• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,504 Views, 10 Comments

Grasslands - PseudoFiction

What is the greater sin; disobedience or desecration?

  • ...


It had taken Celestia a good five minutes to acclimatise, and that alone was reason to worry. While the Covenant preferred dim chambers with soft tinted lighting, ponies could not claim to be accustomed to such a setting. And for several moments after boarding the might starship, Sanctum, Celestia had moved uncharacteristically slowly as she was blind in the dim halls of the supercarrier.

Once able to see, Celestia had to force her heart to calm as she became painfully aware of her vertigo. She was in essence standing on an alien platform several thousand hooves above Ponyville. Normally she’d fly such heights on her own power, or on her chariot. But her royal carriage was enchanted by court mages and drawn by her most trusted Royal Guard. In essence, she was currently at the mercy of alien pilots and technology, and that thought was a little wracking on the nerves.

While contact with a race from beyond Equestria’s sky was nice to break up the centuries of ruling in monotony, the situation was still disconcerting. Celestia had more than once held the fate of the world in her own hooves, and this was no different. She would either succeed, or she would fail. And if she failed, it wasn’t as if there would be anypony left alive to yell at her.

The alicorn could ignore the dim corridors of the Sanctum. She could shrug off the discomfort of being at the mercy of Covenant technology... but she could not muffle the nagging notion that perhaps allowing the Covenant sanctuary in Equestria was a mistake.

A mistake that could well bring about the aforementioned end of everything she knew and loved.

It was not their great feats of technology, or their culture and religious beliefs that she did not fully understand. It was what they were. Everything about the Covenant seemed... hostile.

From their ships, down to their armour. Their physiology. Their customs. The commander of the fleet orbiting Equus had ensured her the fleet was an exploration mission. Yet every ship and crewmember she had seen was shielded and armed to the teeth.

Finally there were the Sangheili. At the top of the Covenant hierarchy, the Sangheili seemed the most hostile of all. Everything about their appearance, about how they carried themselves, spoke and react oozed conflict. They were a race bred for combat, tempered for war.

And that above all things worried Celestia.

“The commander will see you now.”

The gruff tones of the Sangheili’s voice dragged the alicorn out of her thoughts. Turning her head the princess met the eye of one of the guarding warriors. While she was tall for a pony, the Sangheili were taller still by at least a good few hooves. The armour clad alien stood straight and to attention. He held out a hand, waving it in front of the door under his charge. Reacting immediately, the soft lights around the frame of the bulkhead flashed a few times before the doorway opened up. The various segments slid away into the walls revealing the chamber beyond.

Her hooves sounded hollow on the alloy floor as she gingerly stepped past the guards that stood like pillars on either end of the bulkhead. Ensuring not to let any of her tentative feelings breach her veil of calm, the alicorn took a quick look around the new chamber as the doors slid shut behind her.

Before her were a set of plush cushions cocooned in exotic silks in various muted colours. Among them was a low table, perched atop it a typical Ponyville craft tea set with steam escaping the bulbous teapot printed with hoof-painted flowers. To the far wall was a long tinted window, giving the sky outside a pinkish-hue as the sun blazed down on the sleek hull of the Sanctum.

Standing by the window gazing out over the far off mountains was a Sangheili figure. Supreme Commander Gait ‘Vadamee was not unfamiliar to Celestia. Even if he wore the standard garb of a Sangheili warrior, the princes would still be able to tell him apart. It wasn’t that he was visually distinctive. There was just something of a civilised air about him. He had the habit of remaining upright, barely opting the slouched posture most warriors carried themselves with. He kept his hands clasped stiffly at the back of his waist and moved with rigid attention.

Looking over his shoulder, the commander gave a nod before approaching, the long purple and crimson cloak draped over his armoured shoulders rippling like liquid mercury in his wake. On two legs Celestia expected the Sangheili to move in an ungainly fashion, but the supreme commander moved with a liquid grace march.

“Princess Celestia. I heard you wished to speak with me.” The smiling commander held out his arms as if to embrace the princess in a friendly hug.

The gesture did nothing to soften Celestia’s stern gaze. Without so much as a friendly greeting, the tall mare marched past the Sangheili commander and inspected the tea set laid out over the table. She caught the hint cinnamon in the steam, remembering one of Zecora’s masterful brews.

“The Covenant are guests in Equestria by my graces, commander.” Celestia began, recognising the tone of voice she had taken on last when her student, Twilight Sparkle had thrown Ponyville into chaos with a ‘want-it-need-it’ spell. “The Forerunner temples buried in the Everfree Forest are an integral part of your culture and religion, and I appreciate this enough to allow you to inhabit Ponyville airspace and land your people and equipment in the Everfree dig-site.” Lifting her glare, the princess of the sun rounded on the Sangheili nearly causing him to take a cautions step backwards. “However, recently I couldn’t help notice you have deployed troops deeper into my nation.” She added more angry now.

