• Published 28th Dec 2012
  • 1,703 Views, 21 Comments

Daring Do and the Compass of Desire - Shahrazad

An old legend, a business magnate, tantalizing hints from an old journal, and dangerous cats. Mix them together and what do you get? ADVENTURE! Will Daring Do find a relic worthy of the history books? Or just a frozen death at the edge of the world.

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Daring Do and the Compass of Desire part 4

Daring Do awoke to the soft sound of-


Rainbow Dash sat bolt upright in her bed and flattened her ears against the sound. There was a soft pop which she couldn't hear over the din as Tank retreated into his shell. She grimaced and trotted over to her window, snapped the catch, slid it open, and looked out.

The construction crew across the street had returned from their lunch and brought a jackhammer with them. A jackhammer they were now putting to good use. This is my POW day off, and I want POW read Daring POW without any POW! I can’t POW myself think! She shut the window and stuffed the book and Tank into her saddlebag. She strapped it on and flew out the front door. She flew straight until the sounds of the jackhammer were so low they would only cause your ears to bleed after several minutes instead of seconds. Now where can I read in peace?

She arrived outside the Golden Oaks library minutes later, the sounds of the jackhammer far behind her. Her eyes darted about to ensure no pony saw her. I don’t need anyone else to think I’m an egghead. She quietly entered through the balcony and never touched the floor until she was on the landing at the top of the stairs. She looked out over the main foyer and tilted her head to one side.

Twilight Sparkle was standing in front of a chalk board with a piece of unmoving chalk hovering at the end of a wild equation. Rainbow Dash couldn't even read some of the variables in the equation much less make sense of it. “Hi, I didn't hear you come in.” Rainbow Dash nearly jumped out of her horseshoes.

She whirled around to find Spike standing right behind her in a worn pink bathrobe. Once she got over her shock she snickered. “ Isn't it a little late for a bath?”

“Hey, I always have a bath after I wake up!” Dash glanced at the clock on the wall which read 12:30pm. She rolled her eyes.

“I need a place to read, can I use the library downstairs?”

Spike shook his head, “Twilight got an idea last night and she wanted to modify her memory spell. She started working on immediately.” Spike yawned and glanced at Twilight’s bed, visible beyond the bedroom door, still made perfectly without a single crease in the sheets. “Don’t tell me she’s still working on it.”

The two of them looked at Twilight again, bags were under her eyes, and her eyelids drooped. They slowly slid down her unfocused eyes and just as they were about to close…”EUREKA! That’s it, this will make-“ the chalk tapped away furiously as she added several lines to the equations. “Then…then…how does…” Twilight returned to her previous state, although the stick of chalk was a bit shorter now and the equations even longer.

Spike sighed, “Sorry Dash, you can’t use the downstairs right now and I don’t want you using Twilight’s bed, I’m gonna have to drag her into it any minute now.”

“Hold that thought,” Rainbow Dash set Tank down then darted back outside and returned a moment later pushing a cloud with her head. It slid in front of her until she allowed it to rest in the main foyer, although it was above and out of the way of Twilight and whatever it was she was doing. She glanced at Spike who smiled and nodded.

“Com’on Tank, let’s get something to eat.” Spike said as he jogged to the kitchen while Tank trundled far behind him. Rainbow Dash flopped onto the cloud and opened “Daring Do and the Compass of Desire.” She flipped through several pages before finding her place and began to read again.


Daring Do awoke to the soft sound of-


She felt so tired, she stood on shaky legs. She was surrounded by cold snow, it was inside of her jacket and all over her legs and face. How did I get here? She tried to remember but it was just blank. She shrugged because the thought didn't seem like a big deal. She started to giggle although why she couldn't say, “where am I?” her voice echoed.

Looking around she could see she was in some kind of cave. She was surrounded by weak sunlight pouring through a hole above her. Cold and snow drifted down through that hole. She could hear the drip-drip-drip of water nearby, but beyond the beam of light she was standing in she couldn't see much. Oh I know, I should go exploring, yeah! The idea seemed to strike a chord in her, it was such a good idea. But I can’t see, it’s not fair. She started to pout, and then remembered she had a lantern with fireflies inside of it. She found her pack lying in the snow next to her, it was open and the contents spilled out. A broken lantern lay half exposed in the snow, not a single firefly left was inside.

