• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 650 Views, 15 Comments

Pinkie gets Chopped - Chef Kyro

What happens when Pinkie Pie enters a culinary compitition with human chefs?

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Chapter 1: Dreams Becoming Reality

Pinkie Gets Chopped

By Chef Kyro

Chapter 1: Dreams Becoming Reality

A new trend has developed in the small town of Ponyville. Lately every pony has been excited about cooking shows and chefs popping out with new restaurants.

Such celebrity chefs such as Trotty Flay, Guy Firemane and Rachel Raybeam started to make restaurants all over Equestria and creating new dishes along the way. Yet one particular pink pony was so passionate about the culinary arts, that she traveled to another world to do so.

Pinkie Pie is a very enthusiastic when it comes to her profession. She is a baker and a master desert maker. She was with the Cake family for many years and still enjoys spending time with her friends. When the celebrity chefs from Canterlot came to Ponyville to start their businesses, Pinkie Pie wondered why so many ponies enjoy the food sensation. She started to have daydreams of owning her own restaurant and becoming the best chef in Equestria. Yet she did not have the money, time or the fame to start her own bakery. True, she loved working for the cakes, but she wished for something more then her day-to-day life of parties and sweets.

One day, Pinkie was left inside Sugar Cube Corner to close-up shop and enjoy the rest of her evening. Although something unusual started to happen. The doors to the bakery kitchen started to glow a bright blue light. Pinkie Pie was oddly drawn to light and decided to investigate. As she went inside the kitchen doors, she was transported to a place that would start her very own journey to becoming the best pony chef.

When she came to, Pinkie was in a dark room with metal beams and stage equipment everywhere. She was a little confused where she was or why she was here but she was here. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie heard footsteps by the hall and decided to hide in case she got into trouble.

A tall slender man with thick rimmed glasses was walking down the hall with a great concern about an important issue regarding his show. "Cant we just find some random chef in the studio that can fill in?" said the man in the glasses as he talks into his cell phone. "Well do something about it or I will have your ass fired!" he said as he angrily turned off his cell phone. He grunted loudly with frustration as he tried to figure out what to do. "Where am I going to find a chef at the last minute?"

Suddenly, the Pinkie popped out from behind the boxes that she was hiding screaming "I can help you with your show!" and fell flat on her face. The man suddenly jumped at the sight of the pink pony just appeared from nowhere. He wasn't sure if his latte was spiked from this morning or the AV department playing some sort of prank but he knew that this was something that was most unexpected. "Who are you?" Said the man with the glasses. Pinkie Pie introduced herself as she asks to be in the show. "Im not too sure. Are you a chef?" "Well" said pinkie as she taps her hoof on her chin. " I am the pastry chef of Sugar Cube Corner in Ponyville." The man in the glasses never heard of such a place. Maybe it was recently opened some place called Ponyville, but he was desperate for someone to be on the show.

"Very well" said the man in the glasses, "I will let you be in the show but you better bring your A game to this competition." With an energetic "Ya Hoo!", Pinkie followed the man to the testing kitchen to meet with the other competitors.

In another part of the studio, three chefs where preparing for there big shot at fame, money and glory. The Chefs known as Tyrone Bigheart, Kyro Shashimi and Bob Kidney were conformed in a testing kitchen to focus on the trials ahead.

Tyrone is the owner of Tyrone's Steak house in Chicago. His size of his stature as well as his portions of T-Bones was legendary. He was tough in personality as well of body. The scars on his hands of the constant burns and bloody blisters told his tale of the grill in the steak house.

Kyro is a master sushi chef that owns a local sushi house just outside of Los Angles. His sharp blade skills as well as his sharp wit was given the nickname Kyro the Sharp. He was quiet but his knife skills is possibly the best out of anyone across the land.

Bob Kidney is a simple but very efficient chef. His restaurant, Pig Parts and Co. in New York City, is considered the best in the city for "Head-to-Snout" cooking. He could make any part of the pig and transform it into a masterpiece of meat and organ.

As the three chefs sharpen their knifes and prepare for the struggle to become champion, the man with the glasses enter into the room with a face of worry.

"Hey Ted" said Tyrone, "Did you find a fourth chef for the contest?" "I did" said Ted while rubbing his neck with concern "But she is not exactly what you expect." "Well bring her out then." Said Bob with frustrated excitement.

"Pinkie could you come in please?" Said Ted with his head out of the door.

Pinkie Pie came in with her chest puffed out in heroic pose and presented her self in a "Ta-Da" matter. Yet as she entered, she was welcomed with laughter that could be heard for miles.

"You must be kidding me!" Said Tyrone while laughing hysterically. "This must be a joke." Kyro said with a monotone voice while leaning on the wall. Yet Ted was had a look of dead seriousness that could be read clearly to anyone. The laughter stopped and suddenly there was awkward silence. "This cant be right Ted" said Bob with un-cooperative tone. "Why would this be acceptable? She's not even Human." "I don't know what else to do. The show starts in 10 minutes and she claims to be a chef." said Ted in all seriousness. "You just have to trust me on this."

With a shrug from Bob and a nod from the other competitors, Pinkie was in now of the same ranks as a Master Chef.

Later on Ted found Pinkie a child sized, hot pink chef coat that could fit any little human girl. "I think this is the only chef coat that would fit you Pinkie. Sorry if this does not make you look professional." "Oh thats O.K, I think it looks cute." Pinkie said with glee. The chef coat fitted perfectly on Pinkie Pie and matched perfectly with her style as the first pony chef in the human world.

As the chefs were called one by one for introductions, Pinkie was readying herself for her time to shine. Finally, after so many years working at Sugar Cube Corner, she has the chance to become the chef she always dreamed when she was as a filly. When Pinkie name was called out, she bounced in with excitement as she entered in to the battlefield of the culinary trials ahead.

Author's Note:

This is considered my first fan-fiction. I know I'm not really experienced in fiction, but I am a skilled food writer and chef. I wanted to make the first ever "chef oriented" fan fiction to test out the waters of culinary fiction in the Brony Community. Please give constructive criticism to what I can improve on and how the series would continue. Enjoy.