• Published 23rd Nov 2012
  • 1,455 Views, 16 Comments

Phantasm - Debonair

Anton desperately searches for his father, and finds traces of him in Equestria

  • ...

In Death, We Find Peace, And I Hate Peace.

=======(Manny's POV)=======

Huntress Battle Theme

He hit the ground hard, that stupid bitch shot him when he wasn't looking. "You bitch!" My blood boiled, I felt stronger I was gonna KICK HER ASS! I jumped straight at her and swung, snapping an incoming arrow in half. Green fire engulfed my fist. "Hephaestan Forge!" My fist hit flush to her face and I heard the crack of her dislocating jaw as she flew backward. "That the best you got,"

"Not even close." The whistling of arrows filled the air. "Mariposa Multi-shot!" Hundreds of arrows rained down.

"Shield Of Sparta!" A giant disk of green fire appeared on my arm. The arrows bounced off and turned to butterflies on impact. "Razor Discus!" I found where she landed and threw the shield as she reached into her quiver and pulled her bowstring taught.

"Artemis' Arrow!" She let loose as the arrow was encased in light. It grazed the disk sending it of course while staying true to aim. It pinned my foot to the ground,

"Trojan Horse!" I shed my human exoskeleton. and return to my original form. I only had one option, Mind Games. If I could get in her head. "Theseus' Bow!" I once again took a human form and a black bow shot out of my wrist. "Shadow Arrow" I tugged on the bowstring and fire the black arrow at her shoulder. I let loose one after another, each aimed at joints. Each hit true, I set my sights and lined up the last shot for her head but a hand lowered my bow. It was Anton's.

"She isn't worth it, hijo."

"But she tried to kill you,"

"That's true but, you have nothing to lose now,"

"A fellow Immortal," She jumped down and shouldered her bow.

=======(Anton's POV.)=======

"I knew not your standing, with the gods." She apologized.

"You still didn't have the reason to shoot him." Chrys, shouted as she looked over my wound.

"Primal instinct, is hard to control."

"I know what you mean."

"I am sorry about your Werewolf friend."

"I'm sorry about your partner." Nina smiled.

"He was bound to become prey eventually, the law of the jungle in action. I must be on my way,"

"Is there any way I can contact you?"

"Blow this, and you shall have my bow." She reached into a pouch and pulled out a trumpet. "The call of the hunt is unanimous among all races." With that she bid Au Revoir and headed off into the blizzard as it picked up again.

He's hurt!" Mari shouted.

"He's probably been shot, do you have any more of that ambrosia stuff, just a little to heal his wounds." Chrys handed me a vial and I made my way to Chupa. He was losing blood and fading fast. I look for the wound and find his right arm is completely trashed. "Here it is." I open the vial and rubbed in a few drops, and poured the rest down his throat, The sweet nectar patched the hole in his arm and he slowly regained consciousness. "Hey bud, I think it's better if you stay with us."

"I agree, you've saved my life four times, twice today."

"We'll find a way to rid you of your curse,"

"Gracias Mi Amigo,"

"We don't need any more allies," Chrys pulled me away, and lowered her voice to a whisper. "They may complicate our plans."

"What exactly are our plans?" I peruse. "You haven't told me anything about them."

"Well I didn't tell you because," She scratched her head thinking of an excuse.

"Because what?"

"I knew you wouldn't approve."

"This mind link doesn't go both ways." She blushed and started scratching again.

"Well it does, you just haven't figured it out yet."

"Just tell me."

"There's a big wedding in Canterlot later this month, and I need to take the bride's place for a while."


"When we feed on emotions, love is very potent, it gives us incredible power, second only to rage. If I can take her place for a few days I can feed off his Overwhelming love for her, then I might be strong enough to be Queen of creatures that can talk back."

"So what you're saying is, you want me to let you prance around with another man?"

"Well, when you say it like that it makes me sound like a slut."

"Would you disapprove of me prancing around with another woman while you're off with this other man.

"What?" She seemed shocked.