She didn't mind that either, nothing seemed particularly important. She tried to take a step forward and noticed how hot she felt. A bit numb, but still her skin felt like it was on fire. Fire, that’s what I need, yeah! Frustrated, she tried to take off her jacket and found a hemp rope wrapped around her midsection. She pulled it off and kicked it away. Then she shrugged off her jacket and kicked it away as well, revealing her classic olive green shirt underneath. She found her pith helmet half buried in the snow next to her lantern and put in on her head, snow was packed inside and it tumbled all around her. She giggled again, now this feels right. She found a single piece of firewood left over from the previous night, little more than a stick. On instinct she wrapped the hemp rope around the top and used some flint to spark a fire, completing her makeshift torch. She held the torch in her mouth and tossed the flint away. Onward to adventure!

She didn't know where she was going and didn't really care. She was starting to get annoyed, why can’t I remember how I got here? The cave had rough walls, and air seemed flow past her causing the torch to waver. As she walked on she felt as if the mountain were breathing on her, like the warm breath of a massive beast. She caught the scent of something odd, something acrid, but maybe it was just the torch.

Eventually the rough stone walls changed to something more uniform. She was standing in a stone tunnel still, but it was almost round. Like it was created by a misshapen drill rather than the forces of nature. The walls were smooth, with few cracks and she could definitely feel warm air flowing past her. She sat on her haunches and took her pith helmet off for a moment to relax. The stone wall was surprisingly warm. She leaned into it just to take a load off for a moment. She started to feel pins and needles on her back.

The warm air flowing past her caused more pins and needles to dance across her coat. She twitched, like she was waking from a deep sleep. This is uncomfortable. The warm breath of the mountain caressed her again. Suddenly she started to violently shiver. Spasms wracked her body, the torch fell out of her mouth to clatter a short distance away. She hugged herself with her forehooves, trying to desperately to stop the remorseless cold from hurting her anymore.

Another breath of warm air caused something in her brain to flicker to life, like a set of gears that were suddenly meshed. She had fallen into this hole after Ahuizotl had caused that narrow land bridge to collapse and then…she awoke in this cave. She must have fallen through a snowdrift unconscious. It was pure luck she wasn't-

oh hay.

In addition to searing pain all over her body from the freezing cold, she could feel a sizable lump on her forehead. She gently prodded it with a hoof and winced as she could feel a goose egg along with a new ache in her forehead. OK calm down Daring Do, you’re not going to freeze to death because it’s warm here. This was very true, warm air brushed past her every other second, and the wall behind her was cool but much warmer than she was now. She knew the dangers of hypothermia academically, but to experience them was truly frightening. If it wasn't so warm down here, I would be dead. But why IS it so warm down here?

The violent shaking she was experiencing from the cold was slowing to a tremble. The snow in her pith helmet had luckily stopped any serious swelling from the bump on her head, although it’s going to get worse before it gets better. She had no idea how long she had lain in the snow unconscious, but it was long enough for her to reach the precipice of a cold death and for Ahuizotl to get a significant lead on her. And the other ponies…

Wait a minute! What happened to the others? The rope- offered no clues, as it had burned away as kindling at the end of her torch. She had no idea what had made it break, but the other ponies might be down here as well, I have to find them! With a renewed purpose she set off down the strange round tunnel with little more than her torch and a keen mind for adventure. And my hat she thought with a smile.


The lump on her head throbbed painfully and the torch was burning low. The air had grown so hot it was like being in a sauna. Daring Do had tried to find where she started but gave up after an hour of fruitless searching. The roundish tunnels crisscrossed and coiled in upon themselves like vines, the only direction she could get her baring on was whatever heat source was creating the warm air currents. Whatever the heat source was it was very powerful.

She had seen nothing to indicate the others in the expedition were down here. She also hadn’t seen any hint of Ahuizotl either and for that she was grateful. She continued on towards the source of the heat, hoping the other ponies would go to the same place if there were as cold as she was. She removed her helmet and wiped the sweat from her brow. Where are they?


Daring Do stopped short and almost fell. Her ears shot up and her eyes shrank to pin pricks. She stood stock still listening for anything but could hear only the soft pop of her torch. She was almost sure she had heard a sound. Maybe it was the strange acoustics of the cave or the bump on her head was starting to play tricks on her. She continued on but felt her skin crawl, as if she were being watched.


Daring Do stopped again. She was sure she heard something this time. “Who’s there!” she shouted down the dark tunnel, “Compass Rose? Go the other way.” Her echo was the only answer. A cold puff of air drifted down the tunnel from the opposite direction she was going. It sent a chill up her spine.


She whirled around. The growl seemed to come from everywhere. Where are the others? She hadn't a clue where they were, all she knew is she didn't want to freeze to death. Another cold blast of air blew down the tunnel. She started to tremble again, but this time it wasn't from the cold. She turned around and galloped down the tunnel.

