• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 712 Views, 19 Comments

As He knew it - Suke

The world, at 11:11 GMT 21/12/2012 (or 12/21/12 for Americans and the like), as we know it, ends. A Brit just starting a holiday in the US finds himself, with the rest of North America, in a foriegn new world.

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Prologue: One Man's Scribbles

Celestia sat upon her throne, and looked out upon her beautiful, peaceful and prosperous kingdom’s Capital, Canterlot. She smiled gently, enjoying such a view as this often. It was a day off of sorts for the Princess of the Sun. There was barely any outstanding governmental affairs to deal with, and thus, they had been dealt with quickly and easily. Now she could relax, and watch time crawl on by in the streets of her fair city. Of course, she shared ownership of this city and the kingdom below and beyond with her sister Luna, and most recently, said sister had greatly contributed to the technological advancements of the era, but it had been Celestia who had started this city from scratch after that event. Her dear sibling was well recovered from it, now fully up to date with modern society, but Celestia still felt the slightest hint of guilt whenever it was mentioned by name or description.

To the diarch’s right hovered a letter from her former pupil, enveloped by the soft sunlight glow of Celestia’s magic. It told of how Twilight Sparkle had finally given birth to her first born foal, and how she was hoping her former mentor would do her the honour of coming up with a name. Already, some ideas had been written onto another scroll of paper hovering on her left, a quill held near in case new names came to mind. The first to be written had been, obviously, the easiest: Midnight Sparkle. Names only numbering in the single digits, all of them seemed good, but at the same time, something was missing.

The telltale light thumping of Princess Luna’s robotic leg forewarned Celestia of her sister’s arrival, the rate of thump implying a canter at the least. Perhaps she can help me with naming the new born, she thought. She never even considered why the mare would be in such a hurry to get to the Throne Room. Celestia reached out an invisible magic hoof into the floor beneath her throne, into the mechanisms that had been installed a couple years back. Finding the switch, she telekinetically pressed it. The throne smoothly rotating on the spot, turning to face the doubles just as the were flung open by Luna’s own magic.

“You’re just in ti-”

“SISTER!” Luna shouted with exuberance. “They’ve found something!”

Paper and quill dropped to the floor. How had she forgotten such a thing as this? She supposed Twilight having a child really was quite the distraction. How long had it been? How long since what the historical records have down as the start of the American Era? Only a couple of years. It came hoof in hoof with Ponykind’s jump in technological status.

“What is it?” She asked, excitement barely contained.

“It’s his journal.”

“You don’t mean-”

“Yes! The very one he wouldn’t let us read.”

“But how?”

“Apparently, he left a message for us on the inside of the cover. It’ll explain, or so I’m told.”

His journal of all things! Celestia really couldn’t believe it. Barely a trace of Their presence could be found anywhere on the planet. Not much had left the continent They’d come from, so when all had been said and done, it was almost as if, at least visually, none of it had happened.

“So wh-”

“Rainbow Dash is bringing it here as we speak. It really was a good idea to let her join the expedition, considering.”

“It appears so.”

A ruckus could suddenly be heard from the corridors beyond the room. Luna hurried to her own throne and put on a placid expression, and Celestia followed suit. As they predicted, the source of the noise and complaints flew in and landed into a bow perfectly. The pegasus mare’s rainbow mane and tail were grubby and wind swept. Her light blue coat gleamed with sweat under her muddy jacket, not dissimilar to the one worn by Daring Do, and she was breathing heavily. The Element of Loyalty always managed to astonish those around her with her speed and determination.

“Your Majesties,” she breathed. “I flew- as fast- as I could.”

“So it would seem,” Luna observed, allowing a small grin.

“So, Rainbow Dash?”

The mare in question looked up to Celestia.

“Do you have it?”

Miss Dash stood proud, a wing lifting a ring bound book out from her saddle bag.

“Of course. You know I’d never fail you.”

