• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,354 Views, 29 Comments

Equestria Noir Hearth's Warming Special "The Giver" - Jacoboby1

Tailspin tells the tale of why we give gifts on Hearth's Warming

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Chapter 2 "Searching for the Giver"

Chapter 2

“Searching for the Giver”

“Who’s this Giver?” Platinum called to the crowd. “I demand to meet him.”

Everypony looked around, they were as in the dark as she was. One peasant, a unicorn musician with a green coat spoke up. “Your highness, if I may speak.”

Platinum waved with her hoof for him to go on, the unicorn spoke up again. “I was without a gift myself. The lute I gave you? That showed up at my front door this morning.”

A pegasus spoke up next. “The snow globe I got you showed up at my door too!”

“The goblet I gave you at my door as well!”

“So was my cape!”

“So wait a second,” Hurricane spoke up. “How many ponies have gotten something from this Giver?”

More then half of the ponies in the rooms raised their hooves. Platinum’s jaw dropped and she blubbered, “The Giver gave you all of those gifts! All without even showing up and asking for anything in exchange?”

“It’s true malady,” Big Ginger said honestly. “Ah didn’t see anypony leave or nothin’.”

“This Giver…” Platinum put a hoof to her chin and smiled. “I wonder if he would give me a gift as well? It is my birthday after all.”


After everypony left Platinum called both Inquire and Clover to her bedroom. The Princess lounged on her four-poster bed with an exasperated look on her face. “This Giver has not given me a gift personally.”

“But your highness,” Clover interjected. “You already received numerous gifts from your subjects, most of them from the Giver himself!”

“Yes but those were technically gifts to them, they just used the gifts to sate the requirement.” Platinum complained. (Not whined Snips, remember the difference!) “I want this Giver to show himself and grant me a gift personally.”

“So you called us here to track him down?” Inquire deduced.

“Exactly my dear knight,” Platinum declared. “I ask both of you to aid me in finding him. I demand a gift. This Giver has been recognized by the peasantry, start there.”

“But Princess,” Clover spoke up. “Haven’t you gotten enough gifts?”

“It’s the principle darling,” Platinum explained. “If this Giver isn’t going to show himself to deliver the gift then I hardly think he appreciates me.”

Clover was about ready to protest more but a look from Inquire told her to drop it. Clover simply sighed and gave in. “Alright, we’ll attempt to find him, if nothing else than so you can thank him.”

“Wonderful darling!” Platinum exclaimed in joy. “Now do hurry and find him! Hopefully we can find him before he decides to stop his streak of generosity.”


Outside of the capital building was a small village where all of the common ponies lived. Snow covered the buildings and the ground below, the pegasi being more careful with how they handled the snow after the Windigo incident. That very snow was starting to melt from the sheer heat of Clover’s fury.

“I’ve never met a more stubborn and selfish pony in all my life!” Clover complained as she stomped her way through the snow, Inquire beside her. “She honestly expects us to find some random stranger who had a kind enough heart to give the peasants gifts to sate her and now she wants us to extort another gift out of him!”

Inquire looked over at Clover. “Look, maybe if we find this Giver then everypony can thank him.” He stepped in front of her with a smile. “He’s done so much good for everypony, don’t you think he deserves thanks?”

Clover let out a breath. “I guess you’re right, though I’m still not happy about the reasons Platinum is making us look for him.”

“Me neither,” Inquire said with a shake of his head. “Let’s start asking around, somepony had to have gotten something from the Giver.”

The pair came to the first door and knocked. The door was answered by a couple dubbed Mr. and Mrs. Pastry. Mr. Pastry smiled at the pair. “Can we help you?”

“I’m Sir Inquire,” Inquire introduced himself. “This is Clover the Clever.” He gestured with his head at Clover who smiled at the couple.

“I’m sorry dears,” Mrs. Pastry said sadly. “We don’t have anything on the oven right now, but I’m sure we can scrounge something for you to share.”