She turned down several of the strange tunnels, her guttering torch the only light source. She was exhausted, cold and hot (if that was even possible), a little hungry, and the lump on her head wasn't getting any better. And I still can’t find the others? Did they abandon me? Why would they do that? Another cold blast of air nearly took her off of her hooves. She pushed her gallop to a sprint.

After several minutes she stopped. She had to, she was out of breath and she could go no further. It was sweltering now, the heat making her body and brain itch. What else is down here? And why did the others leave me? She had to rest but her mind lingered on those fuzzy memories of her first experiences in this cave. She remembered feeling hot and trying to take off her overcoat. She remembered the rope around her midsection…and the end of it wasn't frayed! It was cut!

A massive blast of cold air rushed down the tunnel as adrenaline surged into her veins. She shot down the tunnel again, her torch growing colder but the air growing warmer. Another blast of cold air lifted her off her hooves and she skidded into a gentle curve of the tunnel. The torch was snuffed in the blast of air. Darkness coalesced around her.

She could see the tunnel, gently curving downward and she could see the hooves in front of her face. How is this possible? It should be totally dark in here!


Something large that stank of danger and other foul odors was closing in on her, she could feel rather than see it in the dark. She galloped towards the source of light and heat, her only chance of getting out of this alive. The tunnel grew hotter and brighter.

She burst into a massive cavern her hooves making echoes across the vast expanse. It was lit with an angry red glow from several large holes scattered about the cavern. Massive stalactites hung from the ceiling shot through with multicolored tones of lime green, light brown and rusty red. Many had fallen to form the holes in the stone ground. She could see shimmering waves in the air, like a mirage on a hot day bellowing from many of those holes. Cone shaped stones rose from the floor, with a sickly rust colored vapor escaping from their missing tops. Daring Do stared with wide eyes when she saw a brilliant light source along the wall. A slow trickle of bright liquid stone flowed down into a crevice and she could hear faint sounds, like the roar of a faraway beach. That explains all of the light and heat.


She gasped for air, the stifling heat and the acrid vapors burned her lungs and nose. Fear pushed her forward, she reached the center of the cavern and then all Tartarus broke loose.

Horrible creatures skittered into the cavern on all four limbs from every direction. They boiled out of tunnels set above and around her. They had long white hair with long gangly arms that ended in razor sharp claws. Stubby but sturdy legs allowed them to move with surprising swiftness. They reeked even over the vapors pouring into the cavern. Each entered with a blast of cold air and there were at least of score of the beasts. Daring Do gasped, she recognized these monsters. The stories told to foals didn't do justice to how horrible they really were.


She smiled despite the fact she was about to be devoured by these cold abominations. She was blessed to witness creatures thought to be a myth. She loved to chase myths so it was only fair that for once, a myth would chase her.

The faint smile dropped from her face as the wedingos circled closer, growling past sharp pointy teeth. Daring Do’s eyes darted around as she searched for an escape, her mind burning with possibilities each more desperate than the last. As the creatures circled closer they snapped at each other, giving Daring Do a moment to think. It wouldn't be long before one of them pounced on her and started to eat her alive. She coughed again, the stench of sulfur making her choke.

Wait a minute, those vapors would choke me to death if there weren't any way for them to escape. She watched the vapors and heat rise. She smiled. One of the larger wedingos, a matriarch judging by her size, flew at her with a terrifying roar.

Daring Do spread her wings and jumped over the nearest hole in the floor. She saw the wavering air and knew it was probably going to hurt, but anything was better than being torn limb from limb. The heat hit her from below like she had been bucked, it knocked the wind out of her and she was almost certain her feathers would catch fire if she didn't get out of the way.

The wedingo stopped just short of the thermal column, her long arms could have easily reached Daring Do, if Daring Do hadn't risen. She shot up like she had been launched from a cannon, the thermal updraft carried her up so fast her head spun. Her wings threatened to burn from the heat, she flapped once to change her accent. She flew around a massive stalactite, it could have fit a house inside and then she saw her chance. On the other side she saw a dark tunnel hanging on the wall. It was so high up she couldn't have seen it from the ground, the vapors created a rusty brown fog that obscured the ceiling. She glanced down with the intention of sticking her tongue out at her would be predators.

White shapes were climbing up the walls like squirrels, their razor sharp talons digging into the stone like it was made of wood. Daring Do closed her mouth as fear forced her to beat her wings with all of her remaining strength. She flew into the dark tunnel. She realized that if the wedingos decided to chase her in here, she would have nowhere to run but onward and upward. I hope there are no wedingos in this tunnel in front of me, if there are I’m as good as dead.

