• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 5,058 Views, 135 Comments

Hunter/Prey - UnluckyReaver

When Princess Luna’s spell fails, she accidentally brings a human into Equstria. Now he’s trapped in a world beyond his comprehension. Spending his daily life in the castle he gets got up in a web of intrigue and deceit.

  • ...

Chapter 24

As the cherry trees opened into a clearing, Cadance found herself standing in front of a mare she would have never imagined encountering in her life; Nightmare Moon. Dread filled Cadance and had it not been for Luna wrapping a protective wing around her, she would have turned and fled.

“Calm yourself dear niece,” Luna’s gentle voice reassured the younger alicorn, “remember, she is not who she appears to be.”

“Come now, sister.” Selene spoke up. “You bring somepony for me to meet and you don’t even tell them what to expect?”

“I did try to warn her.” Luna countered.

“Not well enough it seems.” Selene retorted then turned her attention to Cadence. “So, little alicorn, you know who I am, correct?”

“Y-yes, you’re Nightmare Moon.” Candace stammered.

“That is what I once called myself, yes.” Selene answered. “I am no longer Nightmare Moon, I am a new pony with a new form and a new name. I now go by Selene.”

“But how… how can you exist?” Candace asked. “I thought you were just a pseudonym, an alter-ego.”

“That is not entirely true.” Luna explained. “When we were born, we were separate beings. At some point during the reign of Discord we were merged into one. The resulting effect was to give rise to the being known as Nightmare Moon.”

“Then after our return from the moon Twilight Sparkle used the Elements upon us and began to split us apart once more.” Selene added. “Luna exists out there in the physical world.”

“And Selene in here. A realm purely of the mind.”

“Whose mind?” Cadance asked. “This is not really how I pictured the inside of your mind, aunt Luna.”

“This is not the inside of my mind.” Luna corrected. “Although I am curious as to what you think the inside of my mind would look like.”

“And I am curious as to why you brought her here, Luna.” Selene commented.

“I brought her here so that she can help you win over Hunter.” Luna explained.

“Wait, what?” Selene and Cadance said simultaneously.

“Wait, what?” Hunter asked in confusion, not stopping as he walked further into the wastes.

“I asked if you found me attractive.” Chrysalis reiterated, as she attempted to keep up with the steady but unyielding pace.

“Why do you care?”

“A queen should always look her best.” Chrysalis answered as she stuck a pose in her human form. “So I ask again; am I attractive by human standards?”

“I guess, sure, you’re physically attractive.” Hunter dismissively said. “Happy?”

“I suppose that should have been the answer to expect.” Chrysalis replied.

“What were you expecting?”

“I’m… not certain.” Chrysalis sighed. “I was hoping for a more definitive answer.”

“Definitive how?”

“I was hoping to mimic the human you were thinking of when you kissed me.”

“Well, there was someone I was rather infatuated with back on Earth.” Hunter said as he slowed to a stop. “At some point my thoughts drifted away from her to someone else, someone that I least expected and someone you’ll accuse me lying about.”

Coming to a stop as well, Chrysalis pondered at what the human said. “You’re right.” The changeling queen said. “Had you just come out and said I was the one you were thinking of, I would have called you a liar. Tell me this, why were you thinking of me?”

“You were the one I was kissing. Every woman I’ve ever met would have been furious if I was thinking of someone else while kissing them.”

“That may be true among humans, but I did ask you to think of one you had an interest in before kissing me.”

“So how does that work anyway?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

“I was told that changelings feed on love.” Hunter clarified. “I have no idea how that works. I understand that you somehow siphon off energy from your victim and then convert that energy into the sustenance you need to live. I want to know how that works.”

“The simplest answer is magic.” Chrysalis explained, earning an annoyed huff from the human. “Every being in this world has some amount of magic in them. Changelings have the ability to use that as a food source, in much the same way that a leach sustains itself on blood.”

