• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 1,049 Views, 8 Comments

Love of the Moon - Brony of Nightmare

A Shepard earth pony finds love with Luna but Celestia finds out

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Endymion, Luna, and Celestia

Endymion was in an enchanted sleep cast upon him by his love princess Luna who would visit him every night in his dreams where they would make love and she would leave him in the morning always giving him a kiss before she left for Cantorlot Castle. Now unknown to either Endy or Luna they wore being watched by her sister Celestia the princess of the sun and ruler of Equestira through her spyglass now she had feelings for Endy too but they may be feelings of lust rather then love so Celestia is heading towards the secret cave where Luna has hidden her sleeping love . Celestia crept in and saw the sleeping white stallion with his long black mane covering his sleeping eyes quietly Celestia walked slowly to him " I wonder should I take this handsome stallion and steal him away to Cantorlot and wait for Luna to see me with her love or take him now while he is asleep? said Celestia . She started to kiss Endy on his flank where his shepard's crook cutie mark was but stop, " No i will take him to Canterlot and give him Cadance's special love potion he he." said Celestia for she had blackmailed Princess Cadance into helping her in this torrid affair. the princess picked up the sleeping pony for she was taller then most ponies of Equestria even her sister Luna and Cadance and she put him on her back and flew off back to Cantorlot Castle.

Now night had fallen on Equestria Luna flew to were she had hidden Endymion when she got to the secret cave and saw that Endy was not there. "Oh, this can mean only one thing my sister Celestia must have been watching us and wants Endymion herself." cried Luna in a sad tone " Why when i have found the love which I have not had for a 1000 yrs. she has to take him!" Then Luna had a horrified thought and yell " I have to save him from her though my sister can be loving and kind, but once she gets ideas" Luna blushed for minute knowing how her sister can be then "Oh I have to save my Love, even it means getting banished back to the Moon i will save him no matter the cost!" The Princess of the Night took off into the sky the stars light her path as she flew across above all Equestria I hope I am not to late!" yelled Luna as she flew to save her love Endymion.

Now at that moment in the Castle Celestia and Cadance were watching Endy fast asleep in that eternal sleep spell Luna had put on him. " Dame, how are going to break the sleep spell." said Celestia "Its too easy to take him while he is asleep." Cadence made a suggestion " How about true love's kiss?" Celestia looked at her and said "Probably would work but this is not a fairy tale." Celestia then consecrated her magic on her horn and forced the sleep spell off of Endy. "There, he is waking up" said Celestia Endymion woke to see two alicorn looking at him one was pink one with a rainbow main and had a heart for a cutie mark and the taller one was white with a mane that kept shifting from a sparkly rainbow to solid sparkling pink and she had a sun on her flank., he knew that she was Princess Celestia and the other one was Princess Cadance he heard about her from Fluttershy when he visited her one time but he could not see the one princess that matter to him his love Princess Luna . " Well Well the stallion who loved the moon care to love the sun a bit too." said Celestia . Endy saw that Celestia had a weird look in her eye and replied " sorry my heart belongs Luna not you." Celestia looked at him with a very mean look and said in a threatening tone " I will give you a choice love me like you love my sister or I can force you to with well force or with a magic potion courtsy of Cadance Princess of Love!" Endy looked at Cadance who with her magic was holding a potion "Please Celestia I don't want to ruin this true love this stallion has for your sister nor her love for him!" said Cadence with a pleading look at Celestia "Well I guess I will tell Shining Armor about that make out session with my guard you had." replied Celestia Cadance stood firm and smashed the love potion " I don't care I know Shining Armor loves me and I love him and I am the Princess of Love you bitch and do you think I am going to let you mess with true love ... " suddenly as Endy saw chains shoot from the wall and wrap around Cadance and chained her to the wall " Oh so sad and it would have been less painful for him to and you get to watch." said Celestia and she turned looking at the white stallion " well what is it going to be"

Endymion stared down Celestia and said "I love Luna with all my heart and I would rather die then love you." Celestia was silent for a moment then a carnal look came on her face and with a wide smile she replied "He he by force then !" and with a her magic lifted him up and brought him close to her " You know you will love it." she said as she began to kiss him Endy spat in her face " Ooh now that was bad now I am not going to be gentle!" said Celestia with that wide grin on her face. Suddenly a loud voice shouted Sister you will release my love now or so help I will banish you to the sun! " Endy's face brightened as he saw his love Princess Luna and she was mad " Well Well look who is home how are you little sister " said Celestia Luna replied in a furious tone " 1000 yrs ago we fought and I was the one who lost well now I am the one who is going to win this time sister" Celestia replied " okay bring it sister!" she dropped Endymion and he watch as the two alicorn sisters charge each with their horns lowered .

who will win and what will become of Endymion and Luna's love and will Celestia break free from her lustful obsession find out in the next chaptur Moon's Love vs Sun's Lust .

Author's Note:

yes this takes place after Luna was banished to the moon after she became Nightmare Moon

wow yeah kinda made Celestia or Molestia the villan and Luna the heroine

I am thinking of several alternate endings to the story i will let you know later

i am keeping a look out for any thing that needs to be corrected but they some time slip past me so let me know