• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,196 Views, 30 Comments

Introspection - -Hidden Identity-

Pinkie Pie wakes up to find herself in her own mind and must find a way out through the various challenges and regrets she has made for herself before she is lost forever.

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Pinkie continued to wander the maze of her mind, well part of it at least. So far her sister’s riddle had eluded her for the full meaning, but like any puzzle you had to put the pieces together before the picture would be seen for what it is intended to be. So far Pinkie had found out that her sister was mad at her because she was selfish for being generous through her own interests. Just when it seemed that this maze was going to make some amount of sense, it became more complicated. How could being generous make her selfish? For that matter, what did her sister mean with “her own interests”? Pinkie had already made several attempts to talk to her sister again, but the tormentor stayed silent and watchful. Pinkie turned and walked backwards for a time, as to remember where she had been and recall what she had done.

“Oki doki, so I passed by the flowers, and the dirt, and the torns. Heh, torns. I guess thorns could make things torn. So there were the thorns, and what next? Let’s see I need to go down through the mist and Dusk. HINT PLEASE!”

No hint came.

“Fine then, I’ll just find a hint.”

There was no hint for the pony that was not already apparent to her. She needed to travel down the path of mist and Dusk. But which came first? Neither really seemed to be harder than the other one, and both were quite unfriendly. Figures that she would have to go down a path that wasn’t friendly. There was no room in her mind for things that were unfriendly, and yet she guessed there was, as her vengeful family was in here with her. Well, it was up to her to help them and HEY! Who put that wall there? Anyhow, it was her job to ensure that they remained friends, or became friends again. Could family be friends? Was that something different altogether? Curious.

Ahead lay a crossroad between two towering sandstone walls. One path heralded the curious and foreboding mist, while within the other lurked Dusk. Pinkie stared at the decision before her. There was no clear answer as to which was the right path. Clearly this took proper deduction and an educated means of deciding.

“Eenie, meanie, minie, mo. I choose this one.”

Slowly Pinkie eased herself into the entrance of the path of Dusk. One hoof, then two, then her mane and head, finally…this is a great place to have a party isn’t it? I just love parties, and ponies, and smiles. Dang it…ooh, another cupcake.

Fifteen minutes later Pinkie had arrived at another crossroad of the same conundrum. One path led into the mist, while the other housed Dusk. Regardless of her flawless methods of choosing that she relied on previously, she had guessed incorrectly and lost time. Did time even matter here? She figured she would find out eventually. Things seemed to work out that way. Pinkie walked into the mists, the lukewarm fingers of low-hanging cloud petted her, stroking her fur and mane. A couple of times something very real and solid and not cloudish moved past one of her hooves, yet the mist did not yield to give a view. Nothing hindered her passage, however, so she pressed on more timidly than normal.

“I am selfish because I am generous through my own interests, which are parties because I never stopped to think what others wanted. Wait, that whole thing is the hint? Sounds more like an answer.” Pinkie sighed though as she realized what it meant: her sister never really like parties. She had forced her parties and things she liked to do upon her sister without even asking whether it was becoming tedious or boring. She may have had a good time at first, but after the twentieth celebration she was tired. She wanted to do something else, but Pinkie was too selfish to realize it. She was too busy being caught up on making others feel happy they way she felt happy that she didn’t realize when somepony wasn’t having fun anymore, and as she stated: making your friends sad is no fun at all… or something like that. She should get Twilight to write some of these down for her.

“After all, I’m brilliant. I wouldn’t be surprised if…” the words simply died. The path of Dusk lay before her, and beyond that an exit. She wasn’t exactly sure what could be added, but it was better to know everything before seeing if she couldn’t free her sister from this mindset.

Darkness took her as she strode into Dusk a second time. It was different though, her mind didn’t shift ideas, and she wasn’t experiencing any new developments. Instead, there was a voice. Distant, yet the farther in she strode the louder it became.

“Do you know what caused it?” it was Fluttershy’s voice. Fluttershy!

“Fluttershy!” Pinkie yelled and ran forward towards the growing voice.

“We don’t know for certain, but we suspect it was the events of last week.” She didn’t know that voice. It sounded serious.

“So what happens now?” Twilight, that was Twilight.

“We give her medicine, and see what happens. Nothing is certain.” That same serious voice again.

“I remember Pinkie once helped carry me to a hospital when I hurt my wing. I always hoped to return the favor, but that it would be to, you know, a hospital or something like that. Not this place. I’m getting creeped out just being here.”

Rainbow Dash…her friends were so close.

“Ah reckon we’ll come on around again soon enough. If ya’ll are alright with that.”


“Anytime you want to visit is fine, and we will keep you posted on any new developments.” There was that strange, serious voice again.

“Don’t go! I’m coming!”

Pinkie burst from the path of Dusk and flat onto her face. The maze slowly sunk into the ground behind her. The sky was blue with pink, stationary bubbles and an assortment of hills and mountains. Upside-down platforms and canyons could be seen in the distance. She was still in her mind. She wished for a cupcake, and found two. At leas she was in control again. Her sister stood in front of her.

“Sis, I’m sorry I didn’t notice you weren’t happy. You’re right; I was selfish and still am. I want to do what you want to. What do you want to do? Anything, and I will never mention a party.”

Her sister smiled, nodded, and glanced back up, happiness in her eyes.

“Thank you. Find the way out, find your friends.”

She faded away, free from a hostile mindset and with anger purged.