• Published 16th Jan 2013
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Rusted Cogs and Lost Souls - voiddragon

This is the tale of Thomas Calhoun and Gareit Jax on there quest to find a way out Equestria as dark gods move in to consume it in CHAOS.

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There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Rusted Cogs and Lost Souls.
By Voiddragon
"There is no such thing as a free lunch."

My alias is Gareit and my best friend’s is Thomas. Now you are probably wondering why we are using aliases, for one our favorite band does, and two it is to protect our true names this is important for later on. For those of you who do not know what Thom and I look like. I am a lean muscled 5'8 boy around average height with piercing green eyes, (much like my 40k army). While Thom is a massive 6'5 muscular behemoth of a teen (he got that way through practicing metallurgy), his eyes are gray like the steel he forges. Now Thomas, and I are both wearing, one thing that marks us off as bronies. I am wearing my Nightmare moon ring, that Thomas got me, and Thom is wearing his rarity ring that his girlfriend got him. We keep our pony stuff hidden well for both our parents would hurt us if they found out, and by hurt (“I mean.”) tease us eternally.

So me and Thom have been on spring break, we have been taking a road trip following our favorite band, The Protomen. So when we stopped by in L.A. we were pleasantly surprised that the local Games Workshop store is hosting a small co-op tournament "for our favorite nerdy tabletop game.” Luckily for us we always bring our armies with us. So we entered it with hopes of winning.

Now everybody is in costume I am dressed as Doctor Wily, and Thomas is dressed as Doctor Light. Our competition is some dude going by the Omnissiah and know what he looks the part he has the best tech-priest costume I have ever seen. His partner, Varin, is dressed up in the BEST Lich costume ever known to man. Now you're probably wondering why this is important. Well let me tell you this is very important.

The game is Warhammer 40k, and the prize for this tournament 500 dollars split between the winners. My army is the Necrons, my friends are the Tau, the opponents are Guardsmen, and Thousand Sons chaos space marines, and this is the day our world goes upside down.

The game lasted 5 turns it was... difficult, but through the proper use of Superior firepower and speed we were able to achieve victory. After our names were announced, and the prize given to us. Thats when Verin and Omnisiah cornered us.

“ You did well. You wouldn't mind if we treated you two to lunch?” stated Verin.

“You aren't upset over the loss of the money?”I ask.

“It’s just a game. It’s not life or death, you know.” responds Verin.

"So, what do you think?" I ask.

“It sounds too good to be true to me, and you know the saying " there is no such thing as a free lunch."” Thom says.

"Ya, but come on don't ruin the fun . Plus we can take my car, and just drop them off not like we can't take care of ourselves hmmm?" I say in response.

"I am going to regret this, but fine we can accept their offer." He says as he caves to my ridiculous puppy dog look.

"Yes, OK we accept, but only if we get to drive our car there?" I ask verin.

"Deal, so where do you wanna eat?" ask verin

"Hmmm, how about L&L? Its cheap and not that far, 10-15 minute drive from here." Thom responds

As we got into my car me and Thom played rock, paper, scissors, to see who would get to drive (as states our tradition). Thom won so as also in our tradition I get to choose the song.

"Hey ever heard of the band The Protomen?" I asked

"No, I am sorry, I don't think I have ever heard of them." responds Verin.

"Ahhh as be expected from an indie band. Well then you're in for a treat. so Thom which one Due Vendetta or The Good Doctor?"

"Hmm, I am thinking The Good Doctor." responds Thom

" The good doctor it is then"

With that the song finished.

"So how was the music?" I asked

"The music was highly... informative." answered Verin

"Yes I agree it was highly entertaining, but it also showed how each of you immediately went for certain parts of the song." says the Omnisiegh.

After that the car got quiet. Thom went back to driving and I started staring out of the window looking at the clogged streets and homeless people sitting on the curb, begging for food, or money. As I looked to the sky, I could see the smog choked air and towering skyscrapers. While I did this I thought of all the misery that surrounds me, and this caused me to be thankful of how luck I have been growing up, with a successful father that I have.

We arrived a few minutes later. Thom and I were glad to be here. We were already feeling hungry, from all the excitement. While we were there I notice that neither Verin or Omni( as I am gonna call him now) have not ordered anything.
While I got shoyu chicken, and Thom got some orange chicken. When Verin finally asked us an "important" question.

“What if you two could go to a fantasy world of adventure, would you go?” asks Verin.

Now you should know that Thom and I are big fans of role-playing games, be it D&D, Rifts, or Unhallowed Metropolis, and countless others.

“Of course I would go.” I respond after I finished chewing.

“It would be fun.” Thomas replied a little bit later.

"What if the world was Equestria?" asks Omni.

"I'd say O definitely." I say this while looking at my Nightmare moon ring.

“what if it looked like the old world of warhammer?” Responded Verin.

“I would say that is ridiculous there are all ready canon maps.” responds Thom

"True, but sometimes canon is wrong." Omni says.

"Yes, but what you are saying is impossible. There is no Equestria" I counter.

"If that is how you feel then fine, but it was nice meeting you.” after saying that Verin offered me his hand and Omnissiah offered his hand to Thomas. Right when we grabbed it, there was a bright flash and an intense pain then the world went dark.

When we awoke we were in a very dark room.

“What the hell. Where are we? Why is it so dark? Why can’t I move my fingers?” Stated Thomas as he panicked.

“Dude, calm down. Panicking will not help us.” I put what I thought was my hand on his...well, what should have been his shoulder. But I instead felt coarse fur as I felt around.

“Oh fuck man something is not right but, we have to hold together. If we do not we WILL die no question.” I state with force.

"Man I told you I had a bad feeling about those two. They did something to us and now we are not gonna go home."Responds Thomas

"NO.I.WILL.NOT.GIVE.INTO.DESPAIR. We must maintain hope for, it is all we have."I swore.

"Jax your right after we get out of here then we can, then start to worry about where we are." Thomas responds.

It was through all this commotion that attracted a creature. A creature both Thomas and I immediately recognized: a Diamond dog.

It was right then that we realized where where. We are in a Diamond dog warren. Right in front of me was a diamond dog holding a torch staring at us. It was then that it talked.
“You slaves get to where Gurg can see you better.” The diamond dog spoke in a gruff and uneducated manner.

After that thought I attacked with the fury of an enraged scotsman. For you see when everything is calm I am the happy go lucky guy but, when shit hits the fan all of this changes, and I become an ass-whopping machine. All those years of self defense class, and fencing sure do pay off in the end. For when I charged the savage it quickly pulled out it’s sword from its scabbard. The sword from what I can see was a fine piece of metal and, new it looked like it has never tasted blood before, let’s change that.

Gurg made a sloppy downward swing but before it hit me, I had dodged out of the way. During his time recovering I made a quick jab at his stomach with my talon made into a fist. It did nothing but piss him off damn.

“Stop moving around so Gurg can hit you.” Gurg says, as it makes a few wild swings.

“Not if I can help it.” I respond.

After that exchange he swung his sword in a horizontal arc, which I was able to rolled under barely landing back on my feet. But he was ready for me and swung his sword toward my head. I had not yet gained my balance fully so I pulled a desperate maneuver, I tried to catch his sword in my left talon. It worked sort of it hurt a lot but it brought enough time to jab my super sharp talons into his chest. In doing so it caused him to drop his sword, for at that moment I had found his heart and ripped it out, causing him gurgle blood from the mouth and drop dead.

“Dude... you... killed it.” stated Thomas.
'Thank you captain obvious' I thought.

Author's Note:

A denied story to the chess verse but was told to still post it because it was interesting.