• Published 15th Jan 2013
  • 808 Views, 14 Comments

The Foal, The Princess, and the Student. - Saro0fdemonz

It was a night like any other for Celestia, until she discovered a foal abandoned in front of the castle.

  • ...


Warning: This is a story about an OC, more specifically the OC that is my profile picture, minus the headset around his neck. This OC is me ponified and for the longest time I have had no name for him or background story. While chatting with some friends the idea for this came to me and fair warning it is one of those "Raised by Celestia" sort of things so if you hate that then stop reading now and go drink your applejuice. Alright lets get this show started.

It had been a quiet evening for Celestia, the day court had gone smoothly with almost every issue presented having been solved and everypony leaving happy. All except one lone Princess. She sighed, once again forcing herself to look upon the door that marked her younger sisters bedroom.

"Someday Luna...Someday I will free you..." she always told herself as she left the door behind. Nopony had set hoof beyond the door since Nightmare Moons banishment. As she made her usual trip toward her room something strange caught her attention. A guardspony carrying a basket in her teeth and marching towards her.

"Oh well, thank you but I am not hungry" Celestia said, waving the guard away with a hoof. The guard remained and set the basket down in front of her.

"This was found by the front gate your majesty, it is not a picnic basket..." the guard said sadly, pulling back the blanket to reveal a sleeping unicorn.

"Oh my goodness..." Celestia looked down at the foal and sighed softly.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. But why not take the foal to an orphanage where it can be cared for?" Celestia said, lifting the basket in her magic.

"Because it is not a normal foal Princess." the guard pulled the blanket back a bit more to reveal wings on its back. Celestia blinked, almost losing her grip on the basket.

"That's impossible..."

"That is what we said Princess. We thought it best that the child be brought to you immediately."

"You did well, keep this quiet and return to your post." the guard nodded and quietly marched away. Celestia peeked into the basket once more, the foal waking up and beginning to cry loudly.

"Oh no, shhh, its okay little one." Celestia walked into her room, carrying the basket in her magic and setting it aside. She gently lifted the foal out of the basket as she lay in her bed, letting the foal curl up against her and fall asleep once more. She smiled as his wings fluttered a little.

"To abandon a foal...what sort of pony would do such a thing?"

The sound of a crying foal woke Celestia early that morning. She pulled the foal close and smiled as he slowly began to relax. Slowly he opened his eyes, two deep pools of emerald looking up at her. Slowly the foals lip began to wobble as again he broke out into tears. She scooped him up in her hooves, cradling him. Still the foal cried and flailed his hooves. For all the years she had cared for the ponies of Equestria she had no idea how to care for a foal. A head poked into Celestia's chamber.

"Oh my goodness Princess!" the mare pushed her way into the room, staring at the foal with wide eyes.

"I had no idea you were a mother!" the unicorn said excitedly.

"You misunderstand, the foal is not mine, it was found abandoned."

"But..his wings and horn..."

"I am as surprised as you Star. Do you think you can help me?" Celestia asked, a bit emberassed to be asking such a thing.

"Why of course Princess, it sounds like the poor thing is hungry. Shining was the same way." Celestia let the unicorn take the foal, her friend laying on her side and letting the foal whimper and nudge her before finally finding her teet and latching onto it.

"Ooh! He's a strong one isn't he? What are you going to do about him Princess?"

"Well you seem more than fit to care for him my friend." Celestia said with a small smile.

"M-Me Princess? Oh no I couldn't...I think he should stay with you Princess. Just look at him." Star brushed a hoof against the foal's wings as he pulled away, sighing and yawning quietly. The foal sat up, looking over at Celestia and giggling happily. He stood shakily and wobbled over to her, falling onto his face in front of her.

"Star...I don't know the first thing about raising a foal."

"Well then I'll help you Princess." Her friend spoke up as she stood.

"Though first things first, you should probably raise the sun. Everypony is going to think something is wrong."

