• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 3,355 Views, 112 Comments

Always There - LuigiBoy781

This is a story, a story which tells of one human and his siblings sent to Equestria, and the many complications of love.

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Chapter 2: A Romantic Hangout

Chapter 2: A Romantic Hangout

Aden walked through the park as he searched for a certain pony, aptly named, Rainbow Dash. After scanning just about everypony he saw, Aden decided to wait at their usual meeting spot, under a big oak tree. It was the ideal spot to relax, and was coincidently placed right next to an open field which was the perfect area for flying. Aden started to approach the oak tree expecting to see Rainbow either sleeping or just simply waiting for him. But once he finally approached he didn't see Rainbow anywhere. So thinking she was on the other side he slowly crept around the tree, then "BOO!" he yelled. But nopony was there, so he went out from under the tree to look for her.

Where is she, Rainbow's never late for a hangout, Aden said as he searched the empty fields of the park. He stood there thinking where Rainbow could've gone to.

Oh this is going to be sweet. Rainbow thought with a sly look. She soon bucked the dark cloud as hard as she could. "CRASH!" the cloud boomed releasing lightning right next to him.

"AH!" Aden screamed in terror as the sound made him jump. But was soon given a sign of relief as he saw a familiar pegasus with her arms flailing uncontrollably in the air as she laughed.

"I got you so good. You should've seen the look on your face" Rainbow said while laughing.

Aden gave her a serious look, but couldn't help but laugh with her.

"So are we just going stand here and do nothing or are we gonna start flying?" Rainbow asked as she slowly floated to the ground.

"Only if up for it" Aden replied with a competitive grin, they both took that as the starting pistol, Rainbow Dash took off with Aden right behind her, making the leaves of the oak tree shake violently. Rainbow Dash and Aden were flying around the open air showing each other their own stunts. Groups of ponies that were amazed by their stunts stayed to watch as if they were real performers. Group after group they soon had a bid crowd of ponies watching them awe. Looking to the bunch of ponies on the ground Aden's face brightened as he had an idea in mind.

"Looks like we got ourselves a crowd, Rainbow." He said while pointing to the now growing group of ponies.

"Wow." Rainbow said in amazement as she now noticed the huge audience below.

"I have an idea." Aden said to Rainbow as he flew closer to the ground. "Do you guys want to see a real a show?" he yelled at the group as he looked back at an awestruck Rainbow Dash. He then heard screams and shouts from the crowd.

"All right! Now if you'll give me a moment." He flew back to Rainbow with a face of accomplishment.

"What the HAY was that for Aden!" She yelled in disbelief of what he just did.

"Oh, just taking a beautiful opportunity to show them our stuff. You did say you wanted to do this." Aden said with a smirk.

"Yeah! With the Wonderbolts! Besides we don't even have a routine." Rainbow complained.

"Just let your body go with the wind, and you'll find something amazing happen." Aden said re-stating what Rainbow Dash had told him, all those months before.

"Besides if you mess up I'll be there for you." Aden said sincerely.

Rainbow smiled at Aden, and soon they took off zooming through the air as the re-perform their stunts in a routine like matter. They did all kinds of tricks, from loop de loops to the craziest of nosedives. The crowd screamed and cheered their as they performed. Approaching to what seemed like the finale, Aden gave rainbow a sign of approval.

Rainbow and Aden then turned around speeding in the direction of the other. The crowd watched in anticipation as they continued on their collision course. Then at the last moment, "BOOOM!" The sound echoed as the crowd became blinded by the incredible light that spread across the sky. As the wave of light spread Aden and Rainbow Dash sped back to the ground as they left a picture in the sky. It was a capital "A" for Aden, and Rainbow's trademark lightning bolt behind the A. As the audience regained their vision they saw them with their icons behind them with a still spreading rainbow wave.
The ponies cheered and screamed as the show ending with Aden and Rainbow waving to their viewers.

"Thank you everypony for coming. We hope to see you again soon." Rainbow said with a triumphant smile. Both Rainbow and Aden turned around to congratulate each other, but stopped as their noses touched. Their faces inches away from each other, they gazed into each others eyes as if in a trance.

