• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 1,695 Views, 16 Comments

A Pony To Show The Way - HyperPegasister

Ever since the Alicorn Amulet incident, Trixie has been looking to change her ways. When a certain pony offers to teach her, she isn't sure what to think. Little does she know the two have more in common than she thinks....

  • ...

Chapter Two: Luna's Story

(Warning: there is a bit of death in this chapter, but since it is not gruesomely described, I've only raised the story's rating to teen.)

Luna, Celestia, Trixie, Twilight and Spike at the table, munching on their dandelion sandwiches.

"I shall share my experience. Perhaps it will inspire you to share yours," Luna began. "It all started over a thousand years ago, when my sister and I were exploring new lands with a new ally, a gifted young unicorn about my age. After defeating Discord and taking control of Equestria, Celestia wanted to expand."

* * * * *

"Ugh, Tia, this is hopeless!" groaned Luna, as she trotted through the snow with her big sister and their ally. "It's freezing in these parts! Nopony would ever settle a civilization around here!"

"Well too bad, Luna. Sombra and I voted we check here. That's two to one votes."

* * * * *

"Wait a second, KING SOMBRA?!" Twilight felt like fainting. Why did her teacher keep so much information from her before?

"Yes, indeed," said teacher replied. "Sombra originally was a student learning magic. But despite his amazing talents, he always wanted more."

* * * * *

"Yeah, but this is so boring!" whined Luna.

"Oh shut it," Sombra said. The young grey unicorn struggled to carry the large saddlebags weighing him down. "You don't have to carry all the supplies."

"Wait, everypony, I think I see something in the distance!" interrupted Celestia.

"It's probably just a mirage," Luna scoffed.

"Those happen in the desert, num-nard," said Sombra.

"Don't call me a num-nard! Tia, he called me a num-nard!"

Celestia couldn't take it anymore. "Luna, Sombra, stop acting like foals! You're both almost seventeen! Act like it!"

Luna sighed. "I suppose you're right. Sorry, sometimes the cold can get to me. She looked down at her half frozen hooves. But for some reason, instead of snow on the ground, she saw......grass?!

"What the hay?" the young pony glanced upward and her eyes widened in awe.

In front of the three ponies was an entire city of crystal, bustling with busy ponies. Except these ponies weren't like the ones back home. They gleamed in the late afternoon sunlight, as if they were made of crystal as well.

"This has to be a mirage, right?"

Suddenly, the sparkly equines gathered around in front of the main building. Two ponies, a mare and a stallion walked out onto the balcony. The mare, a purple unicorn, was wearing a saddlebag, in which a pink foal sat in. Her cutie mark was one heart and two stars. The stallion, a beige pegasus with a gold shield as a cutie mark, stood by her side.

"Huh, I wonder what's going on," whispered Celestia.

"We should get closer," Sombra suggested.

The three blended into the crowd and listened.

The purple unicorn cleared her throat. "As queen of the Crystal Empire, I would like to make a few minor announcements. First: King Goldenheart and I have decided a name for our new foal." The queen levitated the young pony out of her saddlebag for all of the empire to see. The little one looked down at her future subjects with joy. "Please address your crystal princess as Cadance."

* * * * *

"Cadance is a crystal pony?!" Twilight interrupted Luna.

"Well, THEN, yes. Why do you think I sent her to the Crystal Empire?" Celestia replied.

Trixie, for the first time since Luna started, joined the conversation, genuinely interested in what happened to the pink alicorn that caused her crystal powers to be taken away. "What do you mean 'THEN?'"

"I'm going to get to that later," the sun princess said.

* * * * *

"Secondly, our annual Crystal Fair is tomorrow! Ponies who want to help set up shall meet at the usual place," the crystal queen continued.

For some reason, this "Crystal Fair" intrigued Sombra. He tried to ponder what it was while the queen moved on to smaller announcements. When she finished, Luna spoke up.