"Oh my goodness!" Celestia quickly rushed to her balcony and began to raise the sun, her horn glowing dimly as she raised her head. A bright burning ball of energy began to rise over the horizon and slowly arch its way over the world, bringing light to Equestria. Star smiled at her flustered friend, carrying the foal on her back.

"It seems I will most definitely need your help. I cannot take him with me to perform my duties Star. Can I count on you to watch after him?" the Princess asked.

"Of course Princess, but at the end of the day this little bundle of joy is all yours. I still have my own family to care for you know." The unicorn said with a small laugh. Very few ponies would dare speak to her like that. It was a refreshing experience to have a pony around that wasn't afraid to speak her mind.

"Thank you Star. I must be off."

"I have a question though Princess." Star said as Celestia headed for the door.


"Whats the little guys name?"

Four years later

"Hello" Celestia said slowly, looking into two deep pools of emerald. The figure who held them slowly worked its mouth.

"Haaaaalllllloooooooo" it spoke, struggling with the word. It pained Celestia to think it, but the colts voice sounded like claws on a chalkboard echoing in a long empty hallway. His voice had always been strange, even as a foal. Celestia still didn't understand the echo behind his voice or why he was so lacking in speech but excelled at so many other things.

"We'll stop there for now." The colt nodded, smiling up at her. At times she worried something might be seriously wrong with him, almost nothing seemed to upset the colt and at the strangest times he would simply smile at her. But she had grown fond of his smiles and over the years she felt the colt had truly become family.

A gentle knock at the door, followed by two beats and another knock signaled the arrival of Star Sparkle, a mare whom without Celestia would have been lost when it came to the colt before her.

As the unicorn entered with her own son in tow the young brown colt before Celestia quickly shifted behind her, peeking out shyly and giving Star a small smile. It was only his second time meeting Shining Armor, the colt being only two years older than him. The two weren't exactly close, but they both cared for Star Sparkle and that was all that mattered.

"Don't be shy, greet out guests." Celestia said softly. The colt opened his mouth to speak, Star quickly holding up a quill and parchment. The colt pouted a little and took the materials in his hooves, scribbling out a sentence.

I know my voice sounds horrible but I've been practicing Mother Star.

"I'm sure you have dear, but your voice is what it is. Your a strange little colt but I love you all the same." she pulled him into a hug and smiled as he began writing again.

Well everypony is strange in their own way. I haven't seen anypony who looks at all like mom. Are we the only ones like this? Star smiled, ruffling the colts mess of a mane.

"I'm glad to see he's grown so attached to you Princess. And no, there are others. But they live in other places. Haven't you tried asking the Princess?" Star asked, sitting down and smiling as Shining took a seat beside her, keeping his eyes on the colt near his mother. The young colt blinked and lowered his head, scribbling on the parchment.

I was afraid to ask...

"Why would you be afraid?" Star looked up at Celestia, the Princess turning her head and refusing to meet her friends eyes. The colt set the quill down, his ears tucked back.

"Celestia, what did you do?" Star said, letting her anger show in her voice.

"It was not my intention but..."

"But what? You know he's sensitive Princess."

"He asked me if he could go out and play with the unicorns." Celestia said softly. Star blinked, turning to the colt.

"Oh dear...He just wants some friends."

"You know why I can't let him do that."

"Nopony said he had to speak to them."

"How will it look if an Alicorn colt wanders around Canterlot scribbling on parchment in an attempt to communicate with anypony?" Celestia snapped, causing said Alicorn to wince and shrink backwards slightly, though the unicorn mare in the room was unfazed by the outburst.

"I admit it would appear strange, but you can't keep him cooped up in here Princess. I know its for his protection but the boy needs interaction and you don't have the time or the energy and...well neither do I." Star said, placing a hoof over her stomach. Both colts blinked, looking at Star as she smiled.

"You mean...? Oh, Congratulations Star." Celestia beamed.

