• Published 7th Sep 2011
  • 20,185 Views, 850 Comments

New Beginnings - Black Alicorn

A young human super-soldier crash-lands on Equestria. Now, he must leave behind his dark, dark past and embrace this new chance at life, this new beginning. More so, he must now protect it when an ancient evil returns to plague Equestria once more!

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Chapter 6: Forgiveness

Wolf's mind was racing, what were these Pegasi doing? Where were they taking him? And why would Twilight betray him like that? He remembered her face, tears streaming down her violet cheeks.
- - - - -
At least she didn't like what she was doing.....

Planet Gift, August 22nd,2659,21:19 hrs.

New Athens. The battle for it had been raging for weeks. Heavy losses on both sides, but the Spinar were losing. They killed Cougar, the girl Wolf loved for years now, and his hatred for them only grew with that. They made a grave mistake. Fueled by his anger, Wolf cut down hundreds of them. Entire sections of the city brought back under human control by him alone. The humans were winning. Then it happened.
A loud scream broke the morning silence. Wolf was caught off guard. A squad of Wasps had entered his tent, and one put it's hand over Wolfs mouth while th others were restraining him. Wolf bit down as hard as he could on it's hand. It shrieked in pain as the human bit of part of his hand. It quickly tried to put it's other hand over his mouth, but not before Wolf could scream out one crucial word.
The Wasps dragged him out of his tent.
He struggled to break free, but he couldn't, the Wasps injected him with a very strong anesthetic. It wasn't long before he lost control of his body. He was completely conscious, but he couldn't move a muscle. His whole body went limp. All he could do was watch in horror as two Wasps carried him away. He could see his men rushing out of their tents, guns blazing at the Wasps. The two that were carrying him retreated to safety, while the others held their position against the humans. The two spread they're wings, they began beating almost instantly. Within moments, they were off the ground, leaving the battle below. The rest of the Wasps spread their wings and retreated as well. Wolf had been captured by the Spinar. He didn't know what to expect, they had never taken prisoners before.
- - - - -
His feet touched the ground. Wolf was stunned. He didn't expect to be put on the ground so soon. He looked to his sides. Both Pegasi that were carrying him were bowing down. He looked behind him. He saw a tall white alicorn, her rainbow colored hair floating in the air, glowing in the sun. She had a crown on her head.
“Princess Celestia I presume?”
“Yes.I apologize for having you brought to me in such a manner.”
“You could have just asked.....”
“I would have, but the letter Twilight Sparkle sent to me suggested that you were extremely dangerous.”
- - - - -
- - - - -
Tears formed in his eyes, he didn't want to hear what he just heard.
- - - - -
Unknown Location, Unknown Day ,2659, Unknown Time.

The Wasps arrived on a makeshift landing pad they had set up. They loaded him onto a waiting dropship. Standard Spinar dropship, dubbed the 'Bumblebee' by human inteligence. It's name pretty much described it's a appearance. They loaded him onto the Bumblebee and it took off, it was obviously heading for low orbit. It arrived at the exact plotted moment. A Spinar warship had arrived and the dropship boarded. The same Wasps took out a large needle, and injected it's green contents into Wolf. Within seconds, Wolf was fast asleep.
* * * * *
Wolf awoke from a deep sleep. He was in chains, on a platform in the middle of a room the size of an Olympic Stadium. He looked in front of him, and there was the largest Spinar he had ever seen, the largest anyone had seen. It looked like a Praying Mantis, drop the large 'arms' and think a third of the size of an Olympic stadium. It stared at the restrained human for a moment, then it finally said:
“So you are the human we all should fear. Strange, you don't look that dangerous.”
“If you're going to kill me, just get it over with.”
“Oh, I don't plan on killing you. I have much worse planned for you.”
“If your thinking torture, don't waste your time. We've been trained to handle pain.”
A Wasp carrying syringe landed on the platform. It removed Wolf's helmet and injected it's contents into Wolf's neck.
“That was it? You need to work on your torture techniques.”
It ignored Wolf's comment.
“You've been trained to handle the weakest form of pain. I will show you true pain.”
All of a sudden, a recent memory popped into Wolf's head.

- - - - -
- - - - -
Wolf winced, it was obvious that he wasn't prepared for that.
“Don't do that again.” He said angrily.
“Why? I enjoy it too much.”
The same memory again.
- - - - -
- - - - -
And again...
- - - - -
And again....
- - - - -
It was right, he was never prepared for this kind of pain. He never knew how many times it had replayed the same memory in his head. All he could remember was being in the same room, for 3 days, being forced to relive the same moment over and over again.
- - - - -