“If you survive on magic, why do you need to take it from others?” Hunter asked. “Could you not just draw it from the air around you?”

“No, it doesn’t work that way. Like how both blood and water are liquids, magic inside and outside of a living being are different.”

“Then what role does love play?”

“Magic, especially pony magic, swells in the presence of positive emotions, making it easier to consume. Changelings take on the appearance of a loved one in order to elicit these emotions.”

“That makes sense.” Hunter said as he started to walk again. “Come on, we should be able to make it there by sundown if we don’t get stopped.”

“You never answered my question. Why were you thinking of me?” Chrysalis asked, hurrying to catch up with the human.

“Didn’t I? No I guess I didn’t.” Hunter sighed. “About a second into the kiss your image filled my mind. I knew I would not be able to trick myself into thinking about someone else, I thought of why I was doing what I was doing. I needed you alive in order to draw the changelings into this conflict, but those thoughts quickly changed. I felt sorry for you.”

“You felt sorry for me? You're suggesting that I was saved by feeding off of your pitty?”

“Pity, sympathy, compassion, call it what you want; my point is it worked.”

“But why?”

“Why did I feel sorry for you? I don’t know.” Hunter shrugged. “Maybe I could emphasize with your position. Maybe I felt we had something in common. Maybe it’s just human nature to root for the underdog. Maybe I have a thing for the bad girl.”

The two walked in silence for several moments as Chrysalis mulled over the human’s words. “Given what the legends say about your kind, and what I could sense when we first met, maybe it's enough.”

“Maybe it is. The only thing I’ve learned about magical consistency is that it doesn’t exist.”

“That’s a rather interesting way to look at it.”

“Every time I’ve dealt with magic its behaved differently.”

“Or its behaving exactly how it's supposed to and you don’t understand it.”

Instead of replying, Hunter softly sighed as he rolled his eyes.

“So, you like bad girls?” Chrysalis smirked.

“You want me to help her win over Hunter?” Cadance asked. “I thought he wasn’t looking for a special somepony.”

“There is a difference between not actively looking for a partner and refusing the advances of one that seeks you out.” Luna answered.

“Are you sure this is the best time to be thinking of romance?” Selene asked. “You know what he’s planning on doing, what he is doing.”

“It is because of that now is the best time to act, for there may not be time later.” Luna answered. “Besides, I have seen the way the two of you are together.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that some things are inevitable, I just want to speed them along.”

“My hive!” Chrysalis gasped as she spotted black smoke rising out of the large mesa that was supposed to be their destination. The changeling queen rushed forwards, only to take three steps before being grabbed by Hunter.

“Wait!” Hunter called out as he pulled Chrysalis back towards himself. “You can’t just blindly rush in.”

“Are you blind?!” Chrysalis demanded, trying to pull herself out of his grasp. “My hive is in danger!”

“Running in without understanding what's going on isn’t going to work.”

“I cannot just leave them! They are my subjects!”

“Not anymore!”

“But… but…” Chrysalis stammered, giving one last vain attempt to pull free of the human before collapsing against him. “They are my children. I can't just leave them to die!”

“I understand, but if we rush in before we know what’s happening it will only make matters worse.” Hunter gently pushed Chrysalis back so he could look straight at her. “You were banished by them, we need to be smart about this. We need a plan.”

“We do not have time to plan! They are my children! We need to act now!” Channeling all of her strength, Chrysalis pulled herself free of the human. In a flash of green magic the changeling reverted to her natural form and took to the air.

Pain shot through her wings as she strained them but it took mere moments for Chrysalis to cover the distance. Landing hard, she quickly made her way over to the source of the smoke, only to find it was a massive pile of smoldering changeling corpses. Bile rose in Chrysalis's throat as she stared, unblinking, at the sight before her. The stench of burning flesh filled her nostrils as the smoke stung her eyes. Rage built in the changeling queen until she could not contain it. Letting out a terrifying scream, her magic surged, launching out in every direction.