"That pony appears to be ruling this place. Maybe we should ask her about it."

"Good idea. We'll be right back, Sombra," Celestia replied.

The two flew up to the balcony, where the queen was beginning to walk back inside. "Excuse me," Celestia asked.

The queen turned around. "Hello. My sister, friend and I are from down south, a land called Equestria. Is there a place we can stay while we're here?"

"Wow, we almost never get visitors. You three could stay in one of the castle suites if you like!"

"Really? Thank you so much, that sounds wonderful!" said Luna.

The three travelers were escorted to a suite to share. "I forgot to introduce myself," the queen continued. "I am Queen Starshine, the stallion you saw earlier was my husband, King Goldheart." She took off her saddlebag and the pink foal inside flew out. "And as said earlier, this is Cadance, our daughter.

"Thanks again so much for the suite," said Celestia.

"My pleasure! Have a great time here," the queen began to leave, but Sombra stopped her.

"Um, one question, earlier you said something about a 'crystal fair.' What exactly is that?"

"Oh yes, I was going to tell you three about that," replied Starshine. "The Crystal Fair is an annual event that keeps the empire's safety in check. Crystal ponies are in general nonviolent, so instead of forming an army to protect us from attackers, we use a magical gem called the Crystal Heart. It is powered by the happiness of the kingdom, and when it is powered up every year, all evil within the empire is destroyed. Though we have only had dangerous ponies find their way in here a few times, the corruption inside their hearts is long gone. It is possible in theory, though, that if a pony is corrupted enough, the Heart would have no choice but to destroy the entire pony."

"Interesting," the stallion replied.

"Yes, and you three are welcome to join us in the celebration tomorrow," Queen Starshine said. "Good night!" she called as she left the ponies to themselves.

Satisfied with the queen's explanation, Sombra refocused on the task at hoof."Finally, I can work on my project," He said as he began unpacking his building materials.

"Wow, you really are dedicated to that project, aren't you?" Luna said. "I'm exhausted. After I raise the moon, I'm hitting the hay."

"Hey, when I think about it, things here must be a lot different. These ponies think that the sun and moon raise themselves, and the only pegasus I saw here was that King Goldenheart guy we saw earlier, so they might not even be able to control the weather," Celestia realized

"Wow, you're right, I never thought about that," Sombra said.

"Alright, goodnight you two," Celestia yawned, heading off to bed.

"Finally, peace and quiet," Sombra said to himself. Luna's moon fully out, he lit a candle and closed the blinds. The unicorn looked down at his current progress. To anypony passing by it would just look like a hunk of metal, but Sombra was hoping to create one of the most powerful magic charms. One that would give a pony the power of an alicorn. "Let's get started."
A few hours later

Luna flew downstairs into the front room, surprised to see Sombra. "Oh, Sombra. Wasn't expecting to see you up."

"What, huh?!" the stallion was too focused on his work to have seen the purple-blue alicorn come downstairs. "Oh, hello Luna." He rubbed his baggy eyes.

"Have you been up all night?" Luna asked. "You don't look too good."

"What? No!" Sombra defended himself.

"Ooh!" Luna took note of Sombra's handiwork sitting on the table. "That ol' hunk of metal is starting to look like some sort of necklace-"

"Amulet," Sombra corrected.

"Whatever. Now come and join us," Luna blew out Sombra's candle and drew the blinds, the sudden flash of light nearly blinding him. "Tia and I are going to the Crystal Fair once she's done brushing her mane."

"Uh, no thanks," Sombra replied. "I'm almost done with this amulet."

"You sure? I mean, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! You can work on that thing anytime!"

"I'm sure! Now leave me alone!"

"Alright, if it's that important to you." At this moment, Celestia came downstairs.

"Ready to go?" the snow white mare asked.

"Yeah, but Sombra's staying behind," Luna said.

"Okay, then, let's go!"

