• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 369 Views, 1 Comments

The Prefect Shot. - The Sumareian

Photo Finish hears rumors of a once in a millennium occurance 'The Blue Sunrise . And she is determind to be the first pony to not only capture it on film, but to "Capture the magics, of nature."

  • ...


Pathfinder looked over his assignment once more then at his pack, he smiled at his rather small pack which held all the equipment and food he would need for the expedition. he only hoped that this Photo Finish wasn't one one of those bring half her mansion type of ponies. he glanced at the now rising sun.

Oh good I still have a few hours before we meet at the train station. he glanced around his small apartment, considering he was hardly in it long enough to get it dirty he checked that of his list of time killing activities which left only two. He choose the more entertaining of the two and whistled for Ember.

"Come on off to Glooms house." he smiled remembering the last time he beat her to her morning coffee, she still didn't for give him for setting up that pit trap just outside her room, even after her paid for the repairs himself. He remembered how this prank war started with the gray filly stealing a piece of bubble gum when they were younger, and the escalation from then on.


Pathfinder smiled from inside the mares closet, this time he really out did himself, flipping open his fathers old pocket watch he watched it tick away to exactly seven forty five. He yanked on the rope that dangled next to his head, and watched as the mares bed shot upright and dumped the screaming unicorn down a trapdoor, through the series of metal chutes installed on a half planed future prank.

He waited for the dull thud that came from the kitchen and waited.

"Pathfinder!" The mare yelled out at the top of her lungs.

Wasting no time he quickly trotted to the kitchen, there at the table sat a rather angry mare with a steaming mug of coffee and the news paper.

"Rough morning?" he smiled jokingly as he looked to the other end of the table and noticed a rather important peice of his prank was missing. "Wait. Wheres Ember?"

Gloom smiled menacingly as she took a sip of her coffee. before saying. " Go find Path."

Pathfinder was blindsided by the dog and collapsed to the floor. Ember then began furiously licking his face.

"Never mess with a mare before she gets her coffee or next time, it wont be Ember blindsiding you." She took another sip before adopting a more cheery smile. "So what brings you over?"

Pathfinder gently pushed the dog of his side, before standing. "I was wondering If you could watch Ember for about.. oh a week."

The mare stared at him them to Ember, and then to the orange tabby that decided to make itself known as it hopped on the table.

"Come on Gloom, Tangy could use the company, I mean look at her shes so lonely when your away and so is Ember when I'm."

"Sure why not." Gloom shrugged, "but this means when my granny visits it's your job to carry all her bags." she smiled.

"Your granny, Glowsprite or...." The stallion felt a shiver from the mares impassive stare. "Oh, Granny Tatianna." He felt his back hurt from the last time she visited her " Little storm cloud, and her coltfriend dirt clod."

She had the nerve to think that I would have her as my special somepony. Pathfinder glanced at the mare and suspected a very similar thought was crossing her mind.

"Well" Pathfinder tapped his hooves on the ground nervously, hoping that an awkward silence could be avoided. "I better get going, That Photo Finish lady will probably be at the train station. So... See you in a week."

Gloom stared at him then Ember then the cat, the one thing that both ponies in the room know or at least thought was.What have I got myself into.


"Careful, you don't want to crack the lens, you there fetch me another glass of water."

Pathfinder trotted up to see the train depot abuzz with activity, as ponies went to and fro with boxes and trunks.

"Uh... Ms. Finish, you did read the travel contract right?" Path finder watched as two stallion carried a massive trunk.

"Yes what about it?" The mare turned and fixed her gaze on him.

"It says bring the essentials and as little weight as possible," He looked at the train car and say that it was close to bursting.

"Ma'm were all done loading the first car, and if we hurry we will be done with the other three in about twenty minutes." A mare trotted up. Pathfinder looked at her bright orange coat and her strange green and brown, jumpsuit, if it could even be called that. "Is this the one we were to be expecting for the modeling job next week ma'm?" she pointed her hoof at him.

"No, this is that explorer pony who's taking me to the thing at the place." The posh mare dismissively waved her hoof at him.

"You mean Mt. Prudence, for the Blue sunrise." Pathfinder corrected her. only hearing a huff from the photographer.

"Pearl, deal with him. I Photo Finish must, be away from this dirty, boarding ramp." The blue mare trotted to the train where a pair of large stallions opened the car door to let her inside.

"Don't worry to much. Most of this is going back to her studio in Manehattan. The name is Pearl its a pleasure to meet you.." The mare extended her hoof forward.

"Pathfinder, I take it you are the pony who actually read the contract and all the related fluff?" He shook the mares hoof gently.

"Yes, indeed I did. I couldn't help but notice that your itinerary has the trip scheduled for six days?" The mare looked down at her clipboard with a slight amount of concern.

"You do know how these magical events happen right? Who knows exactly when its going to happen, as I planned to be there at the mountain for two days rather then one in case we miss it." Pathfinder rattled of his somewhat rehearsed response to this question.

Pearl flipped through the clipboard once more. "And your background in the Equestria rangers, I believe it goes without saying that we hope those skills wont be necessary."

" You never know when you going to get mauled by a pack of timber wolves, especially in my line of work. Besides I know the Everfree like the back of my hoof." He hooked his foreleg around her shoulders and pointed to the distant town of Ponyville, before appraising his hoof. "Oh that's new."

Just as Pathfinder was about to address the new chip in his hoof the trains whistle blew, and the platform started to fill with steam.

"All aboard."

Both ponies perked at the conductors call. They looked at each other then the train, before both of them charged towards it.

"Hey wait up." Pathfinder called out as he followed her aboard the train and into the passenger car.