• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,106 Views, 36 Comments

The last one standing. (Edited Edition) - foppp

One died doing what she loved. The next two died with the one they loved. The fourth took her own life out of insanity. And the fith died with her nation. But which is the last one standing?

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The fourth

She was alway awkward around ponies. Not so much around us, but they still made her uncomfortable.
The loss of our three friends had worn down hard on the three that were left.
We all had our different ways of coping with it, and hers was isolation.
She would disapear into the Everfree forest for whole days, sometimes weeks.
The ones of us that were left decided that we couldn't afford to loose another friend. Though we hated to deny her privacy, we thought she was going to take her own life out of despair.
We followed her, not bothering with theaterics about the forest. I think some of us wished for some ancient monster to come and attack us.
Anyway, we followed her to a cystal clear waterfall that none of us had ever seen. She was laying on the bank, her back to us. We could here soft sobbing sounds coming from her delicate body.
We didn't know weather to wake her or not, so we watched for a second. Then she got into the lake that waterfall was flowing into, thankfully she kept her back to us long enough for us to hide behind various trees.
Her face was streaked with tears, and she had lost her gental glow.
She swam for a moment, peacefully, but sadly.
Then one of us stepped on a branch as we turned to go, but she saw us, and screamed.
We all put of hooves over our mouths as soon as the sound escaped her lips. We herd it echo through the quiet trees, and we all prayed that nothing- nopony, had heard it. We didn't dare move for fear of causing more noise. Besides, animals like to chase things, don't they? It sickened me that they viewed us as nothing mre then a bunch of chew toys.
A wolf I guess it must have been, it reminded me of fire. Its fur was red, but seemed to be lined with gold so that whenever it moved it gave the impression of a flame.
It wasn't very large, barely bigger than one of us, but it could easily take a pony whole.
The same thought seemed to be rushing through her mind.
The wolf stood there and panted at us. We stared back, but with alot less confidence.
Then it pounced, we dodged it as best we could, but it took a bite of my foreleg. I still have the scars.
I moaned like a child, helpless on the ground. My vision became blurry, but I could still see her.
She was talking to it.
Neither loked happy. I will never be able to understand what they said to each other, but I have an idea. For the next and last sight I ever saw of her, was that fire beast dragging her away.
We never saw her or that wolf again, no one has.
She died for her firends.
Fluttershy was the fourth to go.