Coughing into a fist, the Sangheili gave a graceful nod. “Security teams are necessary to secure the archaeological-...”

“Do not think me a fool, commander.” Celestia interrupted. “The Everfree dig-site does not extend to my castle’s doorstep. You have hunter-killer troops actively manoeuvring throughout Equestria’s countryside. Without my permission, might I add?”

Another clear of ‘Vadamee’s throat. “These teams are merely patrolling to ensure the safety of your ponies, princess. You have my word.”

“I do, do I?” Celestia snapped.

Gait ‘Vadamee sighed. Clearly it was impossible to pull the wool over the pony’s eyes. So he would have to cut his losses and face the music like a true warrior. Honest and true. “I have not been entirely truthful with you, Princess Celestia.” He said slowly as he turned away and walked over to the window.

“When have you ever?”

The commander saw his reflection flinch. When he was but a boy he was raised in the family keep’s common rooms by several mothers. And Celestia’s stern side reminded him of all six.

“I only chose to keep this from you to save your worrying. I assure you, I merely have Equestria’s best interests in mind.” Turning back to the princess, the Sangheili gave her a concerned look. “We have been monitoring the other nations that surround Equestria from orbit, and their activities worry us. A civil war amongst the dragons. An uprising in the griffin nation has already plummeted their land into total anarchy. I do not wish to see your ponies befall any ill fate.”

Celestia’s expression softened as she noted the genuine concern in the sangheili’s voice – a feat she thought was impossible. “I appreciate the sentiment commander;” Celestia said as the typical motherly warmth crept back into her voice. “However I can handle the political turmoil of my neighbours myself. We do not want to escalate matters by mobilising armed forces and coming across as a threat.”

“Very well.” Gait ‘Vadamee gave a firm nod. “Allow us to keep twelve teams on the ground to secure the Ponyville and Canterlot regions in case of a surprise attack.”

“Judging by the size of your teams; four, I believe would be sufficient to secure the Everfree Forest.” Celestia suggested. “And they will be supervised by my own Royal Guard. They know the terrain better and their guidance would certainly prove invaluable in the field.”

“You are a wise leader and a marvellous tactician, Princess Celestia.” The supreme commander chuckled, spreading on praise in thick layers. “Very well! I agree to this course of action and will make it so. But please, princess. Let us take this conversation away from such grim matters. Won’t you join me? I find Equestria’s tea quite to my liking.”

Turning her head, Celestia inspected the tea set for a moment, wondering if she could stomach such a social event. “I do not mean to be rude, commander, but I have duties to attend to.”

“Of course.” The Sangheili gave what Celestia assumed as a disappointed sigh. “Allow me to get straight to business then. I appreciate the assistance your student has loaned my people in retrieving artefacts and studying the Forerunner ruins. However, I would like to assign a specialist to accompany her.”

“What for?”

“To prepare young Miss Sparkle. You must understand, these ruins are holy ground to my people and certain,” – he paused, trying to find the right word – “Ah... procedures must be enacted before stumbling through them.”

Celestia gave an understanding smile. The first glimmer of a truly friendly gesture since she came aboard the Sanctum. “I understand, commander. And I am sure Twilight Sparkle would appreciate the chance to learn more about your people. However, I am uneasy with the prospect of my student spending time with warriors.”

The commander’s turn to give an understanding smile, and he did it with a similarly gentle grace as he held up a hand. “Not to worry, princess. She will not by accompanied a warrior.” Turning to a door on the opposite end of the chamber, the supreme commander of the Covenant fleet orbiting Equus gave the universal sigh for follow.

Together the princess and the military commander passed through a bulkhead identical to the previous. Beyond was no chamber, but another hallway.

And standing before them was a Sangheili unlike any Princess Celestia had met thus far.

Compared to the rigid musculature of the males, this Sangheili had softer, defter curves in every aspect of her body. A slender neck, elegant shoulders, soft curves at the chest with a sleek waist that curved out to her elegant hips. Unlike the bald males, the female had a plume-like mane, each strand of hair thick but silky – almost like extremely pliable feathers. The plumage was the colour of still, clean lagoon water, and was brushed back into elegant waves cascading down past her shoulders.

