• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 782 Views, 7 Comments

Two Hearts to Heal - Spaghedward

The Eleventh Doctor has finally come to Ponyville after the end of the Tenth, but he is broken. Can Ditzy Doo restore the old Doctor or is he fated to spend the rest of his days as a broken colt?

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Prolouge-Vale and Return

For me, the music of Murray Gold is a big part of Doctor Who. I could not imagine the show without his various themes, and often found an appropriate one playing in my head while writing this story. Thus, I will insert links to the music in my story between the scenes. Rather than having a page or a line break, I have opted to insert:

<Youtube Link>


Ditzy Doo might not have been the best flyer in Equestria, or even Ponyville for that matter, but she could still execute a loop reasonably well. The thing with trick flying, however, is that it is not appropriate in all situations. For example: when a certain somepony is delivering packages as part of her employment.. It is for this reason that the lovely (and let us all admit, scatterbrained) Ms. Doo found herself standing on the street conversing with her mother.

“How did you lose the packages again? I must have misheard the first time.”

“Well I did this pretty cool loop in midair and-“

“Darn. Guess my ears work after all.”

“That’s good!”

Motherhood had not been kind to the elder Doo. Ditzy was a continual joy in her life…and yet… she could be so…infuriating? Annoying? Forgetful? All of the above and more?

When Ditzy had first been born, the doctors were quick to condemn her. A pony whose eyes refused to line up! It was obvious that there was a defect in the system of the grey mare. Thankfully, this issue manifested itself as occasional clumsiness rather than an outright handicap. Still, protecting Ditzy from the hordes that referred to her as “Derpy” due to her behavior was a full time job.

“Just do another fly around Ditzy, the packages are bound to be somewhere.”

The mare let out a loud “Okay!” and took to the sky. With the problem taken care of with a worthless answer, Ditzy’s mother turned to the south to begin her walk home. It was at this moment that she heard a throat clearing in an alleyway, and as she turned to face the sound, she had no inkling as to the fact that she was, in some small way, facing one of the grandest beings in all of the universe.

Who was that in the shadows between the buildings? A colt, obviously, and those packages at his feet had an eerie familiarity to them.

“I found these packages in the plaza. Could you pass them on for me?”

“Why me?”

“I think you know-AH! I almost forgot.” The obscured colt reached behind him and pulled a parcel from the shadows. It was pink with a ribbon on top and a see-through cover. Inside were…were those cupcakes? They looked different from those that the Cakes made though.

As if expecting Mrs. Doo’s confusion, the stranger added as an aside, “They’re from America. They do love their sweets. Baked by a charming man too, the ‘Cake Don’…no wait, that’s not right…”

The colt walked away, muttering to himself, a wholly uneventful, yet confusing, encounter.

When Ditzy returned to her mother in a huff about the missing packages and had the story related to her the look in her eyes could only described as an affectionate panic.

Ditzy Doo was once again flying in the skies scouring the ground for something, but this time the item was very different. Where was it? Where was the blue box that had taken her away on that fateful day…when exactly? Not even Ditzy could remember when the Doctor had first materialized, babbling incoherently.

“What are these? Hooves? Why would I have hooves. My body must have…morphed…but why? This planet is very strange indeed.”

According to the Doctor, he had not always been a brown colt with an hourglass cutie mark, but a being with hands and feet. It all seemed like a whole lot of nonsense, but nonsense was the norm with the Doctor. After all, she couldn’t exactly claim that the planets and places they had visited together were normal, although he did seem more baffled than she was.

"Why am I still a pony? Must be an entire solar system that turns me into one…if I were to return to Earth…”

Earth. He always talked a lot about that place. It had actually been the reason for his departure. “That place is always in trouble”…or something to that affect.

So he had left, and she had waited, but that wait was over. There was the TARDIS! Smack dab in the middle of town! Ditzy made a dive and landed just as a familiar brown colt was opening the door.

“Doctor! You’re back! I got your gift, the packages and the cupcakes, but you have to remember that it’s MUFFINS I like Doctor. You’re always looking over the details like that I suppose.”