“Share?” Inquire and Clover asked at the same time.

“Oh sorry,” Mrs. Pastry apologized. “I assumed you two were married.”

Both unicorns blushed brightly and looked away from each other before Inquire spoke up. “Actually, we’re hoping to find the Giver.”

“Oh that fella?” Mr. Pastry spoke up. “We haven’t seen him yet but if you do find him tell him thanks for the stove.”

“Your stove?” Clover asked.

“Yes dears,” Mrs. Pastry explained. “A few weeks ago Chancellor Puddinghead tried to use our wood stove to make some new delicacy she calls cupcakes. Sadly she made the stove so hot well…” She opened the door so they could see the black marks leftover from the last stove. How Puddinghead got a wooden stove to explode is beyond anypony.

“But then two days later we wake up and find a new iron stove,” Mr. Pastry said pointing at the new stove already hard at work making sweets for the commoners.

“Did you see anypony by your home that night?” Inquire asked.

“No sir,” Mr. Pastry said with a shake of his head. “I wish we could find him so we could thank him.”

“When we find him we’ll deliver the message,” Clover replied with a smile. “Come on Inquire, let’s ask around some more.”

Inquire nodded and followed, his mind on the comment that Mrs. Pastry made. His grey eyes gazed at the pony walking in front of him. Sure he’d always admired her for her cleverness and beauty but he never actually gave it much thought. Now however he can’t stop looking at the cloaked unicorn.

“Will you stop announcing it to the world?”

I’m not the one who’s blushing.

“When I get out of this story I’m gonna kick your-”

“Inquire you’re talking to air again,” Clover said, looking back at him with concern.

“I’m fine Clover,” he said half convincingly. “Let’s keep asking around.”


“He gave me a new quill when I ran out, still hoping for a sofa this time.”

“I got some awesome tools for teeth care; I think I’ll call them dentures.”

“My restaurant needed some spicing up, So he gotsa me the most amazing instrument ever! The accordion!”

Inquire met Clover after speaking with several houses about the Giver.

Clover crossed her forelegs in thought “The Giver also didn’t show himself to any of the families. That’s going to make it hard to find him”

“He only seemed to give to ponies who weren’t well off,” Inquire said in deep thought. “That would explain why he gave the gifts to the peasants. I’ve seen some of the gifts given to Platinum, there’s no way anypony could’ve gotten those gifts normally on a peasant’s earnings.”

“So he only comes to less well off ponies.” Clover’s eyes opened as she got an idea. “That’s it Inquire!” She declared.

“What’s it?” Inquire asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“We’ll pretend to be a poor peasant couple and we’ll act as bait for the Giver to come out,” she explained. “It’s brilliant!”

“Don’t you think he’ll see right through it though?” Inquire asked.

“We just gotta make it look convincing,” Clover said with a smile “We’ll just act like we’re a poor couple scraping by and the Giver will come.”

Inquire wouldn’t be acting for the most part though…


After creating a small hut to stay in Inquire set some wood on the fire. He had to shed his tunic for a more peasant-ish brown cloak and rags. He had to look like he wasn’t well off. He lit the fire with a spark of his magic and stared into it for a while.

“Everything ready?” He heard a voice speak up behind him, he turned to see Clover, now dressed in a commoner’s dress, walking up to him.

“That should be everything,” Inquire said with a small smile. “We have a bare bones hut, a small fire, and no food in the cupboards. We are now officially poor peasants.”

Suddenly a cold night breeze blew in from the window. Clover held herself and shivered a little. Inquire looked on her concerned. “You alright Clover?”

“Sorry,” she said, walking to the fire and trying to warm her hooves “I’m just so used to wearing my cloak I never had to worry about the wind too much. I never realized how cold it was.”

Inquire unclipped the cloak he had on and put it over her shoulders “I’m more used to the cold, here.”