She was dressed in conventional garb. Typically not used to wearing clothes and definitely not an authority on the subject, Celestia had to assume the black tunic hugging her elegant figure would best be described as flattering. It made sure to cover torso and her hips, but beyond that the rest of her ashy-grey skin was left on full display. Her hooves were covered in a set of boots similar to those Commander ‘Vadamee wore, but coloured pale blue with the armour plating buckled up over her shins and calves.

Splayed out before her was a glittering display of lights and lasers. A deep purple sphere of light that reminded Celestia of Twilight Sparkle’s magical glow rested perfectly stationary in the alien’s hands. A second larger flaring ball of bright yellow light slowly circled on a diagonal orbit, followed by a smaller pale orb of light circling on a separate path.

It took her a good few seconds to realise she was looking at an artificial scaled representation of her own sun, Luna’s moon and Equus resting in the Sangheili’s hands.

And then the light faded as she clapped her hands together. The orbs and floating symbols shrank rapidly and blinked out of existence leaving only a small red and purple hued gem with a smooth finish in the palm of her hand.

How the technology worked was a mystery to the princess. Though Celestia could of course conjure drawing materials out of thin air using her magic which was equally mysterious to any member of the Covenant. Were their roles reversed, the alicorn imagined the Sangheili would have been in similar awe.

Tucking the gem into the satchel strung over her shoulder, the Sangheili female shifted her eyes sideways and noted the newcomers. Turning to face them she suddenly realised she was in the presence of a commander and a princess, the girl placed a hand over her chest and bowed elegantly.

“Princess Celestia.” Supreme Commander ‘Vadamee introduced. “I would like you to meet-...”


Hi, my name is...
“... Junior Priestess Neyla Itazura Zan’am ‘Irairesi.” Princess Celestia introduced with near perfect pronunciation.

Standing in the Ponyville library with other brightly coloured ponies and a purple dragon, Neyla couldn’t help but give an impressed nod. The princess held her head aloft proudly as she turned to the other ponies in the room.

Celestia had to admit Neyla was rather pleasant. She wondered if it had anything to do with the priestess being the first member of the Covenant she had met who wasn’t an armour-clad muscle-bound warrior. Regardless, Neyla was polite, courteous and patient. In all while she didn’t really know the priestess, Celestia still had no qualms leaving Neyla with her faithful subject and her friends.

With them were the Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle and her five distinct friends stepped closer and bowed respectfully for both the princess and the alien priestess.

“Mighty nice ‘ta meet ‘ya... uh...” Applejack paused, considering if she should even bother trying to pronounce that name. Figuring it was best to keep it simple, she quickly added: “Ma’am.”

Pinkie Pie on the other hand either didn’t care, or simply didn’t know any better. “Wow! That is one crazy name, Junior Priestess Neyla Itazuzu Zangief Irritablissy!” she squeaked popping up in front of the Stetson-wearing pony. “Is there a short way of saying your name, because Junior Priestess Noolie Ipazeezee Zourcrout Irentisdue really is a mouthful! I mean, how crazy would it be if I needed to ask you something and was all like; ‘Hey, Junior Priestess Nookie Pazuzu Zambambo Ireally, are you gonna eat that pretzel?’ Because that would be so totally awkward, and I prefer keeping stuff un-awkward – if that’s even a word – sometimes I don’t know because I talk so fast that I just come up with words and I have to ask ‘is that really a word?’ but I can’t tell because I’m already coming up with more words that don’t make sense, speaking of funny words did you know that kumquat is a really funny wor-...”

“Pinkie Pie!” Twilight cried halting the pink pony’s insane ramble.

At the same time Neyla gave Celestia a confused look, having not followed any of that. The princess on the other hand smiled and shook her head, as if to say ‘don’t bother.’

“What?” Pinkie Pie defended herself cheerfully from Twilight Sparkle. “I was just checking if she was going to eat that pretzel.” Seemingly out of thin air, Pinkie held up a hoof that held a massive pretzel. Twilight’s eye just twitched confoundedly as Pinkie Pie opened her mouth wide and chomped the snack down in one go, spraying the library with crumbs.

Sighing, the lean purple and green scaled dragon picked up the nearest broom and swept his way over the floor.

Watching him scoot past, Neyla lowered her voice and leaned over to Princess Celestia. “Is the pink one some sort of sorceress?”

“No, she just... uh... you get used to it.” Celestia chuckled warmly, eliciting a small smile from the confused Sangheili priestess. The alicorn quickly stepped over to the shorter ponies, introducing them one at a time. “Neyla, I would like you to meet the Elements of Harmony. This is Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, elements of magic, honesty, generosity and loyalty. This is the element of kindness, Fluttershy. And you should be intimately familiar with Pinkie Pie by now, the element of laughter.”