She looked up at the tunnel she was in, it angled sharply upward, she would have to fly. Thank Celestia there’s a thermal draft, otherwise I might not be able to fly at this altitude. She saw something at the end of the tunnel, something that made her pupils shrink and her heart to flutter. Thank Luna, Celestia, fate, and whatever else is out there! She heard growls at the mouth of the tunnel behind her, and pushed her wings to their limits as she shot upward chased by cold, hungry death with teeth.



Spike let out a huge burp that tore Rainbow Dash out of her book. She saw him and Tank in the kitchen munching on sandwiches. “heh heh, good one Spike.” Spike smiled, crumbs falling from his mouth. He swallowed the rest of his sandwich and burped again and orange flames shot out of his mouth. He slapped both claws over his snout and blush rose to his cheeks. Rainbow Dash laughed, “Get any letters?” she said with a huge smile.

“Not this time.” Spike yawned and picked up Tank. “Do you mind if I play with Tank?” he said with big puppy dog eyes.

“Go ahead short stuff.” Spike darted off with Tank in his clutches. Dash glanced at Twilight, she still hasn't moved. She shrugged and continued to read.


Daring Do shot out of the tunnel and into the sunlight, she was blinded but still smiled. Hopefully I've lost them. She drifted down, allowing her eyes to adjust to the outside after spending so long in the dark.

She gasped, again and again. The air was so thin and she felt a bit woozy. She could no longer tell what the cause of this feeling was, it might have been the cold, the heat, the bump on her head, or the air. Or perhaps it was the view in front of her.

Daring Do stood on the precipice of a massive caldera. She was on the edge looking out over the entire bowl, she could see white almost everywhere around the edges. The water in the middle of the caldera had frozen long ago, creating what looked like a giant glass plate in the middle of a white porcelain bowl. She stifled a laugh, I’m at the top of the world and what do I find? A giant toilet bowl!

It seemed to float in the middle of the frozen lake, a structure that seemed smaller than it truly was, dwarfed by the scale of the landscape around it. She laughed and almost skipped down the snow encrusted slope before reaching the frozen lake. When she reached it she almost lost her balance. She was still laughing as she slid across the ice towards the stone structure in the middle. She could see her breath each time she laughed but she didn't care, she planned to be inside that structure before long and she was just happy to be alive. She wasn't worried the ice would crack beneath her either, after all it could hold up a building and she wasn't nearly that heavy.

She reached the stone steps leading up to what looked like a temple. Ancient pegasus glyphs adorned the base of the columns, making Daring Do giddy. This is it! It has to be! She trotted up the steps and froze, her ears flicked forward, she dared not breath.


Normally the meow of a small house cat was no cause for alarm. This situation was anything but normal and while Daring Do could feel her brain working at half capacity she knew enough to be cautious. Ahuizotl must be inside looting the treasures right now! That stuff belongs in a museum.

Not seeing any other way in, she gently opened the massive wooden door, noticing the bent bit of metal in the rusty keyhole. I guess ancient locks weren't made with lock picks in mind. She crept in slowly, hoping for stealth. She slipped inside and saw a sight that any archaeologist would have swooned over. Relics of a bygone pegasus era lined the walls, the walls themselves had large framed paintings, most of those unfortunately had succumbed to the ravages of time to various degrees. Pegasus sculptures, some of them showing a pegasus stomping on an earth pony or unicorn were set about the room. Nationalism at its best, Daring Do thought sarcastically. Column designs that were still seen today in places like Cloudsdale formed a regal path towards the other end of the vault. On a small raised pedestal there was a small box with a beautiful set of colored tiles inlaid on it. Behind the box was Ahuizotl, staring directly at it with a look of concentration on his face, his every muscle tense.

Daring Do darted behind one of the columns. She couldn't hear anything but her own breathing and the pounding of her own heart. Did Ahuizotl see me? She thought that he hadn't, but she couldn't hear his feline companions either, which meant that she could be the prey rather than the other way around. She gulped when she remembered how difficult it would be to fly with the air so thin. She crouched and peeked around the column. From this angle she could see Ahuizotl, his eyes staring at a column on his right.

