• Published 25th Dec 2012
  • 596 Views, 4 Comments

The God, The Time Lord, and The TARDIS - The_Seer

A super long fan fiction about The Doctor's new assistant- one that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere

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The first adventure

Two figures suddenly appeared in the shadows and eyed the lone wolf.

He had no knowledge of any spies, so he continued on with his business. Eventually, after at least whole minute, he saw the shadows and grew scared. "Name yourself, strangers!" The voice sounded almost robotic.

The figures in the shadows grinned, then one spoke to the lone wolf- the other stayed silent, but still smiled. "Me? Well I'm The Doctor..."

The lone wolf dilated his single eye. "No... impossible..." The lone wolf gathered his courage and ignored the fact that The Doctor was right in from of him. "You. Other one. Who are you? Show yourself!"

A flash of light illuminated the area that the three were in- revealing the identity of the other. "NOOOOOOOO! The horror!" The lone wolf screamed as loud as he could- hoping to draw attention.

The TARDIS faded into the dark alley of the strange place on Earth with a whooshing sound- obviously in the outskirts of a city. The Doctor stepped out of the blue police box and looked around. He was newly incarnated- looking twenty years old with a slightly pale, white skin color. He was finally a ginger! After so many reincarnations, he was finally a ginger!

This Doctor was more cautious- a quality that he had not often acquired when he reincarnated. His other incarnations were usually the opposite- reckless.

The Doctor had no idea why the TARDIS had brought him there- he was headed to a distant planet. He was traveling in the TARDIS alone- again, for his companion was long dead. Oh how he wished she hadn't died, but all things must change eventually.

His thoughts flickered to this place once again. Was there something that he needed to do here? Sometimes, the Doctor never understood how the TARDIS could be pulled out of his control and into another place that he had not wanted to go to. But then he remembered it was telepathic- it knew things he didn't.

The Doctor took one careful step after another- cautiously scouting out the reason for the fact that he had gone off course. He made his way out of the alley and peered around the corners. The only thing there was a brick red building. Was this the place that he needed to go? He very cautiously walked up to it- careful not to be seen by a possible enemy. When he reached the building door, he ran his fingers over the nob- then grasped it and used his body to force the door open.

He stuck his head inside and looked around. The building was old and run down- it has obviously been abandoned quite a while. The Doctor walked inside. This building seemed safe enough to him. Maybe the TARDIS had just malfunctioned. The Doctor turned to leave until he heard low sobbing. His ears picked up that it was of a young girl- possibly around nineteen years old. But, what would she be doing here? He no longer heard the crying, so he walked around the room. There were no other doors that he could see. Maybe he imagined the crying?

Suddenly, he could hear the crying once again. He pressed his ear against the wall- the crying seemed to be coming from the other side! The Doctor knocked on the walls to look for a hidden door. There was no hidden door, but there seemed to be a hollow spot in the wall. After stepping back to the opposite wall, he charged at the hollow space and broke through. Big chunks of the drywall scattered on the ground in front of him. The Doctor was covered in drywall dust. He coughed a few times before walking sound of the crying grew louder as he turned the corner.

The Doctor walked down to the end of the short hallway. He looked in the only room and saw a girl sitting in the fetal position while crying.

The girl was of a bright blonde hair color with darker blonde highlights. A bubbly personality seemed to radiate from her aura- despite her emotions right now. She was wearing a gray shirt- the ones that exposed one's shoulders- and blue skinny jeans. The Doctor seemed drawn to her. He knew this was the reason the TARDIS had gone off course. "Oi come on, whats wrong young one?" He called to her.

She stopped crying and looked up. Her eyes grew dim then she exhaled forcefully through her nose and quickly shook her head. "T-time lord? I never knew anything like that existed!"

The Doctor's eyes grew wide out of disbelief. "How do you know what a Time Lord is?" He had no knowledge of anyone knowing about time lords other than the ones he has told- he was sure that he wiped out all of his records.

"I-I am not sure really." The girl simply said with a sigh as if she really had no idea how she came to know this information. "When I look at you, I see the words 'time lord'."

The doctor walked up to her and placed a hand on her forehead. "Why, I have not met anyone who is as strong as you. I'm The Doctor... So what is your name?"

"It may sound daft, but it's Kami." The girl became quickly agitated by the fact that this strange man was staring (adoringly?) into her eyes.

"Why are you here? It seems a little strange for someone like you to be in an old abandoned building."