“My, I never would have guessed that the queen of the changelings would have such a temper.” a mocking voice spoke out.

Chrysalis turned to face the speaker, finding a large unicorn whose features had been twisted into something monstrous; his hooves were now claws, his mouth was filled needle-like fangs, his horn curved slightly backwards, ending in a vicious looking point, finally a pair of bat-like wings made of swirling darkness rose from his back.

“Shame you weren't here earlier, it would have made things much easier.” the unicorn said. “I still got what I needed however.”

From the ground, dozens of changelings rose, each having undergone a similar change to the unicorn before Chrysalis. “My children, what have you done to them?” Chrysalis demanded.

“I’ve improved them.” the unicorn smiled. “I’ve made them stronger, faster, better. I took away that silly need to feed on love and replaced it with the ability to feed on blood and fear. No longer will they need to sneak around like thieves, but will take what they want when they want. In exchange they have agreed to serve me.”

“You twisted them into something perverse, no changeling would agree to that, let alone serve the one doing it.”

“Most didn’t, quite a few even tried to resist, but once the obstinate ones were… silenced, the rest fell in line.”

“You monster! You will pay for this barbarism!” Chrysalis screamed, charging her horn with magic. Focusing on the deadliest spell she knew, Chrysalis unleashed a torrent of green magic at the unicorn. Instead of dodging or putting up any form of defence, the unicorn stood there with an evil smile spreading across his face. In the moment before the spell struck him, a changeling jumped forwards and took the impact instead.

“Why...” Chrysalis stammered. “Why would he take the hit for you?”

“It is only natural for a subject to die for their king, is it not?” the unicorn asked, his shadow wings lifting him up into the air. One by one the changelings took to the air, following their new ruler, until only one remained. This final changeling advanced on Chrysalis with a dark hunger in his eyes.

“I leave you to the fate befitting a failed ruler and parent.” the unicorn chuckled before flying into the distance, the swarm following.

Chrysalis backpedaled in an attempt to put some distance between herself and her former subject, only to stumble and fall backwards into the pile of corpses. Her legs flailed in the air as she desperately tried to right herself, only to sink further into the pile. The drone let out an ominous chuckle as he slowly moved towards his former queen, launching beams of sickly green magic into the bodies around her.

“You don’t have to listen to him.” Chrysalis pleaded. “You don’t have to do this.”

“But I want to.” the changeling hissed.

“Has he truly twisted you so much that you would attack your queen? Your mother?”

“You were a terrible queen and an even worse mother.” the changeling sneered. “In spite of that you should be proud; your precious children have overcome your failures. Your children have surpassed the pathetic future you would have given them and will become the true rulers of this world.”

Dread filled Chrysalis as she watched the changeling charge his spell. Out of desperation, Chrysalis charged one of her own. Spell struck spell in a blinding flash, and the changeling drone was thrown backwards. Chrysalis, regaining her footing, rose from the corpse pile and advanced on her former subject. Standing over the fallen changeling, Chrysalis charged her horn once more, only to find she couldn’t finish her spell; the thought of deliberately harming her offspring, even one as corrupted as this one was, horrified her.

Taking advantage of Chrysalis’ hesitation, the drone shot up into the air. “Do you see now?” the drone demanded. “Love does nothing but make you weak, fear is the only true source of power.”

“If that is what you think, then you truly are a fool.” Chrysalis countered. “Fear is finite, what shall you do when it turns to anger and hatred?”

“What did you do when we ran out of love to eat? You invaded Canterlot, in an attempt to collect love by force. Think about it ‘mother’, we are just doing what you taught us and taking what we need.”