Daring Do did a double take, Ahuizotl wasn’t looking at a column he was staring at Lieutenant Compass Rose! She was decked out with security barding, shod with those dangerous horse shoes and held some kind of pistol aimed right at Ahuizotl. Laying on the ground beside her were several large predatory cats, each one had a small yellow dart lodged somewhere on their hides. A small burlap sack with its drawstring closed wiggled and an irritated meow could be heard from it. Daring Do breathed a sigh of relief as the situation was under total control. She trotted out from behind the pillar. “Lieutenant, you have no idea how glad I am to see you.”

Lieutenant Compass Rose tensed and turned to Daring Do. Ahuizotl also turned his head slightly and set his beady eyes on Daring Do. His glare bored into her, but something about Ahuizotl made Daring Do’s skin crawl. Ahuizotl shut his eyes and slapped the end of his tail over the end of his snout. ”Idiota,” he said just loud enough for Daring Do to hear.

Daring Do smiled at Ahuizotl, “you’re not getting away with the treasures this time Ahuizotl. This stuff is going in a museum where it belongs.”

Lieutenant Rose motioned with her hoof and the other three ponies shifted around the surrounding pillars, their weapons trained on Ahuizotl. They were just as well armed and armored as the Lieutenant. She spoke up, “Ms. Do, I believe the compass is inside that colorful box there,” she pointed with her weapon. “We found Ahuizotl trying to open it without success, going on and on about how rich he would be once he had a compass that could point him to any relic he wanted.” Ahuizotl narrowed his eyes at her and his snout wrinkled up into a snarl, but he remained silent. “Do you think you can open it Ms. Do?”

“I would be happy to once we are back at the base camp.” Daring Do smiled and her eye lids drooped. “I’m so tired and I have a new bump on my head. You wouldn't believe what I went through in order to get here. After I fell I was chased by wedingos! Come to think of it, what happened to you ponies? I thought we were tethered together. Menteur was right behind me when-“


Daring Do slapped a hoof onto her neck on reflex. She pulled a small yellow dart out.


A similar dart appeared on Ahuizotl’s chest, as he continued to snarl. Daring Do felt odd, everything was out of focus. She could hear the Lieutenant’s voice, “What the hay Menteur! The box isn't open yet.”

“Sorry boss, everything was just going south and I-“

Daring Do sank to her knees, she saw Ahuizotl do the same still glaring at all of the ponies in the room. “I’ll let Gold Bar decide what to do with you later Menteur. Let’s get everything packed up I want to be out of here in 15. MOVE OUT,” the lieutenant barked.

Daring Do couldn't focus on anything it was like somepony was filling the room with fog. She kept trying to stand but her body wouldn't listen, her mind screaming in terror at the loss of control. “What…whzz goin on?” Her words came out thick and slow, her mouth wouldn't respond the way it should. She tasted something bitter but felt nothing in her mouth. The last thing she remembered before everything went dark was Menteur covering her with a burlap sack.


Wedingos were climbing up after her, she desperately flapped her wings but no matter how hard she tried they just kept gaining on her. She could see a pinprick of light at the top of the tunnel but it didn't seem to be getting any bigger. The wedingos growled and she could hear their claws click as they dug into the stone walls.

Any moment they would be upon her, their sharp teeth would dig into her and rend her flesh. Her breath became labored and desperate as she tried to move. She felt like she was trapped in water. She looked down and saw a wedingo close in on her, its mouth opened impossibly wide and she saw row upon row of razor sharp teeth billowing back into a dark pit. The entire tunnel was nothing but a gullet with teeth. The closest row snapped down and a tooth buried itself in her flank just as she opened her mouth to a silent scream.


Her heart started to beat faster and her eyes fluttered open. Every part of her body ached, and everything was still out of focus. She felt like her mouth was stuffed with cotton and she wanted to rub her eyes but her limbs wouldn’t move. Her eyes opened and rolled around in their sockets, trying to find something to focus on. “Buenos dias, idiota,” said an overly cheerful voice from behind her.

“oh my head…” she tried to look around but found her entire body was wrapped in thick ropes. This alarmed her and caused her heart to beat even faster. She tried to see who was behind her but she was seated in a chair and the ropes didn't allow her to turn and look.

“That stuff works fast, yes? They injected you only moments ago.” The same voice from behind her, it sounded familiar.


