• Published 15th Jan 2013
  • 411 Views, 7 Comments

Mistakes Last Forever.... - goldennightmare

A unicorn new to Ponyville has the adventure of her life, through love, heartbreak, and the unexpected....All while trying to juggle her own chaotic life.

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Mistakes are Memories......or Nightmares

Before she entered her house, Autumn Darling stared plainly at the small, wood figures and carvings behind her window. The unicorn let out a small sigh, remembering the conversation she just ended.

Wood carvings? Seriously? Rainbow's laugh rang in her head.

So much for friendship. She opened the door, and slammed it closed as soon as she did. The last time she told anyone that, it didn't go so well. But that was back in Canterlot. And Trottingham.....and Manehattan... Life never looked up the way her parents wanted it to. Autumn Darling shoved those thoughts to the back of her head. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't blame her parents, or anyone in general. Just those stupid figurines. She trotted up the stairs and prepared to sleep. Maybe she'd dream a real dream, not the backside of the world she wished she lived in.

If only wishes came true.

The small mint-green filly found herself adjusting the bright blue bow in her hair. Canterlot, here we come! She bounced and giggled at the thought of moving once more, but this time was the last. Her parents, Dainty Twig and Chipped Branch, had finally decided that Canterlot was the finally destination for their wood-carving business. The figures and creations the made had made them a large profit, strange, seeing as how it was only wood.

"Autumn Darling, hurry! We mustn't be late!"


She hurried down the stairs of the small house they were renting out for the past three days. For the past year, that was probably the longest they'd stay in one place. Dodge Junction was nice and all, but Autumn had already decided that Canterlot was better.

The sun shone brilliantly as the colors reflected into the sky in Canterlot. Stumbling across the roads, Autumn Darling made her way for school. Hopefully, school with other foals would be better than learning with her mother everyday. She quietly made her way to a rather large building with murals of the sun and Princess Celestia. Outside the doors stood a group of foals, all a diverse amount of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. But, in the middle of the large crowd stood a yellow-orange pegasus filly with a gray-blue eyes and a light, rust colored mane. She appeared to have many followers, and was boasting about something.

".....And now, I finally have earned my cutie mark!" She showed off a gold-colored ring on her flank.

"Wow! How'd you get that?" Autumn interjected.

The pegasus lifted her nose high, and examined Autumn Darling. "Who are you?"

"I'm Autumn Darling. Who are you?"

She let out a snark giggle. "I am Golden Jewel. Where are you from, Autumn Darling?"

"Oh, well, I've recently come from Dodge Junction. But, my parents and I move around a lot since they sell wood-things!"

"The entire group giggled. "Wood-things? They sell wood-things?"

The giggling faces weren't easy to forget. Young Autumn slowly felt like an ant, shrinking to the ground. Why'd she tell them that? Stupid! The overly large smiles and sharp laughter echoed in her head, slowly taking over her thoughts.

"Wood-things! Ha!"

Autumn Darling's eyes shot open. And I dreamed the past. She sighed and got up. How long was she even asleep? Opening the curtains, she realized the sun had barely risen yet. Knowing better than to sleep longer than she needed, Autumn went downstairs and wallowed on the couch. She took back everything she said earlier. She did blame her parents, Dainty Twig and Chipped Branch for her troubles, and wished it had never happened. But then, I never would've met Pinkie and all them. She would've much rather stayed in Dodge Junction, where fillies and colts hadn't judged your parents profession. The only good thing her parents did for her was giving her the ability to turn her head on the society they brought her into, so she could finally leave that torturous life to begin again, here in Ponyville. A new, fresh beginning with new friends, challenges, and lifestyles. And love.....maybe.

She glanced at the window across from the seat, the window with the wood figures. Why do I keep those? Or even make them? Using her magic, she threw them to the ground. Resisting the urge to get up and crush them, she repeatedly threw them to the floor, over and over.These things ruined my life! Anger seared through her mind. Why? Why had she told all the ponies about her parents and her past? All it did and will do is create even worse nightmares, nightmares that won't go away. Nightmares that will haunt me for the rest of my life! Within the rush, Autumn Darling split one figurine into hundreds of tiny pieces. Realizing what she'd done, she sat on the floor and attempted to pick up the pieces.

"No, no!" Tears ran down her face, her throat began to swell. The broken carving was one based off a small, stuffed toy she had as a filly, that she had lost in the midst of moving constantly. "What did I do?!"

Autumn Darling later swept up the pieces, but stored them in a small box, which went on the window sill, along with the other figures. Letting of steam and stress, Autumn left to take a walk, hoping to run into a pony she knew, who could help with the issue.