• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 312 Views, 6 Comments

The Clash Of Ghosts And Harmony - EonSpirit

Growing up isn't easy. Especially when your special talent is being able to see and communicate with ghosts. Now join Eon Spirit on his adventures of helping everypony in Ponyville with their hauntings!

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Flashbacks and Memories

"SPIKE! Come on, we have to go!" Twilight Sparkle yelled from the base of the stairs, getting a few grunts in return. "Don't you want to be my number one assistant?"

The purple mare stared at the top of the railing awaiting the young dragon, but was met with disappointment when the only thing that came was a nicely aimed pillow to the face. "I thought Eon was gonna help you..."

She looked over to the couch, where two ponies laid unconscious. The night before was a blast. they all went to Pinkie's "Welcome to Ponyville" party for Blue who, with Eon, devoured enough cake to put Celestia to shame. and as it turns out, eating to much cake can cause a seriously big sugar rush, which kept them awake until the early mourning hours. "I really don't think either him or Blue will be of any help. I guess Pinkie really can rub off on other ponies."

"Fine...," Spike grunted, walking down the steps, "So who are we gonna help?"

"Rarity needs help with a couple suits and apparently these stallions are very effeminate."

Spike's eyes widened and a large grin grew on his face as he quickly plopped on Twilight's back, "Why didn't you just say it was Rarity?"

Twilight smirked and left, slamming the door behind her.


"Twilight? Twilight?" Blue and Eon asked simultaneously. they were looking around the library for any sign of her whereabouts because Blue had a dumb moment and lost the attic key. Eon found a note on the fridge that read, "Going to Rarity's, will be back later~"

"Well, she won't be back until later so what do you wanna do?" He yelled for Blue, who was lazily eating a daisy sandwich on the couch. Eon recognized the sandwich and grew furious at the thieving mule sitting in front of him, "What the hay! That was my last daisy sandwich, you lazy cur!"

She chuckled, making small bits of bread fall from her mouth, "I don't even know what that means. And to answer your question, I would like to know more about you, like where you came from." She flashed a smile that even a dragon couldn't stay mad at.

He sat down next to her and teleported the sandwich away with a smirk, "Now neither of us get it!" The stallion's smirk grew wider as he stuck his hooves behind his head and stretched his back, "And I was born in the small lakeside town of Colt Hill, where I also lived for nine years."

"Wait... Colt Hill? I've never heard of that."

"You wouldn't. The place was abandoned two years after I left, so its a ghost town now. Now let me finish." Eon stuck his hoof to his chin in thought, "Now where was I? Oh yeah! Well, a year after I was born, my parents died and I was left with my sister, Soul Flare. Soul was a pretty mare and being only 13 when our parents died, life was tough, But she worked hard and is now the Royal Bishop, serving directly under Princess Luna. Who, By the way, took me under her wing after she was transformed back from Nightmare Moon. I miss her so much... I wonder if she misses me..." He looked as if on the verge of tears.

"She does!" Eon turned his head to see big blue eyes staring back at him, which quickly went back to being lazy on the couch, "I mean... Of course she does..."

He ignored the sudden outburst so he could finish, "Well after moving from Colt Hill, she got a job and a nice apartment in Canterlot. And, when I turned 10, I was accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. After going there for about 2 and a half years, Luna decided to become my mentor as she saw potential in me. For three years, she trained me in Dream and Occult magics, which help me greatly now, seeing my profession as a Cult Leader."

She just stared at him in fear of being sacrificed, to which he giggled, "I'm kidding! I'm a ghost passer/ the closest thing this town has to a psychologist."

Blue let out a large breath which she didn't even know she was holding, "Oh thank Celestia! My whole view of you was crumbling and I wasn't going to be able to accept it!"

Eon eyed her carefully, "...What?"


"So, Where did you grow up?"

"Oh... um... y'know..." She looked around the room as she gritted her teeth, trying to think, "I grew up in Canterlot... yeah, I know its odd for a Pegasus to grow up in the famous "Unicorn Capital" but as soon as I was old enough for flight school, my parents picked up and moved to Cloudsdale... and well, I lived there until about a week ago."

"That was a quick summary. The reason I moved to Ponyville was because I had no friends and Luna said I could learn a thing or two from Twilight." He was already pacing around the room. He didn't know why, but whenever he talked about his past, he paced. Constantly. "Why did you move to Ponyville?"

"To check up on- I mean... Well, I love plants and this just seemed to be the best place to study them." Blue was gritting her teeth again.

"Uh-huh.. hey, do you know what happened last night, most of its a blank."

She giggled and gave a wink before pursing her lips, "I remember all of it. You had a little fun with a certain somepony..."

"Who was it?" She giggled even more at his question, "Was it Caramel? Lucky Clover? Oh Celestia, It was Big Mac wasn't it? Applejack is gonna kill him!"

"None of them."

"Was it... a mare?" He cringed at the thought. Sure the mares were nice and were great friends, but he didn't want to do that with them.

~~The night before~~

"Hey Pinkie! This party is so great and the cake was delicious and its so fun and I feel dizzy and is the world spinning?!?!" Eon Spirit blabbered at near pinkie levels of hyperness. "I feel so confident that I could accomplish anything!"

Pinkie beamed as she jumped in place, careful not to bump into anypony. She had thrown Blue a "Welcome To Ponyville" party at the library, but the mare of honor was nowhere to be found. The library was filled with almost everypony that lived in Ponyville.


The bubbly pink mare looked at a pile of books beside her, which a blue coated, blue and red maned pony's head stuck out, eyes derped.

"There you are, Blue! Where have you been?" Pinkie asked.

Blue shook her head and cleared her vision before responding, "Oh I just devoured 3 cakes! I feel soooo happy right now!"

Pinkie giggled before turning to look at Eon, who was being escorted to a bedroom by a black coated, light blue maned pegasus stallion. "Who's that with Eon?"

"Hey, that's Thunderlane! Why is he taking Eon into the Bedroom?" Rainbow Dash answered, appearing from nowhere and dashing toward the door the two colts went through. Pinkie and Blue watched as Rainbow peeked in and seeing her expression change from curious to giggly to D'AAAWWWW. She came back with a wicked smile clinging to her mouth.

"SOOOOOO, WHAT ARE THEY DOING?" Pinkie screamed in anticipation. Blue watched as Rainbow flew low and whispered into Pinkie's ear, her expressions changing from shock to D'AAAAWWW.

"What were they doing?" Blue flat out asked.

"Lets just say, Two flowers in Ponyville have blossomed." Rainbow said, in a "riddle me this" accent.

~~Back to Present~~

"I don't know him but, Rainbow said his name was Thunderlane." Blue looked at the stallion, awaiting some sort of panic attack but, was met with the exact opposite.

"Really? Thunderlane? Oh this is awesome! I never thought we would actually get together cause y'know, unicorns and pegasus couples are like a taboo and... I can't remember a single second!" He sat back down in shame, staring at the floor, "Well there goes that..."

"Oh don't worry, he gave Twilight his address which, surprisingly, is on the ground." She gave a playful nudge, "So, you said Applejack would kill you?"

"Oh don't worry, she isn't against us, just against taking advantage of mares, er.. stallions." Eon cracked up, "I was about to have a stroke. you almost gave me a stroke!"

Before Blue could even chuckle, Lyra burst through the door, panting. "Did you guys hear the news?"

"What news?"

"Princess Luna has gone missing!"

Author's Note:

Don't worry, this isn't a shipfic, just hints and dialogue here and there.