“There’s that sharp mind of my rival.” Ahuizotl said, sarcasm dripping in every word. Daring Do’s eyes finally focused and she took in her surroundings. She was seated in a hard wooden chair with something large and furry seated directly behind her. Thick hemp ropes bound her and Ahuizotl, she could only move her head. She still had her pith helmet on, but she could feel new gauze underneath it, covering the lump on her head. Sadly little was done to tend to her muscles which as of now were stretched to their limits. The lack of mobility didn't help matters. The room was constructed with thick rough logs, giving it a very rustic feel. A small flame crackled in a lamp hanging on a hook near the door. Two more of the rough wooden chairs were around that table. A bear skin rug was underneath the unlikely duo, its mouth open in an eternal snarl. The warm outline of a door and a square window without glass seemed to be the only exits. She could hear the faint whistle of the wind and feel a cold breath of air wafting through the slats in the windows shutters. She was glad it was closed. Faint voices entered the room with the warm glow of the door’s outline.

Daring Do’s eyes narrowed and she flicked her ears forward to listen to those voices. She spoke quietly to Ahuizotl, “Gold Bar hired you to find the compass didn’t he?”


Daring Do hung her head, her worst fears were proving true. “And he doesn't want to share this trinket with any museum, he wants to use it himself.”

The door opened swiftly flooding the room with the golden light from a fireplace. “Correct Ms. Do, I didn't get to be where I am today by giving away useful tools.” Gold Bar’s shaded form stood in the doorway, backlit by the warm light. Several other ponies were behind him, but the light made Daring Do squint her eyes and she couldn't tell who they were. “Leave us,” it was a command, not a request.

The door closed and Daring Do’s eyes opened fully, allowing her to see the faces of Gold Bar and Hard Hoof. Hard Hoof looked less armed, but the result was more frightening. He was wearing security barding that left his legs, neck, and flanks bare. Daring Do couldn't help but stare at the well-muscled stallion. Angry gashes covered his flank and neck, the fur refusing to grow back leaving the scars visible. He had many and each looked more painful than the last. He was wearing horseshoes as well, but the regular kind without spikes. Gold Bar was still chomping on a cigar, but this time he wore a sable fur lined jacket. He held the box she had seen at the summit, Gold Bar set the box down gently on the table and retrieved the lantern from beside the door. He set the lantern down on the table illuminating the box brightly. “Now this isn't how I wanted things to go, I would have preferred you to find the box without having to go through all of this pain. My…employee...let’s just say his contract has been…terminated.” The way he spoke made Daring Do shiver.

“Why haven’t you killed us yet?” Daring Do glared at Gold Bar, she was tired in body and soul and couldn't summon the subtly to spar with words. Gold Bar raised an eyebrow.

“Kill you? Why would I kill you? You have done nothing to provoke my ire. You have gone to the roof of the world and back to bring me this.” He brushed the box gently, “and unlike the weasel behind you, you haven’t tried to steal what rightly belongs to me.” Daring Do watched Gold Bar carefully, “I apologize for my ex-employee’s actions, but as I said he is no longer employed. I had nurse Snow Heart patch you up.” At the mention of her name Daring Do’s skin began to crawl, “and if you would be so kind to tell me how to open this box I will let you go, pay you as we agreed, and deliver Ahuizotl to the Manehatten authorities.” Gold Bar smiled.

“That’s a pretty good deal.” Daring Do felt Ahuizotl tense behind her. But she knew he was lying. Perhaps it was the way he referred to his employee, the ropes that held her fast, or Hard Hoof who appeared to be in the room just to intimidate her. Or perhaps it was just Gold Bar’s smile, the grin that didn't push past his cheeks. His eyes that didn't hold that joyful spark that should be there had the smile been genuine. All she could see now when she looked into his eyes was cold, calculating greed. Those eyes weighed gold and souls on the same set of scales. “But I think you’re full of manure!”

Gold Bar didn't flinch, but Hard Hoof did. Hard Hoof took a step forward, his every muscle flexing, revealing the powerful body he was blessed with. Gold Bar sighed and sat down at the table. He placed the box and lantern in full view of his captives. They had only to turn their heads to get a full view of the thing. “That’s regrettable, but I will get what I want. I prefer to use the carrot, but Hard Hoof here likes to use the stick. I find that when combined the results are excellent.” Hard Hoof was casually walking around towards Ahuizotl. “I will make you two a new deal. The first one to tell me how to open this box gets to go free, the other one I will leave here in the cold. You see? Carrot and stick.” Daring Do snorted that’s the same as murder.

There was a sound like a wet towel hitting a stone floor. Daring Do’s entire body jolted, and she heard a sharp cry of pain. Gold Bar’s expression didn't change, “that’s for trying to steal what belongs to me.” Hard Hoof walked around into Daring Do’s view, both of his back hooves left crimson hoof prints on the floor. Ahuizotl was breathing much more heavily, as if the air was as thin here as it was at the summit of the Dragon’s Tooth. Hard Hoof glanced at the box sitting on the table, when Daring Do didn't take her glare off of him a little smile bloomed on his face. He raised one front hoof and swiftly moved, as if he were going to poke her in the chest.