"Don't think this excuses anything. I'm still angry and the fact that I'm carrying a foal isn't helping me relax much these days." The brown colt blinked, gently pushing his hoof against Star's stomach. He recoiled and screamed, clutching his head as his horn began to glow. Star pushed Shining behind her as Celestia threw a barrier around the colt, both reacting on instinct as the colt fell to the ground, clutching his head. Slowly his screams died down and he sat up, his eyes glowing brightly as he began to speak, his voice echoing as it filled the room.

"A Mare of great power, born of a Star and a Night shall come, bringing forth the return and demise of the Nightmare of days long gone. One will become six and six will become one as the stones curse is undone. Friendship will rise and the Nightmare will fall. A mare of great power comes to save us all" his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed within Celestia's barrier, the entire room silent.

"P-Princess...wha...what just happened?" Star asked, breaking the silence.

"I...I'm not sure Star..." Celestia blinked, turning to her friend then back to the colt.

"Star. A star. Not just a Star, but a pony named Star" Celestia mused, her horn glowing dimly. An illusion appeared, mimicking what had just happened moments ago. Celestia lifted some parchment and a quill and quickly wrote down each word the colt spoke.

"I think...it is a prophecy. StarSwirl the Bearded predicted his own downfall in much the same manner." Celestia quickly explained, reading it over once more.

"A mare of great power, born of a Star and a Night." She mumbled.

"Isn't your husbands name 'Nightwish'?" Celestia asked with a small smile. Star Sparkle blinked.

"Why...yes it is. Do you mean to say that this prophecy has something to do with my family?"

"I believe it has to do with your daughter."

Celestia sighed in relief as his eyes opened.

"Are you alright?" she asked him. He gave a weak nod, putting a hoof against his head. She held out a piece of parchment and a quill for him in her magic. He grabbed the quill in his teeth, scribbling slowly. Celestia sat beside him, reading as he wrote.

What was that I saw?

"Saw? You saw something?" He nodded and looked around, realizing Shining Armor and Star were gone. His ears tucked back a bit as he sighed, turning back to the parchment.

My head started hurting and I was standing in some ruins. There were a bunch of ponies floating in the air and there was a bright light

"What did the ponies look like?" Celestia asked. The colt shook his head, unable to remember. She held back a sigh as she kissed his forehead.

"Its alright. I think we have discovered something special about you. What you saw is most likely something that hasn't happened yet but is going to happen. You took a look into the future and while you were watching you spoke to us." she held out the parchment with his prophecy. He read over it and winced, putting his hoof against his head.

"Elllllemmmmmeeeents" he said slowly. Celestia pulled him close.

"The Elements of Harmony. It must be." She spoke softly. he looked up at her and she smiled down at him.

"I believe I have finally thought of a name for you" the colt tilted his head to the side confused.

"Oracle." she touched his nose with her hoof and he sneezed, making her laugh.

why oracle? he scribbled onto his parchment.

"An oracle is one who predicts the future. There hasn't been a unicorn with such abilities in many many years. Its a dangerous power, knowing what is to come at any giving moment."

How is it dangerous? Isn't it a good power? Couldn't it help?

"It could, but it could also be abused or misunderstood." she explained. The colt nodded and sat up, glancing over at the prophecy again.

What does it mean? he asked. Celestia was silent for a moment as she thought of his question.

"I'm not entirely sure. But I think it is related to Star Sparkle. Oracle, I think you are ready to begin learning magic."

Magic? Why? he was truly confused now, feeling his head spin as he read over words he didn't even remember saying. Celestia smiled, her horn glowing dimly, causing words to appear in the air before him.

So that I can teach you things like this. it said before fading away. His eyes widened and he turned to her, the Alicorn smiling at him. He gave a small nod and their lessons began.

"Hey, c'mon wake up!" Shining yelled into the colts ear. He jolted and fell out of bed, glaring at his friend. The unicorn chuckled.

