• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 703 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Reflection - Skyward Gaze

Pinkie finds that there may be some pony trapped in the Mirror Pool Cavern. can she rescue them?

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Chapter 1

“No Pinkie!” exclaimed Twilight as she and her pink mare friend set foot into the library.

“But Twilight you have got to believe me!” Pinkie argued.

“No buts. It was bad enough when you first uncovered the Mirror Pool, and I don't want to risk loosing you again.” Twilight continued. “Besides even if you did hear some pony trapped in the cavern who's to say its not another clone of you that we somehow missed.”

Pinkie opened her mouth, but a counter argument was hesitant to be found. Twilight being busy multitasking as usual began levitating books from her vast collection searching through them for some bit of information she may have somehow missed the first time she read them. Pinkie followed just behind the compulsive book worm pony thinking up an arsenal of words that would sway the argument in her favor, however with every book that passed before her friends eyes she came closer to the conclusion that she no matter the circumstances would never be able to defeat the purple mare in a war of words.

Pinkie turned and left through the door though which the two friends had entered leaving a book entranced Twilight behind her. It was a warm sunny day in Ponyville and undoubtedly many ponies would be either to busy or to skeptical as to Pinkie's intentions for uncovering the Mirror Pool.

“Where am I going to find some pony capable of moving that big boulder out of the way on such short notice?” Pinkie asked herself. “I just hope I can get who ever is stuck down there out before it's to late!” she continued to herself at rates of speed unmatched by any other in Ponyville. “and what if...” she gasped for the thought shook her. “What if whoever is down there stepped into the Mirror Pool to! I mean if being surrounded by hundreds of me for a day was almost intolerable just think what it would be like to be trapped for days with just as many clones if not more!” Pinkie almost could not contain herself for the scenario she had painted in her head was too awful to imagine. “and not being able to get out of that old dust filled cave!” wait a minute. She thought. “That's it! A dust filled cave! And some pony is stuck in it!” Just then she had come to a possible solution to the dilemma. “I know just who would be willing to help me!” she excitedly told herself. “There is no time to waste!” and just like that she shot like a rocket to Rarity's boutique leaving a few befuddled ponies wondering what all the commotion was about.

Upon arrival a panting Pinkie propelled herself through the boutique door startling Rarity causing her to drop the fabric she was currently stitching to the floor just before she was tackled by the pink mass of energy. Pinkie poured sentence after sentence between gasps over Rarity who was completely stunned by the sudden unexpected encounter.

“Please please slow down.” Rarity begged “I can't understand a word of what you're saying.” Pinkie stopped for a moment and proceeded to take a deep breath before restarting her story but this time at a understandable speed.

“Earlier I was out by the Mirror Pool cavern and...”

“What were you doing by the Mirror Pool cavern?” Rarity interrupted “Didn't you learn your lesson the last time you were out there?”

“That's not the point!” Pinkie continued “I was out looking for one of my ball stashes because I was suffering a ball emergency...”

“Ball emergency?” again Rarity was pulling pinkie off topic.

“Just never mind!” a frustrated Pinkie Pie blurted out “The point is I was out there and I heard a strange a knock knock knocking coming from the other side of the boulder Twilight put over the entrance!” Rarity opened her mouth to add some input but Pinkie cut her off to finish her story in a timely manner. “So I thought to myself oh my gosh there is some pony stuck down there with all that dirt!”

“dirt?!!!” Rarity stammered

“Yea the cave is filled with the stuff!” Pinkie replied. “Imagine getting it all matted up in you mane and not having a way to get it out! I asked Twilight for help but she said no, and....” pinkie continued rattling on but Rarity had stopped listening.

“Some pony is stuck in a dirty... no filthy cave with no way out?!!!” Rarity again stammered. Just the thought was unbearable. She could visualize a pony with a once gorges mane now matted down with mud, and dirt. Then she imagined what it would be like to be that pony with no way to groom herself. The thought made her blood run cold, and she fainted on the spot.

Rarity slowly began to come to. when her eyes began to open she saw her friend still making dramatic motions with her hooves while still apparently discussing the Mirror Pool, who ever was stuck in the cavern, and... oh no. she was reminded of how filthy it was.

“No” Rarity whispered to herself “I am not just going to sit here when some pony is in such grave danger!”

“What's that?” Pinkie chimed in.

“We have to help the poor poor pony trapped in that uncouth cavern! Its the only right thing to do!”

“That's what I have been saying this whole time!” Pinkie let out in relief that finally some pony understood the importance of this rescue mission other than her.

“I insist that you take me to the cavern immediately so we can let that poor mare out.” Rarity practically commanded as she began to pack a bag with different beauty products. “That mare will undoubtedly need a make over once we rescue her.” After Rarity packed a exceptionally heavy bag that she deemed her light grab and go make up purse. The two Ponies made there way out the door Pinkie hopping ahead leading Rarity who was toting the large beauty bag toward the Mirror Pool Cavern. It was not long however before she grew tired of levitating the bag and the two mission driven ponies needed to stop and rest.

The two spotted a clearly busy Spike carrying a stack of books back to Twilight's Library. she must have already read through her monstrous collection Pinkie recalled her scanning through earlier.

“Oh Spikie Wikie!” Rarity called. The baby dragon instantly dropped the books to the ground hearing his once the sound of Rarities words hit his ears. Whatever she needed it must be exceptionally important. He came running at speeds that were rarely if not ever produced by his tiny legs that put him within hooves reach in almost no time at all.

“Yes Rarity.” he said in a floaty tone that carried his statement the short distance from him to the well kept white mare before him.

“Would you be a darling and help me carry my things? It would be very gentlemen like of you to help a lady such as myself.” Rarity said summoning the tiniest pet voice she could.

“Sure thing.” replied an eager Spike. He jumped at the chance to impress Rarity. He would do anything to bring her around to feeling the same way about him as he did about her. Pinkie attempted to muffle a playful chuckle as the little dragon managed to lift Rarity's travel bag over his head. It was at least the same size as him and he was clearly having a hard time with it. As all of his muscles trembled he asked where they were going. The two mares filled Spike in as they reached the outskirts of Ponyville and began to enter the Everfree forest to find the cavern.