"Oh,um sorry about that" Aden reacted by looking down into the ground in embarrassment.

"N-no that was my mistake...um" they backed up while apologizing to one another as their faces grew red. H-He was so close to my face. Rainbow said nervously in deep thought.

Aden tried thinking of what to do next. Okay what do you do next Aden. He thought while Rainbow was still looking away. Come on Rainbow, say something, do something! Rainbow screamed in her mind. But was soon as Aden decided to make the first move.

"Well," Aden started as the group of ponies dispersed. "good job Rainbow." He said trying to lighten up the mood.

Rainbow was caught off guard. "Y-Yeah," she said as her thoughts were interrupted.

"I guess were done for today." Aden said as him and Rainbow started to walk down the dirt road.

As they walked down the empty roads of Ponyville, Rainbow decided to start a conversation to get her mind off the recent event.

"Hey Aden?" Rainbow said as she continued to walk.

"Yeah?" Aden replied turning around.

"How did you and your siblings come to Equestria?" Thinking back he tried to recall if he ever told her the story.

"I never told you that story?" Aden asked to see if she knew anything about it.

"Well, Twilight told me a little, but I want to know the full story." Rainbow asked as the sun started to set, casting a radiant orange glow off of her coat.

"Fine, I'll tell you." Aden gave in as he let her beauty get the best of him. With a smile they kept walking as Aden told the story.

"My family was a happy one, just like any other family." Aden started as he thought of his childhood memories. Seeing him and his siblings all playing together, the thought made him smile.

But that smile soon disappeared as he remembered the terrible things in his life. "But the world we lived in was harsh, cruel, and unforgiving," Aden continued as Rainbow gave him a concerned look. "Everyday was a struggle, we tried to make the good times last." Aden said as he started to shake.

"Soon my parent got a divorce due to money issues." Aden continued. "But as we were facing the fact that we would be kicked out of our own home." Aden said as he looked to the ground. "H-he had to leave us." Aden said as a tear fell on the ground.

Worried, Rainbow asked. "W-Who left you." Recalling the hated memories of his once beloved father, Aden simply looked away from her, trying to hide his pain before responding. "My dad." Rainbow's face filled with shock at the news. "HE left us to find someone who would make him happy! He though that he could just leave us, thinking that we would be okay without him!" He yelled in his fit of rage, Rainbow did nothing, letting him vent his anger as she stood there listening intently

He paused to catch his breath. "That inconsiderate bastard!" Aden yelled as he picked up rock in his hoof and threw it.

"Aden...I-" Rainbow tried to comfort him, but was cut off by Aden as he continued his tale.

"We were left on the streets, all of our possessions were gone, stolen from us. They gave us nothing." Aden said angrily. "We stayed at our relative's house, with our cousins." He said bluntly. "They were moving out of state next month, so we couldn't stay long." Aden said with a frown.

"Our mom got sick, really sick and we knew we couldn't afford to take her to the hospital." His eyes starting to form tears. "Within a couple weeks, she... died." Aden shed another tear as he fought the urge to cry.

"We never told Jade yet. You know my younger sister," Aden said making sure Rainbow knew who he was talking about.

"So there we were , left with no one else to take care of us," he said with a blank expression.

"We were all dying slowly of starvation and sickness, but just before we suffered from death," Aden said, looking to the orange filled sky.

"We saw someone reach out for us. She asked me if I wanted our lives changed, to be different. Of course I said yes, and soon she carried us through the light and we blacked out. But the last thing I hear was...." Aden's paused and looked into the sky as it faded from the darkest orange to the brightest shade of yellow

"That we all have a purpose here." Aden told Rainbow, a blank expression on his face.

"Then, we woke up at Canterlot Castle as ponies. We met Princess Celestia in person. She then told us to come here, to Ponyville..." Aden said simply.

"And thats how we met all of you." Aden said turning to Rainbow as they finally made it to the crossroads that led the two ponies home.

"Wow, I didn't know your story was so sad." Rainbow said with guilt.

"I feel so guilty for asking in the first place... I'm sorry Aden," lowering her head in shame. Surprised, Aden walked over to Rainbow and lifted her head up.

