• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 1,331 Views, 50 Comments

What's Out There? - Sharky White

Hi! I'm Star Watcher. Do you know where I belong?

  • ...

Chapter Five

Fluttershy turned out to be irritatingly caring. I couldn't have a moment of peace without her trying to dote on me like a concerned mother on a sickly child.

"Would you like a blanket, Star? You look chilly."

"No, I'm fine."

"Would you like some more food? I thought I heard your tummy growling!"

"No, I'm fine."

"Would you like a hug? You seem upset."

"No, I'm fine."

"Ok, well tell me if you need anything Star!" The irritating pegasus leaves me alone for the first time in hours, but I notice that she's hovering around me still. She puts on an act of taking care of the other animals, but I can see her still tossing worried glances my way every once in awhile. I sigh and pull out another book from my saddlebags. The last book my dad had been able to pack: "Beginner Level Spells and Charms". I had read every level of difficulty, but this was my favorite because it was always the most tempting to use. It would've been easy for me to sneak in a simple illusion spell or minor creation spell at my house. I refrained though.

"Mind if I practice magic?" I turned to Fluttershy and ask expectantly.

"Y-you can use magic?"

"Yes." Fluttershy begins looking around at the suprising amount of animals around me.

"Ummm... M-maybe later, ok?" She eventually offers weakly. I sigh deeply.

"Ok then." I put my book back and lean further into the couch boredly.

"... Do you need a--"

"No! I'm fine!" I cut her off in annoyance. Fluttershy flinches and looks at her hooves.

"O-ok... I'm sorry..." Her hurt look makes me feel a bit bad. She was just trying to help. After all, in some part of her mind, I was the sick, hurt animal she rescued.

"... I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so harsh. I do need something, as it turns out. Where can I find a shower or bathtub here? I'm still filthy from my run in the forest last night."

"You were running through the forest?"

"Yeah, I was being chased by the townsponies."

"W-why would they do that?!"

"They thought I was a monster because some... really... pretty..." I shook my head. "White mare started screaming her head off."

"D-did she have a shiny purple mane?"

"A very shiny, pretty, curled, deep-purple mane..."

"Why are you talking like that?"


"I said: 'Why are you talking like that?'."

"Like what?"

"Nevermind. It sounds like you ran into my friend Rarity."

"Rarity..." Her name rang true. In all my reading and in any of the ponies I had seen thus far, nopony matched her beauty. Which made her a true rarity.

"You're doing it again..."

"Huh? What?"

"Talking all wierd..."

"I don't know what you mean."

"... F-fine, well the bathroom is that way. Go ahead and clean yourself off sweetie."

"Ugh..." I groan. I send up a silent wish to Celestia for Fluttershy to quit with the pet names. With a quick jump and turn, I start on my way towards the bathroom. I quickly find a little shower, just barely big enough for me to stand in. Wasting no time, I strip, pull off my saddlebags, and fold up my clothing before placing it on the counter next to a small sink. I fiddle with the water knobs a bit before finding the perfect temperature, nearly scalding, and stepping into the shower and drawing the curtain. I scrub myself with Fluttershy's shampoo and step out of the shower in a matter of minutes. I use her bathroom as well, figuring it couldn't hurt since she wanted to help me so bad anyway. However, as I turn to grab my clothes off the counter, I realize that only my saddlebags remain on the counter. "... Fluttershy?"

"Yes Star?" She calls back from the living room.

"Have you seen my clothes? Did like a little rabbit or squirrel steal them?"

"You mean those dirty, torn rags that you left on the counter?"

"My clothing, yes."

"Oh, I threw it away."


"I threw it away. It looked like torn, dirty rags. I didn't think you needed them."

"That I understand, but why were you in the bathroom while I was showering?"

"I was giving Angel Bunny a quick bath in the sink."

"... While I was showering?"


"... Why?"

"Because he needed a bath."

"And you decided the best time to give him one was while I was showering?"

"I saw no reason not to..."

"Fair enough." I rub myself down with a blue towel that had been draped over a rod on the wall nicely. After I'm done, I drape it back over the rod on the wall and strap on my saddlebags before stepping into the living room. "Do you have anything I could use for clothing then?" I ask hopefully. Fluttershy turns to look at me and shakes her head.