"'Bout time you got up. We're gonna be late." Shining Armor spoke up. The colt continued to glare, his horn glowing dimly, words appearing in the air.

'No, you are going to be late. I'm not allowed to go remember?'

"Aw c'mon, you can't spend your whole life locked up in here Oracle." Shining argued. Oracle rolled his eyes, the words fading and quickly replaced with more.

'We'll get in trouble if I leave, you know that and you know why I can't leave. Remember my last vision? I almost set fire to the castle! What if that happens at the ceremony?

"Oracle, aren't you tired of sitting up here all the time? You need to have some fun every once and a while."

'Oh and sitting quietly during a ceremony to make you an official guard is at the top of my fun list, la de da. Oracle wrote in the air, giving Shining his best sarcastic stare.

'Besides, I'm sort of gonna stand out like a dragon in a herd of sheep out there. I'll just watch from here. It was Shinings' turn to roll his eyes.

"I thought of that. I've been practicing this illusion charm. Watch this." Shining Armor backed up a bit, his horn glowing brightly and filling the room with light. Oracle gasped, feeling himself being lifted into the air. The light vanished and Oracle fell onto his head, groaning and sitting up slowly. He glared at the unicorn in front of him.

"HA! It worked, sort of. Take a look" Shining pointed to a mirror. Oracle raised an eyebrow and looked at himself. He had the appearance of one of Celestia's Elite Guards. The armor and all. He held up his wings, noticing the illusion fade just slightly if he moved them too quickly.

'Okay there are so many things wrong with this plan. 1: the illusion is weak and could break at any moment. 2: What if I'm expected to act like a guard, I don't know anything about being a guard! and 3: What if I have to speak?' He asked, jabbing his hoof into Shining's chest.

"Just be one of those tough guards that grunts in response to everything and don't move your wings so fast. All you have to do is stand there and no one will know! You want out of here right?" Shining asked. Oracle sighed and gave a small nod.

"Alright then, lets go. Just uh...let me do the talking." Oracle gave him a flat stare causing the Unicorn to chuckle nervously as they exited the room. The walk to the ceremony was quiet, a guard passing by every now and again and giving Oracle a salute, the alicorn quickly returning it so the guard would pass. At least until...

"Heh, taking Shining Armor to his ceremony?" A pegasus guard asked casually. Oracle gulped, instantly recognizing the voice. It was Chrome Mist, one of Celestia's most trusted and loyal guards.

"Hm, whats your name soldier?" The pegasus asked, looking into Oracle's emerald eyes.

"Uh sir, he's taken a vow of silence for the day in honor of his sister who passed away." Shining blurted out quickly.

"Ah I see. Well that's noble of you. Keep an eye on the recruit and make sure he doesn't get into trouble." Oracle gave a nod and saluted, holding his breath until Chrome Mist was gone. Oracle turned, glaring at Shining.

'Vow of silence because my sister died? Really?'

"Hey it worked didn't it?"

'Lets just go.' they quickly made their way to the Ceremony, Oracle taking his place on the stand close to Shining Armor and spreading his wings out slowly in time with the other guards.

In truth he had watched several of these ceremonies and knew what to do, he had often practiced when he was alone, silently wishing for a day when he could become one of Celestia's Royal Guards. but he knew the day would never come, not with his gift. He panicked realizing his cutiemark was probably showing, turning his head quickly and noticing it had been replaced with the image of a sun.

He gave an audible sigh of relief, turning his attention back to the ceremony. He caught sight of a young unicorn standing beside Shining Armor. He watched as his friend saluted, Celestia herself casting the spell to place the royal armor on him, though his eyes drifted back to the young unicorn. Her coat was a dull dark purple and she had no cutiemark.

But those eyes, he recognized those eyes. Oracle groaned, putting a hoof against his head as the vision slowly began to return. He gritted his teeth, forcing the vision away and blinking as Celestia filled his vision. She looked down at him in silence, though her eyes spoke volumes. He was in trouble.