• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 750 Views, 21 Comments

Gilda's Apologies - The Amazing Horse Man

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Flying off in her rage, Gilda constantly let a stream of curses out of her mouth, all lost to the wind. She couldn't believe her old friend had turned into a complete and total dweeb.

She fast and long, but she didn't care, she just flew on, not caring where she went. As long as it was a place she still had a shred of dignity. Not her home, where she got kicked out, not in the griffon homeland, not even her old flight school. She just needed to be away.

After flying for what seemed like centuries, she couldn't flap her wings. Her fatigue growing, she found a soft looking cloud to rest onto. When she hit the downy soft fluff, she lost her consciousness and passed out on the cloud.


Gilda woke up on the softest cloud it felt like, though her head was pounding and was light headed, so she couldn't feel the fluffy sensation her hindquarters was graced to sit on. She looked around. It looked like nothing.

"Good, no ponies or dragons or any creature in Equestria to disturb me while... while I..." The griffoness stumbled. She had no idea what to do. She knew that going back wouldn't work, hell, she didn't even know where she was, let alone how to get back. Where was she?

Being Idle for so long can make your brain go dormant for a while. So she did what a dormant mind does, think. She thought of ideas, how she can get back, where the hell she was, all flying in and out of her mind. Then hunger took over.

As she was a hunter by blood, food was easy to find. You know, if you're not in a Celestia damned desert. Not only was food a problem now, Gilda felt her throat get dried out more and more by the minute. She then realized something she remembered that her father taught her when she not even fully fledged.

"If you're ever in a fix," the disembodied voice of her father said "and you need a little revive, look for any sign of life. Cacti, moss, trees, ivy, it don't matter, you're sure to find a little mouse and some water to boot."

Immediately upon the mirage her consciousness brought up, she was on the look out for a cactus or two. Upon finding the prickly water jug, she sliced it with a talon, and picked it up the pricks not penetrating her thick skin.

She brought plant to her lips and downed any liquid that was in there, satisfying her thirst. When she put down the prickly plant, she was uprooting the bottom half. For another swig of the satisfying liquid, when she noticed a lone kangaroo rat, paralyzed with fear at the sight of the large griffoness. Gilda downed the last swig with a satisfied sigh. Now looking down at the mouse, who seemed to be surrendering his life, knowing he would just impede the inevitable by struggling. She picked up the poor creature by the tail. Gilda heard light, organized speaks, as if the mouse was reciting a prayer.

The larger of the two looked the other over. Just as the mouse thought his small life was over, he felt firm sand beneath his rodent feet. He looked up at Gilda, who returned a friendly smile, and a prickly plant in one talon. She began to hum a tune and walked away seemingly enjoying the tough, prickly cactaceae.


After wandering the desert for a while now, Gilda could've sworn she saw what appeared to be a small village, upon getting closer and closer she noticed the terrain get a lot differnet. It was now grassy, with trees that bore red, yellow, green, and orange fruits. It was all too familiar.

Getting closer and closer she noticed this place seemed remarkably familiar.

Upon coming to the city limits, the griffoness was greeted by a far too perky:
