• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 585 Views, 13 Comments

The new ponies of Ponyville - Dovacat

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have never been ones for romance but when two new ponies come around it all changes for the two of them

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Just another night

It was another long night,but the air had a new feeling something that could not be easily explained. The garden was damp and dew covered from the rain that had fallen throughout the day and had finally managed to settle as the sun set. The grass swayed gently as the wind blew gently throughout the garden. Angel prepared himself for his night watch as was his habit. The water droplets caused a shiver down Angel's spine as he settled in on his makeshift viewing area. "All is normal tonight" he thought to himself except it was too quite not even the creatures of the night were stirring it seemed. This caused Angel to feel uneasy. The trees in the garden were still and the flowers seemed to drop. Something just wasn't right here. Angel hopped down from his spot above the garden and began looking around for anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't long till he heard the sound of movement coming from the bushes by the entrance to the garden. Angel leaned forward carefully keeping his distance in case it was a bear or something that could destroy the garden or him for that matter. The sound continued for a short while until suddenly he heard a sound it was definitely a fight,but who was fighting who he hurried over to find out and just outside the garden was an emerald coated stallion with a yellow and brown mane, but that was not all there before the pony were three timber-wolves. The stallion bucked at the first timber-wolf as it jumped towards him.

Angered, the next two jumped onto the peagus' back biting and clawing trying to reach his neck. The stallion's blues eyes turned fierce in the struggle for his life. Angel froze he knew he had to do something, but he didn't know what. That very moment a red coated peagus with a golden mane appeared out of nowhere and bucked with all his might at the two timber-wolves on top of the other peagus. The two stallions looked from one another to the wolves as they quickly became surrounded. The wolves attacked and the stallions sent each one off with a buck to their muzzles. Angel began to wonder who these two peagusi were. Angel chose to confront the two of them then and there about who they were cause he had certainly never seen these two before; however when he got there he saw that the two males had left already. He went back to his "watchtower" and wondered for the rest of the night about the two ponies. There was something different about them compared to others.

The next morning Fluttershy woke up earlier than usual so she went for a walk through the quite of her garden. She let the birds sleep a little while longer and even though she loved the sound of all the creatures she also enjoyed the quite of her garden before she had to start her day. Today Fluttershy thought she could go farther outside of her garden today and explore a little. She walked for a few minutes taking a few new side paths until she heard something from the other side of the bushes to her right. Unsure of what it was Fluttershy calls out "who's there?". She did not get an answer just more rustling from the other side of the bush. Being careful not to startle whatever was on the other side of it Fluttershy slowly creeps up and peers through the bush.

On the other side of the bush is a red coated peagus who is standing in the middle of a very small clearing looking at something with high interest and taking some notes down. Fluttershy edged closer and walked up behind the peagus. The peagus unaware of her presence behind him continued working as Fluttershy tried to see what he was looking at. Finally after a while she spoke up. "Ummm excuse me not to bother you or anything, but what are you doing?" The peagus turned to face her and as their eyes met Fluttershy looked into his blue eyes and he back into her eyes she felt something begin to rise in her throat and they both looked away as quickly as possible. The young stallion looked back at his notes. "Oh I was just trying an experiment on how to get vegetables to grow faster and if they may cause any danger to any of the animals around here unfortunately it seemed to affect the seeds of anything I put it on and this little bird here apparently ate some the poor thing." Fluttershy turned to the small bird and carefully picked it up and checked its beak. "Don't worry I'll make you feel better little one." Fluttershy pokes the bird's gut carefully until the seed pops out of the birds mouth. "See all better now little one." The Stallion looked at Fluttershy with disbelief. "H-how did you do that?" Fluttershy smiles at the other peagus. "Only if you tell me your name first." Laughing at not having introducing himself the stallion smiled at her. "My name is Storm Chaser what's your name?" "F-Fluttershy." She began to stumble just to say her name as a large feeling rose in her heart making it feel heavy. He smiled and his eyes seemed to soften. "Fluttershy now that's a beautiful name." Fluttershy blushed softly. "T-thank you, but I hardly deserve it." Storm Chaser smiled. "And what would make you say that?" Fluttershy looked at the ground to avoid looking into his eyes. "Because I am hardly all that special I'm just like any other pony." Lightningchaser looked at her in disbelief. "Well I wouldn't say that. I mean how many ponies can help a bird like that? None that I know of that's for sure." Fluttershy smiles. "Thank you." Lightningchaser smiles back. "Anytime." Fluttershy looks up at the sky and notices the sun raising. "Oh no! I'm late! I'm sorry but I have to go." Lightning Chaser smiles. "Maybe we can talk again some-" She hurries off before he can even finish his sentence. As she left he felt lonely for the first time and a heavy feeling fell over him. He thought to himself "Why do I feel this way? I have met many of other ponies, but this is different there's something about her." Storm Chaser could not get this thought off his mind as he returned to his studies.

Fluttershy hurried back to her garden and had Angel help her wake the animals and get to work. Fluttershy started by waking the birds and squirrels first as they were faster and easier to wake and needed to be up first otherwise the more stubborn ones wouldn't get up. Next she turned to taking care of the garden itself. She went around and watered all the vegetables and fruits that needed the least attention first so she could focus more on the ones that needed her attention more at the end. Fluttershy was so busy she hardly noticed Twilight and Spike coming up behind her until Spike spoke up. "Hey Fluttershy what are you up too?" Fluttershy jumps causing a bit of alarm in her friends. Twilight becoming concerned looks at Spike then back to Fluttershy. "You okay Fluttershy? No offense but you seem a bit jumpy." Fluttershy looks to her friends. "Yeah just a bit tired I guess I woke up earlier today than usual." "Ah" says Spike.Twilight looks from the baby dragon back to her friend. "Well you you need sleep you should rest Spike and I can help with your garden if you need us to. " Fluttershy smiles and shakes her head. "No it's okay I can handle this besides you probably got your own stuff to do. Trust me I'll be fine." Twilight looks at Fluttershy "Well if you say so Fluttershy." Twilight turns and heads back towards Ponyville glancing back at the baby dragon on her back. "Hey Spike?" Spike looks up at Twilight "Yeah Twi?" Twilight thinks for a moment. "never mind I must have been imagining things." Fluttershy yawns. "Maybe I do need a nap and when I'm done here." Fluttershy finishes watering the flowers and heads inside to take a well deserved rest as Angel walks into the room and cuddles up beside her causing Fluttershy to wrap a hoof around him. "Maybe I need some rest too" he thought as he closed his eyes giving in to his need to sleep.

Author's Note:

This is my first story so everypony try not to be harsh on me. I may do things a bit differently then most. Please be understanding as I adjust to this.