Celestia looked down, she realized that she had just revealed something to Wolf that he was better off not knowing.
“Anyway, do you mind if I ask you some questions?”
A tear fell from his eye.
“No.Not at all.”
* * * * *
Twilight was pacing around the library, anxious to hear something, anything from Princess Celestia.
A few light thumps from upstairs. Nyx was coming down.
“Morning mom!”
Twilight didn't answer.
“Where's Wolf?”
Hearing the name was too much for her.She immediately burst into tears, backing up into a corner, her upper hooves locked tightly against her lower hooves. Nyx stood there in silence, then she came up to Twilight and hugged her tightly. She then looked at Twilight, stared right into her eyes and asked ever so sweetly:
“What's wrong?”
* * * * *
Wolf was released at the end of the day.
- - - - -
A 'few' questions?
- - - - -
He walked down the empty streets of Canterlot. He noticed two Pegasi stallions standing outside a doorway. He approached, and they broke their usual silence.
“Princess Celestia has instructed us to return you to Ponyville, if you so wish.”
He nodded. The Pegasi took him through the doorway, onto a platform with a chariot in the middle.
One of the Pegasi told him:
“Climb aboard.”
He did as he was told, climbing on board the chariot. The two Pegasi hooked up to the golden chariot, their wings unfolding from their sides. Within moments, hey were in the air, on a straight course for Ponyville. Wolf watched as the town grew closer, in complete silence as his mind raced.
* * * * *
“But, why would she order her guards to capture Wolf and bring him to her?”
Nyx had managed to calm Twilight, but with that question, she had destroyed what she had just accomplished. Twilight recommenced crying immediately after the question was finished. Amidst the sniffing and sharp inhaling, Nyx could make out a sentence:
“Because...I.....SENT HER A LETTER!!!”
Twilight's crying grew even more intense as she finished her sentece. She hated herself for betraying her friend like that. She knew what would happen, and she just let them carry Wolf away like that. She made that mistake once before with Nyx, and she would never forgive herself for it. Now, she had just done the same thing again. She thought to herself:
“What kind of a friend am I? I should have said something, I should have stood up for him, like I did with Nyx.......”
Her horn glowed, and with a flash of light, she was gone.
Nyx's question was interrupted as she fell to the floor.
“Ow....” She muttered grudgingly.
* * * * *
Canterlot, Royal Reception Room.
(Authors note: Is the above location right? Or should it be something like Main Hall?)

The Princess had just finished with her duties for the day, writing letters, meeting diplomats, and soon Luna would take over. As she gave off a quick sigh, a bright purple flash caught her eye. She looked up,and saw Twilight sitting in the middle of the room,shaking her head. She was obviously dizzy after the teleportation spell she just cast. A single word escaped Celestia's mouth.
Twilight's head quickly turned to face the source of the voice.
“Where's Wolf?! You didn't banish him did you?!”
Twilight erupted into tears. Another sigh from Celestia as a thought crossed her mind.
“Oh, that silly mare......”
Celestia's horn glowed, and Twilight's tears were wiped away, and her mouth clamped shut. Her wings unfolded, and she quickly flew to Twilight's side.
“Now, listen, you know very well that I don't banish anypony without reason, don't you?”
Twilight nodded.
“And you know that even if I did, I would inform you immediately,right?”
Another nod from Twilight.
“Now, I didn't banish Wolf. I asked him a fe-.....a lot of questions, and I released him not too long ago. He should be on a chariot back to Ponyville.”
The magic on Twilight's mouth dissipated, and a huge smile appeared on her face. She immediately jumped up and gave Celestia a giant hug,
“Oh thank you so much!” She squealed.
“You better get home now, he should be arriving soon.”
Most of the smile dissapeared. Her heart sank, as her head almost dropped to the floor.
“How can I face him? After I....betrayed him like that?”
“I'm sure you'll find a way Twilight. You always have.”
Celestia's words gave a bit of encouragement to Twilight. Some of the smile returned to her face.
“I'd better get home!”
Twilight burst out of the hall, setting course straight home. Celestia couldn't help but smile at the sight of her student excitedly running down the halls. She looked out the window, and could see a storm brewing.
* * * * *
Ponyville library. A tall figure stood outside the door, in the rain. A flash of lightning. Wolf stood there, unfazed by the flash, his gaze locked on the front door. A loud clap of thunder. Wolf jumped a little, the noise startled him, but he was still staring at the door. A quick sigh escaped his mouth, then he approached. He knocked. Nyx opened the door. She was startled at the sight of the human standing in the door, but that didn't stop her from jumping up and hugging him, almost knocking him down to the mud.
“Easy! You almost brought us both down there!”
“Sorry, but I missed you.”
Wolf couldn't help but smile at the little filly who was now resting in his arms.
He joked.
“Hey! Come on, what have you got those legs for?”
Nyx giggled, then jumped out of Wolf's arms, using her wings to gently float down to the floor.
Wolf just realized something.
“Hey! I never got to know your name!”
“Oh right,I'm Nyx.”
She stretched out her hoof and Wolf responded in kind. Both of them stood there for a moment, then all of a sudden Twilight burst through the door, wet from the rain, but with a smile on her face nonetheless.
It disappeared as she saw Wolf standing in the room. They both stared at each other. Seconds turned into minutes. Nyx felt that she should go upstairs. So she did, leaving the two to stare at each other for as long as they saw fit. They both opened their mouths to speak, but they quickly closed them. More time passed. They both broke at the same moment and hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces.
“I'm so sorry.......” She said, as she pushed her face deeper into Wolf's shoulder.
Wolf replied: ”It's okay...” as he gently stroked her mane.
10 minutes later, and the two are still in their warm embrace. They didn't want it to end, but they knew it had to. They let go. Both blushed.
“Goodnight Wolf.”
“Goodnight Twilight.”
Twilight went upstairs. Wolf laid down on the couch....and drifted to sleep.

End chapter 6.

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