The Doctor stood up and crossed his arms. "I could ask you the same question." Kami shrugged her shoulders and grew dead quiet. The doctor uncrossed his arms and knelt down next to her. "Why don't you come with me in the TARDIS? I could use someone like you."

Kami looked like she wanted to go, but something was holding her back. "I don't know... Maybe I could go."

"Great!" The Doctor grinned and pulled her to her feet. He was really happy to have some company again- he always hated it be alone. It drove him mad.

He held her hand and dragged her outside- where the tardis was no where to be found. The doctor released her hand and began to panic. "Oh no, oh no. Where is the TARDIS?!"

Kami stood calmly in front of where the TARDIS should have been. She was studying the area- seeing if she could pick up anything about where it was. The doctor was frantically looking around the whole area. After a few seconds, Kami finally picked up where it was. "Doctor, I know where it is." The Doctor rushed to her side. "It seems to have activated its cloaking system, so it is still in front of us. Just invisible." she placed her hand out in front of her. Her hand stopped in mid air- the TARDIS was indeed there.

The Doctor sighed with relief. "I forgot about the cloaking device- it has been broken for years. I had fixed it just recently. I thought someone had made off with the it! You really are amazing, Kami!" Kami smiled. She really loved to be praised- it made her feel as if she was actually important! "Come on, Kami. Lets go inside." He opened the invisible door of the TARDIS.

He led Kami inside- where she stood in awe at the sight. She has never seen the inside of a TARDIS before. "Wow. Its really interesting in here. Brilliant in fact. It's much bigger on the inside. Very brilliant indeed."

"I knew you'd like it. All of my other companions were skeptical of the TARDIS at first." He went to the center of the ship and placed his hands on the controls- then looked up dramatically. "What time period do you want to go to?" Kami stayed silent- she was still shy of The Doctor. "Come on, its your choice. Don't be shy."

"I don't know..." her facial expression told the doctor that if she could, she would be laying her ears flat on her head.

The doctor thought for a moment. "A ha!" He spun the controls and the tardis began to travel. Within seconds, they reached their destination. "Go on. Take a peak. You'll love it. I promise."

Kami opened the TARDIS door and took one step outside. Outside, she saw a beautiful place. It had bright green grass ans the clearest blue sky. What really caught her eye was how crystal clear the water looked from where she was standing. She suddenly caught eyes of weird creatures. They looked like they were some sort of swirl monsters. They looked kind of cute. "Doctor, what are these creatures?"

The Doctor appeared behind her. "They are called Whirls. They are gentle creatures, but may become agitated when someone hurts one of them."

"They are really cute." she replied. "What planet are we on?"

"We are on earth, many centuries into the future; when humans have evolved and moved to a new planet." Kami's pupils dilated. The human race evolving then leaving earth seemed impossible to her. But at that time, she remembered that her mum and dad had said that anything is possible.

Kami swallowed down her fear and began to slowly walk up to one of the whirls- one that seemed all alone. Like she was. The whirl had been sitting down in the dirt and drawing patterns of some sort. The doctor simply watched her with a smile as she began to talk to it. "hello there." the whirl stopped what it was doing and looked at her. It seemed like it had never seen a human before because it began to slowly back away. "Doctor. Why is the whirl afraid of me?" she looked back at him- noticing that he was coolly leaning up against the tardis.

"It's not afraid of you." He began. "It's afraid of me."

She turned back around to face the whirl- whom had run away. Probably to go get its mum and dad out of fear. "Why is it afraid of you Doctor?" she received no answer, so she whirled around to see that he was gone. The TARDIS was gone as well. A small paper sat where the TARDIS had once been. Kami walked up to the paper and picked it up.

She read it aloud. "Dear Kami, I have decided to let you stay here for a couple days. I have something I need to do, so I had to leave. Farewell until I return..." Kami sat in silence for a moment- mouth agape. She didn't want to leave him! Even for a second! The doctor was the only one she trusted in the universe. She never trusted anyone in that desolate wasteland she always called home. And she was glad to have not trusted anyone because all she felt was pain.

A loud battle cry echoed through the valley. "Get her! She was with The Doctor!" Kami whined with fear as the whirls surrounded her- all with ropes. The last thing she could remember was being tied up then struck forcefully on the back of her head.

