• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 608 Views, 17 Comments

Bananas - Xartis

Pinkie Pie just bought some bananas.

  • ...


Pinkie stared at the yellow bananas. They weren't completely ripened, still being slightly green at both ends. The bananas were not bruised either, something Pinkie had been looking for in a banana for days. Her brain was elated at the idea of eating the bananas, she could already taste the bananas, their unique taste tickling her taste buds. She couldn't imagine anything at all better than bananas, other than maybe, even more bananas.

If you can't tell already, Pinkie likes bananas, no, Pinkie loves bananas. Pinkie would love to spend every waking minute of every waking hour eating and enjoying bananas. Pinkie's idea of heaven would involve a lot of bananas.

She stared again at the perfect form of the bananas in front of her. They seemed so different since her last glance. The bananas met Pinkie's specifications exactly. They were long, the bent exactly 1 degree for every half of a centimetre. She picked one of the bananas up, it was firm and a bit weighty, and of course hard to grip with hooves. Pinkie had stopped trying to understand how hooves do that, she instead started trying to understand why bananas are so delicious, she came to the conclusion that they are amazing.

She carefully pulled at the banana, which pulled the whole bunch along with it. She then held down the bunch, wary that too much pressure may squash the bananas, curse anyone who would commit such an atrocity against the fruits of the Gods.She yet again tugged cautiously at the banana, the quiet cracking noise made her ears prick up. She tugged lightly again. The banana separated itself from the bunch.

Pinkie carefully held the banana in her hoof, making sure not to drop it, as she would have to start again, increasing the chance of bruising the bananas, as well as causing a banana casualty. Now came the tricky part. She attentively grabbed the top of the banana, whilst continuing to hold on to the middle of it. She carefully tried to peel the banana, trying her best not to bruise the top of it, as often happens when attempting this method of opening a banana.

She frowned when the banana didn't peel, she held the banana up to her mouth, where she bit, with extreme caution, into the banana. This left a small incision in the banana whereupon she attempted to bisect the skin of the banana, subsequently giving her access to the delicious interior of the banana. She could only imagine the divine taste awaiting her on the other side of the fruit's protective exterior.

She was gripped by excitement as she applied a minuscule amount of pressure to the banana as she slowly increased the length and width of the incision. She pulled the skin off completely, discarding the peel into a nearby bin, and placed the perfectly peeled potassium pabulum onto a completely clean culinary circle. She took a small knife from a drawer which she used to slice the banana into even segments. She made sure each segment was 1 centimetre thick exactly, any less wouldn't do, nor would any more, the banana had to be absolutely perfect.

Now came 'The Moment'. She used the knife to scoop up a segment, which she attentively put into her mouth. The indescribable taste exploded in her mouth, unveiling it's ineffable flavours in her mouth. She couldn't comprehend the idea of anything tasting better than bananas right now, they just tasted so amazingly awesome and were more than adequate to suit her everyday needs of 'Something Delicious'.

She swallowed the segment of banana and proceeded to go through this party of mental activity for the rest of the banana. On a whole the process took about 12 minutes. Each bite she took felt better than the last, in a manner mostly indescribable by anyone who doesn't do things like this often. She almost lost her train of thought in the insane abyss of deliciousness she had found herself in. She stared at the plate to find it was, now, definitely empty. She placed the plate nest to the sink, to wash later.

Pinkie smiled, she picked up the punch of bananas carefully, she then walked over to the fridge. She reached inside and pulled out a small safe. She reached into a draw and took out some bubble wrap. She coated the bunch of bananas in several layers of bubble wrap and proceeded to cautiously place the perfectly protected potassium pabulum into the safe. She closed the fridge and sat down on her sofa.

Pinkie reflected on the perfect meal she had just savoured. The after-taste of the banana was still lingering in her mouth. She didn't mind the after-taste that much, after all, it did taste like bananas. She wondered how there could be any-pony who didn't love bananas. Such an idea was beyond her comprehension, but it didn't stop her wandering mind.

Pinkie contemplated ideas in her head. She quite liked cupcakes as well as bananas, but not as much as bananas. She wondered for a bit, then abruptly came to a conclusion. "I'll make banana cupcakes!"

But Pinkie's mind didn't stop there, it kept creating new ideas, ideas that Pinkie didn't even know were possible, and probably weren't, because they were just thoughts. She dreamt up different ways of making banana cakes, different decorations. She thought of making her own banana farm, unfortunately she'd have to be somewhere hotter than Ponyville to do that.

Her mind seemed to create endless ideas that could be altered and improved to infinity, or at least a lot of times, until she had the perfect recipes! Perfect banana cakes, banana muffins, banana cupcakes, heck, even banana bananas! The possibilities were endless with Pinkie, they wouldn't stop coming, and Pinkie would never forget them. She dreamt of making all the recipes she had thought up that night. She slept well.

Author's Note:

"She placed the perfectly peeled potassium pabulum onto a completely clean culinary circle"
She put the banana on the plate.

Comments ( 17 )

Funny. I was just playing "Donkey Kong Country Returns". :pinkiesmile:

I must admit, I can't agree with your Pinkie's opinion on bananas. I hate the things. :pinkiegasp:
Your story here, however is great. Thumbed up.

This was very good. It seems like you have the technique you mentioned in the description nailed down to a T.

My only complaints would be that you overuse the word 'banana' (sounds stupid, I know, but hear me out). What I mean is you write 'banana' multiple times in a paragraph when a simple 'it' will do. It might have been a subtle bit of humour, but I'm not sure. Secondly, sometimes it ventures into "She did this. Then she did that" territory, especially near the end. There were a lot of short sentences that could have been merged into longer ones.

Other than that, it was really good. An upvote from me.

Hmm. Writing a lot about a little, eh? I wish I was good at that. It's something I rather enjoy, for reasons I can't seem to explain.

:pinkiecrazy: all Pinkie Pie could think about was bannans


Thanks for the positive comments guys. I might fix some of the things you pointed out at some point, but this is incredibly hard to do, especially when it has to be a minimum of 1,000 words. There's only so much I can say about bananas.

1897079 Dude. This was amazing :twilightsmile: I could see pinkie tugging at the banana in my mind. So cute :pinkiesad2: But just asking...does Celestia like bananas too? :duck:

Comment posted by Xartis deleted Jan 5th, 2013

Maybe she does in a possible sequel :moustache:

1908767 THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. :pinkiehappy: Please do it :yay:

After I read this, I saw an ad directly underneath stating one can cut down on stomach fat by not eating five certain foods, and it had a picture of a banana. I wonder if that cannon's still in Canterlot Castle...:trollestia:

Let's hope. *Maniacal laughter*

epic story is epic!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: you gained my respect!!!

She pulled the skin off completely, discarding the peel into a nearby bin, and placed the perfectly peeled potassium pabulum onto a completely clean culinary circle.

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: LOLOLOLOL :D

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