• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 4,424 Views, 88 Comments

Velocity - TheLastBrunnenG

One night with Soarin changed Dash`s life forever.

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Dearest Velocity Vee,

Hey kiddo! Yeah, I know, it’s not like me to write anything longer than a grocery list, so - surprise! Okay, you’re a smart filly, which means you probably figured out that Twilight’s making me write this. Well, not making me, really, but when she explains things to me in that “logical librarian” voice, they kinda make sense. There’s some stuff I need to explain to you now that you’re old enough to comprehend get it. I only get to see you a couple of hours a week, and buck if no way I’m gonna spend that time rambling about a bunch of heavy depressing stuff. Totally uncool. So, thanks to Twi and her neverending supply of paper and ink, here we go.

First off, don’t ever do what I just did and call her Twi. Last time you were here, you were calling her Twi, Twilight, Sparky, Twily, and T-Spark. Only our friends and I get to call her Twi and only her brother calls her Twily. Nobody calls her Sparky, and don’t ask why unless you’re standing a hundred paces off and hiding behind something fireproof. Seriously, just… don’t. My mane still hasn’t grown back all the way. You call her Miss Twilight, okay? She likes it, actually - says it makes her feel like a real librarian, or like a teacher. I’ll make you a deal, though - you can call her T-Spark behind her back as long as I can too. Best! Nickname! Ever!

And about Twi - yeah, we’re together, like fillyfriend and coltfriend together , except without the colt part. It’s not as complicated as it sounds, I promise. If you ask anypony about your real mom having a marefriend, Spitfire will probably say it’s sick, and your dad - well, let’s be realistic, Soarin’ would probably say it’s totally hot. Just know that Twi’s amazing and awesome and keeps my head on straight. She loves you like - well, like a daughter. Kinda means you’ve got three moms, I know, but life is funny sometimes. I think we’re gonna make it official pretty soon. We could make a huge deal out of it - big heroes, Celestia’s student, two Elements of Harmony, whatever - but I think we’ll just go by the courthouse and sign some papers, do it real quiet-like, ya know? Whoa, stop the presses, Rainbow Dash could make headlines and skips out on the chance? No joke, kid! Some things in life are more important than glory. You taught me that, you little stinker.

Where was I? Oh, right - heavy stuff. Sheesh, this is never easy. Harder face to face, I guess, so I hope this is better than nothing. You’ve asked me before what went down between me, your dad, and Spitfire. I've been putting you off for years, ‘cause this one’s a tough one to pin down. Lucky for us Twilight’s got plenty of quills and a buck-ton a lot of patience. From the top: Yeah, I made the Wonderbolts. Lifelong dream, flying with my heroes, all that junk. Soarin’ and I decide to celebrate one night, and bam! What are the odds that I’d get pregnant? About one to one, apparently. I hid it for a while but it’s not the kind of thing you can hide forever in those Wonderbolt uniforms. Spitfire’s the Captain, and when she found out her newest recruit had a passenger, she totally blew up. Maybe it had something to do with her wanting your dad all to herself. Fired me on the spot, kicked me out... so totally un-awesome.

Soarin’ and I tried to make it work but when two ponies aren’t meant to be together, it ain’t gonna happen. Long story short, he and Spitfire tied the knot and she made him sue for custody. Courts love granting custody to the father, especially when every rumor mill in Equestria thinks your mom’s a fillyfooler. Not that they were wrong, but still doesn’t make what happened any easier to swallow. Celestia wouldn’t fix it, even for me, and since you see me only on weekends, you probably figured out the rest.

Sorry if all that sounded bitter or spiteful or really un-cool. I don’t mean to unload all this on you, Vee. But you’re old enough to know the truth, and just knowing what’s what can help, even if the truth sucks. Thank your Aunt AJ for teaching me that one.

Speaking of my friends, if you never knew, your middle name really does matter, and not just when somepony yells “Velocity Diane Dash!” when you’ve really bucked messed up. Your Aunt Pinkamena Diane Pie, alias Pinkie the Permanent Party Pony, is your namesake. When everything went off the deep end and I knew I might have to give you up, all my friends were there for me, but Pinks really went out of her way. I couldn’t flip a cloud without finding her there trying to make me and my huge filly-gut self smile. That’s where you picked up Diane. And you’re Velocity because - well, ‘cause your mom was and still is the fastest flyer in Equestria. And don’t you forget it!

Still, when it’s all said and done, kid, I’ve been called a lot of things. Bearer of the Element of Loyalty, Wonderbolt, Best Young Flyer, you name it. In the end, the only featherin’ title that matters is the one you gave me, and that's "Mom".

See you next weekend, kiddo! You’re the best, Vee.


Momma Dash

Author's Note:

TMP Prompt # 187. The Prompt: “From the Heart”