Once the two sisters had left the suite, Luna finally spoke up: "I'm worried about Sombra. He seems way too obsessed over that amulet he's making. I don't even think he slept last night."

"It's probably nothing, but for safekeeping you could check on him later," reassured the elder alicorn.

"Good idea," the moon princess replied. The two soon arrived at the main event: the Crystal Fair. Stands selling delicious food were scattered about, as well as fun activities. The king, queen and princess were on the castle balcony, overlooking the fair, and in the center of it all was the Crystal Heart itself. From the looks of it, the day was going wonderfully.

Not for long.

Meanwhile, Sombra was putting the finishing touches on the Alicorn Amulet. The grey-black unicorn levitated it in front of himself, pride beaming from within. Wrapping it around his neck, a joyful grin spread across his face.

Suddenly, Sombra felt a light pressure on his windpipe that within seconds became painfully crushing. "What's going on?" he managed to sputter out in fear, his face turning purple.

At this moment Luna walked into the suite to check on him. "Sombra, are you done yet? They have the best crystal berry pie!" The purple blue alicorn stopped in her tracks, pure horror expressed on her face.

"Luna, RUN!" Sombra exclaimed, his voice hoarse. Then, as suddenly as the choking started, it stopped. The two sighed in relief, Sombra closing his eyes.

Quickly those eyes shot open with a flash, their whites now a neon green, with dragon like pupils and purple smoke billowing out. Said purple smoke lunged at Luna. Her coat darkened and her once opaque mane became translucent and flowing. She didn't notice, though, as she was too distracted by Sombra's transformation.

His horn became red at the tip, and his black mane began flowing as well. Using his newly gained power, Sombra summoned a steel crown and shoes, as well as a blood red cape on himself. The amulet transformed into armor that covered his neck and torso.

With a voice sounding as if it came from the pits of Tartarus itself, he roared, "Beware Crystal Empire, for a new leader will rise above you!"

As Celestia munched on some crystal corn on the cob, she was startled by a panicked looking Luna. "Sombra! Amulet! Empire in danger!" the dark azure alicorn exclaimed.


As Luna tried to explain, Sombra arrived on the scene silently.

The gears in his power hungry mind turning, he quickly realized something.
Before taking care of king and queen, I should consider that 'Crystal Heart'. It could be a serious threat, so I need to get rid of it.

Spotting the heart, Sombra's horn glowed red. The heart poofed into thin air. Nopony noticed for a few moments, but soon enough a terrified cry was let loose into the air.


As panic spread throughout the scene, Sombra levitated himself onto the balcony before the king and queen could respond.

"Wha-" before Queen Starshine could finish her sentence, she and her husband were encased in a red aura. A look of pure insanity in his eyes, Sombra sent the two rocketing into one of the many sharp crystal towers, almost instantly killing them. Cadance, who had been in her mother's saddlebag, had flown out and been caught by Celestia. Sombra didn't seem to notice, he was too focused on fulfilling the mission the Alicorn Amulet had planted in his mind. With the king and queen gone, the crystals that all the buildings were constructed of had turned black, and the sky crimson.

The most important step over with, Sombra turned to the terrified empire of ponies, who had lost their crystal shine. How was this possible? Within minutes their king and queen had been taken from them, as well as their only weapon to protect them.


Deep within the crowd of horrified ponies, Celestia turned to Luna, and motioned for her to follow as she slipped away from the crowd.

The two rose into the air, and shot a gold and purple beam at Sombra. Of course, this was not the spell that sealed his fate. This actually was a spell Celestia and a wise unicorn, Star Swirl the Bearded, had developed. It was a spell that simply stunned the receiver, and slowed down time for everypony except the user. In that slowed time, Celestia and Luna could determine what spell to fire next.

"Oh Tia, I really don't want to kill him! I don't think he meant for this to happen!"

"Luna, intentional or not, he killed two innocent ponies," Celestia argued.

"True, but will killing him make us any better than he is?"

