• Published 29th Nov 2012
  • 4,638 Views, 254 Comments

Dear Princess Celestia, What if? - djElectrOctavia

Letters from Twilight Sparkle to the Princess, involving What If questions.

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What if I failed?

Dear Princess Celestia,

What if I failed a test? A mission? Anything?

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Thank you on the great information you put into your letter. I'm only kidding, I would never insult you. This seems to be like a very paranoid letter. Don't worry though.

If you failed a small test, I would probably let it go, and have you revise some more to re-test, however, if you were to fail saving the Crystal Kingdom, that would be a different story. I might have you executed for ponyslaughter. I'm joking again... We would have to fight for it back, and possibly deploy all of your army there, including you and your friends. The elements of harmony would be greatly effective against him too, so it would not be too much of a problem. It was far much easier to keep him out and take him then, preserving all of the Crystal Kingdom too.

If you failed a mission, I would either send troops there or be there myself. It depends on what you mean by 'failing a mission'. If you were to die in one, we would all have the most respect for you, remembering you forever in texts and my heart, but if you were to fail and come out unharmed, we would be most suspicious. We know you always put maximum effort into these tasks, and for that is why we always celebrate a victory.

If you failed me, not living up to your true potential or turning against us, we would have to banish you. Never would we kill another pony unless we have to. Knowing you, you could probably take all of Equestria out quickly.

Princess Celestia.