• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,370 Views, 16 Comments

A Day in the Life - ADRNEL

A series of short stories that take place over a single 24-hour period.

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00:00~After Midnight~ (Luna)


Midnight, the start of a new day. But for a certain alicorn princess, it is the halfway point of the day.

Princess Luna is walking down the castle hallways byherself, having just finished what little paperwork she was given. Seeing as most of Equestria's citizens are asleep during her shift, there is not that many proplems or work to do compared to her sister.

"Sometimes I wish my sister would give me some of the paperwork to relieve her of any stress, but she always insists on doing it herself." thought Luna, sighing to herself.

The castle was mostly quiet, most of the staff, except for her guards, have left for the night to get their rest. Luna is used to the eerie silence of the castle at night. After seeing a wall clock read midnight, Luna decides that it is a perfect time for lunch.

Luna walks into the kitchen to find it devoid of ponies, as usual for this hour. All the chefs have left a few hours ago to get their sleep, so for lunch, Luna usually has to settle for whatever the chefs made for her before leaving. Luna opens the refrigerator to find a plate of food covered under a cloche with her royal seal etched onto it. Luna happily picks it up and takes it to the large dinning hall.

For the sisters, lunch is the only meal of the day where they eat alone, usually because one is asleep while the other is awake. Luna lifts the cloche to reveal a dandelion sandwich, the usual meal.

"Great! Another sandwich, how did they know?" sarcastically thought Luna.

Luna then eats her sandwich in peace, byherself, in the dinning room.

Half hour later, Luna decides to find something to do for the next remaining six hours of her shift. While walking she overhears two of her guards having a conversation around the corner from her. Luna, having nothing better to do, decides to listen in on them.

Two unicorn royal guards are talking about their day, their jobs, and strangely, Princess Celestia.

"Sometimes I hate working for her!" complained a guard, he has a white coat.

"Really? Why?" asked the other guard who has a greyish coat.

"Because she sometimes likes to pull pranks on us!" continued the white-coated guard. "Just this afternoon, she made me go on a snipe hunt by making me find a ID-10-T form and ordered several of my co-workers to play along!"

"Oh yeah," said the grey-coated guard. "She made me do the same thing during my first week." he said nostalgically.

"I was searching for three hours before I realized what was going on, I told her highness about it and all she did was laugh!" continued the white-coated guard, still complaining.

"Calm down, she's the hardest working pony in Equestria, I think she does that to relieve some stress and take a break from the monotony." said the grey-coated guard, calming his friend down. "Come on, it's past midnight, out shifts are over, let's go back to the barracks and rest." he offered.

The white-coated guard agrees and the two walk off together.

Once she's sure that the guards are gone, Luna continues on her walk inside the castle, fondly remembering the countless snipe hunts Celestia got her in during her life. Her favorite one would have to be the search for the "Tartan paint".

She then ends up back in her chambers, looking for something to do. After looking around her chambers, she decides to step into the balcony that overlooks the castle grounds and across from Celestia's tower and chambers. Luna looks out to the opposing tower to see her chamber shrouded in darkness.

"I wonder what my sister is dreaming about?" wondered Luna. She would love to use her magic to enter her dreams, but is afraid of what she would encounter in there. Most of Celestia's dreams are either about her insecurities, cake, or her royal plot, mostly her insecurities.

Luna then hears the clock in her room chime 1 o'clock.

"Great! Just five more hours to go." thought Luna. Luckily, she's used to the boredom of the night shift and routine. But tonight, the boredom was even worse than usual.

"Ugh, nothing happens during the night!" complained Luna in her thoughts. "Why can't my sister give me some of her work and duties?" she thought rhetorically.

Celestia always insisted on doing everything herself or at least be informed of everything and anything that goes on within Equestria's borders. Lately, Luna has noticed the amount of paperwork that Celestia does increasing with every year. When they both started ruling, there was enough paperwork to fill up only two carts and both did an equal share, but now that number has increased 10-fold with Celestia doing almost all of it byherself.

Luna looks around her room, she can't play loud music, or else risk waking her sister up. She learned that hard way that a sleep depraived Celestia would cause as much chaos as Discord, but with more pranks and games.

Over 2,000 years, that's how long Celestia has ruled Equestria, but it can't last forever. Alicorns may be practiaclly immortal, but they can still die, although not by natural means anyways, but even unnaturally it is extremely difficult. Luna was banished to the Moon for half of those years.

Luna's thoughts continue to wander as she now lays on her bed, alone with only several of her guards protecting the castle and her sister.

Her train of thought is then derailed when somepony knocks on the door. "Enter!" said Luna to the door. A unicorn stallion walks in holding a ream of documents with his magic. "Paperwork for your highness." announced the unicorn, an advisor, as he places the documents on Luna's desk. The unicorn then softly bows and walks off.

Luna walks over to her desk to see the stack of documents to find a note on top of the stack.

In case you were board.
Your sister, Celestia

Luna just smiles, Thank you sis. she says in her head. Happy that she now has someting to do for the remaning five hours of her day.


Author's Note:

My first multi-chapter story.

Like always, comments and PRODUCTIVE critisisim is welcomed.

Next Story: Pinkie Pie makes a late night snack.