“That’s… that’s…” Chrysalis’ words failed her. Not possible. Is what she wanted to say, but couldn’t. The fear of her children starving was what prompted the attack on Canterlot. The fear that the ponies had of her children lead the changelings to victory. The love of two ponies snached that victory away. “...not…”

Chrysalis’ mind flashed back to the cold cell beneath Canterlot, as she lay dying on the floor; only to be saved by someone’s compassion, the same being she had planned on selfishly using. The same being that risked himself to save her, in order to take a greater risk and save everyone. “...what…”

Fear had made her act rashly, before the invasion of Canterlot, in the cells, and now, facing down her own offspring, fear had led to all of this. “...I wanted…”

The love that Shining Armour and Cadance shared was what allowed Chrysalis to overpower Celestia, the same love defeated her and her army. The love that Hunter had so willingly given her had brought her back from near death. “...to teach you.”

“What are you blathering on about?”

“You were right when you said I was a bad queen and mother.” Chrysalis sighed. “I have taught you the wrong lessons.”

“Having regrets now that your life is over?” the drone taunted. “How pathetic.”

“It is, isn’t it.” Chrysalis chuckled, then quickly cast another spell. Before he could react, the changeling found himself face down on the ground. Spitting dirt from his mouth, the drone jumped to his feet and launched a bolt of energy at the queen, only to have her easily deflect it. The drone fired several more bolts, only for Chrysalis to deflect each of them as well.Another flash of magic emanated from Chrysalis’ horn and the drone found himself pinned to the ground.

“It is only when we look back on life with regret do we see the path we should have taken.” Chrysalis explained as she slowly approached the trapped drone. “Fear is a powerful emotion, your new master was correct in that regard, but what he did not tell you is that power derived from fear is only temporary. Fear is, by design, meant to be defeated.”

“You’re wrong,” the drone spat, “we will taste the pony’s fear and we will win.”

“No, you won’t. Don’t you see, you are just repeating the same mistake. We were so confident in our victory over the ponies last time, our ejection from Canterlot was a complete surprise. You are doing the same thing as I did then, but you do not have to. I have found a new way, a better way.” Chrysalis released her magic, freeing the drone. “My child, come with me, let us explore this new path together.”

The drone immediately jumped to his hooves and charged his horn. “No! I will not be swayed by you! The failed queen who did nothing but lead our race to the brink of extinction. I will continue to follow this path, the path I chose for myself, and in the end I shall be victorious.”

“Changelings were never meant to be fueled by fear, it is not who we are. Please, there is still a chance to make the right choice.”

“I have made the right choice.”

“I implore you to reconsider.”

“I have grown tired your endless prattling, ‘mother’, so I shall do you the mercy of ending your life here and now.”

“Then do what you must.” Chrysalis said, and closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Something wet and sticky splashed onto her face, and the sound of a distant echoing boom filled her ears. Opening her eyes, Chrysalis found herself staring, horrified, at the sight of her now dead former subject; a large chunk of its body had simply exploded outwards.

“This is ridiculous.” Selene groaned as Cadence slowly walked around her. “What are you even looking for?”

“Just seeing what I have to work with.” Cadence smiled.

“‘What you have to work with’?”

“Well, if you want to win a stallion over it should be with everything you have.”

“I don’t want to win him over.” Selene protested. “I don’t want to seduce him into become my lover. I like the relationship I have with him now.”

“Really? I don’t see what’s so great about it.”


“Yeah, I mean it’s not a real relationship. You’re just along for whatever ride he takes you on; like an unwanted carriage passenger. You’re using him, and he’s just tolerating you until he figures out how to kick you out.”

Selene’s wing flared in anger as the light in the grove dimed. “You dare!” Selene roared. “You dare suggest that I am using him like some kind of parasite! That I would knowingly and willingly harm the only being that I have ever truly connected with? That his compassion and kindness towards me was nothing more than a front? That all the time we have spent together was meaningless. That the bond that we share is false? That the feelings I have…oh.”

Selene relaxed her wings, as the grove was once again filled with light. “Why?” Selene asked. “Why provoke me in such a way?”

“Sometime the hardest person to convince of our feelings is ourself.” Cadence answered. “Now comes the easy part; owning up to our feelings and telling the pony we love.”