"If I let you do this, would you let me do the same?"

"Well, this is awkward, isn't it?"

"You started this so answer the question,"

"Well yes I suppose, if you don't blow our cover."

"Which means?"

"You must stay in pony form, no hands, no feet, and no changing in front of them, if you blow our cover, I just hope you're an ass man."

"You drive a hard bargain but I accept. Might even make it better for when we get back together,"

"That's what I love about you, just when I think I've figured you out,"

"I show you just how wrong you are." I had gotten used to that Squeak sound but it still gave me chills.

"Shall we be on our way?" I ask holding out an elbow,

"Yes, to Canterlot.

We set off for the mountain range that Chrys said Canterlot was in. We trudged through the snow for what seemed like hours until we found a small cave. "I know the North like the back of my hand this cave will lead directly into the mountain on which our destination lies, but it will take a few days." Chupa and I took point, so I could listen to his story. "You want to listen?"

"Of course."

"Well a long time ago I was in New Mexico, traveling salesman, I could sell ice to the Eskimos, but one night I heard something, and walked outside, Two Coyotes were fighting in my backyard. I was stupid and tried to break it up, they both bit me and ran off. At first I thought nothing of it, just a flesh wound right, wrong over the next few nights I felt more and more restless, until one night a man came knocking on my door. He said something about creatures resembling Chupacabras had been sighted in the area, and wondered if I saw anything. I remember it happening like something from the incredible Hulk. I became this and went on a rampage, then next thing I know I'm here in the North and under the care of a hermit horse, he told me that he found me buried under six feet of snow."

"That still doesn't explain why you tried to kill me."

"Chupacabra loosely translated means."

"Blood Sucker,"

"I figured if I could suck your blood maybe I could become human again, Comprende?"

"A little primitive but you had sound logic,"

"Well It's like Artie said, Primal Instinct is hard to control."

"That's true," I start to feel weary, and my head starts to spin.

"You need to rest," Chrys caught me. "You're not used to Equestria yet."

"I'm fine, just low blood sugar."

"Here," She held out some of that Ambrosia stuff. "This will help, but you have to sleep."

"Okay," I took it and swallowed, it tasted different almost sour, but still sweet. My eyelids felt heavy and my muscles relaxed.

"You'll feel better, in the morning." She laid me down and laid down next to me as I drifted to sleep.


I was back in that fog again, my father still standing there. "Do you think, the world is a happy place." He asked. "Do you think you can save every life you come in contact with?" The fog slowly lifted. "No matter where you are there is always death, and destruction,"

"What do you mean?"

"In the entire multiverse, there is one constant, the end of days." He turned and walked to me. "Everything ends everyone dies, but you have this delusion that everyone can be saved. And you have the worst way of going about it."

"Let him find out on his own Al," Another tall man walked into my field of vision. He wore the same outfit I did but, Black. "I personally think he needs to do it his way, what's the worst that could happen."

"Lots of things, I don't want him to be in a coffin next time I see him."

"Don't worry Al, He's got me to protect him."

"That's what I'm worried about."


The fog set in again thicker than before. The thicker it got my grasp on the vision loosened and I opened my eyes. The scene of me waking up in her arms played out once again. I shook her awake and she smiled. "Feel better?"


"Well that's good to hear," She helped me up and we dusted ourselves off. "Now I think we need to, change tactics."

"How so."

"During our stay in Canterlot we need to keep flawless cover."

"So you're saying we need to get used to being Caballos?"


"Alright, so we're going for little Shetland ponies?" She nodded. I shut my eyes and focused on a Pony but it kept coming out to a Pegasus. I went with it, and opened my eyes and I'm lower to the ground and on all fours. my feet and hands now hooves. "How's this?" I tried to flap my wings, Chrys took the form of the target, a beautiful pink Pegasus Unicorn, my wings shot straight out.

"You like what you see?"

"Muy Bueno,"

"You don't look too bad yourself." she trotted over to me. "You know we have some time before they wake up,"

"You read my mind."
