• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 8,037 Views, 362 Comments

Marcus 657 - John 117

Marcus 657 has always been different from his other Spartan brother and sisters. But how different c

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Chapter 28- Epilogue

A lone human stood alone in a long hallway inside the palace of Canterlot, admiring the grand paintings that lined its walls. They depicted scenes from the country’s history he was now in, and they were grand things to behold. Some were larger than two of him combined, and filled with vast colors and hues of them all. The one he saw now depicted the two rulers of this country in heated battle, before peace had settled over the land. He stood there in his well pressed uniform with a cane in one hand and his uniform cap in the other. A magnum was strapped to his hip in a holster. He no longer fully needed the cane, his wounds had healed weeks ago, but it suited him for now. His uniform was foreign and alien to all who saw it, so many did not disturb him. He was, in fact, dressed up for the ceremony that was about to take place in his honor.

Marcus sighed and looked down, his brow creasing. Rarity had made the uniform for him just as he said, and it fit perfectly; almost too perfectly. He tugged at the tight collar and grimaced. He hated wearing dress uniforms. He was too used to his comfy armor. Tearing his eyes away from the painting, Marcus began to walk down the long corridor once more in silence, his shoes makes light taps as he moved down the long hall. He contemplated all that had transpired since his arrival here in Equestria. The crash, the forest encounter with Luna and Celestia, Fluttershy, the Covenant……Much had happened to Equestria because of him, and much had happened to him because it. He smiled at the thought of Fluttershy. She had changed him for the better. His problem was now under control, and his hand no longer shook as much as it used to. He still had nightmares, but not as often, and Fluttershy would always be there for him when he woke up. He didn’t stop to look at anything else, but continued on towards the main hall of the palace that he was in; he didn’t want to be late for his own party now did he?

Turning quickly down into another hallway, he saw a few guards who stood in front of two large golden doors that lead into the main chamber of the palace. They were stoic and proud, much like the royal British Guard at the palace in London. Their helmets were polished to a bright shine, and their spears sharpened to a thin point. They would have been a grand sight to behold, if it weren’t for the snobby pony with a stark white coat and bright blue mane that had been nagging them for the past 10 minutes on how they weren’t good enough to be in the guard, let alone guard the main doors to the chamber beyond. Blueblood had been summoned to the ceremony for something that had supposedly saved all of Equestria. It was just some monster in his opinion that needed to be destroyed at once. But for now these guards had displeased him, and they would suffer for it.

Marcus, seeing this, walked up to the pony and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. The pony ignored this and continued berating the guards on how lousy of a job they had been doing. He tapped again, harder this time, and the pony finally gave him some attention. He did not turn around, but instead stuck his nose a bit higher in the air and spoke to Marcus.

“What do you want peasant? Be gone before I have these guards hall you out of the palace at once!” Marcus snorted and bent of to face him directly. He brought his cane up and hunched over it, smiling at the pony. He turned around and faced Marcus, paling somewhat. Marcus spoke to him quietly.

“What’s your name pony?” The pony laughed loudly and tossed his mane back, looking back at Marcus.

“I am Prince Blueblood, and you would be?”

“Marcus 657.” At that the pony paled even further. He stammered for a few moments then backed up a little. Quickly regaining his composure he looked back at Marcus with disgust and spoke.

“What do you want, human? I do not require your filthy assistance. Like I would ever ask for such a thing...” Marcus had to restrain himself same what with this pony. His PTSD might be under wraps for now, but that didn’t make him any less violent towards asses like this pony.

“I wasn’t offering it. I’m asking what it is you are doing to these guards who have been standing here for hours doing their job.” Blueblood looked back at the guards then back at Marcus before speaking again.

“I am reprimanding them for their disobedience towards me.” Marcus looked up at the guards, who stood still and looked forward with eyes of steel. They were doing their job, and they were doing it right. Marcus nodded and looked back down at Blueblood. Without breaking eye contact, Marcus asked one of the guards what had happened.

“Guard, what happened here? Is what he says true?” One of the guards stepped forward and saluted to Marcus then spoke.

“Sir, nothing happened between us. One of our guards had been relieved of command and he saw this as a sign of weakness apparently. He has been lecturing us ever since about how the guards should be for the past 10 minutes.” Marcus nodded and bent back over to Blueblood, who was now shacking with rage. He began to speak, but was cut off by Marcus.

“If this is true, then you and I have a bit of a problem Mr. Blueblood. I don’t approve of those who don’t show respect towards those who give up their lives for others.” He pulled out his magnum from its holster on his hip and pointed it at Blueblood nonchalantly.

