• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 3,110 Views, 41 Comments

Doctor Whooves Episode 6: A Ponyville Invasion - Doctor Perseus

The Doctor and Twilight finally return to 1002 only to discover that they've arrived a little bit late. Meanwhile, an old enemy returns to take their revenge on Ponyville.

  • ...

The Doll

Chapter 2: The Doll

Sugar Cube Corner, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Autumn, 1002 C.E.

The Doctor and Derpy quietly entered the pastry shop and were happy to find that it was empty at the current moment. They could hear snoring coming from the upstairs rooms and decided to try and be as quiet as possible.

"Why would Twilight come here?" the Doctor asked.

"I've seen her and her friends hang out here often. I'm sure that she'll turn up eventually," Derpy replied.

"So who's upstairs?"

"It must be the Cakes. They've been really busy of late."

"The Cakes? I think I met Mrs. Cake when I first came here."

Suddenly, they heard footsteps from upstairs.

"Is anypony else here by any chance?" the Doctor asked.

"Well the Cakes have twin foals but they're also asleep. Pinkie Pie lives here but, last time I checked, she was off with the others," Derpy said as both she and the Doctor turned towards the ceiling.

"So if the Cakes and their children are asleep and Pinkie Pie's out, then who's moving about upstairs?"

Derpy gulped. The Doctor began making his way towards the stairs. Derpy jumped in front of him and snapped, "What are you doing?! You can't just go up into somepony's home!"

"I think it's safe to assume that somepony, aside from us, has broken into this shop and they probably have less innocent intentions than we do."

"Do you think it's safe?"

"No. We could be dealing with a thief or a killer. Of course it isn't safe. But, think about it this way, the Cakes are in the same amount of danger as we are, maybe even more. We need to help them if somepony else really has broken into the shop."

"I guess you're right. You won't let anything bad happen to them...or me will you, Doctor?"

"Of course not! Come on then!"

The Doctor and Derpy snuck up the stairs and tried to make as little of a ruckus as possible. The Doctor learned all too quickly that Derpy had a talent for clumsiness as she nearly knocked over a vase and smacked him in the face with one of her wings. He assumed this had something to do with her eyes that became inverted every few minutes. He wanted to ask her about it but something told him that would not be a wise decision. The footsteps grew louder with every passing second as they came closer to the top of the stairs. A long hallway greeted them at the top of the stairs. There was nopony in sight and the footsteps, unfortunately, had died down. Fortunately, the Doctor remembered which direction the footsteps were coming from. He and Derpy took baby steps as they edged their way towards the source of the footsteps. Soon they were standing in front of the bedroom door of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. The Doctor nodded at Derpy and slowly pushed the door open.

The footsteps stopped as they entered the room. A glowing nightlight hung from the ceiling and the twins slept soundly in their cribs. There was nopony else in the room.

"I could have sworn that the footsteps were coming from in here," said the Doctor as he entered the room. He pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and began examining the dark room from top to bottom. Derpy stood close to him.

"Doctor," she said.

"Just a minute."


"Just give me a second!"


"What is it?!"

"I think I hear somepony else breathing."

The Doctor listened carefully. He could hear his own breathing, he could hear Derpy's breathing, he could hear the twins' breathing, and he could hear somepony else breathing. It was a raspy, cold sound that sent shivers down the Doctor's spine. He quickly realized that the breathing was coming from behind him and Derpy.

"Don't move!" he whispered into Derpy's ear. Derpy gave a slight nod and gulped. A cold bead of sweat trickled down the Doctor's face as the foreign breathing grew louder and louder. The Doctor aimed his Sonic Screwdriver and turned around. That's when the door to the bedroom slammed shut and the nightlight turned off, leaving them in complete darkness.

Town Hall, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Autumn, 1002 C.E.

Twilight and Fluttershy entered Town Hall to see Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and a few other ponies talking amongst each other.

"Twilight!" said Spike as he approached them. "Where did you run off to?!"

"I went back to the library for something. Listen, Spike. This is all a huge misunderstanding!" Twilight replied.

"What do you mean?"

"The Doctor didn't kidnap me. It was a complete accident that I went away with him."

"Are you sure? How do we know that he didn't alter your memory?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Really? Are you really going down that road? The Doctor did nothing to my memory. The Doctor saved Ponyville from the creature that attacked the town back in June! The Doctor's guilty of nothing but helping us out!"

"Then why did he run away when we accused him?!" Rarity asked.

"Maybe it's because he saw a wall of ponies charging towards him and he thought that he should get out of there before he was trampled to death."

Twilight raised one of her eyebrows and the others fell silent.