Celestia sighed."Fine, but we still must punish him. Maybe change his state into something harmless?"

"Good plan. Perhaps stone, like with Discord?"

"No, no, with his immense power he might escape."

Luna pondered for a few moments. "Shadow! Shadows can't hurt anypony!"

"Perfect," the elder alicorn said. As sadistic it might sound, she couldn't help but find it humorous, since Sombra's name translated to "shadow". A fitting fate for a pony with such a name. "I'm still going to banish him somewhere far away, for safekeeping. While I cast the banishment spell, you cast the shadow spell."

Luna nodded, ready to take down the evil unicorn.

With another pair of beams, Sombra was transformed, and sent flying off into the distance. The two alicorns began to float downwards, but before their hooves touched the ground, Sombra sent a final spell at the empire, before being trapped between two glaciers. With a deafening boom, Celestia and Luna were airborne, blacking out as they hit the ground.

"Ugh, my head...." Luna groaned as she came to. She shivered, it was freezing! Wait..freezing.. that must mean...
The moon princess opened her eyes and saw nothing but miles of snow surrounding her. The Crystal Empire was gone!
If she had a mirror, Luna could see her color was back to normal, and that her mane and tail were no longer flowing. "Tia, wake up!" the younger alicorn shook her sister awake.

"Empire..Sombra...Crystals.." Celestia mumbled before waking. "Huh, what?!"

"Tia, the empire is gone! I think Sombra did something to it when we banished him!"

The snow white alicorn looked around with pure shock on her face. After a few moments she responded, "Wait wait wait, slow down. Let's retrace our steps. You ran up to me, told me something was wrong. The crystal ponies were celebrating something, what was it?!"

Luna thought back." I-I don't know. I can't seem to remember!"

"Alright, we'll skip that. Sombra comes in, kills the king and queen. We shoot a beam at him, banishing him and turning him to shadow."

Luna interrupted, "About that.. I looked at him when he was being banished and he didn't look like a shadow. More like some kind of smoke. I'm afraid I performed the spell wrong." The younger alicorn glanced at her hooves in shame.

Celestia looked at her with sympathy. "That's alright, Luna. Even if you did cast the spell wrong, Sombra's still banished. Besides, what harm could a little cloud of smoke do?"

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Also, I think when he was blasting away, I saw him fire up his horn."

"That probably explains why the Empire was gone," Celestia realized. "He must have cast some sort of spell that caused the whole Empire to disappear."

"Do you think we can undo it?"

"I've read up on vanishing spells," Celestia explained. "They can only be reversed with a sample of the victim, in this case the Crystal Empire. So unless we can find a remnant of the empire, no."

"Pony feathers," Luna cursed under her breath. "I didn't even get to try the crystal corn on the cob!" This comment provoked a stern look from Celestia. "Um, I mean, yeah, we gotta help bring back the empire." Luna turned her head away from her sister's disapproving gaze.

That was when she spotted a lavender piece of crystal sticking out of the snow, which she levitated over to get a closer look. "Sis, I think this might be the 'remnant' we need."

Celestia gasped. "Perfect! Now we can use our magic to bring back the empire!"

Firing up their horns, the two sisters focused their magic on the only reminder the Crystal Empire ever existed. But there seemed to be something blocking their powers.

"Luna, stop," Celestia said. "It's no use. I don't think Sombra used normal magic. It looks like he used a curse."

"What's the difference?" Luna asked.

"Curses are an outlawed type of magic. No living pony knows how to cast nor break them. So I have no idea how Sombra knew how to cast one."

"Maybe it had to do with that "project" he was working on. I saw him finish it, then suddenly he started acting all evil and attacked the empire."

"Luna, don't be silly. No inanimate object can control somepony."

Luna opened her mouth to interject, but she suddenly felt a burning pain coming from her chest. "Ngh...." she grunted, a little bit of purple smoke leaking from her eyes.

"Um, Luna? Are you alright?"