“Urk” was the only sound Daring Do made when his hoof made contact. She felt like she had been hit with a cannonball. Her eyes watered, it felt like something broke inside of her. The impact jolted both her and Ahuizotl. She tasted copper and spat the liquid filing her mouth at Hard Hoof. His smile didn't waver as a blotch of crimson appeared on his face. He wiped it away with the same hoof he had used to touch her, and then motioned again towards the box. Daring Do was shaking, the pain in her chest made it hard to breathe. She didn't want to help Gold Bar but she did not want Hard Hoof to do that again. I need some time to think. She looked at the box.

She could see Ahuizotl out of the corner of her eye and he too was studying the box intently. She immediately understood why Gold Bar hadn't smashed the box open or tried to pick the lock. It was more than a simple lockbox. It was a very special kind of lockbox with a multicolored set of tiles on its front which were actually the key to opening it. Inside of this box numerous vials were strategically placed inside and inside of those vials was a very powerful acid. To open the box the correct combination of colored tiles had to be pushed in, causing the locking mechanism to open. If the wrong tiles were pushed, they would break one or more of those vials, causing the acid to destroy the box’s contents. It was a security device usually only found in ancient pegasus military structures. Usually the boxes contained secret plans or other valuable documents, which ironically had disintegrated over the years. However the boxes themselves were still valuable relics and often were still functional even after an era had passed. Daring Do had found one years ago and had written a paper on them early in her career. I never thought I would need to actually solve one!

She stared at the box and tried to get her brain to work. Gold Bar pulled a golden pocket watch out of his breast pocket and flicked it open, his gaze more concerned with the time than what was before him. The front of the box had twelve small colored tiles, each a different color of the rainbow. They were set such that they formed a spectrum like a rainbow with black on the left and white on the right and every other color in-between. She thought about the possibilities. She would get only one guess and if it was wrong…

“Dark blue,” Ahuizotl spoke up while Daring Do was still formulating her theories. She did have one theory which included that color but Daring Do couldn't be sure. Gold Bar glanced at Hard Hoof who just shrugged, Daring Do held her breath. Gold Bar hesitated, and then gently pushed the dark blue tile…it slid in slowly…


Everyone in the room tensed like a bow string being drawn taunt. No one heard a crunch of glass. I guess Ahuizotl knows what it is, and Gold Bar has done his homework too. Daring Do’s mind worked furiously, her chances of getting out of this alive were slim, but they were virtually non-existent if Ahuizotl found the answer first.

“Orange.” Ahuizotl spoke with confidence. Gold Bar smiled and reached for the box.

“WAIT!” Daring Do finally spoke, she was fairly certain what the color combination was, now she just had to convince Gold Bar of that fact. Gold Bar froze, his hoof hovering above the orange tile. “It isn’t orange, that’s wrong.”

“It’s orange, and red,” Ahuizotl blurted out. “It’s the primary colors used in the pegasus classical works of art by Bumareroti, and especially the missing painting Doni Tondo. You have that painting now by the way.” Ahuizotl smiled, even though he thought he was about to die, at least he got a chance to beat Daring Do at something.

Damn, I didn't think of that! That’s sound reasoning. But wait, if this is a military relic of the pre-equestrian era then… The answer came to her in a flash. It was so simple, but the cipher back at the Manehatten Library reminded her that the old ponies were simple creatures and it fit perfectly with a military theme. “No, push the light blue one.”

Gold Bar’s eyes danced between the two of them, his hoof hovered over the box. He blinked and the hoof covered his face. “Well I do prefer my contractors to compete with each other but this is unexpected. You both have answers. Ms. Do, I am afraid I find Ahuizotl’s reasoning compelling. Do you have better reasons?”

Daring Do stopped herself for a moment. If she was right, and she was fairly certain she was, she would be handing over a valuable relic to the likes of Gold Bar. If she was wrong…well odds were she was dead no matter what she said. She just didn't expect Gold Bar to honor his deal. She was a loose end, and Gold Bar didn't strike her as a pony that let things go to chance. She shut her mouth. A hoof gently pushed her chin up, her eyes gazed into those of Hard Hoof. He cocked his other hoof back to strike, she could see joy in his eyes. By the goddess, he actually enjoys hurting others! “OK! ok-“

Hard Hoof put his limbs on the ground, the joy fled from his eyes and the stony expression returned. Daring Do didn't want to take the chance that the compass would be destroyed, even if that meant it would be used to further line the pockets of a greedy pony. Daring Do turned to Gold Bar again, “That box is a piece of military hardware. Its old but it was designed by old pegasus military minds. They would have not chosen a piece of artwork for inspiration.”