"Rainbow, although I've been through so many struggles in life…" Aden paused, looking towards Rainbow Dash's direction.

"I think its all worth it. Because, I met the most awesome, greatest, beautiful mare I ever laid eyes on." He said as Rainbow and him locked eyes once more.

"Who's that?" Rainbow asked still not getting the message.

"I met you,"Aden said, making Rainbow blush madly. She tried to hide her blush by looking away from him.

"T-Thanks Aden for the compliment," Rainbow said as the sun came down. Both of them were soon covered by the soft light of the moon as Rainbow and Aden stood there.

"So, are you going to tell her." Thundelane's voice echoed throughout his mind.

Thats right! I have to tell Rainbow about Soarin, Aden reminded himself as he looked at Rainbow still looking away blushing. I have to, It's for the best. She doesn't deserve him! Aden thought as he encouraged himself.

"Rainbow there's something that I need to tell you." Just give it to her straight, you can do this.

"Yeah? What is it?" Rainbow replied nonchalantly. Is he going to say what I think he's going to say?

"Its Soarin," Aden said, Rainbows face turned from a look of disappointment into one filled with fear.

"What happened?" She demanded, forgetting completely of what had happened before.

Aden looked to the ground as he thought to himself. Now just tell her.

"Soarin has been cheating on you," Aden said unwillingly.

"He cheated on you with a fan he met last performance." Aden explained as Rainbow's face became filled with disbelief. "He says that he's done with you and doesn't want to be with you anymore," Aden said truthfully.

"Thunderlane and I met at the cafe. Thats where he told me everything, Soarin said so himself to Thundelane last time they met!" Aden explained as Rainbow stepped back in disgust.

"You're lying!" Rainbow yelled as Aden face became filled with shock.

"I'm not! I would never lie, especially to you." Aden exclaimed.

Rainbow paused for a moment, then, the thought hit her. "Oh, I get it, your jealous aren't you?" Rainbow scoffed.

"What! Why would I be jealous of that backstabber!" Aden screamed.

"Because he's something you're not, he's famous, rich-" Rainbow said before being interrupted by Aden.

"Is that all! He's rich and famous, well I don't give a flying feather about what he is," Aden retorted, his voice reaching a louder volume.

"I've been there for you so long, and this is how you treat me. When I'm protecting you from that jerk you call a coltfriend," Aden said with a tear running down his cheek.

"I already said it, Aden! I wont believe you, no matter what you say!" Rainbow said while turning away.

"Fine, go and ask him yourself. Then you'll see that I'm right," Aden said with his eyes full of anger and poison.

"You just know that he's better than you!" Rainbow said walking away from him.

Just then, Aden snapped. Then, he said something he would regret for the rest of his life.

"Oh yeah, he's something you'll never be," Aden said as his voice became shaky because of his anger. He made sure she heard the last two words loud and clear, "… a Wonderbolt."

Rainbow's body froze like ice before she turned around with tears building up in her eyes. Realizing what he just did, Aden tried to apologize.

"Rainbow, I-I didn't mean to-" but was cut off as Rainbow started galloping away down the opposite path. "Wait!" Aden cried as she ran off.

"I'm sorry." He said as his eyes also started to tear up. Leaving him alone in the dark, desolate streets of Ponyville.

Great job, you just had to say that didn't you! He said in his mind. You did it now Aden, cause now she's gone!

Things like this never last! He scolded himself while walking back to his home in the clouds.

Minutes later, he arrived at his front door. Aden then walked over to his bed and laid down. Staring blankly into the night until he fell asleep under the moon's soft, comforting glow.

About an hour later, while still in bed he heard something. Knock knock knock. "Ugh, who knocks at someone's door at 12:30 at midnight," he said groggily as he got up and walked to the door. When he opened it revealed a pony with a recognizable rainbow mane. She looked down avoiding eye contact with her friend. Shocked to see her, Aden could only say her name in astonishment.

"Rainbow Dash!?"

Author's Note:

Yes! Chapter 2 is finally finished! I hope this makes you all happy. And once again leave a comment for advice, questions, etc.
Make sure to like and/or follow me to get the latest news. -LuigiBoy781