As quickly as it came, the pain receded. "Pretty sure, yeah. Probably just heartburn or something."

Celestia sighed. "I guess we should head home then, and try to find out how to break that curse." She tucked the piece of crystal into the empty saddlebag at her hooves.

The two took off, now able to fly without their supplies and wingless companion slowing them down.

A few weeks later...

Luna eyed herself in her bedroom mirror. Celestia had told her to try on an ensemble the royal seamstress had made for her, then meet her out on the castle balcony. The princess of the night loved the way the midnight purple fabric decorated with stars wrapped around her body. Crescent moon earrings adorned her ears, as well as black shoes and chest plate.

Satisfied with her appearance, Luna flew out to the castle balcony overlooking all of Equestria, where all its citizens stood below.

"Huh?" the moon princess was confused. Why would all of Equestria be standing there this early in the morning?

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS LUNA!" all the ponies chanted at once.

Celestia descended from the sky where she had been waiting, and landed on the castle balcony. Luna looked around and noticed the whole castle had been decorated with violet ribbons celebrating her beautiful night sky.

"Wow, thank you everypony!" Luna was delighted. Lately she had been feeling that her subjects didn't enjoy her night, but she now knew those assumptions were wrong. She would have preferred the celebration be at night, but the purple-blue alicorn was thankful all the same.

The party lasted all day, and was full of games, gifts, and plenty of cake. As everypony was heading home, Luna gave her big sister a big hug.

"Thank you so much, Tia. This was the best birthday ever!"

"Of course, Luna," Celestia replied. "You're my little sister, and I wanted you to have the most amazing day possible."

The elder alicorn pointed her hoof at the sun peeking under the horizon. "But it looks like it's about time to raise the moon."

"Got it! Be right back big sis!"

Shedding her party gown, Luna flew up above the Everfree forest, looking for a good place to do her duty. Finding a clearing, she flew down and planted her hooves on the ground. A periwinkle aura surrounding her horn, her beautiful moon was lifted into the sky, as the twinkling stars came into view.

"Whew, what a day," she sighed to herself. "Can't wait to get back and have a nice nap." Luna ascended into the night sky, flying back home.

All of a sudden, the princess of the night felt an intense pain in her chest again. This had happened a few times since Sombra's defeat, but never this bad. Groaning loudly in pain, Luna lost control and fell out of the sky, landing in the middle of the forest. Usually this pain only lasted a few seconds, but by now it had only gotten worse. Luna shivered against the cold dirt, unable to get up. It was like someone had thrust a giant sword through her chest. "Tia...help...me...." she mumbled weakly. Unfortunately, Celestia could not hear her from the castle and come to her aid.

The alicorn lay in painful silence for a few minutes, eventually breaking into weak sobs. Unable to get back on her hooves, she wondered if death awaited her. Many of the dangerous creatures inhabiting the Everfree Forest were most active at night. She was like a free meal, just laying out in the open. Oh Faust, she was going to die here. Alicorns were supposed to live for eons, and here she was dying at simply seventeen. That was the equivalent of a mortal pony dying during foalhood.

Luna's eyes grew heavy, and eventually she closed them in defeat, not sure if they would open again.

That was the chance the unknown corruption from Sombra's accursed amulet was hoping for. Now combining its ultimate power and control over the lunar mare, it took advantage of the jealousy she had felt throughout her life, creating a new embodiment of evil around it. The purple mist from before replaced her mane, and the armor she had worn for her birthday changed from midnight black to the azure of her normal mane. Luna's body changed to the black of the armor. Her pupils narrowed to slits, and finally, the new mare of darkness awakened.

"Know this, Celestia, despite your petty attempts to show me my night is appreciated, Princess Luna bows to no mare! The Solar Empire will crumble, and the Lunar Republic will reign!" she proclaimed.

* * * * *

Twilight, Trixie, and Spike sat in utter shock, understandably, being the only mortal beings to know the true story of Nightmare Moon's origin.