"Sorry, I don't really keep clothing and stuff here... Why do you want it anyway?"

"It just feels right to wear something."


"I honestly don't know. It just feels right. I'm strange, I know."

"Well, if it bothers you so much, maybe later we can get Rarity to make you something." Fluttershy offered thoughtfully. I was suddenly quite happy at the prospect of seeing the beautiful mare again, but for some reason I was also hesitant to go as I was.

"Uhh... I think I'll try and stitch something together for myself first..."

"Why would you bother to do that?"

"I think it's a bad idea to see her while I'm naked."

"Wh... but everypony is always naked!"

"I know, but I just feel like it's a bad idea."

"... You're a strange little monkey. Well, if it makes you happy, go ahead. I think I have some spare cloth in the shed just outside. I'll get it for you." Fluttershy trots out quickly and returns a bit later with a bundle of white cloth in her mouth. She deposits it into my waiting forehoof and steps back.

"Ok, do you have a needle and thread?"

"A needle in the house full of very soft, curious, injurable animals? No, I don't."

"... Touche. Oh well. There would likely have been more of my blood in the clothes than string anyway." I place the bundle on the couch next to me as I sit down on it. Fluttershy clears her throat awkwardly.

"Ehm... Uhh..." A blush is spreading across her face.


"I uhh... I guess your species has no sheath..." Fluttershy is now looking away and blushing furiously.

"Well, no. Is it a big deal?"

"N-no... I guess..." Fluttershy hastily leaves me for the first time since I had gotten here. I grin a little bit and lean back into the couch.

"I wish I had known that would've gotten rid of her hours ago." With peace finally restored, I pull out my monster book again and start reading. Unfortunately, Fluttershy returns in minutes with a determined look on her face. I guess she had decided not to be disturbed by my strange body.

"It's almost time for dinner, Star. What would you like?"

"My dad packed food for me, I'll be fine."

"That's fine, but you're in my care now. I'll be making your meals."

"I don't need your care."

"Yes you do, you're an abused litt--"

"For the last time! I! Am! Not! An! Animal!" I screech at her. She turns to me and gives me an angry glare.

"Yes. You. Are." She seethes back. "You may be smart, but you're still an animal. I took you in and cared for you, and all you've done is be mean and distant! I just want to help you!"

"I am not a freaking animal!"

"Star! Everypony is an animal! I'm an animal, gryffins are animals, all these little critters in here are animals, and so are you. Just because you and I can talk and think, we aren't different."

"That... is actually a very good point."

"Exactly! Now please... stop being so mean and just let me help you?" She pleads. I sigh in resignation.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry. Could you at least stop calling me an animal and all those little nicknames like 'monkey'?"

"Ok, I guess... Now, what would you like for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry honestly. You should just tend to the other animals." Fluttershy gives me a few hesitant looks.

"... Ok." She finally conceeds. She leaves once more and returns with a box of green cylindrical food pellets. She pours them onto the floor and giggles a little as the animals all over her house dive into the green pile. I laugh a little too, it's a nice mixture of cute and funny. With nothing else to do, I sink back into my own thoughts. I find them drifting constanly between Fluttershy and Shadow.

She's awfully annoying... She means well though. I guess. I sure hope Shadow's ok. Wait, who am I kidding? He'll be fine without me. After all, I onlly arrived yesterday. Maybe Fluttershy's right. Maybe he'll be better off without me, he could hardly afford to care for the both of us. Then again, I can't just leave him like I did. I know! I'll just sneak back tonight. Who knows, maybe I can help him get some money! ... Fluttershy though... will she be sad? I cast a worried look at the caring pegasus, but she was rolling on the ground, covered in little puppies. Nah, she'll be fine.


A few hours later, Fluttershy announces bedtime for the entire cottage.

"Ok Star, where to put you..." Fluttershy wonders out loud.

"If you don't mind, I'll just sleep on the couch."

"Oh no, that'll never do!"

"No really, it's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."


"Goodnight Fluttershy."

"Goodnight Star." Fluttershy turns and heads to her bedroom. After hearing the sound of bedsprings, I stand up and tiptoe to the door. I gently ease it open and step out into the cool night air.

