• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 592 Views, 8 Comments

The Adventures Of Rift & Navi - Riften

The Awesome Amazing adventures of the two ponys Rift and Navi

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Chapter 5 (Brush With Insanity)

The Adventures Of Rift & Navi

Chapter 5 (Brush With Insanity)

?~ “ Oh my? What do we have here? Curious, its been ages since my last visitor. And now just like before two ponies have entered my domain, except this time things will end a little....different. Well lets not leave them waiting eh?” There was no response. ?~” Hmm good point friend. We should have a little, fun with them first. Hmmm what to do what to do, Oh I know!” And with the snap of his finger (or claw) a small ball of light appeared. Immediately it began spastic flying around the space of its creator. ?~ “ Oh settle down, I have a task for you.” The ball had ceased all movement and was now hovering in front of its master. ?~ “ I need you to go introduce yourself to our little friends down there.” The being was grinning and pointing its claw down. The glimmering object made a short hum and descended through the oddly colored pink clouds to the mismatched landscape below.


Rift~ “Where are we?” Jeez we've been in this place for a few seconds and the only thing on his mind is where we are. Well, then again..... now I'm curious. Navi~ “ I'm not sure but, OH MY! Look at that! Look over there!” This place was insane! Nothing about it made any sense. There were mountains of fire coming up from the ground, Trees flipped upside down, their roots coming up while their leaves and branches were buried. Massive blobs of what I'm assuming was water just floating hundreds of feet in the air. OH and best of all were the clouds. They were a bright fluffy pink, and in some places it looked like rain. But something was a bit off about it? It had a strange brown tint to it, Before i knew it i was walking towards the mysterious liquid, I couldn't help but stick my tongue out to see what it really was. Navi~ “ I-It’s Chocolate? It’s Chocolate!” Rift~ “ What are you talkin about?” Navi~ “The rain! Its made of chocolate!” Rift~ “Rain? What are you talking about? I can hardly see through all the sunlight.” I looked up, but there was no sun visible anywhere just miles upon miles of pink clouds. Navi~ “ Rift? What are you talking about? Theres no sun in sight?”


Was she crazy? I almost couldn't see ten feet in front of me the sun was reflecting off of all of this sand. The whole area was like this, dry, bleak, and no sign of any “Chocolate Rain”. Rift~ “ Navi you cant be serious? Were in the middle of a dessert. Theres no rain, Theres no clouds.” Navi~ “Dessert? Look i don't know were we are but there's no way this is a dessert. I do you not see the fire coming up from the ground? Or the those weird tree things?” Somethings not right here. Theres no way she can be hallucinating she was fine a second ago, but now, all this talk of chocolate rain. Its just crazy, Insane.


Hmm its been centuries since I've last had somepony to play with. The last two *Shudders* they wernt that fun. No much too serious, Not fun at all. But these two... They seem different, younger, more spirited. Unlike that rainbow mained fool and his companion, much to serious. Strange i haven't felt anger since the last time they were here. Best not to think about them anymore. ?~ “ Oh be quite you...you insolent FOOL. Crazy? Insane? WHO are YOU calling insane?” Yes, right the task at hand these...intruders....That little ball should be causing some havoc right about now. ?~ “Hehe, lets go check in our guests.” Simple enough procedure. All these infinite years of absolute isolation allowing me learn how to control this world I reside in. Just a little pinch and, there. Simple as tearing a hole in the sky and watching them.Hmm looks like our little friend still hasn't arrived. ?~ “ I wounder who i should cast the illusion on, Hmm yes, the colt. He seems like a fine target.” After a quick trip through his memories (One of the many perks of being a being an all powerful being of magic) he reminded me of that rainbow pegasus those many centuries ago. Oh how i despise him. ?~ “All the more reason to take my anger out on you my little pony.” All these millennium alone here and for the first time i heard a bit of sternness in my voice. Strange. It seems these ponies always bring out the worst in me. Oh looks like our little friend has arrived. Well here we go. Simple as the snap of a claw. I watched the little stallion flinch for a second through my crystal clear view of this world. Hmm somethings strange with these two. The Mare seems to be genuine concerned for him. Oh even better, She seems to care for this one. I wounder what how this will change my little plan i have set? Nothing to do now but just sit back and wait for the insanity to kick in.