“Now, do we have a real problem here, or are you being a self-absorbed pompous snob like every other high ranking person or pony there has ever been?” Blueblood stammered at this, and began to back away from the weapon. He looked at it then back at Marcus.

“I…You…You can’t threaten me! I’m royalty!” Marcus snorted and stood up, aiming down at the pony.

“And I’m the guy who saved your ass from an alien invasion that would have wiped you out, along with most of the guards standing here. Now leave before the bad side of me wins and you have a magnum round in your skull.” At this Blueblood finally ran for it, high tailing it away from the guards and the mad human. Marcus chuckled and looked back at the guards, putting away his weapon. The guard who spoke up smiled and nodded his head in thanks.

“Thank you sir, you have no idea how often he does that.” Marcus nodded and put on his cap.

“No thanks needed, I know how bad higher ups can be. From soldier to soldier, the guy seemed like a prick anyways. Never liked those higher ups much.” With that he nodded to those guarding the doors, which swung them fully open. Taking a deep breath, Marcus strode forward into the main chamber beyond.

Compared to the last time Marcus had been in this room, it was a sight to see. Ponies from all around Equestria lined its walls, filling up the room to its max capacity. Guards lined the back walls, keeping watch over the crowd. A column of guards lined the center of the room in a small passage for Marcus to pass through. Marcus stopped where he was to take in the scenery. At the end of the column of soldiers stood the Elements of Harmony; Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack (whom had a smug grin on her face) and lastly Fluttershy, who looked great as usual. They were all wearing dresses that Rarity had made for some ball a year or so ago. To their right on the center of the platform stood Princess Celestia and Luna, who looked back at him with pride. They themselves wore their usual regal attire. To their left was Shining Armor, captain of the guard wearing his brightly polished armor. In the weeks after the Baltimare incident, Shining and Marcus had become good friends. Them both being soldiers had a little bit to do with it, but no one seemed to mind. He nodded to Marcus, and he nodded back. Standing to attention, Armor did a right face towards the Princesses.

“Company, ATTENTION!” With that the column of guards snapped to attention, the spears locking into position at their sides. Shining called back at them again.

“Present, ARMS!” The spears where thrust forwards and a small tunnel was made with them. Marcus finally noticed 3 other presents near him, and looked down quickly to see Star Blazer, Dark Angel, and Midnight Furry next to him, standing proud and still. Marcus smiled to see his comrades next to him. He had meet the three of them briefly in the hospital, and Star Blazer still had a long scar on his face from an energy sword. He had requested that they be honored as well. Slowly, Marcus and the 3 ponies began to march down the tunnel of spears as ponies from all around followed the heroes with their eyes. At first it was quiet as the 4 of them walked down the tunnel of spears, but soon a hoof was stomped, then another, then a few more until the entire crowd was cheering for them. Hooves stomped with loud applause as the group made its way down the column of guards. Marcus could see 3 bouncing figures behind the wall of armor and guards that were following the procession. He cracked a small smile when he figured out who they were. The CMC had been through a lot, and when they had asked Marcus to become hero’s, he complied; but only for a day. He put them through a small Spartan style boot camp to see how they would work under pressure. They did well, or at least as well as one might expect. Afterward though, they decided becoming Spartans and ‘earing their cutie mark’s by becoming heroes’ wasn’t for them.

Coming to the end of the column of guards, Marcus and the others walked up to the raised platform, passing up the Elements and Shining. Bowing heavily, the 4 stood at attention until Celestia called for silence and asked them to be at ease. They complied, Marcus standing with his feet apart and his hand behind his back; cane still in hand. The others stood at ease, which was mainly them with their hooves slightly spread a part. Celestia then began to speak.

“My little ponies, we are gathered here today to honor those who sacrificed that which is held most dearly by all; life. They were willing to venture into the billowing storm and fight that which would end our way of life forever.” Bowing her head slightly, Celestia took on a bit more grave tone.

“Let us never forget those that ventured into the howling dark and did not return, for they made the ultimate sacrifice. Let us always remember those that will answer the call when they are needed, and fight till the end.” Marcus nodded at this, and bowed his head slightly. Most in the room fell silent and all looked down in respect. Celestia raised her head slightly and began to speak once more.

