scratch following his lead “before anymore weird crap happens”

“Agreed” replied Scratch

Gear and Scratch walked quietly back to their room. They got to the door without another incident. As Scratch reached to open the door he heard a voice from behind.

“Um e-excuse me” said a soft voice from behind

Gear and Scratch turned around to see a stunningly gorgeous girl with long pink hair covering her eyes. She was wearing a creamy yellow sun dress and she was fidgeting her hands nervously.

“Hello” said Gear in a friendly tone “What is it?”

“O-oh I just wanted to ask if you had seen Rainbow Dash anywhere” said the girl staring at the floor

“Yeah we saw her earlier in the cafeteria” replied Scratch nodding “I'd check her room she probably went back to talk to her room mate”

“T-thank you” replied the girl shuffling away shyly

“Who was that girl” asked Gear opening the door to their room

“I have no idea dude” replied Scratch following Gear inside closing the door

Gear looked around the room. It was spotless, their wasn't a piece of dirty clothes anywhere.

“I thought Dash said that it would be dirty” said Gear in disbelief

“Shows how much she knows huh?” replied Scratch with a laugh taking a seat on the sofa

“But” said Gear

“Dude just cause I sleep through class doesn't mean that I'm lazy about everything I do” said Scratch with a facepalm “You gotta read a bit deeper”

“I think I'm just gonna go to sleep man” said Gear scratching his head “This is a lot to take in on a first day”

“Whatever bro” said Scratch waving him off “I'll try and keep it down for yah, but no promises”

Gear walked into his room and closed the door. Good to finally have some peace and quiet he kicked off his sandals and jumped into bed. Resting his head on the pillow he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.