• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 5,931 Views, 73 Comments

Who Is Twilight Sparkle? - Running From Time

Memory makes up who a pony is. I used to be a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. Now? I have no clue.

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Chapter Five

They're all fools. Every one of them. They're all stupid, moronic, idiotic fools. Even that oh-so-wonderful Princess. They all discounted me as crazy. All of them. Maybe it was not me that was crazy. Maybe they're just stupid. Fools. Idiots. Morons. All of them. I read the letter I had received from Her-Royal-Ignorance.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

You are overreacting entirely too much! All you need to do is calm yourself! Perhaps you need a break from your magic studies. Spend more time with your friends. Forget this madness. You do not need-

I stopped reading there. Even the oh-so-understanding-and-caring Princess discounts my intellect. I crumpled up the paper. This is not going to pass freely. I took out a paper, a pen, and a bottle of ink, and began writing. Spike stood in the corner, frightened out of his wits.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Overreact? OVERREACTING?! You know what?

Buck you.

You are no different than the rest of them! You are a fool, just like them! You discount me as mad! I will follow you no more! You pretend to be understanding, act as if you understand, but you understand none of it! You see it as nonsense because you yourself are unable to understand! You believe yourself to be so intelligent, but then, I surpassed you, therefore leaving you calling me insane! You want to make me believe I am mad so that nobody, not even I, would know that I was smarter! No, your petty tricks will never work on me! You watch your pretty little princess back, Your-Royal-Stupidity, or something will happen. Something terrible will happen.

At exactly midnight in two days.

Good Luck,

Twilight Sparkle

I put my feather pen back in the ink and handed the letter to Spike.

"Send it," I said coldly. Spike looked at the letter, then back at me.

"T-Twilight... Are you sure-"

"Yes," I interrupted. "Send it now." He was so terrified, he obeyed my command without another word. He blew the letter with his fire, sending it to the Princess. I began to laugh. "Dear Princess Celestia, you watch your pretty little princess back, because something will happen!"

My eyes shot open as I gasped. I quickly sat up. Peering out the window, I saw that the sun had not risen yet. I sighed and shook my head. Another weird dream. This time, however, it was much more detailed, and made more sense. Yet at the same time, it didn't. I lifted note pad by my bed, on the night stand, and began to write about my dream.

This was the fifth one so far, and probably the worst, yet the most detailed. After writing down the dream, I wrote notes to remember later, and questions to answer. Why did I get so angry? Why was everyone discounting me as insane? What did I do? Why did I believe myself to be smarter than even Princess Celestia? You would think that a very detailed dream would hand me answers like someone would give candy to a foal on Nightmare Night, but it answers very little, and instead creates more questions. This is probably why Spike and Princess Celestia are determined that I find answers on my own, rather than using magic. If I used magic, I most likely would not have seen how terrible I was, and became exactly the same. However, I am still determined to find answers. What did I do? The action was obviously between that dream and when I hit my head, unless either I did not do anything when I said I would, or all of these dreams happened in a span of two days. Both of which are highly unlikely. Maybe if I find Spike's stuff-to-hide-from-Twilight stash, I could get some answers. I looked over at the little Spike in his bed next to my own, who was still snoring away, as the sun had not come up yet. Perfect.

I slunk out of bed, trying my best not to wake him up. I searched throughout the house. In the closet, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the library, in our bedroom, in the attic... Nowhere. I searched in every nook and cranny, but it was not anywhere. I guess there are hidden spaces I did not know about that Spike knew. Or just hidden spaces I never remember. Or... Maybe he hid them under the mattress in his bed. I groaned. I knew that if I tried to get under his mattress to search while he slept, he would wake up, no matter how hard of a sleeper he is. It appears as if I cannot do anything for now. I guess I will have to wait until he is out of bed before searching. For now, I guess I will read some of the books I have not gotten to. I picked a random book off the shelf, The Daily Life of The Average Bear, and plopped down on the couch. I read further into the book before I yawned and realized how tired I was...

"Twlilght?" I felt a small, scaly hand push me. "Twilight? Why are you sleeping down here?" I groaned and opened my eyes to see Spike. I yawned and sat up, causing the book that I was reading to fall onto the floor. I rubbed my eyes. I guess I fell asleep after I started to read. How far did I get? I picked up the book. I lost my place. Oh well, I'll just read from the beginning.

"Good morning, Spike." I yawned and stretched.

"Good morning. Your breakfast is rice cereal and soy milk." I got up and nodded.

"Thanks. I'll go eat it." After gobbling up the cereal and cleaning my face, I came back downstairs to see Spike reading the book that I had left, and making bear faces of his own. He immediately put it down as soon as he saw me.

"Spike, could you do me a favor? Can you go see if Rarity still needs my help? She asked for something, but I never found out what. Could you go ask her for me?" I asked. His face turned bright red from just the thought of his crush. I did my best not to roll my eyes.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" He then raced out the door, very eager to see the pony he liked. I finally gave in to the urge to roll my eyes. At least I could check, now.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was not anywhere. What did he do with the stupid books and letters?! It has to be a secret hiding place. Where else would it be? I went into the library. Maybe the secret hiding place is behind the books! I flipped the books out of their places, one by one, two by two, three by three...

Books were everywhere. All of the bookshelves were bare. There was no place where something could be hidden. Maybe... maybe they were behind the bookshelves! Yes! I rushed to the side of one of the bookshelves, and push as hard as I could to get it down. I realized I was not even using my magic. Oh, silly me! Bringing down bookshelves would be much simpler with magic on my side! I crashed down the first bookshelf. It created a lot of dust, and made quite a racket when it fell, but it was down. But... NO BUCKING SECRET HIDING PLACE. I brought down the second one. Same result of the first. Same with the third. And the fourth.

I was in hysterics by now.

"WHERE THE BUCK IS IT?! I NEED IT!" I began throwing around books, destroying the place further. "I NEED IT NOW!" I even ripped the pages off a book and scattered them around, enraged by my failure to find the secret hiding place. It had to be somewhere! Maybe it's not under the mattress, but in the mattress. I galloped up the stairs and to his bed, and ripped it apart. Feathers flew everywhere. It wasn't there either.

I ripped apart every nook and cranny, searching everywhere. I couldn't find it anywhere. Not ANYWHERE! I could not stand it! I need it! I need to know MORE! I clawed at my face in agony. I NEED IT! I NEED IT NOW!

"TWILIGHT!" I heard someone shout from downstairs. Spike. He did this. He hid the book and the letters from me. He caused this mess. He made me destroy everything. He made me destroy everything. Or...

I made me destroy everything.

I put my head in my hooves and began to cry. What have I done? I just destroyed my own home for the sake of just one lousy book and a couple of meaningless letters. What am I to do now? I heard Spike run p the stairs into our room. He was out of breath, like he ran throughout the whole house searching for me.

"TWILIGHT! Are you alright? What happened? Oh, please be alright!" He rushed up to me. "Who did this? Where did they go? What did they look like? What did they do to you? Are you alright?" I tried my best to stop sobbing, but did not bother to lift my head.

"It... it was me..."

Author's Note:

I got both chapters done! Yay!
And what is this? Oh no, Twilight Sparkle has gone psycho!

I think I'm abusing this too much.