• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 454 Views, 3 Comments

Blazing Wings - FriscoPony

Blazing Wings is the story of two pegasi whose dream has been to join the Royal Guard Air Brigade through the Air Brigade Academy for Talented Pegasi

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Chapter 4

Hurricane blazed back home faster than he had ever flown before. He couldn’t believe that this was really happening He was on his way to Air Brigade Academy. It was a sure fire acceptance as he had excellent scores from flight camp and was the top of his class, with Winter being a close second. “Cloudsdale here I come!” he called as he opened his wings and bolted for home.

Out of nowhere, Hurricane was suddenly flung back to a cloud. He was rather disturbed as he had no idea what had happened. When he looked over to another cloud, he noticed another Pegasus getting up from the impact and rubbing her head. It was Rainbow Dash, but he did not realize it just yet.

“What’s the big idea flying into me like that?” asked Hurricane angrily shaking his hoof at the other cloud.

Rainbow Dash looked across from the cloud and saw Hurricane. She quickly flew over, recovering from the aerial collision. “The real question,” said Rainbow Dash staring down the dark grey stallion, “is why you ran into me?!”

Hurricane was ready to give her a piece of his mind, when he suddenly realized who it was. “Hey Rainbow,” he said smiling. “It’s me, Hurricane! We used to be partners in flight camp until you left for better things 4 years ago.”

Rainbow Dash was confused, but then she remembered. “Oh yea now I remember!” she said with a smile. “I only left so that way I could start working with the weather teams, so I went off to train for weather and I decided to not continue flight camp, even though if I had stayed I would have gotten full Wonderbolt Academy training instead of the week session.”

Hurricane smiled. “That’s cool,” he said. “I stayed so that way I could get into the Air Brigade Academy, led by Ace, second in command is Spitfire.”

Rainbow Dash then looked very concerned. She was happy that there were more pegasi joining the Air Brigade, but she was still concerned. “That’s great and all,” she said concerned, “but what will your dad think? I thought he wanted you to go to the Royal Guard Academy to work with Shining Armor and him.”

Hurricane almost forgot that when he got home, he would have to deal with another round of possibly problems. “Well, we’ll see what he thinks about it and then move on, there is nothing that he can really do, as my mom can sign for me,” said Hurricane. “I better get home so that I can send my application to the Academy before morning. Good to see you Dash!” With that he bolted back home, Rainbow Dash continued on with what she was doing.

Hurricane blazed homeward as fast as he could, but he couldn’t get the thought of his father out of his mind. That’s right; he thought to himself, my dad does want me to join the royal guard. I hope he takes the news happily that at least I am on my way to the Academy, meaning I finished Flight Camp to make me stronger and in top shape for Air Brigade training.

“Mom, Dad,” called Hurricane to his parents, “I’m home!”

The door soon opened; there stood Moonlight Dancer to greet him. “Hurry,” she said and quickly hugged him. “I’m so happy to see you, I’m glad you’re home dear.”

“Thanks mom,” he said. He then got very concerned. “Is dad home?”

Moonlight knew by the look on Hurricane’s face that he was not pleased to have to deal with his father. “He is upstairs in his study,” she said with a worried expression on her face. “But come inside first dear, I will cook you some dinner and then you can tell me about all of the adventures that you and Winter have been having.”

“Sounds great,” said Hurricane trotting into the house. “Thanks Mom.”

“By the way,” said Moonlight excited, “What is this good news that you have to tell me?”

“Well,” hurricane started,” Let’s just say all I need to get into the Air Brigade is your signature on the application, and I’m in on coach’s suggestion!”

Moonlight’s face lit up, “That’s fabulous news dear! I’m so proud of you! Do you still have the application upstairs in your room where you left it?”

“Yes I do,” said hurricane racing upstairs to his room. When he finally finished digging through all of the papers and posters of the Air Brigade he found the application. When he read through what signatures he needed, he saw 4 lines. He needed his signature, a parent’s signature, coach’s signature, but the last one he was shocked to see. Under the three signatures, there was a statement. “If you know any royal guard members, a signature from them would increase the possibility of your acceptance.”

Hurricane was stirred, he knew that he could use all the help that he could get to get into the Academy, even a small reminder under the Royal Guard signature had the logo of the Air Brigade, a pair of Pegasus wings, with a White star between the two, and the scroll with the motto of the Air Brigade, chosen by Ace himself: “For all Equestria”. Hurricane then sighed, trotted out of his room and across the hall.

He knocked on the door of his father’s study. “Dad?” asked Hurricane. “I’m home don’t you want to see me?”

“When do you leave for your ‘Air Brigade’?” said an annoyed Storm Sky behind the door.

Hurricane flocked up courage and tried again. “Dad, please, can’t I come in and talk to you?”

“I have business to take care in the Royal Guard, whatever it is you can ask your mother,” said Storm Sky.

Hurricane had many memories of his dad saying the same thing when he really needed his father the most. Moonlight was a musician in the Royal Ensemble alongside Octavia and Lyra. It was interesting, but many times when Hurricane needed his parents, he would rather have his dad, however due to his dad being so cold hearted, he never got the chance. This annoyed him when he was so close to achieving his dream.

“Listen, Dad,” he said angrily. “I know you wanted me to go into the Royal Guard, but I need to make my own life. I really don’t give a hoof if you don’t like it that I want to go into the Air Brigade. Mom supports me, why don’t you? I’m your son for Celestia’s sake!”

The door then flew open, there in the doorway stood an angry Storm Sky. Storm Sky was a white pegasus with a dark green mane. He was one of the highest respected ranks in all of the Royal Guard. When he got word of his son looking at the Royal Guard, he was filled with joy. However, when he heard that Hurricane changed his mind to go into the Air Brigade instead, he was sickened to the stomach.

“I’ll help you with whatever you need, but this better be the last time it’s anything related to the brigade,” he said angered.

Hurricane then showed him the signature line. “Sign this,” he said, “And you’ll never have to be annoyed by me again.”

Storm took it, grabbed a pen, and signed his name. He then handed the application back to Hurricane with a stern, heartless look. “Hurricane you have grown stronger in the last few years,” he said. “I am proud of you for being this determined to reach your goal, but I am disappointed you did not follow this old stallions path.”

“I’m sorry storm,” said Hurricane, “but this is my life. I think I should have the right to choose what I want to do. Thanks for not being there when I needed you.”

Hurricane then trotted back to his room, when his father slammed the door to his office study.

“All that for a stupid signature,” said Hurricane.