• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 2,166 Views, 36 Comments

The Incident - gplane1749

Matt a human gets transported to Equtria after an accident.

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Chapter 2: Waking Up

The Incident

Chapter 2: Waking Up

Matt slowly regained consciousness. His entire body was filled with pain. It was as if a hot iron was being put into his bones. His body was in such a bad state that he could not even move a finger without the pain nearly knocking him out again. Matt could still feel his surroundings through the pain though.

“Bed sheets and a blanket. I must be in a hospital. Why am I in a hospital?” Matt pondered. Then he remembered, “The elevator! I am lucky to be alive after a fall like that.” Suddenly a wave of pure pain wracked Matt’s body causing him to teeter on the edge of consciousness.

“Why have they not given me any painkillers? Please let this horrible pain end.” Matt pleaded. As if some had heard his silent cry, Matt then felt a soothing sensation pass over him. It felt like a cool towel was being gently pressed onto his entire body at once. The pain melted away as if it was never there. Matt’s mind was no longer clouded with the immense pain he had been enduring.

“That must be some pretty strong stuff for it to work that fast.” Matt thought. “I think I can probably open my eyes now.” Matt put all of his willpower into opening his eyes. For his efforts, he was able to open them the tiniest fraction. Matt looked at his own body before anything else. He saw that his left hand was in a bandage and so was his entire left leg. Matt looked up to take in his surroundings. What he saw nearly made his heart stop. It was not a hospital room but a bedroom instead. There were two chairs at the foot of the bed that he could see. Sitting in one of the chairs was the strangest thing Matt had ever seen. Twilight Sparkle.

“I must be dreaming. No, a dream could not be this painful. It’s a hallucination then caused by the drugs. Or maybe this is real.” Matt considered the possibilities. Here was one of the main characters from a kids television show right here in front of him. It was either that, the drugs, or insanity. Matt could not wrap his head around the impossibility of what he was seeing. “There is no way that is actually Twilight. It looks so real though. It is not like the show I can see every strand of hair in her mane and coat.”

“Oh my. You are waking up.” Twilight concluded. “Can you understand me?” She asked slowly and deliberately as if talking to a small child. Matt stared in stunned shock then slowly nodded yes. “Good it seems the translation spell is working properly.” Twilight said in a more cheerful voice. “Can you talk yet?”

“Yes” Matt managed to croak out still not comprehending what he saw. “Water”

“Of course I will get you some right away.”

As Twilight left the room, Matt realized something. “I just met Twilight Sparkle. I cannot believe it. She must have used healing magic on me earlier. I guess humans can be affected by magic But this cannot be real I have to hallucinating.”

“Here is your water…” Twilight said as she floated the water over to the fascinated human.

“Mathew Tyson is my name. Thank you for the water.” Matt drank it slowly a sip at a time knowing that if he wolfed it down it would only make things worse. “I heard you say that you cast a translation spell. How does that work?”

“Well,” said Twilight going into full lecture mode, “the spell scans your mind and finds common items in the language. It then creates a tiny magical in front of your mouth that translates for you. The only words not translated are ones specific to that language. The spell is not that complicated so it is not a problem for me to sustain it by the way.”

“I see.” Matt said. “I cannot believe that I just had a conversation with Twilight Sparkle about magic. Magic! Wait; if the spell scanned my mind then she knows my every thought.”

“When the spell scans my mind are you aware of what it sees?” Matt was starting to sweat. The idea that someone could know everything about him even his secrets scared him.

“Oh no I do not know what he spell finds.” Twilight assured him.

“Ok. I am going to ask you a question, please answer truthfully. Are you real?”

“Of course I am real. Why would you ask such a silly question?”

“No, this can’t be real. I cannot be talking to a unicorn that talks back, that’s impossible and just crazy. That’s it I am insane. That is the only explanation for this.” Matt rambled on.

“It is certainly possible since you are doing it now. Why did you say that this was impossible? Have you never heard of unicorns?”

“Yes I have, in fairy tales. What’s next is a pegasus going to come in with lunch?”

Just as the words let Matt’s mouth Fluttershy walked in carrying a tray with two daisy sandwiches. Matt stared for a full minute. During this minute Fluttershy was trying her hardest to hide behind her mane and become as small as possible. Matt just laughed, he laughed until he could not breathe anymore.

“Mathew, what is so funny?” Twilight asked.

“Seems I was right on the money wasn’t I. Sorry about that panic attack I just had never seen a pony like you before. I am sorry if I frightened you miss.” Matt told Fluttershy.

Fluttershy mumbled something into her mane that Matt could not make out. After a few reassurances of Twilight she spoke up. “Oh it is okay, don’t worry about it.”

Matt’s body suddenly reminded him of what he had gone through. “The spell must be wearing off. I need Twilight to do it again.”

“Twilight, could you please use the painkiller spell again. I am getting a little uncomfortable,” Matt lied. A little uncomfortable was a huge understatement.

“Sure! This time I am afraid it will put back to sleep tough.” Twilight answered. She then cast the spell. Matt could see fain purple aura glow around her horn and himself.

"Thank you.” Matt mumbled before drifting off to dreamland.