"If Twilight trusts him, then I do too," said Fluttershy. Twilight looked at Spike. She could tell that he was holding back some anger.

"I don't know. I'm still a little bit sketchy about this Doctor," said Rainbow Dash. "What's his real name anyway?"

"I don't know. That's just what he goes by. He's just the Doctor," Twilight replied. "I think it would be easier to find him if everypony stopped hunting him like he was a wild animal. Call off the hunt and I'll bring him here to clear things up for you."

"Sounds good," said Applejack.

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Fine," Spike grumbled. Twilight wanted to ask the dragon what was wrong but she figured that she would save that for a more private moment.

"So where do we start looking?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He wasn't at the library and the TARDIS, his ship, is still there so I can assume that he hasn't returned there yet," said Twilight.

"Why don't we start with Sugar Cube Corner?" Pinkie Pie suggested.

"Why there of all places?"

"I dunno! I've just got a feeling that that's where we need to be!"

"Is it your Pinkie Sense again?"

"Nope! It's just...a feeling."

"Okay then. I guess that's a good place to start if any."

Twilight then turned around and led the five mares and the dragon out through the front doors.

Sugar Cube Corner, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Autumn, 1002 C.E.

The Doctor activated the Sonic Screwdriver, which proceeded to emit a glowing ball of blue light which floated towards the ceiling, illuminating the room.

"That's new!" exclaimed the Doctor as he turned towards the door. What he saw was definitely not what he expected. At first glance, it looked like a pony. But further inspection revealed an even more disturbing adversary. It looked like a pony but its coat consisted of random pieces of fabric and cloths sewn together. It had a mane made up of broom bristles, rope, ribbons, and pieces of fake hair. It had a zipper for lips and the zipper was open at the moment, allowing the jaw to droop like a wet flower. It had a tongue made up of plastic and had sharp teeth made out of razor blades. It was around the height of an average mare and it had two black buttons for eyes. The Doctor could only think of a life-sized voodoo doll when he saw the creature. The giant doll turned towards the Doctor and Derpy and let out a wheezy sound that resembled that of a laugh. The doll's mane began to expand and grow, each lock of fake hair acting like a tentacle wishing to ensnare its prey. The doll stood on its hind legs and its belly opened up like a backpack, revealing a dark cavity big enough to hold two ponies. The tentacles then flew for them. "Dodge!"

Derpy took to the air and the Doctor jumped, each just barely managed to dodge the attacking mane. The hair continued to grow and stretch as it tried to capture them. The Doctor used the Sonic Screwdriver to confuse one of the locks into attacking another arm of hair. He was trying to figure out the new abilities that his Sonic Screwdriver now had due to its arrival in Equestria but he decided to save that for later. Derpy yelped as one of the arms grabbed her leg. More arms wrapped around her body and began pulling her towards the doll.

"Doctor!" she cried as the black cavity grew closer and closer. The Doctor charged at the doll, dodging its living hair in the process, and kicked it with his two front legs. The doll stumbled for a bit but let go of Derpy. "Look out!"

The Doctor felt a group of arms wrap around him and throw him into the black cavity. He tried to escape but the fabric inside of the doll bound him in place. It was then that he realized that he had dropped his Sonic Screwdriver outside of the doll.

"Derpy! Get my Sonic Screwdriver!" he called. Derpy saw the Doctor's Screwdriver lying on the floor a few feet away from her. She reached for it and pointed it at the doll.

"What do I do with it?!" she asked. The arms began reaching for her once again.

"Just click the button and pray that something helpful happens!"

Derpy clicked the button and several of the arms became lifeless. Some of the arms even began attacking each other.

From inside the doll, the Doctor heard a familiar voice say, "Enough! You've got the Doctor! Leave his helper and bring him to me!"

The opening in the doll's belly sealed up and the arms retracted, leaving the Doctor in complete darkness. The doll then raced out of the room and towards the stairs. Derpy flew after it.

"I wish I were Rainbow Dash!" she groaned as she chased the doll down the stairs. The Doctor felt like a sock inside of a washing machine. Riding inside of a living doll was far from the most comfortable form of transportation.

"The TARDIS is smoother than this!" the Doctor groaned as the doll jumped the last couple steps. Suddenly, a series of voices rang out from outside the doll.

"Doctor?! Are you here?" called the voice of Twilight Sparkle. Suddenly, the doll came to a halt. Derpy rounded a bend to find the doll in the center of the shop. Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity stood in its way.

"What in tarnation is that?!" exclaimed Applejack.

"Is that a doll?" Rarity asked. The doll growled and Derpy knew that it was about to extend its arms again.

"It's got the Doctor!" Derpy cried. "Be careful! It's dangerous!"

