• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 273 Views, 3 Comments

Explorers of Memory - bronyman12345

My eyes open, slowly as if they had the weight of eternity on them. Where am I? Looking around, I see books all around me on shelves and some desks too. I try to sit up, but I fell to the floor instead, making a loud noise in the silence.

  • ...

section 1: Part 1: Awakening

My eyes open, slowly as if they had the weight of eternity on them. Where am I? Looking around, I see books all around me on shelves and some desks too. This is a library. I try to sit up, but I fell to the floor instead, making a loud noise in the silence. To my left from across the room came a purple pony. A purple unicorn.

“You are awake. Thank goodness. I'm Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?” The question lingered in my head long enough for Twilight to continue, mostly to herself, “Maybe he still needs to recover. He was asleep for almost three weeks.”

Three weeks, that's a long time! Why was I sleeping? “Why was I sleeping?”

Twilight looked back at me, a little surprised as if this was the first time she has ever heard my voice, “You were found in the Everfree Forest one night by a friend of mine named Zecora. She found you asleep on the side of the path, bruised everywhere. She said you almost lost your life, but with her quick thinking, she brought you a potion that would nurse you back to health. I took you in because Zecora had no room in her hut, and I took care of you for almost three weeks.”

I thought about that for a little while, I was found. But that still didn't answer my question. Twilight seemed to notice my temporary distress, and continued, “Nopony knows for sure why you were sleeping. Some say that the strange Everfree Forest itself could be the cause for this. I have spent days looking for a book about people being put under by the Everfree and have come to dead ends every time I have a lead. What were you doing before this all? What is the last thing you can remember?”

What happened? Where was I three weeks ago? What was I doing? I...can't.....remember. “I...can't remember anything.” Who am I? I sat there thinking, before long, a name popped up in my head, “I only know that my name is...Midnight Shadow.”

“Mysterious, you also have lost your memory! This is so very odd. I wonder if there is a spell to bring back memories. I will have to look around my library to find one.” I took another glance around the room. There were probably about a ton of books in here. There were twenty seven shelves, each containing over a hundred books. Most of the books looked about three to five inches thick. What a book worm.

“Hey Midnight, how about I show you around Ponyville? Maybe a walk will jog your memory.” A walk wouldn't hurt anypony. I guess I could use one for being asleep for three weeks. I shook my head, and she lead me to a door. My hind left leg felt a little more stiff than the rest of my legs. Maybe I would recognize somepony or something.

After an hour of walking all over town, and a visit to Apple Acres, Twilight took me to the last destination, Sugar Cube Corner. “So, do you remember anything?” She asked. Thinking hard, nothing still comes to mind. I put my head down, depressed. I have lost everything I knew. Where am I going to live? What am I going to do for money? What can I even do?

“Don't be sad, I will help you figure this out. It could take months, but I will help you. You can even stay at the library, there is plenty of room, but you'll sleep downstairs. I don't need any drama coming from anypony in this town. That would be bad.” I guess that answers my question about a place to stay, but I still need work. I don't want to be the basement pony of this town.

Daily Journal
Entry One

Twilight asked me to keep a journal so that it would help keep me sane. I guess I am not really sure what to write, so I will write about what ever is one my mind.

It has been two weeks since I have awoken in the library here in Ponyville. I woke knowing nothing about myself, and the ponies around me as well as the location I am at. In the two weeks following that day, I have been living in the library with Twilight. I live downstairs, she lives upstairs. Spike seems a little nervous about a stallion living here, but Twilight has handled with him.

Twilight introduced me to her friends in Ponyville, I can hardly remember all of their names. But five of her friends seem really close to each other making a strong group of six ponies. They all treat me nicely, and Rarity even let me work for her one day. ONE DAY. I guess I wasn't cut out for making dresses, but at least I was trying to find work.

Pinkie Pie gave me a job making cakes, I do terrible in this area as well. Rainbowdash tried to find something I could do for her, but it was useless to try, I don't have wings. Applejack let me try apple bucking, but my body can not do the work nearly as fast as her's. I tried my magic to pick the apples, but I'm still rusty around the edges. I crushed some of the apples, destroyed some of the trees, and made one tree grow a mustache. I guess this gig would not work out well either.

Finally, Fluttershy offered me a job. I felt bad for her because I kind of scare her, just me being me. I guess I look a little scary being the color of the night, darker even than Luna (apparently. I still have to meet her.) Fluttershy and I get along pretty well actually. We both like to keep to ourselves quite a bit, and I surprisingly am pretty good with animals. The only problem with this is that all the little animals are scared of me. Only the larger animals like the dogs, hawks, and bears would not fear me.

I guess I could say that I am content with living here for a while. I still would like to know who I was, but I like what I am right now. Although I feel out of place. Me and Twilight can not figure out what my talent is, I don't even have a cutie mark. I am not ashamed of that, but I am fully grown so this is just a rare situation. Super duper rare according to Pinkie.

Twilight had ordered books to see if there is any magic on restoring memory, but they should arrive in about four weeks. Some other book addict has them checked out from the Canterlot Royal Library for a few weeks. I have to think about the future rather than think about the past. It seems that Twilight is more interested in helping me get my memory back than I am. I have become okay with not knowing my past mostly because all the ponies around me are just so nice. How can I have had a better life before?

Author's Note:

There is plenty more where that came from.