• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 383 Views, 6 Comments

A Trip To Kanto - DonnaGoesRawr

A mix of Friendship is Magic, Pokemon, and a love story.

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Two Seperate Worlds

It was the start of summer over in Ponyville. All the ponies were out and about enjoying the nice weather, going about whatever tasks they had to do that day. Some ponies were off to work, school,maybe even to explore or relax. But there was one pony who wasn't, one pony who yearned for some place new, an adventure. His name was Josh Marc. A young pony who never quite thought this place was right for him.

Meanwhile, far off from Ponyville, in the city of Manehatten, lived another young pony by the name of Donna Mari. She like Josh, yearned for a new place, a new adventure. While all the other ponies rushed all around her, talking, singing, working, or whatever else they might be up to, she always thought she was different. That she knew this wasn't the life she wanted to live.
These two ponies who never knew the other existed, yet lived with the same sort of feeling. They both knew that this wasn't where they were destined to be, yet had no idea how right they would end up being.

As the summer veered onward, both ponies got more and more anxious. They couldn't stand being stuck in their city or town. Josh had only a summer vacation, since he was still enrolled in school. While Donna had just a job and random classes she would attend at a nearby college. Both ponies knew they had to do something, otherwise they'd be driven insane by their own yearn for adventure.

As the days passed by, Josh had found a weird brochure for some fancy cruise to some place called "Kanto". He's heard of the place before, but only as a young filly. He remembered it from a cartoon he used to watch called Pokemon. This brochure he found truly confused him, but made him excited too. He decided he'd bring it home and show his family.

"Hey Matt! Look at this. Do you remember Pokemon?" Josh asked curious to hear his brothers reply.

"Yea why, what is this?" Matt asked.

"Dude, it's some cruise ship brochure thing saying that it'll take US to Kanto!" Josh yelled excitedly.

"Bro, Kanto isn't real. You know this right? Its a fake world. It's from a freakin' cartoon." Matt replied, shaking his head looking at Josh.

"I know that, but it seems to be similar to what the cartoon said it was. Pokemon and all! There's even a picture of the Professor pony Oak!" Josh replied back happily, trying to prove his brother wrong.

"Whatever, but hey look. Where'd you say you get this from again?" Matt asked, looking at the very back of the brochure again.

"I was walking home and found it on the floor over by Sweet Apple Acres." Josh answered back.

"Well then I guess you're gonna think of this as lucky then cause there's a free pass on the back of this." Matt said.

"WHAT?! Are you serious!?" Josh yelled back surprised, grabbing the brochure from his brothers hands staring at the pass.

The brochure did in fact hold a free pass attached to its back. It was for a a few weeks from then, for a three week vacation to Kanto. Josh couldn't have been more thrilled as he ran up to his parents to ask if he could go. They agreed to let him go as long as he behaved well and did well in school from then on out. Josh promised them he would, and did his very best to keep that promise.

Meanwhile, back in Manehatten, the young mare Donna was just sitting round at work, watching all the other ponies pet dogs.

"Working at a doggy daycare might sound fun to some ponies, and honestly it usually is amazing..but days just get boring after awhile, ya know? Like, there is really never anything exciting or new. Just the same old bunch of hay pretty much." Donna told her working pony partner, Garret.

"Yea believe I know what you mean. Specially Sundays here, they're the worst. There is absolutely nothing to do." He replied back.

"I just wish there was somewhere...some pony to go or see. I'd adore an adventure, a chance to go on a vacation to someone where new and exciting..." Donna said, looking down sadly to one of the puppies she was watching. "Somewhere I can start fresh and truly be happy for once.."

"Well, you've played Pokemon growing up right?" Garret asked Donna curiously.

"Yea, why?" Donna said.

"Well my mom was telling me of this cruise. It supposedly takes you to Kanto. Ya know, from the show? And it has like the actual Professor pony Oak and everything. Sound like your kind of thing?" He asked.

"WHAT. Yes, yes, that sounds PERFECT. But wait....Pokemon wasn't really real. So is it like a tourist spot or something? A get away?" She asked, hoping yet tilting her head in confusion.

"Well yea pretty much. Nintendo bought out some land over in one of the islands pretty far off from here. And my moms a travel agent. She could use the business.If you're really interested, I could get you a pass for it. I'll give you a good price since we're friends, and it leaves in just a few weeks from today." He said smiling at the now smiling, bouncing mare.

"Yes, yes and a million times yes! Ill ask the managers if I can take off a few weeks. And I'll pay you asap! I promise! Thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this has made me!" Donna yelled over excited and bouncing around with joy.

A few days later, the young mares manager gave her permission right as Garret handed her the pass, knowing she deserved it by now and seeing how happy it made her. Donna of course, couldn't wait. She thought of this as a dream come true. Little did she, or Josh know, but this cruise really would be the start of both their dreams.

Comments ( 6 )

Y'know, I love how people don't learn from the mistakes of others.

Do I even need to read the story? I think the description had spoilers...

I like the profile picture :D

Yes, yes, a hundred times: yes!

The description is exactly that, a description. Not necessarily spoilers, just info. And Thanks :D

Calm down you scrubs, her first story chill out. You don't like the story then shut up and go read something else.

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