• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 365 Views, 3 Comments

\The Ausgezeichnete Tour/ - Tyreese-le-Tyler43

I'm Vinyl scratch. Most ponies know me as DJ PON-3, but that name is overrated. On the road again, I make a tour journal.

  • ...

New Roadie

A gray Pegasus stallion with a blue and white mohawk moved into view. It was my best roadie, Thunderlane. He moved a box into my house, wearing a new fedora, carefully avoiding 'Tavi's lamp. Although I didn't care, the "This Side UP" section of the box was pointing down. He dropped it with a loud "BAMPF" and backed away.
"What is this stuff, Vinyl?" he asked and scratched the back of his head. I shook my head.
"Nothin' important. What's up with you, Thundey? You look... different today," I gave him a confused look. He nodded. "What's up?"
"Well, first off: don't call me Thundey. I can't stop Pinkie Pie, but I hate that name," he groaned. I smiled
"A'ight, Laney," I teased. He mouthed 'not that either'. "What else is be on yo mind?"
"Since when did you talk like that?" he asked. I shrugged. "All right, I... met a girl..." he admitted.
"Oh? Who's your special filly?" I teased.
"STOP THAT!" he shouted and blushed brighter than ever. "You have to guess. I'll give ya clue. You know her..."
"Oh Celestia... don't tell me it's..." I started. I mouthed the name of my roommate. Then I burst into laughter.
"Not Octavia! That would be super messed up!" he said and threw his fedora at me. "I think you would know if I did by now!"
"I know you have a crush on her!" I continued to badger. I raised my eyebrows and made an exaggerated serious face. "You look at her plot."
"That is a sick, twisted, LIE!" he exclaimed, but he knew I was kidding. "Do you want to know who it is or not?"
"I do, but you won't tell me, will you?" I asked. He nodded. "Who is it then? Another clue?"
"Red hair."
"Ivory Wisp?" (A/N: For that reference, see my friend wtfboom88's Ponies on Red Dwarf)
"No... Another clue: She applied to be a roadie after the incedent with Derpy. Remember? You sent that application saying how she injured herself and we needed a new roadie that would'nt do that?"
"Yeah... Is it... Berry Punch?"
"Is it... Roseluck?"
"Well have I news for you! We hired her!"
"Really?" Thunderlane looked really worried now.
"Can't handle the mares?" I asked. He would be surrounded by mares now. He sheepishly nodded.
"For some reason, being surrounded by mares makes me uncomfortable, for some reason. Rumble calls it 'fillytrapped'. Too weird for me. I went with pouliche piégé, the Franchay way to say it!" he said with an accent.
"Franchay as in French?" I asked. "That sounds stupid. Like something that stuck-up bitch Rarity would say. Oh, don't you just love my divine new spring line, dahling? I call it 'Franchay!'."
We both laughed until we could hardly breath. I wiped a stray tear from my eye and let out a few more "hee-hee-hoo-ha"s. Octavia walked in the door with us rolling on the floor in laughter. She rolled her eyes.
"Have you a new roadie yet?" she asked and helped us to our hooves.
"Yes, we have a roadie, Roseluck. Why, I just heard that our Thunde--" I began. Thunderlane stomped on my hoof and I stiffled a scream.
"What for?" asked Thunderlane.
"I haven't much time to book us a flight. We have to be in Los Pegasus by tomorrow. We are to preform as an opening act for a Ende Eines Datensatzes. I haven't met the gentlecolt yet myself, but I've heard he's quite talented. A new genre... house..." explained 'Tavi. I jumped with joy
"I do house! And dubstep!" I exclaimed.
"We know!" Thunderlane and Octavia moaned in unison and rolled their eyes.
"And it sound's like this!" I shouted and pulled my glasses down and got behind my turntable and equalizer and began to preform a song.


One Hour Later

"So, I'm Roseluck. Nice to meet you all!" Roseluck greeted as she saluted. "I will be a great roadie, I promise!"
"'Sup, Rosy?" I returned and pulled my goggles off my face onto my horn. "I'm Vinyl Scratch."
"Nice to meet you!" Roseluck smiled.
"Bonne journée, madame" said Octavia with a snarky grin. "I'm Octavia."
"Ah, vous parlez Français? C'est merveilleux!" marveled Roseluck.
"French classes, every Tuesday and Thursday," 'Tavi whispered to me.
"Cut it out with the 'lay front say' stuff!" I begged. Octavia shrugged. We turned over to where Thunder was hovering.
"So, you're Thunderlane? I've heard alot about you!" Roseluck smiled. He glowered at me and I shrugged.
"Yep... That's me, good ol' Thunderlane. So I'll be with y-- uh... working with you? Sorry, slip-of-the-tounge, happens a lot."
"Is it frustrating roading for two artists?" asked Roseluck. Thunderluck came down onto the ground while shaking his head.
"Naw! When they work together so often, it's easy. Besides, it's just a turntable, a cello, rosin, bow, and records usually. And the light show, but we're a lot more cautious ever since Ditzy broke her hoof."
"I thought it was Derpy."
"That's just The Doctor's nickname for her."
"I know him!"
"Neat dude."
"Guys? Los Pegasus flight leaves in two hours, stop flirting!" I inturrupted. They both turned a deep shade of red and we moved on.
As Thunderlane flew by, he had a lovesick expression, and I could have sworn I saw a trail of little hearts following him. As he passed me, he whispered: "Her prefume smells like flowers."


Thirty Minutes Later

In the self-drawing carraige recently innovated by some magic chick named Twilight, Thunderlane was putting "the moves" on Roseluck, but she treated it like nothing.
"So they do work together?" asked Roseluck. Thunderlane nodded.
"Oh yah!" he said with an accent. Roseluck giggled and Thunderlane made a small 'yes'.
"May I, 'Tavi?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.
"J'imagine..." she grumbled. I put on a record in my built in record player and let our song play. She wrote it and does some strings, that I made to sound awesome with graphic equalization! Then I told her to quit it with the French again. "I have to keep practicing. I can't exactly bring my French tutor on tour with me, can I? So I have to stay dans un état optimal on my own"
"No you don't. You can speak almost fluently, I hear you around the house, blah blah blah, Je suis Octavie je parle Français, regarde-moi, la dee da, it's ridiculous!"
"I could've taken German, you know," pointed out 'Tavi, and a point she had. "That'd be annoying!" I nodded.
"Ich nahm Deutschen, wissen Sie!" said Thunderlane, agrivated. I rolled my eyes. "Fine then, what's your name in Deutschen?" challenged Thunderlane.
"Schallplatten," I sighed. He said he meant full name. "Schallplatten Kratzen."
"Schallplatten Kratzen. Not bad. I'm Donnerfahrspur. Roseluck is Stieg Glück, though directly it translates 'increased happiness'. To be understood," went on Thunderlane. Roseluck blushed, giggled, and hid her face.
"I only know French," she said. 'Tavi nodded.
"Mieux que de savoir inutiles futilités!" she said.
"Oui," nodded Roseluck.
"Are we almost to the LPIA?" ased Thunderlane. We gave him odd looks. "Los Pegasus International Airport? That thing? The place we're going?"
"No idea, kiddo," I admitted. "But let's stick with English from now on, I didn't take beyond German 2, I'll run out of material eventually!"
As the next song on the record that starred both me and Octavia played, I had the sudden realization that: I had no idea where we were going. And I had thrown away the map.

Author's Note:

The credits to these songs go to Omnipony, Living Tombstone, and TuXe, in that order, I in no way created or helped create these songs, nor did Vinyl, but it's fun to have music.