When she came to, she discovered that she was tied to a post and there was a lone whirl standing beside her. "This will teach you a lesson: never trust that dreadful doctor. All you will have is pain." the whirl paused to watch her head drop. "The time war has caused us, the whirls, to abandon our planet and find another. It took many centuries, but we finally found a planet suiting to us. It was all good until you and that monster showed up."

The whirl left, leaving Kami to her thoughts. "Doctor... Why have you abandoned me? Why haven't you come back for me yet?" a gray cloud appeared over her head and began to drench her in rain. She let out a silent whimper as the rain poured down harder.

As time passed, the citizens grew comfortable with her presence and even began to taunt her. Kami would usually close her eyes and ignore them, but eventually her rage got the best of her, and she screamed at the whirls to stop. That was the wrong move because they unraveled their swirls and hissed at her- some even tried to attack, but the higher authority whirls stopped them.

The days went by ever so slowly- and cruelly. The whirls have tortured her to no end to get her to spill the beans about where The Doctor was. Every single time she would deny any knowledge of him. It was now around lunch time on the fourth day and Kami was starving. The whirls had not fed her since she came. They have starved her and tortured her to the point of near death.

Kami looked around the valley then drooped her head low again. "I have no friends, and no one to help me out of here. I feel more alone... than ever! I guess this is where my insanity takes over..."

There was a sudden battle cry sounding through the valley- not like the one a few days ago. This one was more shrill. "Its him! He's back!" A crowd of whirls rushed towards the hill.

The doctor dodged each whirl and tumbled down the hill. When he reached the bottom. He stood up and brushed off his clothes. "Now where is Kami at?" He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Kami was tied to a stake not far from where he stood- and she looked terrible. She was cut, and blood oozed out of those cuts- she was obviously tortured. Blood stained her skin and even the grass below her. The Doctor rushed over to her with panic. "No! Kami I'm sorry! I didn't think they would bother you! Please be alive!" There was no sign of life- The Doctor couldn't recognize any signs of breathing.

The whirls surrounded the two. They spoke telepathically to the Doctor's mind. "Surrender Doctor. Or we shall kill you too."

Rage flooded over The Doctor like a waterfall. This rage wasn't the normal rage that he felt when something went wrong- this was advanced rage. "You killed her..." He was trying has hard as he could to suppress his rage so that he wouldn't go overboard. "She was just a child." He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the whirls- they backed away a few feet. "YOU PUNISHED HER FOR SOMETHING SHE HAD NO SAY IN! SHE WAS INNOCENT!" Both of his hearts raced like mad.

The whirls whispered to each other. "That face. It is the same face he and his people had when they fought in the time war. Is he going to murder us? We better get out of here now!"

The doctor put away his sonic screwdriver- he was still pissed off. He then pulled out a knife from his coat pocket and began to quickly cut her loose. He grabbed her before she fell to the ground and held her bridal style- so it would be easier to make a getaway. The doctor looked around and was surprised to see that the whirls were retreating.

He carefully walked up the hill to the TARDIS. "Come on. Come on. Hang in there." he could feel his grip on her loosening as he got to the TARDIS. The doctor pulled out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the TARDIS door. It pained him to think that his new companion was dead already. It was a new record..

As he entered, he could feel her stirring. He quickly ran inside and set her down on the ground. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. The Doctor sighed with relief and his heartbeats regulated.

When she saw The Doctor, she stood up and grew red out of anger. "You have NO idea what i have been through, Doctor! You just left me there to ROT WITH THOSE DREADFUL CREATURES! YOU HAVE LOST MY TRUST! MY TRUST IS A VERY VALUABLE THING AND YOU LOST IT!" Kami's face was blood red- like she wasn't even breathing. She was more mad than The Doctor when he thought she was dead. Kami was losing her mind!

The Doctor backed away. "I'm sorry. I didn't know they would hurt you! I promise! They are usually gentle creatures and they would never harm a soul."

Kami's eyes softened when she saw his tear stained face, then her own tears formed. "I'm so sorry Doctor! I didn't mean to yell at you!"

The doctor smiled and patted her shoulder. "That's quite all right. I think I deserved it."

Kami wiped away his tears with a caring intent, then looked into his brown eyes. "No you didn't. It was my fault that I overreacted. You are a nice man, Doctor. I feel it in your soul." She place a hand on the center of his chest for a few seconds, then quickly shoved both of her hands into her jeans pocket and looked away.