Ahuizotl growled, “How do you know the thief who stole it didn't change the pass code?”

Daring Do felt like she was back at school giving a lecture, “Because those boxes have no way to change the pass code, at least not without breaking the acid vials. If they are broken inside and I am wrong, well, no harm done. If I am right however…”

Gold Bar nodded, “continue.”

“Then the color code is the same colors used on the old pegasus flags. Dark blue, light blue, and white.” Gold Bar looked at the box as he silently pondered the possibilities. The three tiles on the far right were Daring Do’s choices.

Gold Bar smiled and dropped his hoof. Ahuizotl and Daring Do looked on with wide eyes. “Thank you, both of you. You have given me excellent and expert opinions. However-“ his smile took on a sinister quality, “I would rather not leave things up to chance, I will be taking this box back with me for some tests, perhaps we can open it without guessing. At the very least I will have something to neutralize the acid on hand in the event we are wrong.” He began talking faster and faster, excitement creeping into his voice. He rubbed the box gently, “oh yes, I will have my precious prize. Let’s go Hard Hoof.” Hard Hoof hung his head and looked at his own hooves, especially the ones with splotches of crimson on them, before he trotted out.

Gold Bar followed his minion out, a wicked grin on his face. “Good bye Ms. Do, Ahuizotl. I am exercising clause 135 of our contracts, thus they are…terminated.” As he left he bucked the lantern, causing it to crash onto the floor. As Gold Bar closed the door he laughed with delight.

A small but spreading puddle of oil leaked out over the wooden floor. It didn't take long for the room to fill with smoke and Daring Do to start coughing. Ahuizotl began to struggle against his bonds, making them tighten around Daring Do, the place where Hard Hoof had touched her and her bruised rib flared with pain. “Stop, what are you doing? We’re not going to get out that way!”

“Idiota, you just had to give him an answer!”

“He was probably going to kill us anyway.”

Ahuizotl sighed and stopped struggling, “Perhaps you are correct.” He slumped against the chair, “Fitting that we die together.”

“Oh com’on, I've gotten out of worse than this.” Daring Do said with rising confidence. “Work with me.” She began to shift the chair towards the door. Fire popped and crept across the floor and around the table. It reached the wall below the window and started to travel up.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to get to that lantern hook, now HELP ME,” Daring Do pleaded. Ahuizotl hissed, but started to shift in time with Daring Do. Together they bunny hopped across the room towards the hook while the fire reached the window sill. Desperate times call for desperate measures, she thought. They reached the door with the lantern hook just over her head.

“Now what?” Daring Do tilted her head and the hook caught her hat. She pulled her head away and now her pith helmet was hanging by the lantern hook. Ahuizotl snorted, “Now is not the time to be hanging up your sombrero!”

“Just wait” Daring Do used her teeth like any good pony and found the small, flat knife hidden behind the green cloth wrapped around her pith helmet. Ahuizotl gasped, hope found him for the first time in this room.

“How long have you had that?!”

“I always have a spare in my hat,” Daring Do said with clenched teeth. She began to saw away at the ropes. The fire had consumed half the room and at the rate it was going, it would eat the other half much faster than the first.


The ropes fell to the floor and both Daring Do and Ahuizotl stood up and shrugged them off. They whirled on each other, circling like predators in a blazing jungle. Ahuizotl laughed, “You are not the only one who keeps things in reserve Ms. Do.” He brought his tail with its hand like appendage to his mouth and stuck two fingers in. He blew a shrill blast, making a sound much like his whistle. There was a heavy thud and the door crashed open. The panther stood in the door way standing on the remains of the door, claws digging into the fresh wood. Ahuizotl calmly stepped out of the room waving goodbye. “Looks like you will meet your doom anyway Daring Do.”

"You won't get away with this, Ahuizotl"

“Oh but I already have,” the panther crouched and growled, Ahuizotl’s footfalls faded away.


A burning chunk of the ceiling fell, cutting off the black predator. The panther hissed and darted away from the fire. Daring Do looked around and her ears fell against her head. The room was engulfed in fire, the only portion that was safe was the corner she was in and it wouldn't stay that way for long. She looked about desperately for an escape, but all she could see were flames.

Author's Note:

Happy new year, the final part to this story should be up tomorrow assuming I am not passed out drunk!