• Published 22nd Nov 2012
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The Spread of Darkness - The Grimm Reaper

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Chapter 10: Calm's Death

This is bad, this is very, very bad!” Luna said as a white gryphon she and Celestia recognised as the Angel appeared with Twilight in tow.

“I admit I’m still nervous about the idea myself. However, I see no other option short of asking him to intervene directly and that comes at a cost too great to even consider.” Celestia replied, sighing as she looked hopefully at the angel, who was unwilling to humour her.

“It appears our plan has hit somewhat of a snag as well.” he said, changing his form to that of a pony. He stood as tall as Celestia, but took on the form of a dragon winged Pegasus.

“I do not want to hear that from you of all ponies, Grimm. If your plan fails, we’re doomed. Spike’s going to find out you took Twilight and brought her here, then he’ll find out we planned this and he’ll kill us.” the sun princess began to pace on the spot before she was knocked over by Twilights body.

“Shut up and stop whining. You’re a princess for goodness sake. If you were still children, then I’d understand. Besides, you forget the deal I made with you both a thousand years ago.” the two princesses looked at him and released their nervous breath.

“I didn’t think you still adhered to the old rules… Mar Grimm; not since you supposedly liberated yourself from the Elders.” Luna retorted. Mar threw himself forward, knocking the princess into the wall and pinning her a foot above it.

“Don’t doubt me and don’t dare say my name so lightly. We’re partners in business only, nothing more.” he quickly jabbed his hoof further against her neck before letting her fall back down, coughing. She looked back up at the stallion with renewed fear.

“Now, when Twilight wakes, inform her of the plan and make sure she doesn’t escape. There’s always the chance she’ll want to stop Spike from putting himself in danger.” he continued, heading for the exit.

“You never did understand love, did you?” Celestia asked, shifting Twilight’s position on her back to make her more comfortable. Mar said nothing as before he reached the door, he disappeared in a blur and a burst of sound.

I understood the feeling, just not what a relationship entails.” his voice echoed for a few seconds.

Chrysalis shuddered as she received information from one of her children that the angel had returned to her cave. Some of her babies were still taking on the forms of ponies who were lost I battle. She knew that they would have to keep up appearances for the sake of those families who were waiting for their lovers and parents’ return, and she knew she wouldn’t see most of them as often as she would have liked, but it was for the survival of her race that made her determination towards the angel’s plan infallible; not the survival through sustenance, no, that was assured; but the survival through peace between Equestria and her children. Her previous failure against the ponies revealed that the very thing she was after from them could wind up choking them to death. Though the original pair that had defeated her was divided through death, the threat remained in the form of the dragon and the unicorn. But that threat was secondary now she had made a deal with the devil, or what passed for him.

Said devil emerged from the shadows ahead and approached the queen with a casual demeanour. Every step he took resonated through the caves and forced Chrysalis to shudder as he stopped short of her muzzle. Everything about him freaked her out. His draconic stare, the lack of breath from his lungs that she should have felt, the quiet that surrounded them, even the colour of his coat and his bleached blonde mane and tail betrayed his occupation and personality. She saw him as a dark and cold creature with self-loathing on the surface and universal hatred for everything else on the inside. Every aspect of this stallion screamed wrong.

She caught her breath as he locked his mouth to hers. There was no passion in the act, at least not from his side. An explosion of converted love entered her body and she could feel her strength flowing through her. In seconds, it was overflowing, like water from a pond had been compressed into a small glass and released. She almost broke as the surge of power distorted her senses. She’d only felt like this a couple of times before, during her time masquerading as Cadence. Certain acts were played out between herself and Shining Armour prior to their wedding.

She could feel it, the danger mixed in with the act. While the angel was transferring love from his collection of souls, he was tearing away at her walls. Her strength was gaining, but was giving way to vulnerability. And for those few seconds, she felt what it was like to be a pony and experience love instead of feed upon it, and it drove her crazy.