“Thanks Inquire,” Clover said, gazing into his grey eyes for a minute, then the pair sat by the fire on their bellies. There was a distance between them as Clover clutched the cloak to herself.

“Clover, you’re still shivering,” Inquire pointed out.

“I’m fine Inquire,” Clover said, her shivering showing the contrary. “It’s just a little wind.”

Inquire turned red as he thought about his next move. But slowly he closed the distance between them and pressed his coat to hers. Clover looked over and blushed at being so close to Inquire. The knight smiled a little “I can’t have you freeze to death. You can get heat off me.”

Clover pressed her coat into Inquire’s, finding warmth and comfort in the stallion. “Thanks Inquire. You really want to make this authentic, huh?”

Inquire nodded a little too quickly. “Well it’s just, a couple would try to keep each other warm on a cold winter’s night like this.”

“I can’t remember the last time we were just together like this,” Clover mused. “Not since we were kids.” She then started laughing a little.

“What’s so funny?” Inquire asked.

“It’s just I remember how we used to play together all the time.” She looked over at Inquire with a smile. “You used to get so mad whenever anypony made fun of me for being a scroll worm.”

Inquire blushed at the memories of him fighting off the village boys that tried to pick on Clover. “Well, I just didn’t like anypony picking on you. You’re incredibly brilliant; they were just jealous and tried to take out their frustrations on you.”

Clover blushed at the compliment; Inquire blushed even more at having said that out loud. He looked away to hide his blush but Clover held his gaze. “Inquire, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Liar.

“Something has been on your mind during this whole thing,” Clover said slowly. “You know you can tell me.”

Completely unknown to both ponies, somepony was listening in to the couple’s conversation. A violet eye peaked in on the couple as they sat by the fire.

“It’s just…” Inquire blushed as he was prepared to confess. “Clover, ever since I saw you again, you’re suddenly…a mare.”

“What are you talking about?” Clover said, her blush more evident.

“Clover, there was another reason why I’ve always looked out for you.” His ears flattened as he went on. “I’ve grown to…care for you as more then a friend.”

“Inquire are you saying…” She covered her mouth with a hoof in shock.

“Yes Clover,” He confessed “I’ve fallen for you.” He looked down in embarrassment. “You’re brilliant, you far outshine anypony in magic, you’re beautiful, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“Inquire…” Was all Clover could say as her face came closer to his, but he held a hoof to stop her.

“But,” He said sadly. “When I really think about it, why would you want me?” His grey eyes returned to the ground. “I’m little more then a poor knight. Sure I’m a noble but I have no title or land to offer. I have no wealth and only get by with what I can get. I can’t even afford a ring for you.”

Clover shook her head and tilted his head to face hers with a hoof. “Inquire, it doesn’t matter what you can offer me. You have a kind heart, you went on this crazy venture all without the promise of a reward.” She gazed into his grey eyes. “What mare wouldn’t fall for you?”

“Clo-” He was cut off when Clover planted her lips on his, he gently gave into her affections for him before a knock was heard on the door. He broke the kiss with her and answered the door.

The only thing that greeted him was a small box in front of him. He picked it up and opened it, his grey eyes growing wide. Clover looked over his shoulder, her own eyes welling up with tears at the sight. Inquire slowly revealed the ring to her.

“The Giver…he left this for us,” Inquire concluded

“Inquire,” Clover blushed heavily and looked down at her hooves. “I mean, now you don’t need to worry about finding a

The two unicorns met each other’s eyes before Inquire levitated the ring out with his magic and slid it on Clover’s horn. He looked at her earnestly. “Clover, when all of this is over, will you be mine?”

“Yes Inquire!” She said, embracing her love tightly in excitement. “I’ll marry you, we won’t have to be separated anymore.”

Inquire returned the embrace warmly, and then watched as somepony walked forward towards them. A tall Alicorn with a white coat and a long multicolored mane spoke with a smile. “Now that’s out of the way, you wanted to see me, my little ponies?”