Luna turned to Trixie. "Now, would you like to share your story, young mare?"

The azure unicorn gulped. While yes, she did feel a bit more willing to tell somepony about her past, she was much more interested in hearing what happened after Luna's transformation. Speaking up, she replied, "Trixie may choose to tell her story, but she demands no pity. And first, you must clear up some questions left from YOUR story. What happened to Cadance? And what happened after you transformed into Nightmare Moon?"

"Fair enough," Luna responded. "Unfortunately, I do not remember much about what happened while I was under the control of the Alicorn Amulet, so I must ask assistance to somepony who does." She turned to her sister with a smile. "Care to help, Tia?"

Celestia blushed a bit, it felt odd being called by her nickname in front of her subjects. Nonetheless, the ponies deserved to hear the full story, so she began.
I was sitting in my wing of the castle, growing worried. Luna had been out far longer than usual. I decided to go into the Everfree to search for her.

"Luna? Luna, where are you?" Celestia called for her sister.

"Looking for me?"

Celestia gasped, the somewhat sinister voice startling her. "Luna, what happened, I've been worried sick! I was starting to think the timberwolves had gotten to you and you were just playing dress up?"

The midnight black alicorn chuckled. "No Celestia, that innocent foal is gone, as well as your precious daylight. I've realized the citizens of this corrupt land of yours don't appreciate my amazing night. But now, they will be forced to appreciate it. Now begins the era of Nightmare Moon!" Firing up her horn, Nightmare shot lightning bolts from her eyes, which Celestia barely dodged.

"Luna, what are you doing?!"

Nightmare Moon continued to try and hit the sun princess, failing each time. Growling, she gave up. "I'll deal with you later. Just know that you will not be seeing that sun for a long time." Transforming into a cloud of purple mist, the evil mare departed the scene.

"What happened to you, Luna?"

* * * * *

"As you know, I was unable to raise the sun, and Nightmare Moon was nowhere to be found," Celestia said. "After three agonizing days of darkness, though, I found her at the castle where Luna and I were first born, in the Everfree Forest. I knew at that point the only way I could stand a chance against her wicked powers would be if I wielded the Elements of Harmony.

* * * * *

Standing face to face with the monster that once was her sister, Celestia tried one last time to reach out to the mare she loved and drive her demonic desires out.

"Luna, snap out of it! I can tell the sister I know and love is in there somewhere!"

Nightmare Moon snarled. That sister wasn't there. That sister was gone! Celestia was a mere hurdle trying to stop her brilliant plans!

The dark mare's royal purple mane lunged at Celestia with the intention to kill, missing her by mere inches.

"Luna, don't make me do this."

"Then don't. Accept the Lunar lifestyle." Nightmare Moon floated over to the solar princess and whispered in her ear.
"Give up."

Celestia scowled, a sudden blaze of defiance in her eyes. No, she would not give up and fail her sister!

Springing into the air, she gave one final warning. "Last chance. Give me my sister back or face the consequences."

"Go to Tartarus."

"Sorry it had to end this way then."

The magenta star on her element crown illuminated, shooting a rainbow of pastel colors at Nightmare Moon,enveloping the dark mare. Celestia sighed with relief, closing her eyes. Soon she and her sister would be reunited, and this whole charade would be over. Yes, she could practically feel Luna's presence, coming closer, closer....farther? Fading! No, this didn't feel right!

Opening her eyes, the princess of the sun hoped to see her beloved little sister. Instead, all she could see was the moon outside with a silhouette of a pony on it, and her now rainbow-colored mane blocking part of her view.

"No....Luna...." Celestia's voice broke.

Before she could even attempt to use the Elements of Harmony to bring back Luna, though, five of them turned to stone, and the sixth disappeared completely. Dropping to the floor, Celestia erupted in sobs, eventually falling asleep on its cold surface.