“Laughter. That makes sense.” Neyla commented, and Pinkie Pie gave a big, cheesy smile.

There was a loud aherm that drew Neyla’s eyes across the library to the tall reptilian among them. Standing on two legs like her, he had a skinny build and stood about the same height as the other ponies. he was only taller by the great spongy green vanes over the top of his head like some sort of forward-swept plume.

“Ah – and let’s not forget Twilight’s number one assistant, Spike.” Celestia quickly added.

“Hi-...” Spike tried to say, but as he waved his voice broke and it came out extremely high pitched. “Aherm. I mean, hi.” He quickly added, crossing his arms and deepening his voice in a desperate attempt to look more masculine.

As the only cyan Pegasus in the group laughed and picked at the reptilian’s feeble attempts to cover his breaking voice, Celestia continued: “Twilight, Neyla will prepare you before entering the Forerunner ruins. In the meantime, she is here to learn more about Equestria, as you are to learn about the Covenant and its people. She will be in your charge for the duration of her stay in Ponyville”

“I am sure your student is perfectly capable, princess.” Neyla assured graciously before bowing deeply to the six ponies. “I have read much of the exploits of the Elements of Harmony. You are all certainly worthy of your names.” She informed.

Pinkie Pie giggled unknowingly. “Of course we’re worthy of our names, silly-filly! If we weren’t, then we wouldn’t have names. Gasp.” – she jolted, nearly launching herself through the ceiling – “But if I didn’t have a name, nopony would know I was Pinkie Pie! Then where would ponies go for their parties!?”

Twilight Sparkle on the other hand knew exactly what Neyla meant with her comment. “Pinkie Pie, in Sangheili culture you need to earn your name. Being worthy of one is a big deal.”


Neyla gave a light chuckle. “Do not worry, Pinkie Pie. I am sure that without a name ponies would still be able to find you.”

It seemed the Sangheili had a sense of humour at least. That would certainly help make things less awkward, especially around Pinkie’s antics. Twilight gave a relieved smile, before giving Celestia a reassuring look. They might be okay.

Turning her head, Neyla noted the one called Rarity was eying her over, particularly the Sangheili’s tunic. Neyla knew the unicorn was a fashion designer by trade, and wondered if she was studying her, or her clothes. Either way, Neyla felt the need to explain her presentation.

“I apologise for my appearance.” Neyla said a little shyly indicating her garb. “My possessions were destroyed in an accident prior to our arrival. All I have is my casual wear.

“Casual wear? Is that what it is? How… lovely.” Rarity squeaked, stopping herself from passing out. Casual wear was not how Rarity would have described the rags, but minding her manners the unicorn held her tongue. She had no idea if the priestess would take offence. “If you like, I could make you something to wear. In fact, it would be my pleasure to fashion you a new wardrobe while you’re staying with us.”

Neyla gave a smile. “That is kind of you. What females serve aboard the Sanctum are all in combat support units. They don armour, and have no clothes to loan.”

“Don’t worry, dear. We’ll have you turning heads in no time.” The brilliant white unicorn assured her. “I’ll take a look at Twilight’s notes about Sangheili culture and I’ll be able to figure out what might be fashionable for your people from there. Then we’ll just need some measurements and templates-…”

Applejack quickly cleared her throat, piping in. “Rarity, ya’ll do know she’s here ta’ explore them there ruins in the Everfree Forest, right? Ah don’t think she’ll have much use ‘fer one o’ ‘yer froo-froo gowns.”

“Applejack, I find your lack of faith disturbing.” Rarity retorted like the earth-pony had stomped on her hooves. “Just because I can make her look fabulous, doesn’t mean I won’t take practicality into account!

“Come-come, dear.” Rarity quickly cantered over and around the Sangheili to get a better look at the intricacies of her build. “Let’s get your measurements and sketch out a few rough templates. We’ll have you out of those rags before you can say: Français Couture.”

Fr-... fr-rraaaah-... un-ca... c-cou...” Neyla sighed, giving up after only a single botched attempt as she was pulled aside by the fashionista.

Grinning at the sight of Rarity conjuring a measuring tape – and Neyla watching in fascinated awe as she was measured by the pony – Celestia leaned down to Twilight Sparkle. “It seems she will be in good hands then.”

“We know this is an important diplomatic mission. We’ll make sure she’s comfortable, princess.” Twilight assured. “And I’ll make sure to learn everything I can about Neyla and her people.” – Spike grinned, holding up his ever ready quill and scroll – “You can count on us.”

“I know, Twilight.” Celestia nodded firmly before taking her leave. “I always can.”