The angel pulled away with lips as dry as when he’d started. Chrysalis fell to the ground, the loving experience vanishing as she broke contact with him. She didn’t know what had happened, but she was certain that she’d felt something akin to ecstasy. The proof was in the pudding as she looked down and found herself sitting in a puddle of her own juices. This embarrassed her to no end. Not only was she spent right before the angel of death, but her children were watching with horror-stricken faces. What’s worse was that Chrysalis wanted to feel that feeling again. She wanted to feel love instead of feeding off of it.

“What did you just do to me?!” she demanded. Her outrage poorly masked her true feelings towards the subject. The angel just lifted her head with his hoof and flashed his eyes at her.

“I tested you. I wanted to get a feel for the limits of your changeling abilities. I’d hoped you could change into someone I knew, but sadly, that’s impossible. You can’t change into those long dead, just those who have died recently. Sadly, that’s of no use to me” he replied.

The changelings, having thought the angel had done something dangerous to their queen, began to surround him and bare their fangs ferociously. The angel saw in their eyes their intentions. They wanted to look formidable before the god-like creature. However, the angel was unfazed by their threats. With a stomp of his hoof, a wave of wind blew outward from his body and threw the creatures back. Chrysalis was sent into her throne, her legs sprawled out in a very compromising fashion. She remained as she was, too frightened to move. At that moment, it looked as though the angel was going to mount the helpless changeling, but he just brought his face closer and whispered into her ear.

“I know what you truly desire. And if all goes well, you and your children shall have it. For now, what do you want to do to pass the time?” Chrysalis was close to the breaking point. She was being driven to near insanity thanks to this creature. However, a base desire entered her mind and she blushed before whispering the response out of earshot of her children.

The angel reared his head back and looked at her with the same blank expression he always seemed to wear. “Very well.” he said, turning to the other changelings. “Leave us.”

Without any hesitation, the changelings scattered towards the exits. Finally, Chrysalis’ curiosity would be sated on this night as she was left alone with death looming over her.

(Clop Scene)

“I’m not one for standing around trying to come up with a plan, Rarity, especially when Twilight’s in danger. I had no choice when you were captured by the diamond dogs, but this is a completely different situation and there was nothing I could do on my own back then.” Spike struggled to fight the urge to jump out of his seat and dive for the nearest window toward where he thought Twilight was. Cadence and Rarity had managed to convince him to stay and listen to their plan, but in the long run, it was to say the least… stupid. With little option left, he grated the arms of the chair with his ever eager claws. Chunks of wood splintered to the sides as his temper began to get the best of him.

“I’m serious, Darling. It’s best to get help from the princesses. If you go it alone, they’ll have a trap set for you.”

“There’s nothing they can do. They can’t stop me. They’ll all die for taking her from me…” Spike began to growl and groan as he tried desperately to supress his urge to destroy everything around him. That consciousness within him loved Twilight as much as he did, and it was furious to say the least.

“Spike…” Cadence hesitated as Spike began to growl and it gradually expanded into a full on roar.

“GrrrrrrrrrraaAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” his scales burst forth from his body, giving way to the new coat of black, seeping darkness from beneath them like tar. With the smoke cleared, his new form was sharper; his spines pointier and stronger. His scales were glazed over with darkness and he was audibly furious as the distorted cries of the dragon echoed through the Everfree forest, amplified by the halls of the castle. With a sharp twist, Spike had erupted once more into a small tornado of darkness that dissipated within seconds, revealing the dragon’s absence. Cadence sat down, defeated once again. She sighed and thought about what might happen now that the dragon was unrestrained and uniquely pissed.

The Gryphon king found out within minutes as the city to the east was reported destroyed in under three, followed by the neighbouring town between the capitol and that city.

“My lord, Spike has appeared in the Eastern city and has already annihilated it, moving on to Skyclaw Village.” the reporter declared. The king growled and pounded the stone floor beneath him.

“Enough is enough! Release the Leviathan.” the reporter swallowed and bowed low to the king. Not another word was said as the reported left to relay the order.

All the while, the king was focusing less on Spike and more on that white gryphon who had demonstrated unnatural power. So he was death incarnate? In that case, what did the future hold for the world as he knew it?