“For now, let us commemorate those who acted with courage and honor, and celebrate this day in their name! Marcus 657, Mightnight Furry, Dark Angel, and Star Blazer; you four have gone beyond the call of duty that was required by you and your superiors and for that we thank you with the Equestrian Medal of Valor.” At this Celestia took forth 4 medals, all made of a brightly polished gold and tied to a long red ribbon. On the medal was the seal of the two sisters, with the sun and moon rising above a carving of their heads in a ying yang fashion. Celestia hovered the medal over their heads and placed them around their necks each. They rested comfortably on their chests. Marcus looked down at his and smiled a little. It’s nice to get some notice for it all I guess. The four of them bowed again, and the crowd cheered. Marcus was about to turn and leave, thinking that was it, when he noticed Luna motioning him to stay. He stayed put as the other 3 left and stood next to Shining Armor. Marcus looked back at the two Princesses confused.

“And for you Marcus, who bravely entered the ship and destroyed it from inside and was prepared to sacrifice your own life for those who you barely knew, I shall grant you whatever you so wish. If it is within my power, it shall be yours.” Marcus stammered for a bit, before looking behind him towards Fluttershy. She smiled back at him, and he nodded to her. He was about to speak when he was cut off by Luna.

“Let it be known to you now that mine sister and I have the ability to make your life here…..easier if you so wish it.” Celestia smiled and nodded her head. Marcus was dumb founded.

“You mean…you can..?” They both nodded and smiled at him.

“We are goddesses, are we not?” Marcus shut up immediately and simply nodded his head. Celestia and Luna smiled and nodded their heads.

“Very well, Marcus.” At that the two of them stepped down and stood next to Marcus on either side of him. He nodded to them and they then closed their eyes. Spreading their wings to their full width, they enveloped Marcus in their wide span. Their eyes began to glow, and soon Marcus and what he was wearing was covering at a bright light. The light began to intensify, and soon the trio stood at the center of an immense orb of energy. Marcus didn’t feel a thing. His life flashed before him as it all happened. His brief childhood, Spartan training, the augmentation, the war, his squad all pasted before him like wisps of cloud. As soon as it showed up, it disappeared and was replaced by another. Physically though, things were changing. His limbs were changing, his hair grew out, his size began to decrease, and fur started to coat his body. All who saw this stared in awe. In one large bright flash of light, it all ended.

Something lay in between the two princesses wearing a grey uniform with a cap on its head. Fluttershy let out a squeak and hid her head behind her mane, peaking out with one eye. Wings sprouted from it, and it stretched out its thick muscular legs. It spread out on all four before falling. Many squinted to get a better look, while others flew into the air to see. Where Marcus once stood lay a stallion of immense size, rivaling Big Mac himself. It had a grey coat underneath the uniform and it stood up on quaking legs. On its flank a cutie mark of a Greek helmet over a shield. It turned its head towards Celestia and spook.

“Christ…I can’t walk on these damn legs.” Fluttershy let out a squee and rushed forward, tackling the stallion to the ground. He laughed and looked up. Fluttershy nuzzled into his uniform and smiled. Celestia chuckled and walked up to the two.

“Well Marcus, I can see that Fluttershy is happy. Are you happy as well?” He nodded a little oddly at first. This whole body was a bit off for him. The mane was a bit problematic; it got in his eyesight a bit and whooshed around way too much. Fluttershy looked up at him for a moment.

“A-are you ok? You’re sure you’re not hurt?” He nodded, nuzzling into her mane. It smelled sweet and fresh, like morning dew. He drew away and planted a light kiss on her lips. Everyone ‘awed’, and Applejack just looked even smugger. He drew away, leaving Fluttershy dazed. He waved a…hoof in front of her face.

“Flutters, you ok?” She just nodded slowly than tackled him again, planting a bigger kiss on him. He returned it with as much passion a fever as she did, and they remained like that for a few moments. Luna finally cleared her throat, and the two broke apart. Everypony now was in amazement and shock. All were cheering with applause and whistles. They both stood up, Marcus very shaky at first, but he got used to his new legs after a few moments. He stomped his hoof a few times, testing out how it felt. It didn’t shake at all. He smiled and looked up at the cheering crowd. Turning back to Fluttershy, who was blushing fiercely herself; she had never kissed many stallions before, and certainly not in front of so many ponies. Marcus smiled at her shyness and nuzzled, abet somewhat awkwardly, against her cheek. She reddened even further, but returned the gesture. They both looked back towards the cheering crowd in silence, waiting for whatever lay ahead for them, and for Equestria. They had a Spartan now, and he would defend his new home with all his might. Spartans never die after all.

They just adapt.

Author's Note:

OH MY GOD ITS DONE!!! I just...wow....its done. I can't thank you guys enough for actually enjoying this story. THe fact that ponies enjoyed this helped me push through and finish it to the end. Thanks guys, and hopefully, I'll see you soon. Just wake me when you need me.

-John 117

P.S. Any thoughts on a sequel?