The book was taken into Luna’s midnight blue magical grasp (rather hastily if you asked Celestia), and she opened it up at a random page.

“This is definitely his writing.”

“I thank you, Rainbow Dash. Perhaps you would like to see some of what was written?”

Rainbow awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof.

“I would if I could, but I can’t read that language of His. I know it isn’t all written like that, but I can’t just start anywhere. Ruins the story.”

“Oh, you won’t have to read it. Here.”

Celestia took the book from Luna’s magic, levitating it above. Held open to the message on the inside of the cover, the Princess cast a spell on the book, and from it shone the image of a bipedal, mostly hairless and clothed being. The creature was of the Human Race; a Homo Sapien. They were not native to the planet, or quite possibly the plane of existence. This specific human was the one who had played a large, yet unknown part in the American Era.

He stood at five foot four (on two legs as priorly mentioned), his skinny frame having hints of muscle where he wasn’t covered by his clothing. From his head there sprouted a shoulder length mane of strawberry blonde hair, and his chin sported the similar coloured beginnings of a beard and moustache, little bristles that almost blended with his lightly tanned skin. His eyes were a strong and vivid green. His facial structure was bony, which came as a consequence for lack of the meat he had required in his diet.

His clothes were of those the ever so generous Rarity had made for him. He requested certain rules to how the apparel be made, insisting on more common materials such as cotton and denim (which in itself was made from cotton). A simple, black polo shirt and denim trousers, or ‘jeans’ as he called them. He wore underwear too, but they were, of course, hidden. His shoes were the same he’d arrived in, only repaired after heavy use.

Truly, this man was a sight to behold. A new being who had helped ponies, even though they were foreign to him, and (according to him) his race generally responded to such things with violence. Hay, they hadn’t even understood each other at first. His world had had many languages, and Equestrian didn’t seem to resemble any of them. His role in starting the American Era was unseen by most.

“I think that’s about enough time for staring at the little man,” said the projection, making the three ponies present jump.

Celestia looked up at the book briefly and saw the message did indeed say that. He really did think ahead with this. When did he find the time?

“To the confused initial discoverer of my Precious, read no further than the next sentence. Send this straight to Their Royal Majesties, Princesses Celestia and Luna, so that they can finally learn what I was writing all those times I kept to myself with Precious.”

“Well, that explains Gold Digger’s reaction when he tried reading this,” Dash commented.

Luna shushed her.

“Now, if you are reading this, it means I succeeded in leaving Precious behind. I thought it only right you have her for your personal records and reminiscing. She wouldn’t be as useful back home anyway. I highly suspect you’re actually using that spell you showed me once or twice during my time with you all. If not, then do it now, silly Celly. I ask you show this to the whole gang, as it’s only fair on them. Held within is my record of the time I spent in Equestria. Some of it you will already know, and some you will have heard of occurring, but all will be new to you, be it perspective or whole events. Use this information as you will. And finally, above all else, read her to the end. I left a gift for you.”

He flickered out as ‘Celly’ stopped the spell.

“Rainbow Dash, you will assist Luna in summoning the others to the Castle, while I have rooms and beds prepared, as well as a comfortable environment for the ‘viewing’.”

RD saluted, and held still until Luna passed, when she turned and followed the Princess of the Night out of the Throne Room. Excited chatter could be heard between the two, fading as they went further from earshot.

Princess Celestia brought the book down to read the cover. The backing consisted of two pieces of hardback, pitch black in colour. The back end was blank, but the front had a sticker, the title handwritten in English. Celestia had learnt the language out of respect for the man whose neat writing (quite possibly the neatest Celly had seen) formed the title:

This Journal belongs to:


A Brit’s Adventures in the States

A Human’s Adventures in Equestria

(aka ‘Precious’)

Author's Note:

The name was originally a block of blue to imply heavily scribbled out, but I know not how to do that here. First few chapters will be in time with dates.