975 YEARS LATER (25 years to Nightmare Moon's return)

Princess Celestia needed a plan. Nightmare Moon's return was very close, at least from an alicorn's point of view, and she was running out of time. She couldn't risk using the Elements herself and sending her sister to the moon again, so she needed a very powerful source of magic to channel the Elements' power.

She needed a miracle.

That was why the snow white alicorn had come all the way to the Arctic North, to attempt to bring back the crystal ponies. She had forgotten what made them so powerful, but knew without their crystal coats, they were just normal earth ponies. Admittedly Celestia had abandoned the project to help bring them back after having to raise the moon each night, but her magic had grown plenty stronger since then, so she might actually be able to pull it off. Planting the only piece of crystal remaining from the empire in the snow, she began focusing her magic on it.

After a couple of minutes, the spell was completely cast, and the empire started to appear. Come on.... work...

Unfortunately, it stopped completely, only leaving a hologram of the ancient city. But all of a sudden, a silhouette of a pony appeared, eventually materializing into a pink alicorn foal.

Celestia gasped. This was the daughter of the empire's former rulers! The crystal princess! But something looked different...

"Her coat isn't crystalline!" she didn't care if she was technically talking to herself, no one else was there. She realized the spell must cause a pony's crystal coat to be taken away when summoned, dubbing their crystal powers useless. The princess groaned, this trip was pointless.

Celestia looked down; the foal, she was pretty sure her name was Cadance, was shivering. Maybe she could help stop Nightmare Moon without her crystal powers. She was an alicorn afterall. Yes, that could work. With the right training, this little filly could wield the Elements and save Equestria! And even if that didn't work out and her magic wasn't strong enough, Celestia had a feeling she could be a great ruler someday...

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for your patience, school has been crazy, plus this chapter was quite long for me. Whenever I write I always end up having the story be quite fast paced. This chapter had a lot of content though, so even when writing in my very fast paced style it would take quite some time.
I'm also sorry Sombra's scene was so short, I really didn't know what else to add. Constructive criticism on that aspect, as well as the rest of the story, is highly appreciated!
Thanks again for the kind words and for tracking this story, I'll try to release the next chapter sooner. I only truly knew where I was going with the story up until the middle of this chapter, but I have a vague idea now on where to go next. See you next time!

Comments ( 8 )

I am curious about the timeline here, exactly how old is cadence in the present and how old is twilight and her friends?

2193757 Well, since when Celestia "resurrects" her as a foal 25 years before NMM'S return, Cadance is about 25 or 26 if you don't count the years the Crystal Empire was gone. But if you do count that time (nearly 975 years), then you could say she's about a thousand years old. She's still a foal when she's summoned because Sombra's curse caused the ponies to be somewhat frozen in time.
As for Twilight and her friends, I'd say they come in an agespan from 18 years old to about 22, since Cadance appears to be a few years older than them (again, not including Sombra's curse).

This chapter was totally awesome. However, I wonder what happened to the Alicorn Amulet and how did it end up in a shop? I would also like to know how Celestia came up with her plan to have Twilight be the key to defeating Nightmare Moon?

After re-watching Celestia telling Twilight the story of King Sombra, I do have one issue. I don't think Celestia and Luna banished and transformed him within minutes of his rule. It seems like more time had passed. After all, we did see the Crystal Ponies in chains. So if you want, you could add a small paragraph about his enslavement of the Crystal Ponies and how long his reign did last.

I think it was a little rushed and the timeline a little skewed. Sombra builds this powerful artifact that can let him go toe-to-toe with the deities of the setting in one night? And he doesn't even manage to shackle anyone, unlike the image of the ponies in chains, and when did he set up his elaborate death traps for Twilight?

Personally, ever since Cadance appeared, I began to question natural alicorn immortality. I think it's more a case of Age Spells.

I'm liking this, although I'm more interested in the prospect of Luna taking Trixie under her wing and less so about the past history. World building is fun, but I'm here for the GPT. :trixieshiftleft:

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