He turned, and Ditzy did not like what she saw. The look in his eyes was so melancholy…what had happened?

“Doctor…are you okay?”




“And why’s the door open? Were you planning on leaving like this?”


Tears were in her eyes now. “Don’t you want me anymore?”

The Doctor looked genuinely stunned by this question, and his voice took on a softer tone in response.

“Of course I do Ditzy. All those adventures…they were the best…but it’s the end of the line.”


“Don’t…just don’t. Derpy…no…Ditzy Doo. I don’t know when we’ll meet again, and I don’t know who I’ll be when we do, but I need you to do something.”

“I’ll do anything Doctor; as long as you stop this!”

“Have fun.”

With this final comment the Timelord turned and entered his ancient blue box as if there was nothing more he could say to her. Ditzy didn’t move, she could only stare at his form. He looked so defeated. It was sad, truly and terribly sad.

When the TARDIS began to dematerialize it sounded like the Doctor’s constant companion throughout time and space was crying…and Ditzy cried right along with it.

And that night she dreamed that she was singing the saddest song in the universe.

Two Months Later

Very little had changed in Ponyville since that day. Pinkie was still throwing riotous parties, Twilight was still obsessing on the smallest of details…and Ditzy Doo was still thinking of her final meeting with the Doctor.

What had transpired that day was such a short reunion. So short and sad that she couldn’t help but to ruminate on it.

She had finished her mail route that day and was wandering aimlessly in front of the town hall. She could see Fluttershy having a conversation with Rainbow Dash in the clouds. Rainbow Dash seemed to be making an attempt to get Fluttershy interested in some fancy flying, but the timid pony was having none of it.

Off in some other far away corner was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, building a snowman out of mud. What kind of cutie mark were they hoping to get?

Lost in her thoughts and observations, Ditzy was not in the state to pay attention to her surroundings. She felt a jostle and found herself on the ground, what had she run into this time? Looking up she caught sight of a purple flank with a shining star on it. Ah, Twilight Sparkle. While Ditzy often made it a goal to not bump into other ponies if she could help it, Twilight Sparkle wasn’t a bad choice. At least she wouldn’t pick Ditzy up and throw her across town like that one minotaur had…

“Ouch! Ditzy! That hurt!”

“Sorry Twilight, it won’t happen aga-“

To say that Ditzy’s reply had been cut off would be inaccurate. There was no terribly loud noise that would have overpowered her. She had simply trailed off in response to a sound she had heard. A sound that was growing steadily louder.


Wind began to kick up as other noises joined in the background. The other ponies had noticed that something was going on by now and were staring at the front of the town hall where a transparent object was trying to make itself tangible.

There were four sides, a door, it was blue, and there was a light on top. The citizens of Ponyville had seen this machine before. It was a mysterious box that was in the possession of “the Doctor,” an eccentric pony that had warded off a Parasprite invasion, struck a peace deal with the Diamond Dogs, and caused a decent sized explosion when he aimed some sort of glowing metal tube at Pinkie’s party cannon. Poor Mrs. Cake, who was at the center of the blast, could still remember the blue light on the end of the tube and the high-pitched sound it had made.

With a final dong the TARDIS settled down, fully tangible. As the door began to slowly creak open Ditzy could not help but to yell: “DOCTOR!!!”

But what awaited her was confusion. A colt with an hourglass cutie mark did indeed step from the TARDIS, but he was different from the pony that she knew so well. Where there was once brown there was gray: a gray colt and an even darker gray mane.
There was also a bowtie fastened around the stranger’s neck.

One brave little filly in the on looking crowd had the courage to come forward and ask the question that was on everypony’s mind.

“Who are you?”

“I…I’m the Doctor.”

Author's Note:

I doubt anyone will actually be reading this, as anyone interested in this story would have rightfully given up after a two month delay, but the second chapter is underway. I'll be honest, I was playing Metal Gear Solid games this entire time.