"Goodbye Fluttershy." I whisper back into the house as I shut the door. With a deep breath followed by a sigh, I turn and head back towards Shadow's house.

"I brought you a blanket, Star." Fluttershy's voice comes from the house.

Maybe I should gallop now. I rush forward into a full-out gallop, leaving Fluttershy's cottage behind me.


With a heavy breath and lots of relief, I reach the door to Shadow's house. I knock quickly and quietly, hoping it was loud enough to get Shadow's attention without attracting anypony else. After a few moments, I prepare to knock again.

*knock* *knock* *smack* Shadow opens the door mid-knock, and I fail to catch myself before accidentally knocking on his face.

"Ow!" He cries. I quickly clamp one of my oddly shaped hooves around his mouth and move us both into the house.

"Shhhh!" I release his mouth and shut the door behind us.

"Star?! What're you doing back here?"

"I ran away from Fluttershy and came here."

"You did? Awesome! .... Where'd your clothes go?"

"Fluttershy threw them away."

"Why'd she do that?"

"They were torn and dirty. She didn't think it was a big deal."

"She should've asked."

"Well she should've asked before foalnapping me too. She didn't do that either. She was just trying to take care of me, and honestly it's not that important. It's not like anypony else wears clothes all the time."

"Yeah, why did you say you wore those again?"

"It just feels right. I get nervous when I'm not wearing them. I'll live for now though."

"Ok, good. Well... wait, do you hear that?" Shadow pauses and cranes his ears towards the door. I turn my head towards the door as well, and in a few moments I hear hoofbeats.

"Oh dear Celestia, she's caught up already!"


"No, the freaking tooth fairy! Yes Fluttershy! Hide me!"

"Why are you acting so scared? It's just Fluttershy. We can just explain to her that you want to stay here."

"You don't understand! She doesn't care! She's going to take me away again!"

"That still doesn't really explain why you're scared."

"She's annoying as Tartarus! I do not want to go back and get pestered every two bucking seconds about whether or not I need something that I didn't last time she asked!"

"Alright, alright! Calm down! Here, let's.... Get outside!"

"What?! You want me to go to her?!"

"No no, it's dark outside. Let's just slip out and run a bit. Then we can wait and watch the house until she leaves. When she does, we'll just walk back in. No problem."

"Then quit talking and let's get to it!" Shadow and I bolt out of the house, slamming the door behind us, and run off to hide behind the next house near us. It's a simple brick house with a dainty flower garden on the front next to the windows. Hiding behind it is a simple matter, we just turn the back corner and stick our heads out to watch Fluttershy. She seems to be in a panic as she knocks frantically on Shadow's door.

"Shadow?! Shadow!! I know he came here! Give him back!" She cries. The mare was off her nut. I guess that's how she acts when she thinks one of her animals is in danger. Eventually she pushes the door open to run into the house. After only a few seconds of exploration, she comes back out. "Star! Star!" She whines, sounding desperate and a bit... hurt. A part of me wanted to go back to her, but Shadow was my first friend and I intended to stick with him. "Please come back Star!" She takes off in another direction and Shadow and I walk back to the house.

"Well, seems like she took a liking to you." Shadow says with a touch of bite in his tone.

"I guess... Couldn't get her to leave me alone. She seems to think that I'm some abused animal that requires care." I reply, ignoring the strange tone he had used.


"Yeah, the bruises I got from the run last night made her think I was abused."

"What?! She knows I would never do something like that!"

"I guess not... I wonder why she's so protective of me. There's gotta be some sort of reason."

"Well, from what I heard recently, she failed to take care of some bird or something. She's likely a bit protective of any sick or injured animal she finds."

"I guess that makes sense. Well, now that that's over, let's get to bed. I've still got plenty ponies to meet tomorrow, and I've gotta find out some way to help you make money as well."

"Oh no, you don't have to do tha--"

"Shadow, I'm your friend and I live here. I should at least try to help pay my way."

"... Ok I guess. Seems fair."

"Cool, then let's get some sleep now." Without another word, we part ways and I curl up on the floor of the living room. Thanks to my exhaustion from my recent run, I'm asleep in no time.