• Published 27th Aug 2011
  • 3,484 Views, 7 Comments

Dash's Breakfast - glaber

Rainbow Dash attempts to make Pancakes after finding her favorite Cereal compleatly missing!

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Dash's Breakfast

Rainbow Dash's Breakfast

Written by Glaber

One morning, high above Ponyville, a cyan pegasus pony with a rainbow colored mane named Rainbow Dash had just woken up and was very hungry.

“Hmm, I wonder what I should have for breakfast today?” She said, mockingly to herself for she always had the same bowl of cereal based on her favorite flying team, the Wonderbolts. But this morning, she was in for a unpleasant surprise.

Rainbow Dash went to the closet where she kept all of her Wonderbolts Cereal and opened it as per routine.

“WHAT! Who ate all my cereal?” She shouted, surprised that someone would eat up all of her favorite cereal.

*gurgle rumble gurgle* went her stomach, begging for food.

“Well, looks like I'm going to figure this out later,” Rainbow Dash said, deciding to head down to the Ponyville Supermarket to restock on her cereal supply.

The Ponyville Supermarket was very much like a neighborhood supermarket. There were aisles for health foods, aisles for tissues, for greeting cards, donuts, drinks, and even cereal. All sorts of food and non-food related items. But it was the cereal aisle that Rainbow Dash wanted.

Rainbow Dash grabbed the lightest cart she could find and began to push it towards her intended destination, only to not pay attention and run right into a display of pancake mix.

“Clean up on aisle 4” sang out the store announcer notifying the employees of the mess somepony was going to have to clean up.

Rainbow Dash picked herself up almost as soon as the announcer said “aisle”, and dashed off to the cereal aisle, not noticing the several boxes of pancake mix that fell into her cart. She was so excited about her cereal, so much so, you’d think she turned into Pinky Pie.

To her dismay not a single box of Wonderbolts Cereal was found. She even looked behind all the other cereals in case another pony decided to hide a box, but it was no use.

“If you’re looking for that Wonderbolts Cereal, I’m afraid they don’t make it anymore,” A Store cleark said, trying to be helpful as she was placing price stickers on the cereal just placed on the shelves.

“What!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe her ears. No more of her favorite cereal? “Now what am I going to eat for Breakfast?”

The Store clerk raised an eyebrow in confusion, it was then that Rainbow Dash looked down at her cart and noticed the 3 boxes of pancake mix that fell in from when she crashed earlier. Blushing from embarrassment, she took the boxes to the fastest checkout she could find. A do it yourself check out. Perfect.

Rainbow Dash placed the 3 boxes on the shelf meant to hold the products that weren't yet scanned and began the process of doing a do it yourself check out. The station was set up in a way so that anyone could use it. However to make sure that no pony snuck off with anything, a cashier was placed at the end of the area.

The first box scanned with no problem, but then the trouble began.

On the second box, the machine couldn’t read the bar code.

“Oh give me a break,”

Attempting to scan it again, she tried to position the box in every direction she could think of, but to no avail. giving up, she tossed the box behind her.

“Excuse me, Miss?” the box had landed on the Do it your self check out area’s cashier.

Rainbow Dash gave out an embraced laugh. “Whoops,” the cashier was watching her feeble attempt to get her product scanned and was going to offer to help, but now, she wasn’t so sure.

Already embarrassed twice in the same morning and she still was without her breakfast. Rainbow Dash was growing more and more hungry. She figured her best option would be to get the cashier's help.

After a little help, and 34 bits to pay for the damaged pancake boxes, Rainbow dash was out the store and back in her cloud.

“Okay. Pancakes, now how do I make them?” Having never made pancakes before, Rainbow Dash decided to do some experimenting, not bothering to look at the instructions printed on the box.

She knew they were flat and round, so she pulled out a pan. “I guess I had to use this eventually,” She said, unsure of herself.

Placing the pan on top of her stove, she poured the entire box right into the pan and set the stove for it’s highest temperature setting. But something wasn’t right. She had the mix in the heated pan, but it wasn’t doing anything. Then she got an idea.

Rainbow Dash remembered that powdered foods needed water. So she grabbed the nearest raincloud and started it poring on the pancake powder.

Five minuets later, the mix was finally doing something. the mix had become a sort of batter and began to bubble. One of the bubbles wound up inflating really big and popped right in Rainbow Dash’s face.

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Rainbow Dash screamed at the searing hot batter that burned her face.

Another five minuets later, the batter had solidified into the shape that Rainbow dash knew meant pancake. After letting it cool for about 10 minuets, Rainbow Dash began to eat.

“YAAAA!” The pancakes were still quite hot and needed to cool longer. Rainbow dash decided they needed to be about twenty percent cooler before she could eat the pancake without getting burned.

A little while later, she tried to have breakfast again, this time the pancake being just cool enough to eat.

“Hmmm. Kind of chewy,” Rainbow dash thought,” Not as tasty as my cereal. Actually, bleck! This thing tastes horrid nothing like how Pinkie Pie makes them.”

Remembering the time she and Pinky Pie had a sleepover at Twilight’s, Rainbow remembered that Pinkie had made them all the best tasting pancakes she ever had.

Rainbow Dash looked at her clock, it was almost 11:00 and she still haven’t had a proper breakfast yet. there was only one thing to do. Get Pinkie Pie’s help. Within seconds she was at the bakery where Pinkie Pie stayed.

*Knock knock knock*

“YEEEEEEEEEEEES?” the hyper active pink pony named Pinkie Pie answered the door.

“Pinkie, you remember those Pancakes you made back at the sleep over?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Do I? I still got the recipe right here!” Pinkie showed Rainbow Dash the recipe on what looked like the back of box of pancake mix. The same kind that Rainbow dash just bought and ruined that very morning.

Placing her hoof in her face for realising how dumb she was, Rainbow dash thanked Pinkie Pie and rushed home to try making breakfast again.

This time she found the recipe on the box and followed it exactly.

“Well, here goes nothing” She got ready to take a bite.

The fork was almost in her mouth. The smell of this batch was reminding her of that sleep over breakfast and how good it tasted.

*Chomp* Rainbow Dash took a bite.

“Wow, these taste just like how Pinkie made them” And with that, Rainbow dash had found a new replacement breakfast. she was so busy eating her new favorite breakfast, that she didn’t notice that it was now Lunch time.

Comments ( 7 )
#1 · Sep 6th, 2011 · · ·


Needs to be about 20% cooler; brilliant use!

I believe you may take interest in this proposal, glaber.

Just couldn't resist the ol' "20% cooler" line, could ya? :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, very cute :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by CheeseDeluxe deleted Jan 20th, 2016
#7 · Dec 10th, 2011 · · ·

Cooking, a talent so rare in fanfics that one might consider it a superpower.

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