• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 1,282 Views, 16 Comments

A Old Friend Back In Town - The Amazing Horse Man

Fluttershy's old crush is back in town, they live Happily Ever After, Right?

  • ...

Run, Through the Forest, Run!

The pair kept walking until the trail stopped... Into a wall of stone. This really pissed on their spirits. The pair sat at the wall thinking for hours into the night, wondering what the heck happened. The two started to doze off until they heard the sound of scraping rock. The wall was parting, and two Changelings popped out, one smaller than the other. While their backs were turned the two ponies dashed into the hive.

The two ponies have never seen anything like this before. The hive was all walls with caves dotting each and every free spot on the cliff face. Then they saw the palace. It was beautiful, in a horrendous way. It had a thousand steps, leading into a decorated great hall. The place wasn't buzzing, mainly due to it being night, and they could fly right to the Great Hall. Then they saw her.

Hanging upside down on the ceiling was a sleeping Chrysalis. The two ponies tiptoed around the hall to a hallway, connecting to the Prison.

They peeked in and saw rows, and rows of cells. And they few guards dozing off. They checked each cell, almost all were empty, but they found him, they really found him. They stole the key from the guard and unlocked the door, and picked up Spark.

"Wha--" he said woken up by the sudden jolt of activity, he was hushed.

They were sneaking out of the hall up when, click, the other buckle from his saddlebags fell off. Chrysalis opened her eyes, and looked around, then saw the ponies. She gave a bone shattering scree and the hall was suddenly flooding with changelings.

The two pegasus flew straight through most of the changeling, kicked, hitting and slapping all along the way. they flew as fast and as strong as they could, with a full grown stallion on their backs. Suddenly, their was blue, and pale yellow ponies every where, but the two still continued strong.

They were flying, until they heard the sound of scraping rock. The two have never flown this hard in their lives. Fluttershy made it out with Spark, but a changeling snagged Rainbow. Fluttershy was shocked not to see the Cyan Pony next to her when the doors closed. She started to run, but the doors opened again, flooding out hundreds of Rainbow Dashes into the forest. Fluttershy still ran strong, and hard. But as soon as she got to the trail again, she got grabbed! As she was being lifted up, she hit her head, and was knocked unconscious.

Fluttershy expected she would wake up in a cold cobblestone floor next to Spark. But instead, she woke up in none other than Zecora's shed. With Spark and Rainbow looking down on her with relieved expressions on their faces.

"She's alright thank Celestia" Said Spark.

"Yeah, we though we lost you there Fluttershy" Agreed Rainbow.

"Wha-What happened, last thing I remember was that I was being carried by a changeling.

"That was me" Rainbow said, "Spark also helped, he woke up with all the noise and the rocking from being on your back."

"At least we're safe right?" asked Fluttershy.

"Not exactly" said Spark "They'res still my impostor, and their is a horde of Changelings approaching on Ponyville fast. We have Shining Armor and Cadance here, protecting the town.

This news did not settle in Fluttershy's stomach that well. But she knew exactly what to do. She got up and walked over to her house.

"Hello Dear" said the fake Spark, "how was the rescue?"

Fluttershy ignored him and kicked him square in the snout, knocking him out.

The fake Spark woke up strapped on a table, extremely confused.

"Where am I!" He shouted. "What are you doing to me!"

"Oh we're just going to see how changeling react when they are electrocuted" Said Spark "I bet we'll get 'shocking' results"

"You! I captured you! How did you get free!"

"With a little help form my friends" Said Spark, "You're going to be an example, in a few minutes, you'll be schocked out of your wits, quite literally. It's going to be broadcasted to all of your changeling buddies, to show them what we do to impostors.

"Oh look, it's showtime. Bzz, bzzz." Taunted Spark, who then turns the switch. "See what happens when you mess with our love life! Unless you leave, this'll all happen to you if you don't leave." He flipped off the switch.

Immediately the sky was clear of all the swarm. And all of Equestria, can love again, especially with the Changelings both shamed and 'shocked.'
The End.