The Doctor snapped out of his self induced trance. "Come on then. We both need sleep, and I know you are starving." The Doctor grabbed her hand and led her to a hallway. Down that hallway, third door on the right, was a bed room. The Doctor motioned her to go inside, then smiled and walked to the TARDIS controls. A few seconds later, after setting the time and place, he was at his destination. He walked out the doors of the TARDIS and closed them tightly.

About a half an hour later, he came back with a box of pizza. "Oi Kami. I got something you might enjoy."

Kami walked out of her room- rubbing her eyes. It was obvious that she had been sleeping before he awoke her. When Kami saw the pizza, her stomach growled loudly. She blushed nervously and clutched her stomach.

"Go on. Have some." He sat down on the steps and opened up the box...

Kami sat down next to him and nervously took a slice- for the Doctor was eyeing her. But with what purpose- what intentions? "I had a weird dream.." Kami didn't really want to talk about her dream, but she didn't really want The Doctor to stare at her either.

"Really?" He asked. "What is it about?"

Kami looked hesitant. "Well, I was a very evil pony that was mean to the others. I even tortured some ponies too." As Kami told her story, The Doctor grew more and more curious. "And just when I lost all hope of returning to my normal self, you saved me..."

The Doctor and Kami sat in silence for a few minutes. "Oh yeah. By the way..." He said before taking a bite of pizza. "Why is your name Kami- it's Japanese for God you know- and why were you in that building... all alone?"

Kami froze. Her memory was foggy- she couldn't remember much about her name or why she had been in that building. All she could remember was something about being abandoned. Had her parents abandoned her? "I-I can't remember. It's all a blur to me... my whole life seems like it has gone down the drain."

"I see... A case of amnesia..."

It was silent for a few minutes- other than the sound of their chewing. Then, Kami suddenly got a look that seemed like she wanted to murder The Doctor. "Who's the blonde?" she suddenly said.

The Doctor froze. "What, you mean Rose? How did you..." The Doctor snapped his fingers. "Unless you are a psychic!" he began to laugh uncontrollably before kissing both of her cheeks. "Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!"

Kami grew red. "Hey now! You didn't answer my question! Answer please!"

"Well... she was a good friend..."

"More detail."


"You loved her didn't you?" The Doctor nodded slowly, and Kami couldn't look more furious- falling in love with a human was against what she thought The Doctor was all about. But, The Doctor couldn't tell because he began to reminisce. "Well, I am going to bed. G'night."

The Doctor nodded again once he realized that she had spoken. Kami began to walk away, but then stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at the door, then walked to the couch and layed down on it. "I don't trust that door. I am staying right here.."

The dream that Kami had explained to The Doctor came back once again to haunt her:

Kami surveyed her Kingdom. She was very proud to have acquired it so easily. Princess Celestia and her disciples were a piece of cake to take down.

It has been a couple weeks since she had last seen The Doctor. "He is nothing but a big lying coward in a blue box that always pretends to be a hero!" She repeated out loud over and over every single day.

Today was the day everything would change. Kami could feel it. The Doctor was definitely returning that day- with someone that would crush the rest of her heart to pieces. Kami dreaded The Doctor's return. He was such a coward. All he would do is try to reason with her. Pathetic.

Kami was completely gray- almost black. Her mane and tail were both unusually straight. It was something that was unnatural for her look. She was always seen with tears in her eyes. No pony was sure why. But, some think that her old self, that is locked away into her evil heart, is always upset.

Her crystal ball suddenly flashed a brilliant white light. Kami grinned. Today was the day that The Doctor would die....

Kami woke up with a start. She finally figured out why she was crying in that building... Those nightmares haunted her long before she had met The Doctor.

She slowly drifted back to sleep....

The Doctor stood in front of her as Doctor Whooves. He looked all but confident as Kami eyed him menacingly. "Now, Kami! Come on! We are leaving Equestria."

Kami growled at him. "You stupid coward." She said with spite.

"What did you say?" The Doctor said in horror.

"You are nothing but a big lying coward in a blue box that pretends to be a hero."

The Doctor could feel tears falling down his light brown face. That was the most hurtful thing that he has ever heard come from Kami's mouth. "You don't really think that Kami!" He refused to give in to her.

"Why didn't you come for me, Doctor. I have been waiting for this.." Kami stood up and walked over to him...

Kami woke up screaming and drenched in sweat. The next seen in her dream was too horrible to bear. The Doctor was going to die soon enough!!!!