• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 322 Views, 0 Comments

Divinity - K_and_REDACTED

Stories about the true history of equestria are revealed.

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In the begining...

"In the beginning, before life, before equestria, before time, there was nothing. Nothing, but light and dark. And from the light came a thought. A single thought. A wholesome thought. The thought was love. And from the dark came a thought. A single thought. A corrupt thought. And the thought was hate.

And so the light and the dark pushed, they pushed against each other. And the light shone bright, illuminating the darkness. And the darkness lingered at the edge of its glow, threatening to engulf it if it wavered for even a moment.
And in the moment of calm, the light took in its surroundings. They were very dull, and very empty. And so, the light made it his mission to shape the nothingness into somethingness, and he did. First, he made the sun. A mass of light formed of himself, and his love. Then he made another, and took his light away from this one; he called it the moon. He basked in the glory of his fine work, but alas, there was nopony to share it with. Only the darkness, who mocked and laughed at his precious creations. so he took a hoof-full of his moons dust, and pushed it, as he had against the darkness, and it hardened, he called this next creation; Stone. He showed stone his creations, but stone did not seem interested, it seemed to be content on simply floating in the nothingness that was slowly, very slowly, becoming somethingness. And so the light attempted to teach his stone speak. The stone did not speak, but instead was filled with the love of the lights words. They swirled and blew, and he called them air. The air, now acting as the voice of stone whispered its delight, at the warmth of sun, and the soft glow of moon.

Soon, the light decided that air needed someone to talk to, and, since air liked them so much, he decided to make them from his sun and from his moon. And so from the sun, light created the crackling flame, and from the moon, light created the churning water, and he gave them to air, and to stone. They were very grateful.
Soon, the light saw his work was not yet done. His wonderful creations, though possessing the power of the word, had nothing to speak of. And so, the light created four new creations, they were the first idea, no more than mere spirits, were his last four creations: Harmony, Chaos, Magic, and Reason.
And so, light watched, as his creations began to dance a dance.
it was a complex dance.
a dangerous dance.
a beautiful dance.
and his creations called the dance a single word,
they called their dance...

Author's Note:

The intro was a bit of a space filler, so don't expect to see very much in that style in this story. it will be occasionally to keep consistency but other than that don't expect much. Also yes, I'm aware that 'Somethingness' isn't a word.