Twilight barely had a second to react as the doll's hair arms flew towards her. The mares scattered. Spike shot a blast of green fire at one of the arms. The doll screamed in agony as one of its arms burned.

"Nice job, Spike!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Thanks! I've been working on that!" Spike boasted.

"Save it for later, guys!" said Rainbow Dash as she pushed them out of the way of another set of arms. Derpy used the Sonic Screwdriver to confuse another set of arms and Twilight shot a magical fireball at the center of the doll. The Doctor felt the fibers around his legs loosening.

"No!" cried the voice from inside the doll. "Bring the Doctor to me! Bring the Doctor and Twilight Sparkle to me!"

The pony doll whinnied like a horse from Earth and charged for Twilight along with its arms. Pinkie Pie jumped over the counter. She had a kitchen knife in her mouth.

"Watch out, Twilight!" she warned as she stabbed the knife into the doll's belly. The Doctor's eyes widened as the blade stopped a few inches from his face. Pinkie brought the knife down, cutting a massive hole in the doll's stomach. The Doctor pulled himself out of the doll and Pinkie helped pull him away from the flailing arms. Twilight shot a fireball into the doll's belly and Spike followed suit with a blast of green fire. The doll screamed as its body began to burn with a mix of orange and green flames. Within seconds, the doll and its arms were nothing but scorched ashes on the shop floor. The Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, and the others were all breathing heavily.

"That was fun," said the Doctor sarcastically.

"I don't think it was," Pinkie replied.

"What the hell was that?!" Rainbow Dash snapped as she flew at the Doctor, coming to a halt a few inches from his face.

"Using the word hell instead of hay now, I see."

"I only do that when I'm really peeved!"

"I'm guessing that this is one of those moments."

"You got it!"

"Listen, I'm just as confused as you are, Ms. Dash."

"Please don't call me Ms. Dash. Rainbow Dash will do just fine."

"Was that a living doll, Doctor?" Derpy asked.

"Looks that way," the Doctor replied.

"I've seen many strange things but ah have to admit that that was definitely one of the top ten," said Applejack.

"I wonder what it wanted," said Fluttershy.

"What it wanted isn't what matters. What its master wanted is what matters," said the Doctor.

"Its master?" Twilight asked.

"While I was inside it, I heard a voice calling out orders to it. From what I can gather, the doll's master wants you and me. And she wants us very badly."

"So it was a she?"

"Yes. The voice sounded oddly familiar though. It was almost as if I've heard it somewhere before."

"We should look into this."


"Now wait just a minute!" Spike snapped. The Doctor, Twilight, and the others looked down at the dragon. "I want to know what exactly happened to Twilight five months ago!"

"Spike," Twilight sighed. She tried to calm him down but it was no use. Spike approached the Doctor and pointed one of his claws towards the Doctor's face.

"Five months ago, you show up out of the clear blue with your strange box. You mutter a bunch of random stuff to me, Twilight, and Princess Luna right before some creature attacks our town looking for you! Twilight runs off to help you and you, her, and your box disappear off the face of the planet! For five months, I was worried about whether or not Twilight was still alive! Princess Luna had to pay consequences for having Twilight disappear under her watch! Then, after five long months, you just randomly show up out of the blue and bring more monsters to our town! I want an explanation now!"

"Spike, it isn't his fault!"

"Even if he isn't completely at fault here, I still want to know what happened! I want to know why that creature attacked us! I want to know where you two went off to for five months! I want to know...why you left with him, Twilight."

Twilight fell silent. That familiar, sickening feeling was bubbling up in her stomach again. Her eyes began watering up. She knelt down to Spike's level and hugged him. Tears were beginning to roll down his and her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Spike! I'm sorry that I disappeared for five months! I didn't mean to! It was just a huge accident!" she cried.

"What happened to you, Twilight?" he asked.

"After I left Sugar Cube Corner, I chased after the Doctor and the creature, which is called a Dalek by the way. I teleported to the library and helped the Doctor inside. The Doctor and I then led the Dalek into the TARDIS, his ship, and defeated it. However, the Dalek had damaged the ship and the ship automatically took us away."

"Where did you go?"

"The Doctor and I-"

Suddenly, a series of screams began emanating from outside. They looked out through the windows of the shop to see ponies running through the streets.

"What's going on?" asked Derpy. The Cakes walked down the stairs and approached the group. Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake were just now waking up.

"What's all the ruckus about?" asked Mrs. Cake. Her eyes then fell upon Twilight. "Twilight! You're back!" She then turned to the Doctor. "It's you."

"We better find out what all the fuss is about," said Applejack.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Rarity.

"I think we all do," said Twilight.